The It List: Tuesday 2/14/06

Yeah, Happy Valentines Day and blah blah blah (sorry). Anyway, onwards and upwards:
1. Lost Generation with Dj Mwanza (the Cavern upstairs): Spinning bands such as My Bloody Valentine, M83, Sonic Youth, Ladytron, Jesus Lizard, Gang of Four, Black Sabbath, MF DOOM & Dangermouse, Boards of Canada, David Bowie, New Order, Annie, Silver Apples, Stereolab, Can and more (from the Cavern website). Do we really have to add anything to that?
2. The Hold Steady with Plastic Constellations (Hailey's Denton): We're not crazy about the Hold Steady. I know that Pitchfork thinks they're bad ass and shit, but we see them more or less as a fairly boring frat rock band that just happens to have a decent record collection. However, we know that there is room to disagree on a band like this, so we put it up anyway. Also we do like Plastic Constellations, the opener, so get there early if you wanna be like us. And you know you do.
Yeah... Im not that big on Hold Steady either... I have TRIED to like them, but.. its really boring to me. It actually makes me greatly miss the Replacements
I heard from Wanz earlier in the day & he was still on the road coming back. He should be there for at least part of Lost Generation tonight, or else will have someone kick ass to fill in. Cheers!
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