Yeah, the Sopranos Season 6 debut was all I was interested in seeing last night. And yeah, it was good. I won't ruin it for any of you On Demand or Tivo people, but lets just say it was the most exciting season premier of the show's history. Hopefully Slate will start its weekly Sopranos blog back up again ( I'll link to it if they do). The new Polygamy family drama HBOish show "Big Love" was pretty good too, although we do like Bill Paxton's performance in Weird Science a bit better that what we have seen from him in the show so far.
Oh, and this week we'll have a band profile thing happening, and also an interview thing happening. And then starting Wednesday, we'll have a SXSW thing happening. We'll be filing reports each day, and we'll be taking some pictures and spilling some drinks and all of that good stuff, and then posting shit on here. Why are we doing this? Because no other blog in the world is actually going to be posting ANYTHING about SXSW, and we'll be your only source of information! And as an added bonus, we don't really have cool hook ups to any good parties or secret shows or anything special at all, so needless to say you'll be getting an "insiders" look into the festival. Fan fucking tastic! We'll try to make the posts funny or something.
Don't catch a case of the "Mondays" today! lol and stuff! :-)
does anybody know where Record Hop is playing in Austin, or if they still are
from their myspace page...
3/15 @ NX35 - Club Deville
900 Red River, Austin, TX 73301
w/The Drams, Hogpig, Robert Gomez and DJ Nature
should be a good show.
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