At Last:
The typically wimpy congressional Dems are, for the first time, trying to do something to actually stop Bush's misguided, stubborn and ineffective Iraq policies as opposed to simply expressing their non-binding disapproval of them. We need more where this is coming from.
WW III is comin' and there ain't nuthin' you can do about it!
if you oppose the administration, the terrorists have already won. our next warning for you left wing tree hugging pussies will be in the form of a mushroom cloud.
thanks for the tip beef!
please, no ben folds.
politics and music. is that anything like religion and music?
but can you badu?
love, gordon
i like how this shitty blog is too busy to talk about music but not too busy to provide political opinions. oh well i'd rather hear political nonsense then another great review of how some noisy denton band with hot 19 year olds is the savior for music
yo, for real B?
politics and music...
i hate just about everything about ted nugent
omg black history month is already halfway over. i haven't done enough with the time i've been given.
And Dallas will NEVER be cool.
and you make us feel important, so everybody wins!
yeah, i mean why should you care?
unless you drive a car that requires gasoline.
or you ever plan to travel overseas.
or if your employer wants to discontinue or cut back your medical coverage because money that could be used to establish the initial stages of a national health care service are instead being spent on troop surges and study groups.
yeah you're right. boooooooring.
The public and the illussion of power (money, people's "respect, etc.) are the politicians backbone. I blame the majority of North Americans for buying the myth foretold by the small wealthy class in power.
The "why aren't you talking about local music?" guys are the same people who bitch about The Ticket not being sportsy enough.
Post of the day!
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