Interview: Boris

1. Over your career, you guys have worked with a number of different labels. How do you choose which labels to work with on a particular project, and does whatever project you happen to be working on at a given time dictate your choice in label to any extent?
Well, sometimes the label’s impression influences our piece, and sometimes we look for the right label when the songs gets close to being done. It’s different every time.
2. Your sound has changed quite a bit throughout your history as band. What, in your mind, are the forces behind these changes, and what inspires you to start exploring different sounds? Is it something as arbitrary as using new equipment, or is it more of a preconceived conceptualized theme that you wish to address?
バンドの歴史を見てみて、少しだけサウンドが違ってきていると思うのですが、あなたたちが考えるところ、こういった違いの元になっているのはなんなんでしょうか?それからどういったことがインスピレーションとなって、違ったサウンドを探求するようになるのでしょうか? それはただ新しい機材を使ってみようみたいなことなんでしょうか、それともみんなで決めて提示しようとしているコンセプトのテーマの変化みたいなものなんでしょうか。
We are influenced by many different things. Sometimes equipment shows us new sound (not music), and it could be equipment that’s almost broken down. Music that we listen to at times also could influence us. Right now we don’t have much time to listen to music, so we get a lot of inspirations from “life” itself, including touring and recordings and stuff. So right now we are not really interested in music. Life and experiences have become our inspirations, which is very reasonable. Our pieces have always been documentary of our relations to people around us, family, society and world; so the change in our lives leads us to the change in our music. We have not changed in a way that we keep “changing”.
3. Do you sometimes find that some of your fans are disappointed with the new directions you take with your sound? How do you react to this? Does it concern you, or inspire you, or does it not matter much?
We feel it’s very natural that we get both sides of an argument; the pros and the cons. It makes me chill when I see some artists get free praise from everybody in the entire world. I feel like they are all brainwashed. We take reactions from fans seriously, we never ignore them. Expression is not just the matter of the sender, but also it includes the feedback.
4. Boris seems to be a band that is almost universally loved by western rock critics. How important is this praise to you,
We enjoy getting applause, regardless of misinterpretations or misunderstandings. Sometimes we move onto new pieces from there, so we’re always trying to take that feedback for us positively to move on.
and what are your general feelings about rock criticism? How does criticism from professional critics compare to feedback from fans?
Well, personally I think it’s disputable to talk about music within a music frame. We no longer mean to stay within the music frame, and I think “rock” should be discussed with paintings, literature, theatrical plays, and many other genres altogether. Especially in Japan, because of the close relationship between media and record companies, media is nothing but advertisement. What I learned from releasing Smile and doing the promotion for the album was that music journalists know nothing about the actual scenes that we create music at. I was under a strong impression that they are a kind of people who cannot talk about music until everything is all done. In other words, they would not know basic stuff like how much just pulling a fader up and down could influence the whole piece. Feedback from fans is more emotional. Today, anyone can be the one who sends off information with using blogs and stuff, but actually they are just sending stuff off. We feel like fans in foreign countries are more active, like I got this interview from somebody’s personal blog. Instead of just thinking to himself and sending it off, he takes one more step of trying to get to know in the process, like he is trying to send it off based on this communication. It’s not like that in Japan. Interviews are exclusively for media and listeners are the people who buy CDs. They never think about being a part of the process of creating a work. I am trying to answer as many interviews as possible.
5. Your band also seems to garner a great deal of respect from the art world, almost elevating your music to the realm of "high art." This is curious in the sense that you guys often play music that could be described as "metal," which is often shunned by critics and the world of high art as being crude or low brow. How would you explain this? Do you think this is due to a cultural reevaluation of metal, or does it have more to do with your band's approach specifically?
あなたのバンドは、ほぼハイアートの領域まで高められて、世界中のアート界から尊敬を得ているようですね。メタルというのはよく粗いとか水準が低いとかいった理由で、批評やハイアート界というものから遠ざけられたりすることがあるものの、あなたたちの演奏する音楽はよく“メタル”として表現されることがよくある、そういった意味でとても興味深いです。 こういったことに対してはどう説明されますか?これはもっと文化的なメタルに対する再評価によるものなのか、それとももっとあなたたちのバンドによるアプローチの仕方によるものだと思いますか。
Art is something to make invisible things visible, or to present new view points and new values. In this way, what we are doing is not just making music, but we are creating new pieces based on our personal value or life experience. So it’s kind of like we are doing the same thing. Personally, I hate my work to be called “art” because in this society people often try to push everything incomprehensible or new against the corner by using the word. I think it is very dangerous that using that word make people feel like they understood those things before even they actually feel them. On the other hand, “metal” has the name for its genre, but since metal has been shunned by the society, critics, and the world of high art, we had more discretion on many different styles within the genre. The meanings and content of metal has been weathered. I feel like people appreciated our music through these modern metal scenes.
6. Which one of your records do you feel was a turning point for you with American audiences, if any? Or was it maybe a particular American tour?
アメリカのオーディエンスとの転機になったレコードはどれだったと思いますか、もしあれば教えてください。 もしくはひょっとしてアメリカでのツアーであったとか?
As everybody says, it was probably PINK. We were touring abroad a lot then, and we made songs from what we saw; it was something like future rock. So we did not think anyone would appreciate it, but at the same time, we did not care. It is still hard to look at the piece objectively and, we do not feel like we made it. That piece was created very quickly in the life we were living at the time.
7. Are there any Japanese psyche rock or electro groups that you think most people in the United States haven't heard but are highly important and overlooked?
今回Smileで一緒に曲を作ってくれた朝生愛(Ai Aso)さんはすごく良いアルバムを出してるね。
Ai Aso who worked on Smile with us has released really awesome albums. I hope a lot more people will listen to her stuff.
8. Do you know anything about Texas? What are your impressions of Texas as opposed to the rest of the U.S., if any?
暑い。乾燥してる。NASA! 二回ぐらい行ったからね。肉ばっかり。僕はヴィーガンだからこれはなんとかして欲しいね。
Hot and dried. And NASA! We have already gone there like twice. And it’s meat. I am vegan so this is really tough.
10. What are the best and worst things about touring the U.S. as opposed to Japan or Europe?
Good thing is we get to see the audiences’ faces. Everything happens within internet now, you know? It’s very natural, but there are so many things that are very important but are forgotten in exchange for the convenience. Just from looking at each other in the eyes, people can feel lots of information, and I feel like we have luxurious lives in that way. Bad thing is.. well, our members and staff get completely worn out. We don’t know for how long we can keep doing this, so I’d like you guys to come see us sooner. Thank you.
(Boris plays this Friday, June 27th at Rubber Gloves in Denton)
(Defensive Listening contributed to this interview)
Labels: interviews
Bad thing is.. well, our members and staff get completely worn out.
the translation was done by aya, fyi. without her, we wouldn't know what the fuck anyone was saying. thank you, aya!
"Art is something to make invisible things visible" I really like that
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