It List: Thursday

Ladytron/Datarock (Palladium: Their music is less charmingly nervous and claustrophobic and has grown into more of a big, booming pop sound, but Ladytron is perpetually popular and even dubious collaborations with Nine Inch Nails can't slow them down. Another headlining caliber act, Datarock, will be opening and though they also play electronic pop music, their approach and attitude is decidedly more light hearted in sort of a smug, shitty way. But that's what they're going for, so that's not really an insult.
Pet Hospital/The Faith/Orange Peel Sunshine (Rubber Gloves)
Telethon/Blixaboy/The Rape Ape (Double Wide): Wanz first Thursday to not do Lost Generation finds him stepping out in his minimal dub persona. Note The Fall reference there, Wanz.
80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's): Have you guys heard about this? It's on Thursday nights in Denton and this DJ, DJ G, spins 80's records. Sounds cool. You should think about going.
ADD: Fancy Fist/Elle Laporte/Lalagray (The Cavern)
WILL FOOKIN' RULEZ TOONIGHTS WIDOUT WANZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
notice the schlock reference there, wanzie...............
i just hate it man
hate what
fallout lounge sucks !!
If you like hanging out in a trash can this is the place for you.
it is kind of like a trash can. but with more sluts.
well you got a point there, at least you can wash the sluts off.
so what you're saying is there's nothing to do tonight.
OMG!!!! your kidding. 80's music, Denton, tonight. WTF. Why haven't I heard about this before?
viva forbidden books
viva forbidden books
viva forbidden books
isnt sally playing tonight too?
yeah, playing with my jock.
i want to put the wood to ladytron
i think you're forgetting fastball tonight!!
shut up neil
Rape Ape would have been better if they weren't so gung-ho about rape. Oh well. Not my band.
tonight (friday the 6th) last heartstring stranglers show in dallas till the fall. all good cafe. tonight. 9ish? all nude.
Stranglers, Ramblers, Gamblers... WTF?
Give that shit up already Denton.
hickory street hagglers. the dans silver queef stagglers. denton county baglers. burglers. lolglers.
heartstring stranglers are awesome.
Don't know if you guys have heard Pet Hospital, but they're pretty dang good. I really hope more people get into them.
Stranglers, Ramblers, Gamblers... WTF?
Anonywuss Ramblers!!
I hate to admit (re: Datarock): it's kind of annoying that most all Scandinavians sing in English. The music would be so much cooler if it were in their native language (mostly because the lyrics are kind of lame).
the FINAL countdown! da-da-da-da-duh da-da-da-dah
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