As some of you may already know, Dallas' favorite photographer, singer/songwriter and Zionist oppressor Sally Glass will be leaving us in a few days to travel to Israel. She'll be there for five months participating in an education program based in the city of Ramla, where she hopes to teach photography to children. Aw, how sweet! She'll be keeping in touch with us via Flickr slideshows from Israel, and we'll be teasing her about all the cool parties she'll be missing while she, uh, has the experience of lifetime. We're sad to see her go, of course, and we figured we might as well throw her a party before she leaves so that she knows what she'll be missing. So please join us, party people:
Thursday, July 31st @ Moosh (2020 Greenville Ave.), 930 PM-2 AM
With DJ sets from:
The Party
Keith P
Prince William
Tommy BoyIt's FREE, and everyone is invited, except for jerks. See you there!
i got kicked out of moosh, can't you have it somewhere less mooshy
what and where the fuck is a moosh?
this aint about dubstep. whats wrong with you all?
that is really awesome of you miss glass. good luck and stay away from that malaria!
streets like a jungle
so call the police
follow in the herd
down to greece
on holiday
No jerks? I guess YOURE not going, SR!!!
ms. pacman, anyone?
Have fun on your trip to Yisroel. Thanks for all your hard work.. love yahs!
I love Sally. I just hate the fucking bartenders at Moosh. They will not hand you beer unless you tip first. Assholes
dallas will miss your pretty picture taking.
this moosh place sounds like it's located in the anus of a demon.
count me out for two reasons. this and the fact we can all rest easy knowing that these assy hipster parties that this geek, sally glASS, attends will no longer be documented.
sorry to disappoint you, buddy. they're still going to be documented.
"this moosh place sounds like it's located in the anus of a demon.
count me out for two reasons. this and the fact we can all rest easy knowing that these assy hipster parties that this geek, sally glASS, attends will no longer be documented."
Yes, they WILL still be documented... just for you! We'll have not one but TWO photographers working in Sally's place. As for Moosh-- don't go! I'm guessing you are either a jealous scene chick or some dipshit who hangs out at the Barley House, so we could really do without you!
Don't worry, SR. The vanity of these empty shells that throw and attend said assy hipster parties will surely be remembered for years to come.
The Vanity Plates have not shifted, and you can go back to kissing ass.
A) Tactic used to either defuse an argument by making one feel better about their life of vanity and scenester cred-
example in sentence form:
"don't go! I'm guessing you are either a jealous scene chick or some dipshit who hangs out at the Barley House, so we could really do without you!"
You know, for a site that bags a lot on mainstream Dallas culture, you guys sure do a lot to support the realms of that mainstream...
C'mon...Moosh? You've GOT to be kidding.
What. A. Joke.
"As for Moosh-- don't go! I'm guessing you are either a jealous scene chick or some dipshit who hangs out at the Barley House, so we could really do without you!"
1:30, I'm just taking it upon myself to answer for SR. He's very busy
and cannot be bothered during his bath.
The Moosh in greenville? GAG ME PLEASE!!
So, tell me..WHAT EXACTLY IS THE DIFFERENCE between WSJR and the DALLAS OBSERVER "street team"?
I'm only asking because I am a jealous dipshit scenester chick who hangs out at the Barley House, of course...
1:30 - so "mainstream" clubs have minimal techno weeklies? I didn't realize that minimal techno was part of mainstream culture anywhere, let alone Dallas.
one has scenester parties in greenville and the other has scenester parties in uh greenville...
uh wait...
and the only answer they can come up with for not being a part of the mainstream is "minimal techno weeklies". Nice joke.
You guys should start your own underground local music blog and wipe us off the map!
1:54 - who the fuck is "they"?
2:06 PM use some common sense
Yo, SR. I guess all it takes to do that is have my own staff of photographers and a ski mask.
Then do it! I'm sure it'll be awesome.
the bartenders at moosh are total mouche bags
Then do it! I'm sure it'll be awesome.
This blog has introduced me to a bunch of cool new shit, and I usually agree with SR's tastes - except when it mixed up with Sally Glass. I'm sure she's a cool chick, but as a photographer, she's not doing anything you can't do yourself with a digital. Which isn't a crime - I can't see why people shoot all the venom (except that that's how it do on WSJR). Her pics are fine. It's not art, but I doubt it's supposed to be.
And Fancy Fist? Eh. Doesn't mean it won't get better, but right now? Meh.
BUT - by trumpeting her on his blog all the time, it probably does make him a good friend and/or boyfriend. So...
So, final verdict: tie.
the only good thing about fancy fist is the name. the only good thing about sally glass are her glasses.
have fun at doosh. or moosh. or whatever.
what does sally look like?
Sally's smoldering... I'm already going through withdrawals.
For the record, everyone reading this knows that Sally is our friend. We like Sally's pictures and we like watching her play music, but we haven't attempted to "review" her material or pull a fast one on anyone here.
And if you don't like Moosh, then cool. I guess you don't have to go. But we'll have a lot of good DJs playing a lot of good music to a lot of people having a lot of fun.
Now I'm out!
Sally's smoldering... I'm already going through withdrawals.
she will be missed
Good luck Sally! It was nice meeting you and your photography was really great.
I hope you meet the "other kids" too. You know. Them.
sitting in a tree....
kids - I have something to share with you
GL Ms Glass!!!
Glad yeh made it to Denton, too!
jesus christ that was brilliant.
israel, we'll hit the heights
got's to go, tonight's the night
Am I the only one who thinks it's funny when Jews use the phrase "jesus christ"?
You will be missed Sally. Enjoy yourself!
here chip chip
That video sucked. If it was trying to do kyle a service...it didn't. If it wasn't...it didn't. It was just weak, no matter what the point was.
You're all obsessed with Kyle.
that is some sad shit
why is it that there are 2 blog services in Dallas, one thats
Pro-Kyle (http://www.scramble.proboards48.com/index.cgi?board=dRc&action=display&thread=38635)
and this one. And why is it that the ProKyle Group feels it necessasry to post there stupid ass shit here. Not like we're slamming Kyle on their format. Just a bunch of crying babies. Go home
It's because the video is making fun of YOU, idiot. The video is showing how lame YOU are, curious. Why not post something that is making fun of weshotjr on....drumroll.....weshotjr!?! Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast, numbnuts?
This blog has had it.
the only crybaby I see is you, curious.
anyone else into macrame? I was thinking of making a drc luvs wsjr throw pillow and sell it on etsy.
i'd totally buy that.
Sally Glass sucks.
love you too buddy. smooches.
Love you Ms. Sally.
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