Our New Photographers

So after Sally left for Israel last week, we all decided it would be best for us to completely move on with our lives and forget about her all together... omg, jk! :-) We did, however, go out and recruit two new photographers to capture shows and parties for us in Dallas, Denton and elsewhere -- the first is Kidd Rae (pictured to the right), who has been taking pictures around Dallas for some time, and the second is Mattie Stafford (pictured below), who is way cooler than anyone else who works for WSJR. You'll see these kids around quite a bit in the coming weeks and months, so say hello, and feel free to pass any death threats directed towards myself or DL through them. Thanks!
cock my collar i wat me sum tits
Wow. Stuff White People Like sure are running out of material. Oh well. There's always Maddox.
yipes. you guys got a thing for 4's?
Wow. Stuff White People Like sure are running out of material. Oh well. There's always Maddox.
Is is a requirement that your photogs dress alt?
Is it a requirement that your photogs dress alt?
john of flesh
Well, hey there, Butterface!
you guys are assholes.
yay mattie!
where are the phat camp fotos? yo
at least you guys didn't hire fashion josh.
Get a life, kiddies.
Baby teeth.
agreed with the fashion josh thing. that would have been the biggest joke since baked lays.
I forgot to put my handle on the above comment. sorry.
Sure do love them Redheads
i love mattie, can't wait to see her pics...
i love baked lays.
is she pancakes for mattie?
country crock mattie
mattie is hott. you mouth breathers are high
this just got awkward
Lets hope these people with cameras, um , i mean "photographers" can make the same 11 people that show up in all weshotjrs photos look interesting..
i think those 11 people were all sally's friends so.
out with the old in with the new (set of 11 friends)?
let's get real, there's 12. k thanks.
if you're asking if i want to pour hot maple syrup & melted butter all over her & maybe throw some of those baked lays in there too, then yes, i am indeed pancakes for mattie...
It's nice know when chicks are 'down with the brown'. And I don't mean anal.
This should be interesting. And I think Mattie is lovely.
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