Christmas on Mars Ticket Giveaway
Anyway, the Inwood will be doing the Dallas screening on both Friday and Saturday night this weekend at midnight, and they've been kind enough to provide us with three pairs of passes to give away to our readers. If you want to win them, please email us at any time between now and 5PM today (Thursday) with "Christmas On Mars" as the subject and your full name in the body. We'll choose three random winners. Good luck!
I pray that the release of this "long awaited" film coincides with the day that the Flaming Lips concede to recently writing garbage robot themed adult contemporary songs and release a "long awaited" good album. I used to love 'em and that sucks.
Totally agree on the music. Still want to see the movie though.
they're still a lot cooler than most their age.
What is the email address?
Here's an interesting article on Coyne in the NY Times, specifically about the compound he lives in... plus a little about creating the film:
whats the date??
sorry, I added it to the post:
it looks nifty.
Yeah, I have been interested in seeing this since I saw the FL documentary. It was a pretty good documentary, especially the stuff about Steven's heroin addiction. There is some very heavy footage. It is never good to watch someone fall victim to drugs especially when you have seen it first hand.
I like Flaming Lips, but have no interest in seeing this after the clips in the above mentioned documentary. Band directed movies make me think of Led Zeppelin's Song Remains the Same, which has some really painful "music video before music video" moments. I expect something similar, but set in space with dialouge. ouch.
Yeah, if it is actually good I will be impressed. I am expecting it to be an entertaining train wreck that could be unintentionally funny and awkward.
probably going to be very fucking similar to the major organ movie the elephant six guys released.
at this rate, i would hate to see what wolf parade or animal collective or some shit does when they're 40
go see it, it's atleast entertaining.
i always sleep well knowing wayne saw the real thing the night he looked into MY eyes..
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