Free Tickets Galore
1. three pairs of tickets to Digable Planets on Tuesday night. If you want to win these, be one of the first three people to email with "Digable Planets" in the subject line and your full name in the body.
For the rest of the shows below, we'll choose the winners randomly-- just email any time between now and Wednesday at Noon with the name of the show you want to see in the subject and your full name in the body (feel free to enter for multiple shows if you want)....
2. Three pairs for Danielson @ Granada on Thursday
3. 2 pairs for Gang Gang Dance @ Lola's on Thursday (courtesy of Spune)
4. 1 pair for Nada Surf @ Hailey's on Friday (also courtesy of Spune)
Good luck!
we be to rap what key be to lock
peace like dat
what, no rhett miller??
oh geez, yer from texas so im not even easting my energy on this.
There's a one night only screening of Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1973 "Holy Mountain" 35mm
print restored/remastered- the same print that went to "other" more "interesting" cities last year and NOT DALLAS. I know all you jaded, know-it-all, seen-it-all hipsters out there have "seen it" already on the ol' Trinitron hand me down from mommy's house... but guaranteed-not like this.
Thursday Nov. 20th
8:00 PM Angelika Film Center.
This is not run by the Angelika Theater...It's an attempt at trying to get some sort semblance of a repertory theater in Dallas, using the Angelika as a rented venue...
There's a one night only screening of Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1973 "Holy Mountain" 35mm
print restored/remastered- the same print that went to "other" more "interesting" cities last year and NOT DALLAS. I know all you jaded, know-it-all, seen-it-all hipsters out there have "seen it" already on the ol' Trinitron hand me down from mommy's house... but guaranteed-not like this.
Thursday Nov. 20th
8:00 PM Angelika Film Center.
This is not run by the Angelika Theater...It's an attempt at trying to get some sort semblance of a repertory theater in Dallas, using the Angelika as a rented venue...
actually i have the 35mm version of Holy Mountain. I wonder what that makes me? A lying douche?
Yes you are a big, fat douche. As if there was any doubt.
u state the obvious. your relevance is 1997.
I Showed It To My Pops On A Computer Screen. He Thought It Was A Good Trip; I, In Turn, Was In Confirmation That The Cremaster Cycle Was A Mythos Designed By An Over-Zealous Douchebag With Backing And That His Inspirator--whom he refuses to acknowledge, congruent to other YALE art graduates (at least from what I've read thusly) Is Alejendro. But I Could Be Wrong About This.
I think my issue with all this can be explained quite simply: when someone is holding the attention of an audience and, without warning, commands an advertising spot for a film at Glubs (of all joints) and, to add insult to injury, makes the people in the audience feel like idiots if they haven't seen said film well, I just get all bug-a-boo. If I'd the urge to say anything on the Rubbergloves stage, much less what movie I think everyone should see, lest be as informed about film culture as I, I'd refrain. Which is probably what should have happened to retain any cred, at least with me. Sometimes, one's ascension from hideous idealogue to celebrated intellectual often needs a sharp deflation.
Just to be a dick: I first heard of Holy Mountain from a Car Lot Owner's Son who took a film appreciation class back in 2002.
12:22 Who r u being a dick about?
I don't known what all you guys are talkin' about. The Holy Mountain is just a fun movie to watch!!!
hello! mcfly! 12:38, i DON'T THINK ANYONE IS talking about the movie, i think they are talking about the wad wading in the movies glory holes. woot!
10:56 I don't see it on the event calendar. Don't make me waste a drive.
10:56 I don't see it on the event calendar. Don't make me waste a drive.
10:56 I don't see it on the event calendar. Don't make me waste a drive.
10:31 am hates sydney confirm so, so much. the hostility of all caps is pretty fuckin hilarious.
Angelika Film Calendar:
Check it out.
im tired of your shit
I swear to christ that wasn't up there a moment ago. I'm just guessing but 10:31 is probably right. Especially if what he says is true. Some people just want to get famous. I can't really blame them for it.
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who wins these tickets? i mean really!
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