It List: Wednesday

Tame...Tame And Quiet/Sweet Boys/Seth Sherman (The Lounge): Though tonight's show will definitely include music performances, it is also a photo exhibition for local artist and musician, Gavan Nelson, late of local group Heaven Is A Hotel and Las Vegas hardcore act, Curl Up And Die. Nelson's work is largely comprised of street imagery and stands out in the often-crowded realm of Dallas photography. He is no slouch as a bass player either and his music has been missed. Tame...Tame And Quiet and Seth Sherman round out this bill with tricky full-band indie prog and tricky solo folk prog, respectively. I don't who the Sweet Boys are, but I do know that this show will be sweet. And that a lot of boys will be there. (I hope.)
Salim Nourallah (Club Dada)
Taxi Fare (Zubar)
Detour featuring Blixaboy/Brent Bradford/Clinton Lynch (The Cavern)
Short Attention Span Theater (Rubber Gloves): Here's a good description of this event from SAST's Chad:
"I will be playing gross, inappropriate, mature, sexy, vile, drug fueled, violence ridden animation this week for Short Attention Span Theatre at Rubber Gloves. If you have never been to SAST before you have missed out! You watch shorts that I have collected over my years of geekdom, listen to music from same origin and DRINK A LOT! This time next week you are going to be stuck watching television yule logs burning while your mom hounds you about why you aren't married yet. So make the most of your holiday season and escape its noxious vice like grip around your soul and share some time with the ones who really love you.
Also if you had consignment CDs at Strawberry Fields I will have it up there that night and you can come get it! Its like an early Christmas!
There will also be a drawing for a free copy of denton Deluxe v.
4, makes a great stocking stuffer!"
ADD: Cut Loose with Yeah Def/FEMALES/Lil Foot (Hailey's)
Photo By Gavan Nelson
feel free to give away all autotramps. merry christmas to all, and to all a good night. sincerely, -autotramps
go to haileys tonight
the hardest party in denton.
drink specials 9-12
party goes till 2am
don't trust a guy who keeps his change in his wallet.
i miss old-school DJs. pre-macbooks.
i wish josh wasn't such a douche and rgrs wasn't such an fake emo place with miserable staff, so i really could enjoy a drink while watching short attention span theater
i ttly got twittered the fuck out of
...tommy hernandez and some other sweet boys.
I bet Josh won't even be there!
Some of the animators you might see tonight...Rene Laloux, Priit Parn, Bill Plymptom, Capet Dorset, Terry Gilliam, Christa Moesker, Raoul Servais, Keiko Moritsugu. All projected on a bed sheet!
Some of the music you might hear...Max Tundra, Talking Heads, Jay Reatard, Nico, Magazine, Motorhead, Jesus and Mary Chain, Mark Kozelek and NO Christmas music. 4:41 - I have a Dell so no worries brah.
hey 4:50 how is Josh a douce?
I mean Douche. heh
josh is a nice guy.
josh has gotten a lot nicer (somehow), and that mean little son of a bitch w/ darryl hall hair has started bartending at dan's--so you should just shut up and go now that you don't have any more excuses!
Josh is a cool guy chill out dudez.
josh is a nice guy? really? ask his friends jayson and memory... he cheated them out of the bar. no wonder the staff there is always so bitter with a guy like that in charge. they all take their tiny denton lives way too serious.
and the daryl hall hair has always worked at dan's and rgrs when he's not touring. he's actually probably one of the nicest ones there.
it's so easy to be negative under anonymous logins.
So what if josh is a douche. Oh, no, the owner of a venue isn't nice to me.
Are you going to see the bands or socialize with the staff?
Is Danbom aka Darryl Hall Hair?
Both are caucasian, soulful, and like to hang out with dudes sporting bushy, black moustaches but the similarities end there!!!
Stop calling people douches, douches!
I'm gonna getcha in yer emo place
type in "emo place" in google and the first thing that shows up is MYSPACE.
2:47 am
you have no idea what you're talking about.
get your facts straight.
Everyone's so uptight here. There are pills for that.
and "John" isn't anonymous? funny
and "John" isn't anonymous? funny
but "john", juan, jonathan, jon ain't talking shit either
Freakin' Tendril at doublewide tonight! dude! exciting!
I have a tendrill in my pants
danbom is incredibly not friendly, fact
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i shot we shot jr
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