Brightblack Morning Light/Rio En Medio (Rubber Gloves): I feel like I've written about Brightblack Morninglight so many times that there really isn't much to say. Fender Rhodes. Repitition. Weed. These are some of the keywords in most BML reviews, and you can probably gather a lot just from reading that little list. This is the kind of music that seems to either put people to sleep or completely blow them away, and you probably know who you are already. They've played with Os Mutantes and Vashti Bunyan, which have both emerged as credible name checks over the past few years amongst people who shop on InSound, so there's that. This is music that's made to float in the background yet rewards you if you pay close attention. If that doesn't sound appealing, proceed with caution.
The Points/Bad Sports/Hoop Dreamz/Occult Detective Club (818 Hickory St.): The music player stuff on my computer is fucking up, and although the local bands I'm familiar with on this bill will surely make it a good show, I have an idea-- why don't one of you describe The Points in the comments for us. If it's funny and/or informative, we'll give you a job at WSJR where you'll get paid nothing and have your self esteem battered and bruised to the point that you'll either quit or stop caring what everyone thinks of you. Either way, you lose.
it's the koobface virus.
The Points - If The Ramones and Screeching Weasle had a love child, this would be the band. However, since SW is so derivitive of the Ramones, its practically like inbreeding. So, you have some inbred-sounding pop punk with the kind of vocals that the Hives brought to the masses in the year 2001 (not quite as screechy...which is ironic when you look at the two sentences before). If that sounds like your thing, the Points are the fucking shit. If they're not, then "they're just shitty pop punk."
Good thing I'm bored at school, waiting for my Audio class to start, otherwise I wouldn't have time to bring wsjr such a journalistic jewel.
pretty good mayne
man denton is burning up tonight
"Either way, you lose." That's some real shit right there. Love it.
it goes the ramones.. to the queers.. to SW..
just sayin!
Oh! The missing link! Suddenly.... the whole Lookout Records catalog makes perfect sense.
no division of power wednesday
another note if your bringing up lookoutl.. both mtx and sw came out about the same time..
brightblack morning light = one of the best bands of the 00's
fuck having to sit at home on a monday night instead of smoking some good weed at a good show.
yeah, it's interesting that you say that because I've met several other people who made the same claim... and then i've met a lot of people who can't stand them. I would say that I like them... every time I hear them I really enjoy it, but I rarely seek them out when I'm looking for something to listen to. I'm not sure what that means.
well, they're kind of hit and miss. i'm not too big on the new album. it got some nice songs (hologram buffalo and oppressions each, namely), but it doesn't do it for me like the self-titled. the self-titled is a masterpiece. every song on it is great. "star blanket river child" is an epic, 10 minute long piece; "amber canyon magik" and "all we have broken shines" are some of the most chilled out, beautiful songs i've ever heard; and then you have songs like "friend of time" and "fry bread" that kind of have a funky groove going on.
i can understand your statement about not seeking them. i think you just really have to be in the mood for it.
well, they're kind of hit and miss. i'm not too big on the new album. it got some nice songs (hologram buffalo and oppressions each, namely), but it doesn't do it for me like the self-titled. the self-titled is a masterpiece. every song on it is great. "star blanket river child" is an epic, 10 minute long piece; "amber canyon magik" and "all we have broken shines" are some of the most chilled out, beautiful songs i've ever heard; and then you have songs like "friend of time" and "fry bread" that kind of have a funky groove going on.
i can understand your statement about not seeking them. i think you just really have to be in the mood for it.
MTX ... hmmm... A band I don't think of much. They do have a good charm to them, like most Lookout bands of that era have. I haven't given them a good listen since I was 15 or 16 though, in the time before someone showed me the Minutemen, and then it becomes like SR's L.A. Guns story up in dis.
Any of y'all listen to much stuff out of the mid 90s San Francisco punk scene? Probe or Starcleaner records? Hickey, Fuckface, 50 Million and the like have been kicking my ass up and down as of late. Can't get enough of it.
weird i did not post mon march 2 7:02 pm dop is playing wed.
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