not new music tuesdays
When I saw the line-up on this record back in 1998 I knew I had to get it. I was a fan of Dieter Moebuis' fantastic work with Cluster and Harmonia, Conny Plank's name was on the production/engineering credits of several highly regarded 'krautrock' albums, and I considered much of Mayo Thompson's work with the Red Krayola fairly interesting. The album was shelved by Sky records for 15 years before Drag City made it available, so I really had no idea what it would sound like.
I rarely use the words 'weird' or 'strange' to describe an album, but I can't avoid them with this one. Moebius and Plank lay down a goofy, funky Talking Heads-y backdrop for Mayo Thompson's monologues on various subjects. It doesn't always work, but it sounds much worse on paper than it does on record.
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