It List: Wednesday
ADD: Akkolyte/Malevellar (the Cavern)
Survive/Florene/H...N (Hailey's): Although Phantastes dropped off this bill, its still very much worth checking out, especially to catch Austin's Survive, which features some nice minimal/cold electronics.
BS Art Fusion with Peligro/Bleach Boys/This Old House/BC Da' Dinsoaur (Rubber Gloves)
Asher Roth/Kid Cudi/B.O.B./Pac Div (House of Blues): I've heard that "Day N' Nite" song by Kid Cudi 8 million times like I'm sure many of you have if you listen to 97.9 The Beat, and I've never really been able to decide whether I like it or not. It's strange. One of those tracks that gets stuck in your heard, for better or worse, but doesn't really do a lot once its up there. Either way, its probably once of his less enjoyable tracks, to be honest, as a lot of his other material utilizes more interesting musical structures and beats, even if the guy does seem to get a little too close to the whole hipster hop thing at times. Asher Roth, on the other hand, is just embarrassing all around. His hit "I Love College" seems to have been informed by watching Old School and Girls Gone Wild, and I guess we can all be happy that frat boys and fans of Sarah Palin finally have one of their own up there doing his thing. Way to go guys! Whether or not this guy actually went to college cannot be confirmed at press time, however, but I have to quit listening to this garbage right this second, so I'll leave the research to you guys.
Survive/Florene/H...N (Hailey's): Although Phantastes dropped off this bill, its still very much worth checking out, especially to catch Austin's Survive, which features some nice minimal/cold electronics.
BS Art Fusion with Peligro/Bleach Boys/This Old House/BC Da' Dinsoaur (Rubber Gloves)
Asher Roth/Kid Cudi/B.O.B./Pac Div (House of Blues): I've heard that "Day N' Nite" song by Kid Cudi 8 million times like I'm sure many of you have if you listen to 97.9 The Beat, and I've never really been able to decide whether I like it or not. It's strange. One of those tracks that gets stuck in your heard, for better or worse, but doesn't really do a lot once its up there. Either way, its probably once of his less enjoyable tracks, to be honest, as a lot of his other material utilizes more interesting musical structures and beats, even if the guy does seem to get a little too close to the whole hipster hop thing at times. Asher Roth, on the other hand, is just embarrassing all around. His hit "I Love College" seems to have been informed by watching Old School and Girls Gone Wild, and I guess we can all be happy that frat boys and fans of Sarah Palin finally have one of their own up there doing his thing. Way to go guys! Whether or not this guy actually went to college cannot be confirmed at press time, however, but I have to quit listening to this garbage right this second, so I'll leave the research to you guys.
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