
There are times when I wish that a "reverse Noah's Ark" would happen, where all the bands that DON'T have animal-themed names would be able to jump on the big boat to avoid the forty day flood.
Theater Fire/Mimicking Birds/RTB2 (City Tavern)
Carbon Community/DJG/Blixaboy (Fallout Lounge): This is another show in the Atomic Party Series that is curated by Wanz Dover.
Cotton Jones/Wye Oak/The Fox And The Bird (The Cavern)
Bosque Brown (Smoke): Have any Cliff Cafe fans eaten at Smoke yet? I miss the brunch there very badly and I've wondered how they compare. I don't generally trust the food critics around here for the most part, since I assume they have the same taste in food that the music critics have in music. That's not true, actually. If that were the case, local food critics would only eat Twinkies and Owens Sausage Biscuits dipped in Southern Comfort. That's about the food equivalent of local music.
Baruch The Scribe/The Hand Combine/DJ Nodad (Rubber Gloves): Strange to see DJ Nodad on a Friday night, but perhaps he is making up for the recent couple of shows he's missed due to either illness or Neon Indian. Oh, we haven't mentioned them in a while, huh? Heard they are playing ACL tomorrow in place of The Raveonettes. Well, it looks like one good band is playing ACL after all. Worth it.
Darktown Strutters/Slackbeat/Oh, Lewis (Hailey's)
DJ Sega/Prince William/Yeah Def/Tommy L33 Jon3s/Teamwork/Ctrl Alt Del (The Lounge): This BYOB event will also be the release show for the Killanova Mix, a collaboration between Killtron and Genova, as well as the launch party for Dirt City Rollers, a local 'zine that covers art, music, and culture.
Spires/Division Of Power/Big Fiction/Zwounds/Nouveau Riche (1919 Hemphill)
Intelligence/Video/PVC Street Gang (The Handsome Kitten): Unfortunately the Fungi Girls had to drop off of their own record release show for their debut LP, entitled "Seafaring Pyramids." The record is being put out by Play Pinball! Records, and even though they only have a couple of releases scheduled, this label already seems to have catapulted as the nucleus of documenting all things Denton punk, even though The Girls are from Cleburne. I have been listening to "Seafaring Pyramids" for the past couple of weeks and have enjoyed it very much. SR and I have debated about the impact the new and busy bass playing has on the band's music, which wasn't that apparent to me on the recording as much as it is live. I'll have to listen through headphones. We hope to have a review up soon but you've heard that one before. I once saw The Intelligence cover a Urinals song, and they nailed it.
Blue Jungle/True Widow/Eyes, Wings, And Many Other Things (Amsterdam Bar)
En Vogue/Mad Skills/DJ Klipse (State Fair Of Texas): I would love to see this group in this venue. I was once in a band that ripped off the riff of "Free Your Mind" for the main bass line in a song. "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)" is still classic for "The Big Payback" sample, vocal performance, music video, everything.
Strung Out/Lower Class Brats/Nations Afire/Saboteur (Granada): Always be wary of punk rock bands with logos featuring ironic cursive. Actually, Strung Out might be the band from which this rule originates.
Sydney Confirm/Sore Losers/Yeah Def/Keith P (The Lounge)
Thievery Corporation (House Of Blues)
Eek-A-Mouse/Grimy Styles (Boiler Room): Kind of a shame that someone with a career so significant, he once had The Roots Radics as a backing band is playing the Boiler Room, but there lies one of the inherent problems with booking: It's often a complete gamble. I'm sure the booking entity that handled the Eek-A-Mouse show had no idea that The Boiler Room is somewhat of a frat bar, and this show would have probably done better at so many places, but oh, well. I could probably name at least a show or two a week in the Metroplex that face similar problems.
Alleycat Bike Race presented by Doom and Oak Cliff Bicycle Company located at 410 N. Tyler St in Oak Cliff, duh: From our fellow blogger and pal, Halz: Get to O.C.B.C at 1 p.m., get your manifest, scope the checkpoints, start plotting on how you’ll come in first for the cash prize, then hit the road.
Photopol.us and Cyclesomatic present Bicycle Photo Scavenger Hunt (Bishop Avenue and Eighth Street in the Bishop Arts District): From the invite: Team & individual entries can be emailed to us in advance at info@photopolus.com.
Just include your team name and the names of all members of your team. Entries will be accepted up to the start of the event but we’d like a heads up so we can print your team name on cards to be proudly displayed along w/ your photos at the award ceremony at 3:30pm at Oktoberfest in Bishop Arts District.
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