Local Q&A - Kampfgrounds

FP: Who plays what and who have you played with previous to Kampfgrounds?
Matt: Lucas Dayton plays guitar and sings most of the songs, Thomas Little plays bass and sings the others, and I play the hard-hard drums. Luke was in a free-form-agressive-rock band called Mexican Cops and the vocalist for Last Men. Tom was in a "shitty" scream-o band in highschool and played shadow bass for the Boatlights and said "it was pretty uninspired but the lead singer said we were indie." He also plays bass and guitar in Piccline (coke-rock.) I used to play in a Grateful Dead cover band and with a group called Doyen.
Why don't you ever play real venues? Does no one ask you or do you not care about being famous or making money?
Lucas: We have played almost every show we have been offered. It happens to be that most are in residences, warehouses and basements. People stumble across fame and money like accidents, so if you are going to make a consistent effort at something, you might as well not set limits and expectations that just get in the way. We like to play shows. We will play anywhere. I hope RBar reads this.
What role do you feel the press plays in your success/failure as a band?
Tell us about the lineup for Thursday. How did the booking of Little Guys come about?
Matt: Shows at the warehouse are only possible because David works for Little Guys movers. Tiger Hatchery and Lechuguillas are touring from Chicago and they are playing a show at Hailey's on Friday. Members from those groups are playing with us Thursday in Modern History Duet and Forbes Young Gonzales. Luke was in Mexican Cops with Michael Hart who's in Lechuguillas now with some random city boys. David and Justin from Drink to Victory are old friends with those guys too. Forbes, Gonzales, and Young have a release on Paperstain (David and Justin's label). Stoned Men are playing with us too, they are some real down dudes.
How have you seen the DIY scene in Denton change, if at all, these past few years.
Not that we give any validity to the haters, but do you have anything you would like to say to them?
Matt: We had some trouble with a stiff local booking entity some time ago but shows keep falling into our laps. People in bands I have always loved seem to really like our stuff like we were born with a silver spune in our mouth.
Tom: In the case of said stiff local booking entity, the way that it was conveyed back to me indicated that we upset them, with specific mention of feelings being hurt. this would, in fact, make us haters, i suppose. what about that? :/ we've got Sloan our side i think.
Kampfgrounds - The Idiot - Live A Paperstain Showcase 3/14/10
Check out Kamfgrounds along with Stoned Men / Drink to Victory / Akkolyte / Modern History Duet /Forbes, Young, and Gonzalez / Gonzalez, Billington, and Hart / Zanzibar Snails today starting at 5pm at Little Guys Movers in Denton. RSVP
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