Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Freedman's Town?

I don't know Pete Freedman. I don't even know Wanz Dover. And I Certainly don't know whether the two of them know each other, nor whether there is any problem between them personally, professionally or otherwise. But after reading Freedman's (the new Dallas Observer music editor) take on this year's Melodica Festival, I feel like I've learned nothing about either one of them, and I fear that Dallas Observer readers who didn't make it out to the Melodica Festival learned very little from his discussion.

To begin, I think it should be said that bashing Wanz, Melodica, and the Dallas music scene is NOT necessarily a bad thing on its face. Freedman's decision to come to town and immediately take on a large sector of the local scene could reasonably be characterized as a courageous move, and having the guts to express a dissenting opinion that ruffles a lot of feathers is not something that should be discouraged at all. In fact, we started this blog for similar reasons: we thought the local scene needed a little kick in the ass back in January 2006, and as many of you know, we're no strangers to starting controversy either.

On the other hand, Freedman's article could probably be interpreted by some to be nothing more than a publicity stunt: a way for Freedman to get people talking about him, his writing, and what I'm sure he hopes will be a revitalized D.O. music section. Again, publicity stunts are usually just silly, and they often don't bother me that much per se. If Freedman was looking to start trouble for the sake of publicity, fine, let him. Worse crimes have been committed in this world, and sometimes a publicity stunt can ultimately contribute to the greater good if it helps to spread a message worth hearing.

So whether this was an honest expression of opinion or an example of sensational journalism for the sake of publicity, I'm not particularly concerned either way. No, the problem doesn't lie in the fact that Freedman didn't find Melodica to be all that important or particularly enjoyable, nor in the fact that he said so in print. The problem comes after reading his article, when you realize how lacking it is in any real substance or thoughtful expression.

From what I can gather, Freedman's main criticisms of the festival are that: a) Wanz is kind of an asshole; b) Wanz claims he will not put on another festival in the future, rendering the fest's impact minimal; c) Wanz invited only his friends to play; d) Wanz' friends were the only people who showed up to see the festival; e) Wanz was thanked too frequently throughout the event; f) no one was exposed to anything new via the Melodica Festival since only those who were already familiar with the music attended; g) the festival was too "left of center" to have a real impact.

Ok, lets just go through each one briefly:

a) Wanz is an asshole: Pete will probably make a lot of new friends in our comment section with this assertion, and in fairness, some of the things Wanz was quoted as saying DO make him sound like an asshole. However, the context within which he uttered the words quoted in the Observer story is unknown, and frankly, I don't see what Wanz Dover's personality has to do with the festival itself. Sure, Dover's band The Frenz played at the festival, but other than that, the man's personality really wasn't at issue throughout the weekend, and comments regarding his demeanor and intentions say nothing about the music, the setting, the impact, the finances or the overall result of Melodica, meaning that they really don't say anything of value at all, at least in this context.

b) This might be the last Melodica put on by Wanz Dover: Thats true, it might be. And if it is, then yes, it's long term impact MIGHT be less than if it occurred annually. But who knows what would happen at subsequent Melodica Festivals? And if Wanz had claimed that he was going to do a Melodica Festival next year and the year after, who's to say that it would actually happen? Wanz has expressed to me that he is unsure whether he will attempt another Melodica in Expo park, but Freedman would need a crystal ball to be able to predict the impact of hypothetical Melodicas in the future. Again, this criticism fails to address the reality of what happened at the festival, and merely speculates about what MIGHT happen if Wanz would publicly state his willingness to put on another festival next year. The stated conclusions of the argument aren't explained in sufficient detail, either, making it hard to take such criticism seriously.

c) Wanz invited only his friends to play: True, some of the members of some of bands that played the festival know Wanz in one capacity or another, but just how many know him and how well they know him is unknown. Shit, I don't even know. And how could Freedman? Based on what was written in the article, he took one statement Wanz made concerning inviting friends to play the festival and decided to run with it, assuming that everyone who played was a friend of Wanz Dover's and concluding that their performances somehow weren't as meaningful as a result. I can tell you from my experience that when Wanz allowed us to select a line up for the festival, he gave us a budget and complete freedom to pick the bands we wanted to play. Hardly any of them knew or even knew of Wanz before the festival. Freedman's argument here is based on blind assumption and still fails to point out why the topic is even relevant when discussing the impact of the festival.

d) Only friends of Wanz attended the festival: Freedman based this assumption on the fact that he didn't hear anyone ask who Wanz when bands were thanking him on stage. First of all, how often do people pay attention to onstage banter like that? And how can you tell how many people knew who Wanz was based on their lack of response to the thanks he was given? I know for a fact that the vast majority of my friends who attended the festival have NEVER met Wanz Dover, and many had never even heard of him. Again, this is blind assumption based on highly unscientific personal observation, and it doesn't appear that we can draw any conclusions from it.

e) Wanz was thanked too frequently by the bands on stage: Although this might have been a little annoying and repetitive, I have to ask: uh, so what? I don't see any relevance in this at all, and for the record, I didn't hear Wanz name mentioned once by a band on stage, and I was there all weekend.

f) Everyone at the festival had already been exposed to the music being performed, thus rendering Melodica's impact minimal: Again, how did Freedman come to this conclusion? Did he take a survey? If so, I'd like to see it. If not, then I don't see how this assumption can be considered in any way credible. There were hundreds of people in attendance this weekend, and how Freedman was able to discern all of their musical backgrounds is beyond me.

g) The festival was too "left of center" to have an impact: Well, like Freedman said, Expo Park was packed over the weekend, and there was an excitement in the air there that I haven't seen at any other time during my five years in Dallas. Too left of center? Well that is a highly subjective concept within this context, but even if we can't come up with a definition, we can at least look at the facts: hundreds of people came to Expo Park this weekend for a music festival centered around experimental and electronic acts in a town that is considered to be highly lacking in interest and participation in both areas. Clearly, some impact was had, and in the short term, the festival was at least moderately successful.

The truth is that the future impact of Melodica is unknown. However, the fact that legendary, internationally respected acts came to Dallas to play in front of packed audiences certainly has to be seen as an accomplishment of some kind, particularly in a town that doesn't have a good reputation for live music. Will Melodica change Dallas? Who knows, but probably not on its own. Is there a future for Melodica in Dallas? Again, we don't know. But what we do know is that the festival was probably more of a success than most imagined it would be, and Freedman's arguments to the contrary come across as baseless, irrelevant, speculative, and subjective. I'm all for dissent, and I do happen to enjoy talking shit and starting conversations and debates about local music, but a bit more substance and thought in Freedman's article would have gone a long way towards making this particular conversation a little more meaningful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He busted his ass on Melodica. If you don't like him that is fine, but at least respect him for offering this to the community. He brought a lot of great musicians together to have fun and do what they/he loves more than anything else in the world, play music.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the article was ridiculous & made no clear point.I've been to several Terrastock festivals which this reminded me the most of & there is no doubt this was the most ambitious effort in Dallas i've ever seen to present the public with a mass of experimental music all at one time.I wasn't aware that the left of center bands had to alter their sound to fit in with the general public to be more relevant.Was it a perfect event? Of course not,I didn't dig every band i saw but i appreciated they were trying new ideas out & the crowds in Expo were a testimonial to the fact that there is more than a "Pitchfork" alternative scene in Dallas ..Hats off that somebody took the time to put this thing together.Wanz speaks his mind.If you don't like what he has to say get over it.I know he will.I wonder if our new Observer musical editor grabbed one of the 10 free mixes i gave away at Sloppyworld Friday night? I'm pretty sure he would have found the music on them not to his taste based on what he consideres to be left of center.No wonder Dallas gets bashed as a backwards city culture wise with this kind of shoddy know nothing unadventurous critic representing us.I guess i won't be seeing him in Louisville in June for Terrastock.Too left of center no doubt....

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i care less that it was a shitty review and more that he didn't talk about the music. he only mentioned two musical artists involved, saying little to nothing of the actual music they make, and mentioning the main one mostly in regards to him as a promoter and his personality....i would have him rather tear every band a new asshole in detail, just so i could be sure he was actually listening, but he obviously cares mor about trivial social aspects of the dallas scene than art or ideas

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree completely.I know i overused the left of center line but really the bands weren't "that" experimental.Everything i heard had a groove & a few were downright melodic & catchy..What's worse, that he wasn't listening or that he's not interested in listening if a band doesn't fit into his small minded view of what constitutes relevant popular music? As if the # of people who like something is in anyway connected to whether or not it's good.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I visit this site, I see those two chicks in the thumbnail under your "photos" section, the two with their tits in the center of the picture. Black and blue dresses.

I click on the picture but it sends me to the users entire photo collection! Could someone please send a link to that picture so I can see it in a higher quality and whack off to it?

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more SR. I was only there Sat. night but I genuinely had a great time at each venue and definitely felt a sense of unity in the Dallas music scene. Bottom line is it was a fun dang night dang

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

disregard 8:44pm

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am majoring in anthropology with applied arts and haven't got laid in 2 years which has really led to a serious masterbation problem.

Should I start a hobby that involves sports or athletic abilities?

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's just an unscientific observation but perhaps there are not many black musicians or black people period in colorado that he relates with ...

that's where he from right?

oops i mean perhaps if the fest was all acoustic singer songwriter guys like dave matthews band or john mayer (which is big in DENVER) he would have dug it...

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look... i'm really sorry, my name is vic and i sing wednesday's weekly @ the swinedale.
fuck U all,

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, picking on wanz is so like 2005

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

winedale tavern sucks ass

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mean ROCKS

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Wanz was fat and had acne, y'all wouldn't go to his festival.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

piss on it!

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if this link is pete freedman no wonder he writes what he writes

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck 8:48, more like. i am the god of hell fire, and i bring you: nothing in particular. just like ben dover. CHRIST, i just cannot get it out of my system, not unlike obama...
i reject/confirm that race (?) has a single proton to do w/it. still..
how do you impart to a hack to hang it up?????????????
p.s. he only ever wanted this town to suck his balls, m'k????

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I learned alot about the MUSIC that happened this weekend. It sounds like the biggest mistakes that Wanz made were enjoying himself, having a lot of friends, and not being willing to put himself through this year after year.
Why be so mean to him?
Wanz is a good guy, he busted his ass, and I hope this douchebag doesn't get him down.

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This festival was the best thing to happen to Dallas music fans in a long time. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Photos on the way!

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete Freedman=Self Indulgent Douchebag

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A) The writer glosses over all the bands, goes off in a random tangent, and insults a local musician. Sounds like a blog I read on this website every day. At least he has the balls to put his name on it.

B) If all those Wanz quotes are correct, then yeah, he sounds like an ass...and if you talk to the guy in charge and he gives off a cockey "I made Dallas Cool" vibe, the chances of you sticking around to find out some jerk-offs definition of cool are slim.

C) Most of the people getting upset about this article are probably in the hundred or so people that performed last weekend; because there was a chance for them to get some recognition and they didn't.

so most importantly:

D) at this point the Observer matters about as much as weshotjr. Actually, it probably matters less because GorillaVsBear doesn't find out about new bands by reading the Observer.

don't sweat it.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange Attractors-sounded just like Spacemen 3... in a good way.Lots of energy & that guitar sound never gets old.
missed most of the Stumptones but what i heard sounded mellow good use of pedal steel
The Frenz-had some equipment issues but the fist song had an awesome Steve Reich thing going on.There was a Nick Cave sounding tune, a post punk thing off the ep & a techno cut.Lots of potential & they have an amazing drummer.I like the beats stuff best.
Silver Apples.Just one guy this time playing weird little tuneless pop songs on old school electronic eqipment with a drum machine?I liked the newer cuts that sounded like Suicide or mid 80's minimal electronic music.He played about 10 minutes to long though.
Spectrum-big time layered electronic organ drones.Did Hall of Mirrors by Kraftwerk.It went on forever but i dig that lo-fi minimalistic Spacemen 3 sound so it was okay by me.
Light Bright Highway-Freeform psychedelic space rock that i dug but was way too loud.But lots of people at 2:45 in the morning disagreed with me.
There now you know something about the music

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh not a performer just a fan.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's fairly clear that the Observer should start looking (again) for a new music editor. Here's my idea, anyone interested in the position should write a accurate article on Melodica and send it in. And I don't know, maybe mention the bands that played. You know like Silver Apples, who have been around in some capacity since '68, or Sub Oslo, who played their first show in like 10 years. Or Treewave's recent nod in Spin Magazine. Or Spectrum, who flew out from London and planed a tour around Melodica. I think it obvious that we can write a more thorough article than Pete. It's pretty clear he's out of his depth, but that's no excuse for poor research. I bet he'd write an awesome Spoonfed Tribe or South FM piece.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is the most divisive music editor Dallas has ever seen.
Behind every smarmy compliment there's a shitty little jab.
He rarely even mentions music in the whole fucking article.
The mere fact that he's the music editor and could have cared less about the music is case and point alone why he should be run out of town.
I actually love my town!
There are a lot of great bands and people here...
and this guy just shit in all of our faces.

Today's review of OUR lovely little weekend was probably the most immature bully mean-spirited article I've ever read in my life.
If you played Melodica, had a good time at Melodica or all of the above we have every right to thank Wanz for that. And I personally think it is our duty to write this fucker and stand up for him. Stand up for our town. What kind of an asshole waltzes in to a new city and completely disregards the most uniting music event to happen here in years? What kind of a prick-face tries to tear down a community full of people who just had the weekend of their dreams in their hometown? What kind of a stuck-up little shit tries to act like we're the snobs? What kind of a twit thinks Wanz has 400 friends? The kind of asshole prick-face stuck-up twit like Pete Freedman.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone else think its ironic that wsjr is wasting its time analyzing pete friedman instead of reviewing melodica?

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any publicity is good publicity , he could drag this out a few more weeks and maybe end up with a public apology or even a chance for wanz to tell his story.

howabout more reports from the actual festival goers, i'd like to see some film , maybe we can screen the melodica fest video at sloppyworld.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you rather have jonanna back??


at least he wrote about it and *supposedly* attended.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

refresh means double post...
I think today, I'll be Mrs. Sailor.
ok then.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any publicity is good publicity , he could drag this out a few more weeks and maybe end up with a public apology or even a chance for wanz to tell his story.

howabout more reports from the actual festival goers, i'd like to see some film , maybe we can screen the melodica fest video at sloppyworld.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the anon that typed this-

D) at this point the Observer matters about as much as weshotjr. Actually, it probably matters less because GorillaVsBear doesn't find out about new bands by reading the Observer.


Chris is a nice kid, but he's a follower.
Again, nice kid. But.....shit.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm actually currently transfering a boot I made of the show. I caught a couple full sets (Spectrum, Light Bright...) and I have a few songs from several others (Great Tyrant, Yells at Eels, Transona 5, Frenz, Stumptone among others). I'll be uploading something soon.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assure you the quotes were taken wayyyyyyyyyyy out of context. I am not that conceited or arrogant contrary to very popular belief. The guy had an agenda and was clearly on a mission to bash me.

One person can only take so much hate. I wish I could figure out how to just give up, but I don't know how to do anything else. I really love making music. It's my life. It's my passion. It has been for over 20 years. I have no desire to be a rockstar. I never have. My music is way to weird for that.

Why do people keep attacking me. What have I ever done to anyone besides have a different opinion on music. Is that really all that wrong.

To the haters(especially Pete freedman)......I hope you all grow up someday understand what it means to be hurt by the same people you are trying to help. Of all the hate I get on here and now the observer it is always about my own opinion on music. Never anything else. I am shy and sometimes withdrawn, but not a snob. If anything I have a really bad inferiorty complex.

I have a lot of thinking to do. I feel like I should just dissapear for a very long while. It may be the only way I will find any peace.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and Joanna...
Yeah she sucked too, but honestly...
Did he REALLY go to the shows?
It sounds like he just talked to a few people who did.
The "article" just states accounts from Wanz, and a couple club owners. I would think that Joanna would have at least "sent" someone to cover the show.
I "think" she would have promoted it too.
Who knows...
The Observer obviously needs to get its shit together though.
It's a sad day when the Quick is doing better music coverage than the Observer.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

realistically wanz, its one article.

from what i saw everything came off as a complete resounding success.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear and read and see more about the festival accounts because i couldn't be everywhere at once so i didn't see all the bands.

please share what you have with us!!

Wanz was doing a good thing , I dug the festival .
It's easy to pick on someone , let's look at all the good that happened.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Build them up & knock them down.It's the American way.Now when & where are those live songs being uploaded.Less complaining more music!!

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like wanz is building up his street cred . you can't do shit in expo park without getting a little dirty.
I would definatly respond to that music editor if i was him.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont know about the rest of the festival, but pete freedman was at dada, cuz i talked to him and he gave me his card...i'm also aware he had opinions about the actual music, because i overheard some of them....fuck it, even though ive enjoyed some of the good press ive received lately, i perservered for years without notice in the observer, and didn't really think much of it....if pete is going to aspire to such a low standard of both taste and journalism, nobody will take him seriously, starting real soon; most of all the people who are really supporters of the types of music at melodica

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanz- John and I and Sloppyworld Love Love Love you and what you did for us and our town this weekend. Don't let the opinions of a few small minded people get you down. We Know how much work you did and we're very grateful for being included. Thank you Thank you. -Wells

Just remember, anyone that does anything worth a shit in this world always gets slagged on by the rest of the folks who never do anything constructive, important or interesting. It isn't real. It's just jealousy and feelings of inadequacy masquerading as "criticism". Don't forget, everybody hated The Velvet Underground when they were around and a then few years later those same assholes swore that they had been into them the whole time. Those who can, do. Those who can't, complain about it. Be strong, brother. Fuck all of them. You don't need their approval when you know in your heart that what you are doing is right. We're behind you 110%. Keep it up! -John Freeman

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a lot of work to do to get the tapes prepared...
but I'm on it.
A few of my highlights (aside from the obvious):
Akkolyte, Silk Stocking, The Frenz (especially on Sunday), Great Tyrant, Stumptone, Transona 5, Yells at Eels, Jetscreamer, Faceless Werewolves, Treewave...
lots of lovely noise...
good times

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

back to serious for just a moment...
I still want to very much encourage all of you to not sit angry in silence.
This is our town...
and unfortunately, the Observer is our paper. There was so much to be said about this weekend, and instead we got nothing (as far as music and actual news goes anyway). We do need a new music editor and the Observer needs to know it.

Don't let this guy get to you. Let him be a wormy little twit. It only proves that he's incredibly closed minded. You are more appreciated than you know. Don't let handfulls of self loathing haters bring you down. As a good friend of mine put it "This dude must've been beat up by someone in a Spacemen 3 shirt in high school."

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the observer is not 'our' paper..

most of the articles are articles not written by locals.. but written within the village voice media network.. as i travel i have read the "observer" in cities from Tennessee to California the only difference is the name each paper has.. this name is based off of what local paper in each city they bought out during the 90's (where's the met when you need them).

hell they even use the same type face for the mast on 90% of their papers..

dallas may be our town.. but we don't have to take what inter-national media conglomerates give us. we don't have to be subservient to their crap bag filled articles. we can create our own channels of expression, and review.

or.. not..

11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and already pete freedman has proved himself as worthless as jonanna

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cliff -

i might me mistaken but dallas observer = same people as paper city... corporate corporate corporate

fuck em

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noticing lots of double posts. I'm thinkin this will make it not happen. If you post and then refresh it will repost your thing. Just guessing because of that post data thing that comes up with refresh. If this shows up twice, I'm right. :D

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

point well made
However they're "journalists"...
don't they have some sort of a charter to serve the public interest? While it's true it's not OUR paper, it is basically paid for and run by advertisers who are certainly very interested in our business and our attention. If you use the power of the dollar in protest you can change editorial content, therefore reclaiming the public interest as the people see it. Only by enough people making it known vocally that they will not support any affiliation with the offensive paper then said paper will have to change editorial content or be rendered obsolete.
Or you could always just start a blog.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saturday night at Melodica was BAD-ASS

I don't honestly remember who I saw but I saw 3 dudes on laptops who made me love being here even more.

I danced so hard I peed myself


12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BAD SPORTS is playing Friday at Strawberry Fields in Denton, TX

check out the video for our hittest of hits to date!




Cost: 1$
Net Worth: A million... or two.
Start Time: ? Not sure, somebody knows.

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

threats of violence. anger at one man's opinion. 400 people saying good job versus one guy saying whatever. you guys sound like a bunch of republicans scared of the gays.

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's easy to critique. it's harder to DO. Melodica "08 was great!

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


this puto pete needs an ass kickin.

thank u WANZ and Uncle Sloppy for all u do for music and art in Dallas. Your shits gold.

This nalga hide from Denver is an annoying fuck.

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


this puto pete needs an ass kickin.

thank u WANZ and Uncle Sloppy for all u do for music and art in Dallas. Your shits gold.

This nalga hide from Denver is an annoying fuck.

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

business is interested in reaching the consumer.. however why reach for 'niche' consumers.. that costs too much money.. they want to reach a generic group. that is why the observer is filled with mindless dribble; that only restates conventional thought.. very little in facts, and very little in reference or sources.

Hense the reason I feel that what the new observer editor has done is not what both SR, and DL have done in the past.. Even though they are smarmy, honest, and opinionated.. they do so with reference, and source.. if either wore to write an article about how wanz sucks they would do so with historical reference to other things he has done, or have sources of others who have done better. Plus they would talk about music while doing it.. Our new friend at the observer has done neither in this article. Nor will he in the future. His bosses won't let him, and he wouldn't know how. He was chosen as a perfect canidate for a job of benign indifference, convention, and a sleepful mind..

I for one congratulate him on his new career.

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

business is interested in reaching the consumer.. however why reach for 'niche' consumers.. that costs too much money.. they want to reach a generic group. that is why the observer is filled with mindless dribble; that only restates conventional thought.. very little in facts, and very little in reference or sources.

Hense the reason I feel that what the new observer editor has done is not what both SR, and DL have done in the past.. Even though they are smarmy, honest, and opinionated.. they do so with reference, and source.. if either wore to write an article about how wanz sucks they would do so with historical reference to other things he has done, or have sources of others who have done better. Plus they would talk about music while doing it.. Our new friend at the observer has done neither in this article. Nor will he in the future. His bosses won't let him, and he wouldn't know how. He was chosen as a perfect canidate for a job of benign indifference, convention, and a sleepful mind..

I for one congratulate him on his new career.

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This festival made me excited about music in Dallas, when I was beginning to lose hope. So, I don't know what side Mr. Freedman is on, but if it's not the side that is craving, creating, or promoting music that could actually enrich our community: He A) should probably join the inspired masses or B) get a new fucking job.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can i get some peyote?

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can i get some peytoe?

2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do a search for Pete Freedman+Dallas, the fist thing that pops up is this D.O. blog introducing him. This is the last comment-
" Posted at: January 12, 2008 5:49 AM
Eggplant says:

In the two years or so that Pete's been the A&E editor at the Indy, I've never seen him at any art show or music venue. He was abscent from the scene. It is curious that when he took over the helm the Evangelical Christian (think Ted Haggard, Focus on the Family, etc.) rock scene started to get lots of coverage even though nobody gave a shit about that music. Have fun with your new mut."

This explains a lot.

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

f you do a search for Pete Freedman+Dallas, the fist thing that pops up is this D.O. blog introducing him. This is the last comment-
" Posted at: January 12, 2008 5:49 AM
Eggplant says:

In the two years or so that Pete's been the A&E editor at the Indy, I've never seen him at any art show or music venue. He was abscent from the scene. It is curious that when he took over the helm the Evangelical Christian (think Ted Haggard, Focus on the Family, etc.) rock scene started to get lots of coverage even though nobody gave a shit about that music. Have fun with your new mut."

This explains a lot.

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well his mothefucker came to the wrong area to fuck with.
Why do they even hire people from outside the are who know jack shit about DFW lil D music scene? I don't understand.

This is so fucked up. Fuck U u pompous freedman fuck. U think u know whats up in DFW music scene but your shits so transparent it only deserves a laugh.

3:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
































































































3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My (in)complete rundown:

(disclaimer: I am by no means a journalist, amateur or professional, and also lay no claim to being an expert on music; I'm just a fan with some observations. Or a hack, in other words)

Day 1

I started off the night arriving just a little after 8 and hurried down to Avenue Arts to catch Subkommander, who had the Gonzalez family joining in. The result of this combination was an at times chaotic, at times beautiful, and at all times spellbinding improvisational jam, with each of the musicians feeding off of each other in a remarkable fashion. The highlight for me was the transfixing rhythm that Stefan Gonzalez churned out with a single drum and a couple columns of dangling cymbals and what appeared to be mic stand bases.

Next it was off to Sloppyworld to check out Stumptone. Definitely an interesting take on psychedelic/indie rock, and I was enjoying the tunes I heard until I realized that Silk Stocking was playing down the street. So I popped back into Avenue Arts for a bit. "Passionate" barely scratches the surface when attempting to describe Liz's voice, which sits perfectly atop the spare piano/guitar/drums/organ backdrop. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what the blues is all about. Absolutely ageless music.

An odd little gap in the night here for me...

Then, down at Fallout Lounge, I unfortunately caught only about 10 minutes of Florene's set. The duo of Aaron and Gavin have an amazing ability to build sonic creations reminiscent of Brian Eno's ambient works, but with a new and exciting twist all their own. If you haven't caught one of their performances yet, do yourself a favor and plan on it as soon as possible.

A quick jog around the corner brought me back to Sloppyworld just in time for Silver Apples. Simeon is an absolute master of his craft, melding minimal drum patterns with eerie sine wave magic and trance-inducing bass lines, topped off with a voice all his own. There was a camera set up so that you could watch his every move among the impressive array of electronic gadgetry on the projection screen behind him, which in many ways made it that much more exciting (or confusing, if you, like me, were trying to figure out what he was manipulating). Watching this legend in action was truly rewarding.

At this point I was a bit tired of running up and down the block, and decided to settle in at Sloppyworld for the rest of the night. First Spectrum: Pete Kember's electronic drones, swells, and blissed out melodies, when combined with the phantasmagoric images and patterns projected behind him, produced a truly hallucinatory experience.

After a long break while Light Bright Highway set up their mountains of equipment, my patience was rewarded tenfold. Huge walls of sound emanated from stacks of amplifiers to fill the entirety of Sloppyworld's spacious interior. Peaks and valleys of vibrating waves pummeled those of us in attendance and threatened to escape the confines of audible sound and become pure light. Cymbal rushes and flanged slabs of guitar reverberated in the treacherous depths of the subconscious...okay okay. It was incredibly badass, until they tripped a breaker or something, and I couldn't be more happy to hear that they're going to be playing more shows.

All in all, a great first night of music, well worth the fact that I only got an hour of sleep before stumbling into the hell that is work early Saturday morning.

Day 2

I made my way back down to Expo Park just in time for the first shows of the night. I started off the night at Amsterdam with the Zanzibar Snails set. The abstract sounds being produced by various electronic gear, a mic'd up baking pan, melodica (!), guitar, and a few cymbals (plus other instruments that I probably didn't see) created beautiful textures of experimental racket that I found deeply comforting, knowing that this was the harbinger of another great night of music.

Then over to Avenue Arts for Yells At Eels. These guys create some of the best jazz I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, and they have a synchroneity which can only exist among musicians who know each other as well as they do. I really can't say enough nice things about the Gonzalez family. The incredible talent possessed by these each of these guys alone is simply amazing, but together they are a force to be reckoned with. I found myself over the past few days telling a handful of friends that everyone should be lucky enough to have a father as cool as Dennis.

Next, I went around the corner to Sloppyword to catch the Great Tyrant. Menacing basslines, punishing percussion and eerie keyboards lay the groundwork for Daron Beck's unique vocal delivery, and the result will scare the fuck out of certain douchebag young new music editor types for whom this much awesomeness might seem "really fucking weird." One of my favorites from this weekend.

After that, I stopped in to see what was up at minc, and finding nothing that immediately piqued my interest, I headed over to Avenue Arts again for Austin's Faceless Werewolves, whose simple, less-is-more approach to garage rock and catchy vocals were a treat to take in. It was during this set that I witnessed the event that, for me, epitomized the community spirit of the entire festival: after drummer Erica broke her bass drum head, a drummer from one of the other bands (I don't know which one, please tell me if you do) was quick to offer his bass drum so the show could go on. Very fucking cool, dude, very fucking cool.

My next stop was Fallout Lounge for a few minutes of the It's What We Get guys, and a quick chat with Farah, whose Law of Life single I picked up. I really wanted to stay, especially since the tunes were bangin' and I still haven't seen Farah perform, but I had to leave to catch...

Sub Oslo. The last time I saw these guys was opening for Fugazi seven years ago, and they picked up right where they left off. This is the best live dub music on the planet, and the musicianship combined with the ability to take the listener to the outer realms of experience is something you have to be there to comprehend. One of my favorites from the fest, hands down.

Tired and happier than I've been in years, I trekked back to my car for the drive home, contemplating with giddy anticipation what the next day would bring.

Day 3

Got to Club Dada with plenty of time to chat with Amanda before the first band began. Her open-mindedness toward all music and common sense approach to her business give me hope for the future of Deep Ellum, whether that sounds sappy or not.

I'll try to keep these more brief, this is getting really lengthy:

The music began with Violent Squid. Experimental, improvisational, hypnotic at times...yeah that's the good stuff.

I then went out through the double doors to the patio to witness a sundown set by Light Bright Highway, aided by the always mesmerizing visuals of Paul Baker. Even better set this time, guys.

Then it was back inside for MOM. Although I bought their Little Brite cd a couple months ago on the recommendations of a few friends, this was my first time to check them out live, and I have to say I like them even more now. I've always hated listening to Jimmy Page use a bow on his guitar, but with MOM it's done a hundred times more tastefully.

Back outside for the spectacle that is Vorvadoss. Black metal, over-the-top costumes; surprisingly fun considering this is just not my thing.

After that, Akkolyte's brand of grindcore proved to me that the Gonzalez brothers are unstoppable, regardless of what style of music they play.

Then a break between bands allowed for the laptop sickness which is Cygnus. At times incredibly complicated polyrhythms and sound manipulation never overtake this dude's sense of groove. If you haven't seen him battle it out during Laptop Deathmatch, you're really missing out.

Another curious gap in the action for me, then...

Koji Kondo's quick-hitting brand of punk was a nice kick in the mouth (in a good way) to wrap up the night outdoors.

Silver Apples was the perfect end to the weekend, no need to attempt an explanation again.

All in all, one of the best weekends I've ever had in Dallas, and the best music festival in recent memory. Thank you to the bands that played, the clubs that participated, the sound guys, the door staff, and an especially big thank you to Wanz for a wonderful weekend to be remembered.

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still want to very much encourage all of you to not sit angry in silence.
This is our town...
and unfortunately, the Observer is our paper. There was so much to be said about this weekend, and instead we got nothing (as far as music and actual news goes anyway). We do need a new music editor and the Observer needs to know it.

3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still want to very much encourage all of you to not sit angry in silence.
This is our town...
and unfortunately, the Observer is our paper. There was so much to be said about this weekend, and instead we got nothing (as far as music and actual news goes anyway). We do need a new music editor and the Observer needs to know it.

3:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vorvadoss FUCKS up freedman.

3:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go back to Denver you anal shit. Dallas hates ur pontificating ass.

3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go back to Denver you anal shit. Dallas hates ur pontificating ass.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...this day has gone from one vitriolic extreme to another...

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, somewhere in between all these multiple posts I swear there's a review I just typed up. I would encourage those who think posting the same thing over and over accomplishes something to attempt the same. I didn't get to check out even half of what went on, Iand it would be nice to see other reviews. DIY, the Observer won't do it for you.

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont be a martyr about this. everyones giving this guy too much credit. who reads the observer to learn about music? i know this is the first time in years i've bothered to read anything in there.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are more out of touch with the purpose, style, audience, weight of opinion, reason, and rules of the Dallas Observer than the Dallas Observer is of you. It is a corporate paper. This is a blog. Freedman has seven bosses. You will never get what you want from the Observer. It is not worth getting upset about.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone here remember "I Hate Sarah Heppola" t-shirts?

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention that, I was just thinking about getting an "I Hate Pete Freedman" engraving on my knife.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a comment heard on SUNDAY at the good records in-store for the black lips

concerning melodica:

"i think i am going to slam it, well see how i feel in the morning"

pete freedman

quoted from memory but that was the essence of his statement

i think it speaks for itself

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People keep saying things like "our paper" and "our music editor." Get over it. Find writing that you like elsewhere or do it yourself. If the Observer keeps hiring people who don't live up to this standard you've all created in your minds, then why bother even paying attention or getting upset about it anymore?

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Multiple posts will be erased from here on out. Don't refresh after you post a comment... it might take a moment or so to post, but just give it some time and it will work. Trust me. DO NOT refresh or post something twice. It WILL show up eventually, and usually afer only a few seconds.

Second, we will not permit threats of violence to be made in the comment section of this blog. Any such posts will be erased as well. Thanks.

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 6:47 AM
get that stick out of your ass.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:53 AM  
Blogger stonedranger said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah pls erase the double posts. Out of hand.

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"does anyone else think its ironic that wsjr is wasting its time analyzing pete friedman instead of reviewing melodica?"

haha, that's the first thing i thought like, "it's funny you wrote so much about what someone wrote." but yeah goddamn what a douchemouth.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell is other people

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in case you're interested, i erased the vast majority of multiple posts and i erased two posts that made violent threats. thanks.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm going to kill myself.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is everyone that surprised the observer is still a worthless publication? they should change their name to distant observer to properly describe the way they cover our local music scene (especially denton)

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a couple ideas for those who wish to improve the content of the Observer without working for them:

1. make compilation CD's of local bands you enjoy, and include at least a sleeve with the list of bands and their myspace links or other contact info.

2. Compose your own writeups about upcoming shows.

Then take hundreds of copies of these CD's and writeups around to your favorite Observer racks on Wednesdays every week, and slip them inside as many Observers as possible.

Realistically, this is the only way to improve the content of the Observer on a sustainable basis.

Of course, if you have no interest in improving their content, you could always start your own DIY publication, take stacks of them around to those same racks, throw away the stack of Observers and replace them with your own material. Reclaiming public space, as it were.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's all super illegal, 12:07.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"does anyone else think its ironic that wsjr is wasting its time analyzing pete friedman instead of reviewing melodica?"

i'm sure weshotjr also intends to cover the festival's music. i think this was just a response write up to the observer. don't be a fucking idiot.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never been much of one to pay attention to laws I don't agree with, 12:16.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:16: so they should passively accept the status quo?

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So he may have been a little rusty, it's been a while since he's organized a festival . and when you need help you call on your friends. the music guy for the observer went way over board on this one. cut wanz some slack . the festival was great and with a little more practice we could have a really cool regular thing .

I'm all for doing another one and i'm sure others are as well.

it wasn't just wanz festival it was everyones from the bands to the venues to the fans , we all played a part in this weekend.

if the observer is going to dog wanz then he's dogging all of us.

You have my support here at AVENUE ARTS VENUE wanz screw what that music critic has to say . obviously the guy doesn't know how to enjoy himself.


12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the best reason to be pissed about the observer is that there are actually other people that read it that are getting shit music news. Hell I'd almost rather have them remove the music section, than continue as is.

I had the misfortune of moving to Plano when I moved here from out of state, and it took me almost a year before I was able to find any trace of the local music scene that I enjoyed. That only came after finding this blog. I'm not trying to be a kiss ass here, I'm just pointing out that there isn't good coverage of all the music in this town.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only went Saturday night, but I enjoyed what I saw and heard. Good job Wanz, John, and everyone else involved.

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

concerning melodica:

"i think i am going to slam it, well see how i feel in the morning"

pete freedman

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pete freedman is a frat boy

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

frat boy from colorado

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on you pussies, It's not like the guy vandalized SHQ or some shit.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

non-violent protest is the answer here guys.
We should all go to the Observer with signs...

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what Pete would have written about SHQ:

"I don't see what's so spesh about a place that can't even bother to put a sign up. While there are some good things to say about a place with a good heart, their lack of comfortable seating, good PA, well lit parking, and their willingness to pack their schedule with unpolished bands from Denton, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Austin makes me wonder if they really do actually care about reaching out to music fans from Lewisville and Richardson who could really help put them on the map and made them profitable enough to build a bar."

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

post of the day!

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not read all of the comments yet, but I am really impressed with how succinctly you described the Freedman article. Regardless of anyone's personal feelings towards Wanz, he truly contributed something special for the greater good of Dallas. I don't know if Freedman's ever had any experience with organizing and booking an event of this magnitude, but it's obvious little thought went into the actual work it took to pull this thing off. I don't know Wanz personally, but am very grateful for the exposure he gave Dallas bands as well as the opportunity he gave us to see bands that never book Dallas venues. A festival like this doesn't have to experience longevity to have an impact over time. My feeling is, people will recall this past weekend with fondness and remember a time when a small group of people actually got together to share something bigger than themselves. Actions like this don't go unnoticed in the universe, and the work and effort spent will eventually come full circle with rewards intangible in the present. Kudos to Wanz and anyone else who continue to contribute their heart and soul to the Dallas music scene.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. thank you very much.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, fuck this guy. I had a great time on Friday night, wish I could have been there Saturday and Sunday. I've been in this town three years and I wouldn't have the stupidity to comment on the scene around here. I simply don't have enough exposure to the wealth of bands from DFW and Denton. That makes it unbelievable to me that some duuude from Colorado can come in here and make broad generalizations about the music, people, and venues in Dallas. What the fuck does he know, and why does he feel the need to be negative about it? Freedman, it's your scene now too, and you haven't earned the right to be jaded about it. If you hate it, get the fuck out. Or stick to covering the Butt Rock that's still alive and well in Dallas. I hear there is a great cover band playing at the Hurricane this weekend.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are too nice to freedman. publicity stunt or not, that's not the point. i really do hope that the firestorm of discussion this is creating affects people outside the sphere of weshotjr or the "Dallas scene". i played a live electronic music set at melodica that delved into hard techno and eventually got into acid/jack type shit, and i'll be damned if people weren't up and dancing to it. that is unreal to me. melodica had good vibes the whole time and new people who heard our shit. the dallas observer, weshotjr and that freedman fuck nonwithstanding: we're doing this shit again next year, wanz or no.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a friend of mine after reading the headline and first paragraph of freedman's story:

"what the fuck is this who gives a fuck about this faggot [wanz]."

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not read all of the comments yet, but I am really impressed with how succinctly you described the Freedman article. Regardless of anyone's personal feelings towards Wanz, he truly contributed something special for the greater good of Dallas. I don't know if Freedman's ever had any experience with organizing and booking an event of this magnitude, but it's obvious little thought went into the actual work it took to pull this thing off. I don't know Wanz personally, but am very grateful for the exposure he gave Dallas bands as well as the opportunity he gave us to see bands that never book Dallas venues. A festival like this doesn't have to experience longevity to have an impact over time. My feeling is, people will recall this past weekend with fondness and remember a time when a small group of people actually got together to share something bigger than themselves. Actions like this don't go unnoticed in the universe, and the work and effort spent will eventually come full circle with rewards intangible in the present. Kudos to Wanz and anyone else who continue to contribute their heart and soul to the Dallas music scene.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"what the fuck is this who gives a fuck about this faggot [wanz]."

You friend doesn't know shit. Can your friend call up all of the bands that played Melodica and single handedly organize the festival, post bulletins, blogs, posters and make the flyers? Can your friend call all of the venues and convince them he is good enough to let them use their space? Can your friend even play music? Your friend has no idea what it takes to pull something like this together and ask for nothing in return. You friend doesn't care about his community, therefor your friend means SHIT to us. Tell your friend to go wank off somewhere else, and since you felt the need to post what your friend had to say than maybe you should wank each other off, then we will se who the "faggots" are, buddy.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's what you get...

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"what the fuck is this who gives a fuck about this faggot [wanz]."

You friend doesn't know shit. Can your friend call up all of the bands that played Melodica and single handedly organize the festival, post bulletins, blogs, posters and make the flyers? Can your friend call all of the venues and convince them he is good enough to let them use their space? Can your friend even play music? Your friend has no idea what it takes to pull something like this together and ask for nothing in return. You friend doesn't care about his community, therefor your friend means SHIT to us. Tell your friend to go wank off somewhere else, and since you felt the need to post what your friend had to say than maybe you should wank each other off, then we will se who the "faggots" are, buddy.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freedman was in Denton last night at Dan’s Silverleaf and then Rubber Gloves. I invited him to hang in Denton after I failed to meet up with him during Melodica at his invitation. A group of us that included Chris Flemmons, Wally Campbell, Chris Welch, JC, basically whoever popped in for a beer, talked about dozens of subjects, all at the same time and over each other at points.

The subjects included topics which were obvious, valid, leading, controversial, personal, loaded, pointed, pointless, fair, balanced, funny, etc.

With a focus on Denton, the point of him making the drive up 35, we talked about lots of bands, from Violent Squid to Midlake and all points in between. Venues as diverse as Tinnitus and Andy’s. Cities and their politics, economies, employment opportunities and the pros and cons of Geographical Boosterism and the pros and cons of opening the Pandora’s Box labeled “getting on the map”. Melodica and Wanz and his article about Melodica and Wanz. Stereotypes of Dallasites and Dentonites helped along and stifled by Dallasites and Dentonites. Past and present DO music editors and their expectations, goals, flaws, reasons, and the corporate structure and how it influences his work. Websites and blogs, national and local, and their purpose, impact, and influence on both young and old. Local history, successes and failures included. Personalities controversial and loved. Feelings good and bad. Rivalries real and false. A little of most everything that goes along with dDFW local music 2008. There was passionate personal truth as well as a ton of talking out of asses. Disagreements, laughs, sparring, nodding, misunderstandings, beers, frowns, smiles, disbelief, arguments, disapprovals, approvals, and burns.

Started and finished off the record. Middle was official. Notebook, not tape recorder.
I have no clue how the article is going to turn out.
60/40 split between dread and hope.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing personally against scott p. but the interview should have happend with someone else outside of the txmf denton crew thing

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coming soon:

"I make denton cool"
-Scott Porter

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott Porter has done some pretty badass shits for Denton.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone's been drinking too much Porter-ade.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, 4:19, and i don't take it personally. He asked me for a chat and I agreed and thought it would be a good chance to get him north. He was going to the Lally show anyway. I had no problem remembering that a world exists outside of my circle of friends. TXMF did not come up once and that's why I grabbed as many people as I could when they walked into the room. Sadly, it seems the only early drinkers on a Wednesday are my drunk friends.

I suggested to him that he talk to Lars Larsen, Strawberry Fields, Brett and Heather, among others and he learned a lot about the diverse house show scene. He wrote down HOT, Wisconsin, 715, Fra House and a couple of others. I even mentioned the Swiss House in Dallas. We told him about NPNR (not sure I mentioned it by name, but I told him that the 715 crew had their own label) and the 8CAC. Freedman now has plenty of resources to form a well-rounded opinion of Denton, which seemed to be the point of his night up in town. We'll see how it turns out.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just want to take a moment and thank steve porter for everything he has done. without steve none of this would have been possible and i think i can speak for all 400 of his friends when i say along with being a really snazzy dresser he is the best kisser i have even known.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like sooooooooooo cannot wait for the dallas observer music awards!!!!!!!
lets have it early this year!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks eli!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like sooooooooooo cannot wait for the dallas observer music awards!!!!!!!
lets have it early this year!

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

several people have mentioned that the powers that be at the dallas observer won't allow the music editor to run the section in a way that he or she wants. will someone please explain this in detail?

also, being that all the editors at the observer already know how sensitive the music editor position is, aren't any of them partly to blame for letting this happen? who approved that copy and didn't send it back, asking, "hey. where the hell is the music review?" isn't anyone guiding or mentoring this new kid in town? or was this the plan all along? to have us talking about it...waiting to read what he's going to write next...and noticing all the ads along the way?

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your onto something . The goal of any publication is to get readers . obviously no one wants to just sit back and take it . but what was the real intent of this review?

maybe the music editor is just trying to run for mayor. the easyiest way to get attention is to piss someone off.

Are we being set up for his next review?
will we all tune in to find out?

or should we just kick this guys ass the next time we see him at a show?

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a conversation with Freedman's boss (Mark) today.
I called around 11:30 this morning, and at this point (the day after) he STILL hadn't read yesterday's shit storm of an article. I did most of the talking to be honest, and I really tried to just stay focused on the fact that Freedman wasn't doing his job. I gave him some real accounts of last weekend's events along with a few facts about actual attendance and general good will throughout the entire weekend.

A few highlights from this morning's phone call:

This Mark guy's excuse for everything was that he'd been too sick to do his job this week.
His job... is reading.
He says this between the 'I'm calling in to work cough' we all do when we want an atari day.

I told him Pete's "review" of Melodica was the worst, most offensive piece of garbage I'd ever read in his paper.
(I've read some pretty bad articles in the past too, for sure, but at present... this is how I feel.)
He responded with, "That couldn't possibly be true!".
I found that statement to be very funny.

At some point, when I was giving a rave review of one of the many great shows I saw over the weekend, he stopped to me to say,
"Pete's job IS to critique music!".
"My point exactly!", I said.
"This isn't his account, it's mine!!!!"
"Good or bad, he should have written SOMETHING about the music."
His response,
"He did'nt?".
NO freaky-deaky sick guy who can't read....
he didn't.
Why did I call you again?


He thanked me profusely for my opinion.
(how nice of him)
and of course told me that he'd had a similar conversation yesterday and planned to actually READ the article today and talk to Pete.
(doubt it)
I told him to expect a huge backlash.
I told him that letters and phone calls would continue to pour in.
I thanked him for his time and encouraged him to get a new editor.
He said that he was on his way to read the article as soon as our call ended.
He coughed...
I told him that next time he should try doing that before it went to press.

So there you go.
This is who/what we're dealing with.
No big surprise or anything.
It's just a confirmation...
not only can this guy not write anything worth a shit...
his boss can't read.
It felt good to vent vocally.

I think I'm going to be sick now.
cough... cough...

I'm going to Lost Generation later tonight.
Hope to see you there.

soldier on,

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea, 7:43.
Here's the link to send a letter to the editor.
John and I are writing ours tonight.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking if you really want to show th DO how pissed you are hit em in the pocketbook. Contact your favorite businesses, stores, clubs etc that advertise with the DO. Tell said business that you and your friends will no longer be doing business with them until they pull or shrink there adspace in the Dallas observer.

I blame Freedmans editors and the previous generations of substandard music editors/columnist/writers for letting things get this bad. I've read the observer for the last 2 decades plus. The last time I remember the music section even being a worthy read was pre Zac Crain, sorry, but it's true.

If you never got to read a copy of The Met (RIP) you missed the last great printed music editorial pages to come out of Dallas. I know the awesome Brett McCabe is reading into this entire shitstorm and laughing his ass off.

Mwanza and John and everyone who helped put Melodica together thanks so much for the awesome show you guys put on. Every band I saw over friday and saturday was worthy. I really hope you guys do it again. Thanks.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at my Gucci, it's about that time . . . to BRING BACK WILONSKY !!!

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone likes Faceless Werewolves? Not only is your time being wasted by listening to them, their time is being wasted by playing to you.

Never has a band that's gotten so nowhere deserved exactly that.

12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wha...there's more up now:

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice apology, dip shit. (Sorry 'bout that). Yeah, sorry 'bout smacking that fat mouth off your face.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This was meant to run earlier today as an online companion to the column I wrote in today’s Observer—only so many words can fit on the printed page, you know—but given a number of factors, not the least of which was the overwhelming amount of response the column received over the course of the night and the morning, it got pushed back a bit."

Definitely sounds like he was stuck in meetings today with the boss, getting yelled at after all the comments on their site. I still don't understand why the band reviews couldn't have been his print column, and the hate shit either put on the blog or kept to himself. Especially considering the vast difference in size of audience between the printed copy and the blog, this doesn't exactly make up for anything.

I haven't seen the print version yet, but I know (online at least) the original article made no mention of his intention to review the actual music, on the blog or otherwise. Certainly smacks of a forced apology at the behest of his boss.

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally. But If you really look at what he wrote, you start to realize that it's not even an apology...
"but given a number of factors, not the least of which was the overwhelming amount of response the column received over the course of the night and the morning, it got pushed back a bit. So…sorry ’bout that."
So what then? Because there was a shit load of letters, this mystery column got pushed back? Because he was somehow able to post articles on the 27th and earlier articles on the 28th. And if this is truly a companion piece, wouldn't it be referenced in the main article? Also if you look at his earlier Melodica blog,
It's pretty obvious he decided to slam the festival early on.
ugh. I'm over it now.

3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last line kills me. "So now you know." Pretty sure people were past the point of caring.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thing is, I bet it was his boss that told him to even bother with blogging it as a band-aid, and frankly, the "descriptions" of the bands are pretty weak and frankly in need of a Thesaurus and a dictionary. SO so much much word word repetition repetition. IT'S LIKE HE'S THE LOOP 12 OF WRITERS BY HIS STANDARD! With his leaning on talking about sound guys and walls, it's like he was reviewing the clubs. AND KEEP YOUR VISUAL ART OUT OF HIS CONCERT EXCEPT DON'T. You'll see what I mean. And if he hadn't written this last night, maybe some names, less typos, actual observation, this is finally the REAL reason to hate Pete...

"jetscreamer: With a stoner rock sound... act played with a deliberate pace and a grueling, fuzzed-out slide guitar sound...conducive to plenty of head-nodding... provided a painful overtone to a sound..."


"loop 12:I was eager to see if I still found the repetitive, industrial-inspired ambience Loop12 sound as weird...It still was a bit weird...more captivating this time around thanks to the few pieces of artwork handing (sic) on Avenue Arts’ walls...were I to have been under the influence of mind-altering substances during the set, I’d probably be telling you about how it changed my life. But I wasn’t and it didn’t.... Really, the jury’s still out on Loop12’s... sound. At least in a live setting. This seems most suited to sitting-at-home-alone-in-the-dark listening."


"Sydney Confirm: The fuzzy electric bass and guitar riffs(!)...The vocals were pretty heavily overshadowed by the loudness of the other parts coming through the speaker system... as a package, it all worked quite well. Tough not...bop your head up and down during this set."


"SILVER APPLES: I caught both of Simeon of Silver Apples’ set this weekend. This was the less interesting of the two... Sonically, the reverb from Sloppyworld’s walls ...projected onto the stage’s back walls. ..."

"SPECTRUM:The spaced out sounds and distant vocals... Better suited for a soundtrack or experimental film score than a live setting"


"TREEWAVE:With an 8-bit Nintendo-inspired sound... catchy, bouncy and heavy on the electronics—but in a good way. ...(?!)The female vocalist complementing her knob-twiddling male quite nicely, too, if only because of the unique offering it provided to the most common standards of the genre. (WHAT?!)The Dallas band also managed to keep its presentation light enough to be ignored and engrossing enough to be stared at—a unique combination... " IS THAT EVEN ENGLISH?


"FAUX FOX:There’s nothing especially complicated with Faux Fox’s sound: synth heavy key riffs, chugging repetitive bass lines , break beat- and cymbal-heavy drums to tap your feet to...charismatic frontman’s willingness to do what so few of his fellow Sloppyworld performers wouldn’t do: use the stage as an actual performance space, instead of simply thinking of it as the raised corner of the room in which our band will set up shop."

"Faceless’s garage rock sound provided an immediate sense of intimacy... blues-derivative rhythm guitar lines, art rock-driven lead riffs and vocals that reeked of female-fronted punk rock. Or, in this case, perhaps more fittingly, rawk."

"Sub Oslo:well-timed bongo beats and guitar strums and picks. Most impressive, however, was the drum playing. Although heavy on the bass and cymbals (as dub music is wont to do), the pace that it set as the rest of the band’s sounds revolved around it was remarkable...if a tad boring, although a large portion of the crowd remained committed to dancing throughout (?!)"

"NO WAY: With drum and synth sounds that came forth little rhyme nor reason...With lights and projected images shining onto the stage as the band performed, the entire entity was a bit overwhelming and a tough nut to crack, for certain. With such a aural display, the visuals just came as overkill, putting the entire spectacle just shy of seizure-inducing."


"RED MONROE:performance came across as almost unjustly straightforward and mainstream, given the outlandishness of some of the acts sharing the Melodica bill. If anything, that detracted from the band’s set, which was actually, a quite interesting and catchy blend of garage and art rock with accessible and surprisingly audible vocals"

So you don't like the experimental, but this looked weak because of the lack of it, but it was actually quite good, and high five to the sound guy!!!!!!!!

"MOM: The Denton-based group hardly disappointed, providing the early evening setting a beautiful soundtrack often solely-instrumental soundtrack and intertwining electronic recorded efforts with live guitar, trombone, bell and violin outputs (WHAT?!?!?!) provides a hypnotizing and beautiful ambient sound with enough overlaid sounds to keep its listeners on their toes.

SOUND. SOUNDTRACK. TOES. SOUND. SOUNDTRACK TOES. HACK. So Spectrum sucks because they are a soundtrack but mom rules because of it.

VORVADOSS: only really served as an example of the variety of music Melodica promised it would offer its attendees.

AKKOLYTE:Nearly impossible to not head bang or at least emphatically nod along with

FUCK THIS I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

You don't think that his higher-ups, especially with him being the new guy and with the trouble they've had with this staff position, you don't think they approved his initial piece and he just snuck it in? He wrote it. His boss read it. His boss's boss read it, and then some guy in another city read it. Even though you guys hate them, Merrit and Noah were always very open with their feelings about music editors of the past. I'd love to hear from them about the vibe in the office. Must suck to have a new boss every six months. And what's wrong with Merrit and Noah anyway? I have seen them champion theater Fire, Shiny Around The Edges, Red Monroe, Pleasant Grove, Mission Giant, Record Hop, Tre Orsi, Deep Snapper, Wanz... those two are the closect thing to allies that we have at the DO. And I'm glad the guys at Quick seem to be granted some freedom to tak chances on local coverage. Who would have thought that the BELO Corp. would be more understanding and forward than the Alternative Weekly from the Villaga Voice.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, todays article just makes him look like even more of a dick, I told him exactly how I felt about his pathetic attempt to redeem his tiny penis. He is just so far out of line. Oh well, he is fucked up his reputation beyond fixing, at least for the next several months.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate to say it, but it looks like the Observer still reviewed Melodica before wsjr did.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

geez what's this all about? i only went to melodica for the blocaine

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The music editor is not Noah and Merritt's boss. They run the Night and Day section. They switch back and forth on the music section when there is no music editor. They sometimes write things for the music section. Merritt wrote a really cool write up of the new Mission Giant record that is in this week's issue.

And to whoever it was who wrote about calling up the guy's boss, God you are pathetic. You must really have no life to get that butt-hurt over an article written in an alt weekly paper. The Observer writes about local music. If it's not about the local bands you want written about, start your own blog or something.

So they guy didn't like Wanz and bashed the festival. Big deal. Get over it. Instead of getting all riled up over it and screaming like a bunch of pissed off babies, maybe give some constructive criticism.

And no, copying lines from a follow up blog post and putting GAG in all caps isn't very constructive.

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scott porter hanging out with an observer music editor? playing interference for the man? ORLY? didn't see that coming. didn't see him at melodica either. guess he over at dan's on the rocking horse. playing southern. yeehaw. Y'ALL.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there has been plenty of cinstructive critisism. At the end of the day the guy has very conservative tastes and a very limited knowledge of music as a whole and he is trying to act like he kn ows it all and has all of the answers. He's arrogant and naive. He should go back to his matchbox 20 and Counting Crows and leave the underground music coverage to people that actually know what they are talking about. That does not mean kissing every bands ass. That means giving and informed critique and review. This guy had no idea who the Silver Apples and Spectrum were. He did not even know who Nina Simone was. Give me a break. I bet I could play some late period Coltrane or Birthday Party or even early Sonic Youth and he would dismiss all of it as inaccesible noise. Inaccessible to P diddy fans yes, but the world we live in is far more diverse than that. Especially the with the rise of the internet.

I would never write a review of a Counting Crows show. It's pretty obvious that I don't get that music so why waste my time. I had my issues with sam, but I always respected that he would get writers that were familar with the subject the do the coverage. That is music editors job. That is what he is paid to do.

He needs to be fired.


12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG BUT PORTER! Get a new boogieman already.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with Scott, I am glad he tried to get the whole story!

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear anon 11:49 am,
I think my phone call to Mark at the Observer was quite constructive. This is what you do when you ACTUALLY want to be heard. I'm aware of the Observer's role in this town and abroad. I'm also aware that blogging is its own arena. I think it would have been a waste of my time NOT to call this guy. I see what came of it. A half-assed apology and an even more half-assed review of the festival online. That drives the point home even more-so. I spent MAYBE 10-15 minutes on the phone with this guy at work when there was nothing better to do. Wow... I'm so pathetic for standing up for my friends and what I believe in.
Merritt and Noah ARE great. That was never in question. The real question here, is why neither one of them have that job. Instead we end up with a frat-kid that's piss-poor at writing and competely unable to step back and look at the big picture.

In closing...
This thing affected us all in different ways. I don't plan to go over all of the very good reasons why it was appropriate to speak out on this. I think we've all covered them here over the past couple of days. I do however, want to encourage you to speak out on issues in your community that get under your skin in the future... whatever they may be. It's the right thing to do... and it's quite theraputic.

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you for calling!

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this all kind of like calling for avery to be fired after benching kidd in the last :34 of 2 point game against the spurs! lets see how it plays it, but screw em both at this point, i blame it all on freedman.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So basically, the new Observer Music columnist should get on their knees and suck all of your dicks simultaneously...?

Fuck, I wouldn't want that job either.

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....also, if you guys are so much better than Freedman,why didn't one of you geniuses get his job?! Just an Observation from a Dallas observer.

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt is the king of broad generalizations. Or maybe queen, considering he has cock on his mind.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the m that lives in dallas??!! Well atleast something was done and a review is up about the music. The review is poor, but some great bands were deservingly mentioned.

Do you really think scott is trying to be self serving by meeting with this guy? Similar to Mwanza, i think he takes as much shit for getting involved in his city. Don't know where they get the fucking energy though? 2 cents for free.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah really matt, are you the same crybaby that posted on the observer earlier?

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did Matt join the hipster club that lets him post here? Were your cool credentials checked at the door? After all, this is the exclusive scenester hangout, right? Puhleeease.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Scott has the best of intentions in meeting with Pete. Let's just hope Pete does a decent job this time around.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is she.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with regard to 'getting Freedman's job' and or bashing the 'new' music columnist...
I don't think any of the real writers in this town really gave a shit about becoming the Observer's music editor. Great as many of them are, I just don't think it was ever a real goal. Especially when most of them have better venues already in place.

As far as a common 'hatred' of the 'new' music editor for the Observer goes, someone's always going to fill that role.
It would have been nice to have a good outsider opinion in the music section. It would have been nice to have someone who had a good non-bias voice writing about the music scene in the Observer. I read a lot of great aticles daily from numerous news sources. I also read a lot of crap. Even the most outlandish and ridiculous opinions hold a fair amount of my interest. The Observer is a paper that is circulated throughout my city and surrounding areas. When I come across something as childish, poorly written, and mean-spirited as Wednesday's bashing, I can't help but take notice and respond accordingly. This has NOTHING to do with anything aside from the obvious. Certainly no 'newness' factors were involved in my opinions.

Personally, I'm a 'fair chance' kind of girl. He had his. He blew it. Whatever...

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was able to remove the horse's dick from my mouth long enough down at the dude ranch to get an email from my best friend in the world, Pete Freedman. He let me know that he wasn't going to run the article. He said he wanted to go to a few more shows and a few more spots and see more of Denton, which is a great idea. As 12:06 knows, there's a lot more to Denton than Dan's.


I sensed his sadness.

He said in the email that he appreciated the meeting. He said that he would likely still use some quotes at some point. But something was wrong. We had gotten so... intimate? Close? Inside each others soul? Mouths? Enough thought, I sighed to myself. It's time for action. I went to him. Nay- I rushed to him. I found him in the breakroom after paying my respects to the graves of Sam, Sarah, and Jonanna that were leaning against a giant bag of money. I took a handleful of $20 bills like my contract with New Times dictates. He laid his vending machine Doritos down and faced me as he rose from the platinum table.

I held him very near and I stroked his hair and I explained to him that if we had met at Melodica it might have been different. But he understood that I couldn't go to Melodica because I was too busy trying to find new ways to get my name out there after Wanz had gotten so much press. Thankfully, as fraternity brothers are pledged to do, he forgave me for my absence. It's a shame, because I knew with my band cancelling our performance at Amsterdam (Why would stupid old Wanz invite a cockrock band anyhow?) and Pete having already written his review before arriving from Colorado Springs, we could have danced together all night, unimpeded.

"Peter" I says. "Pete, you know I'm doing my very best to save Denton. I need that Key to the City. I already saved North Richland Hills and I'm due in Abilene in 2009. You have to run that article. Denton needs me now more than ever since I trashed SHQ to teach everyone a lesson. You know it, the anons know it, hell, even STEVE ALBINI BOB WESTON KINKY FRIEDAMN STEVE ALBINI BOB WESTON KINKY FRIEDAMN BOB EUBANKS knows it. If you don't run that article, how will the world know about my love for all things 940? We agreed to this plot. You said we could work together. God Damn it, Pete... You know Record Hop has a new album coming out." He touched the very tip of my penis like a butterfly touches a feather.

"Scott, first of all, thank you for getting me this job. And listen. Everyone knows that you started Denton as a small outpost in the untamed plains. All that patch of land had was a Super Target before you came. They have all heard about the fateful day you pulled your cowboy wagon into that glistening field of promise and hope and made what would become the most important town ever and created what came to be called music. You are practically... A God. For fuck's sake, man, what is more DIY than that?"

A new pain crept in... For I could not answer my partner, my love, my Pete. He put his face in my hungry hands and whispered in my ear. "Scotty?" I love it when he calls me that. "Scotty? Please do not go put this information on We Shot Jr. They don't understand you like I. I've seen your Seinfeld collection. Tasted your gourmet fondue and your sweet lips. They'll say that your attempt at humor is a charade. A ruse. That you are trying to direct attention away from your emotional toil as the..." He began to sob.

"Please. Couldn't you just do it on DRC?" I laughed as the air from his pink lungs wafted past my ear, the smell of our jisms mingling with the lofty hopes of a new Dallas Observer Music Edtior and the scent of The Man Who Invented Denton.

Poor little guy, new in town.
"Come on, Pete. You know DRC isn't cool."

Since I'm Defensive Listening and Stonedranger (Not cliffnotes though. That guy's a dick), I was going to post this on the mainpage after I get to the Weekender. But I thought you guys, my faithful readers, would enjoy it more here... In OUR comment section. Where the magic happens. God, I just want to fuck all of you slowly and steal your wallets while I slide a lubed Observer slowly in and out of my ass while funking out to Red Hot Chili Peppers. The anal paper cuts mean its working.


5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whole lee shite that's funny

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scott is a great writer, no doubt about it. but you know what m. ali says about the funniest jokes.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my observer comment:

This article showed abysmal ignorance in it's ability to accurately critique MUSIC at the Melodica festival. I am a solitary individual who is not affiliated with any scene. I rarely venture out to see live performances, mostly due to the fact that I don't hear or read about showcases that appeal to my personal tastes. This past weekend was a rare occurrence and a welcomed diversion to my usual weekend routine. I take offense to all of the comments, both in the article and in these posts which make broad generalizations and subjective assessments on what people are like or should like. I found a wide variety of music represented and a general sense of community that I have not seen in Dallas in a long time. I am disappointed that this perspective didn't have a voice in the article. It is equally frustrating and depressing to realize that this article was written by a person who is paid to critique music, not to make political character assassinations. It is truly sad to see Dallas have the opportunity to enjoy a breath of fresh air, only to have some unqualified, uninformed, and biased little bastard come and sucker punch it in the stomach. I really hope his higher-ups are paying attention to the aftermath of this article and some justifiable retribution is applied. In other words, FIRE this kid. He has no business writing about music since it seems obvious he doesn't know how.

My 2 cents.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Ali was talking about HIS jokes, so...

6:08 PM  

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