It List: Friday 2/17/06
We're gonna be all over the damn place tonight, but our main source of entertainment will likely be:
1. Voxtrot/ Happy Bullets (Cavern): So we really don't have to tell you about the Happy Bullets, but we will say that they are a good live band, that happens to be playing with Voxtrot, an Austin band that we've been listening to a lot lately. They play pretty straight forward indie rock, but they're really goddamn good at it, and have a pretty unique sound. Listen to some stuff on their Myspace page and see for yourself.
2. Strange Boys/ Eat Avery's Bones/ Chief Death Rage (Yellow House-Denton): If you've never been to the Yellow House before you should really go, especially on a night like this. Its at 1120 Mulberry St. in Denton, just off of Fry St., and its known for having what some people have called "kick ass shows." Its free, its BYOB, its actually someone's house, and its all ages. The best part about the place is the crowds: usually really nice kids that are actually into the music being played. Its a small, cramped space stuffed with UNT students, but that really becomes part of the fun once you're there. Tonight two bands we always talk about, Strange Boys and Eat Avery's Bones are playing, as well as a band called Chief Death Rage, which appears to play a sort of punky sludge metal... if that means anything. Starts at 10pm, should be a hell of a time.
3. Paper Chase at Rubber Gloves (Denton)
4. Rogue Wave (Gypsy Tea Room): Get there early for Rogue Wave, because you probably won't want to stick around for Nada Surf unless you like being bored.
* UPDATE: Metrognome Collective will be doing a show with the Record Hop tonight in Fort Worth at their space- 1518 E. Lancaster. Its five bucks, BYOB, and a really great place to hang out.
At the Metrognome Space:
Tame... Tame & Quiet (Ft. Worth)
Record Hop (Denton)
Woozy Helmet (Austin)
Sharks & Sailors (Houston)
$5 for a good time.
Lots of good things to do tonight... I'll be at the Cavern, but I'd love to see some of that other stuff too.
Man, I wish I would've gone to the cavern!! I wanted to see that show.
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