Wall of Sound Agenda
It looks like the We Shot J.R. gang will in fact be heading over to Ft. Worth this weekend to attend the Wall of Sound Festival. We're not exactly sure what kind of festival atmosphere we will find at the Ridglea Theater, but if this event works out and makes enough people enough money, it will be a really great thing for DFWd music, since it might mean that they will keep the festival going for years to come and hopefully draw some national attention to the area.
And while we recognize that there will be a few crap bands playing the festival (read: The New Year, Deathray Davies, Daryl, Red Animal War, Radiant,etc.) there will be many more great bands there, making it well worth the drive for Dallasites that usually don't venture past the 35/635/White Rock Lake/Trinity River circle, and Dentonites that usually just stay home and smoke pot (Not that there anything wrong with that). Below is the list of bands we want to see, and when and where they will be going on:
Noon- Fra Pandolf (Main stage)
2:45- Shiny Around the Edges (Upstairs stage)
4:30pm- The Southern Sea (side stage)
5:30pm- Black Angels (main stage)
6:00pm- Red Monroe (main stage)
7:30pm- The Angelus (side stage)
8:30pm- Record Hop (side stage)
9:00pm- Midlake (Main stage)
9:30pm- Mazinga Phaser II (Upstairs stage)
12:30am- Low (Main stage)
noon- Man Factory (Main Stage)
12:30- Smile Smile (Upstairs stage)
3:30- What Made Milwaukee Famous (side stage)
6:30- The Theater Fire (side stage)
7:15- Happy Bullets (upstairs stage)
9:30- Sound Team (upstairs stage)
10:10- The Octopus Project (main stage)
11:30- Starlight Mints (Main stage)
12:30am- Okkervil River (main stage)
This list consists of some bands that we know we like, some bands we kinda like, and other that we are curious about due to various recommendations. If anyone else can think of another band that we didn't include but is really really great none the less, please let us know.
We will be doing coverage of the festival all weekend, including pictures and what have you, and we're going to try to see as many of these sets as possible. We'll see what happens.
tickets and info here.
Haha, think you can make it by noon!?
I know I know. Its gonna be really tough.
i'd throw Pink Nasty in there, if you like that sort of thing. She goes on sometime Sat. afternoon.
otherwise, good list.
If by "noon" you mean "still drunk from the night before" and by "make it" you mean drive there at 90mph, hopped up on breakfast burritos, then.... yes. We're professionals.
You really bashed the New Year? Really? The New Year? Man. I hope they change your mind when they play on Saturday...
wow expensive cover, i'll go see these local bands through out the year at 5 dollars a pop. Too bad these bands are not getting together themselves and renting a venue and playing. Collecting all the profits instead of some guy who used to book christian bands.
Sorry i have to say it spoon is worthless...just sayin
have you seen the sound team?
I was REALLY unimpressed at the Mates Of State show.
How is 20 bucks to see 44 bands an expensive cover?
Stonedranger, I'm also suprised you dissed the New Year. That's your right, but I'm looking forward to seeing them play. Are you not a Bedhead fan either?
i can go see bob d. and merle haggard for 30 dollars... sorry but 20 is expensive and the fact that the bands are not getting to see a lot of that money makes it worse ...oh well just my opinion.
That's fine, but I think a lot of the bands would simply appreciate having the opportunity to play in front of a larger audience, and see a lot of bands for free. I doubt any of the bands feel like they are getting screwed on this. Well, except maybe Fra Pandolf . . . but they deserve it!
theres ALWAYS something fishy abound when bands aren't seeing the money. bands DON'T be stupid and not get paid for your hard work just for the credit on being on a big long lineup of "names".
believe it or not there are people out there that find the New Year to be dead boring........like Cat Power boring.....Bedhead was alright for a one trick pony, but a lot cooler when they were called Galaxie 500. I believe one of those guys said "kind of like All Tomorrow's Parties????" I guess he was not paying attention to the actual All Tomorrow's Parties line up.
well i think a byob with no cover mite draw a larger audience than some blowhard who is taking money for simply "organizing" a festival.
i think i would rather save my twenty dollars to give to ticketmaster or clear channel rather than spoon.(wait spoon is doing this for the good of music in the metroplex, not to fatten his pocket book)
If all these bands pooled there money for a rental on a venue they could hold one of these and get rid of the middle man.
I'm sure the bigger headlining bands are seeing some money. Why else would they be playing? And it is cool for local bands to play with some bigger names and infront of bigger crowds. I rarely pay cover, but I will be both days this weekend and I'm fine with that. I want Wall of Sound to continue.
Amanda Leggett plays at 12:30 Saturday. Definitely worth seeing.
The New Year will be boring...just like Bedhead was. But I will enjoy both Red Animal War and Radiant.
Wait . . . I like boring music. I'm not hardcore. I'm okay with that.
speaking of ripoffs- let's do a poll: anyone who thinks their bar tab was a tad bit over the moon at the Cavern raise your hand....I've been hearing rumours lately and think something underhanded is at work over there.
I've been telling you for months that you're no hardcore. You finally believe me now?
I like a lot of music that many people would consider boring.... you can check my screen name for part of the reason why. I'm also not hardcore, and I also think that a lot of people like to label certain bands "boring" when they just don't get it. Thats fine.
And I do kind of like Bedhead, but I think the New Year truly is a boring band. Thats just me.
And about this "bands not getting see any of the money" thing, does anyone have any facts on that? As for the rest of the festival, lets wait and see what happens.
Just a little plug for my country and western band, Spitfire Tumbleweeds on Sunday. Features members of Record Hop, Super Love Attack, Current Leaves, Burnt Sienna Trio, Warren Jackson Hearne and the Merrie Murdre of Gloomadeers... Hell I might be forgetting someone. It ain't nothing new under the sun, but we're proud of the songs...
word to the wise clubs...keep spoon booking far away from your venue. spoon is the new dale brock...they have messed up haily's and the Cavern. Go to rubbergloves and doublewide. Cheap drinks and they treat there bands right.
To the person who posted at 12:51-I went to All Tomorrow's Parties and what do you know, the New Year was playing. Low also played. So check your facts. I'm not defending this festival by the way. I'm just happy Sam M. and I actually agree on something other than Ball's hamburgers. Also, saying the New Year is boring and then praising R.A.W. and Radiant just sums up a lot of Dallas music fans for me. They don't even appreciate what IS good about this town. Disclosure:I'm from Dallas.
I hate to say it, but its true.
I riase my hand for the higher than should be Cavern tab. Evil barkeep. I think THEY'RE the ones that are drunk.
yes, at least one person who works at the Cavern seems to be a bit questionable as well. When I was in there several weeks ago, I watched a bar tender that was obviously hopped up on speed or coke bounce around the place and act like an idiot for like an hour and a half. It was really annoying. Not saying anyone is necessarily stealing or anything, I'm just saying that I hate it when people that are already dumb take a dumb drug and act even more dumb than they already would have.
Yeah, fuck The New Year. They bore me so much, I'll probably fall asleep and hit my head on the cement, but at least that way I can listen to the blood trickle out of my ear, instead of them.
However, that Scott guy is right, they're nothin' new, but I think the Spitfire Tumbleweeds are awesome.
let's just say everyone needs to keep tabs on their tabs cause something is totally going on over there and its everything from coke/speed/ripping off bands and patrons
wall of sound could be a good thing if mr spoon changed a few things first.
1-made sure the local line-up was different from last year-
2-promoted everyone equally.( like shanghi 5 is barely ledgible on the flyer)i wouldn't treat my dog that way.
3-freed his mind of sophmoronic pop-there is a whole world happening,ya know
Its an elitist endeavor to keep his pool of bands in constant rotation and everyone else out.
but,but...Sam M said Spune was the greatest thing since the X Box and he's always right!
yeah who the hell designed that flyer...its horrid....most the local bands are small.
Nice home grown festival...bahh
sam has been the best writer for the observer in the past five years. but he is wrong about spoon
This post was aptly named "Wall Of Sound AGENDA"
Bands don't even stick around to watch the two bands they play with on a given night.
and Sam M was the worst thing that ever happened to music journalism
Being a white guy into hip hop and crawling up scenesters butts to look cool (but proclaiming all the while you're just an unhip nerd)does not equal knowing shit about not only writing about music but about WRITING period.
lets do this festival at the 8th continent...and take donations for the bands. We don't need f'ing low to play.
well, I didn't mean it that way, but whatever... its kind of funny considering all the comments on here.
And I never would have guessed that there would be so much hostility towards the fest. Remember that until I started this blog, I knew almost NOTHING about local music (honestly), so I knew nothing about Spune or Spoon or whatever it is called.
However, I'm going to head over on Saturday and give the thing a chance. There are several bands playing that I like, and having a big festival in DFWd every year that attracts national acts and national attention could be a really good thing for everyone (fans, bands, media, promoters, etc) if it is done right.
I don't know enough about how this festival works to know whether it is being done right. We'll judge what we can for ourselves on Saturday and see. Thats all we can really do.
but rest assured that if it sucks, or we get real evidence that people are getting screwed over or ripped off, we'll tell you about it.
spune shows
It would be great to see an underground music fest at the 8th...
i think spune is trying to be the next ticketmaster...get those christian pockets nice and fat baby...
just in ...i heard spune is charging people playing the festival ten dollars to go see bands on the day they are not playing???what the hell is that about?? that is like owning a cat house and not getting any freebies.
bend over musicians, here comes the spune
Ouch. Thats as bad as packing The Cavern and barely seeing a dime at the end of the night for playing. Thanks Spune!
Lance Yocum (Spune) is not a crook.
If you are in a band that is playing, and not getting paid, you have the option to not play if you wish.
We are not getting paid on Saturday, but my band will be playing to new peeps, and if we are worth a shit, people will come to another show or buy a record.
It's pretty fishy to not sign your name to such angry posts, you know?
Just sayin'...
But then again, I'm the enemy...
I have and will continue to work with Lance. If he ever screwed me or mine over, that relationship would stop. I don't see it happening. The weirdest part is, he doesn't do much for most, you know? Like, want a show? Need some help with that tour? Now, the cavern... I told him openly that the venue is sorta shitty, but come on... Your evil demon that you see is just some dude trying to get some shit going, you know?
The faceless bitterness speaks volumes.
I'll be there to see Fra Pandolf kick it off and I'll be one of the last ones out Sunday night. I hope to make friends, drink some beers, and hear some bands, like most people. What a fucking CONSPIRACY!
People get upset about the weirdest shit.
I guess I'll prolly get burned alive now by a dude in Arlington that won't sign his name...
Lance Yocum (Spune) is not a crook.
If you are in a band that is playing, and not getting paid, you have the option to not play if you wish.
We are not getting paid on Saturday, but my band will be playing to new peeps, and if we are worth a shit, people will come to another show or buy a record.
It's pretty fishy to not sign your name to such angry posts, you know?
Just sayin'...
But then again, I'm the enemy...
I have and will continue to work with Lance. If he ever screwed me or mine over, that relationship would stop. I don't see it happening. The weirdest part is, he doesn't do much for most, you know? Like, want a show? Need some help with that tour? Now, the cavern... I told him openly that the venue is sorta shitty, but come on... Your evil demon that you see is just some dude trying to get some shit going, you know?
The faceless bitterness speaks volumes.
I'll be there to see Fra Pandolf kick it off and I'll be one of the last ones out Sunday night. I hope to make friends, drink some beers, and hear some bands, like most people. What a fucking CONSPIRACY!
People get upset about the weirdest shit.
I guess I'll prolly get burned alive now by a dude in Arlington that won't sign his name...
Lance Yocum (Spune) is not a crook.
If you are in a band that is playing, and not getting paid, you have the option to not play if you wish.
We are not getting paid on Saturday, but my band will be playing to new peeps, and if we are worth a shit, people will come to another show or buy a record.
It's pretty fishy to not sign your name to such angry posts, you know?
Just sayin'...
But then again, I'm the enemy...
I have and will continue to work with Lance. If he ever screwed me or mine over, that relationship would stop. I don't see it happening. The weirdest part is, he doesn't do much for most, you know? Like, want a show? Need some help with that tour? Now, the cavern... I told him openly that the venue is sorta shitty, but come on... Your evil demon that you see is just some dude trying to get some shit going, you know?
The faceless bitterness speaks volumes.
I'll be there to see Fra Pandolf kick it off and I'll be one of the last ones out Sunday night. I hope to make friends, drink some beers, and hear some bands, like most people. What a fucking CONSPIRACY!
People get upset about the weirdest shit.
I guess I'll prolly get burned alive now by a dude in Arlington that won't sign his name...
I am in the planning stages for Melodica Festival at the end of this year or the beginning of spring next year. I already have a few good leads for headliners(really bad ass headliners that never play here) and the emphasis will be more on the great underground Texas bands in our own backyard from Austin, Denton, Dallas, Houston and Fort Worth. In the meantime I am putting to gether a couple of smaller less ambitious festivals inbetween now and then. Lance has got a good idea and Wall of Sound is a good thing. I question some of the organization and some of the bands left off(Undoing of David Wright,Jack with One Eye, nolaptop deathmatchers) but it is still a good thing.
We play at 9:30
your right...Lance cares about the scene in dfw/denton. He is trying to make this place great for musicians while he bends u over.
what is in it for him???
i can't tell who was left off the bill cause i can't read the local bands on the flyer.
Probably a little scratch, some good press, and the satisfaction of a job well done.
The same thing that's in it for every band playing.
I ain't looking to scrap with some angry internet avenger, so...
It's clear you have a beef. Hope it works out for you.
What time are you gonna get to the show on Saturday?
i heard the reason that the undoing of david wright got left off this year is that they're fucking unlistenable.
the bands will get a little scratch...lance will get a whole lotta scratch.
but i'm a pimp and only pay my ho''s a little scratch too.
it's 5:00 everyone go home!
Nothing like anonymous Internet posts on this thread to get the "truth" out.
Lance isn't pocketing much cash from this, folks. He invested time and $$ to secure out-of-town bands, and this is his baby, a stepping stone to create a legitimate big-name music fest that the DFW/d region hasn't seen in far too long. WoSF could be a really huge deal in the coming years, with even bigger and better national acts making sure to stop in to play such a fest, and that'll only cast more light on great local bands. I don't see anybody on here whining about shit like the April 1st Deep Ellum fest or this weekend's coming Deep Ellum Arts Festivals--if you wanna talk about crappy music fests that deliver nothing but bad music, start there. Not with Spune.
Go watch the New Year play and really actually listen, then report back to us. Bedhead was possibly the most powerful musical phenomenon this area has ever seen, and the New Year is only a small downgrade, while doing some different things in the same spirit.
Lars, there's a forum at www.dallasindie.com/phpbb. If WeShotJR wants a forum, we could go over there and post. It's a pretty dead board that needs some action.
TRUST ME plenty of people have been bitching about deep ellum and it's various "festivals" since the very early days of this blog ( 4 months of yore... or however long it's been)
I'm kinda surprised by the hostility... but coming from anonymous sources just makes me laugh. Sign your names if you really back what you say.
I have no problem with Wall of Sound and if it is successful it could lead to bigger and better things here. And what's wrong with that?
I'm going Sunday, sounds like good fun, even if I typically hate festivals and long drawn out shit.
I don't think Spune has some hidden agenda here. He could very well be out money after this whole thing is said done and the majority of any proceeds will go to paying bands like the New Year their guarantees, etc. all of which are pretty high from what I have heard. It's a good thing for these local bands to play this thing and get further exposure at an all-age venue. Some things could be better, sure, I can find fault with anything and all festivals...
That's my 2cents.
and if spune would leave BLACK TIE DYNASTY off their large shows/festivals/etc etc for just a LITTLE BIT i MIGHT be willing to think of them as trying to help the scene rather than simply wanting to push the fakest "indie" bands on the fakest "indie" kids in the area
....sorry, cory is a douchebag
I generally agree that the festival could be a good thing as far as exposue for local bands. And if everyone is treated fairly, WOSF will be a great thing.
As far as putting your names on your posts... that is exactly what this forum, and this blog, is NOT about. We've remained anonymous for reasons that we've explained too many times to repeat, and letting comments people do so as well also helps with the overall level of honesty around here. Maybe it results in some stupid shit talking from time to time, but I seriously doubt that very many people come on here to spread misinformation on purpose or something. I like the general way things are going around here, names included or not.
wow... this board is harsh
maybe next year spune can get some more overrated headliners like Cat power and devendra barnhart...ohh real good for dfw. i'm cumming in my shorts right now and maybe if we are all lucky we get to open up for these shitty headliners. What a treat. Maybe i can even get one of these guys a beer or a blow job
I think there is enough talent around here without these so called national bands.
wakka u sound like the us goverment on immigration. Whats wrong with paying a mexican guy four dollars an hour to work at my company??? He is happy to do it.Besides i'm making tons of money. Wakka for president!!
agreed. There isn't anything wrong with people making money if they are putting on good shows with good bands, treating people fairly, and not ripping off fans. In fact, whether you like it or not, that is the ONLY way that a lot of things are going to get done around here.
And people that are in it more for the art than the money at least have to break even, considering that most of the aforementioned people aren't independently wealthy.
Anonymous, now you're just being silly.
i don't know why, but this really made me laugh:
Anonymous said...
Anonymous, now you're just being silly.
sorry for the interruption. you can get back to the invisible fist fight now.
Also to the anon that posted at 12:51
I never knew Bedhead was called Galaxie 500, I thought that was Dean Wareham's gig before Luna... You know, "Today", "On Fire", "This Is Our Music"? So I'm guessing you would categorize Spacemen 3 as boring too eh?
And to all the haters:
Instead of slamming other bands, try opening your mind... there are some suckass bands out there (BTD!) but Big D & Little D have some great music that needs to be heard. I mean we all love egocasting, but come on...
Taunto: Where can I get some breakfast burritos that will get me hopped up?
anonymous is good. It does breed honesty that would otherwise go untold. I don't do it because everyone already knows I am an angry black man. No need to hide it.......hehehehe!
all of these bands will fade away anyway- i once went to a show where there were some people talking shit about the band i think it was fra pandolf and then after they played the same people were like good show and blah blah blah- the whole music scene with a few exceptions is so self-obsessed and really offers nothing to anyone.
"do not hire a man who does your work for money,but him who does it for love of it" -Thoreau
BSinc here, sorry my login isn't working..
my two cents: i agree, WOSF is not above criticism and never will be. but give them a chance. SXSW started out the same way and we have all bitched about that monstrosity i'm sure. at the same time we have all been at least once. and over the years they have provided oportunities for people in this part of the country to see bands they would never get to see otherwise.
hopefully in the future, wosf promoters will heed some of these criticisms (i.e. promoting bands equally in particular) in order to become a more refined production.
as far as how lance treats the local music community, i have heard several bands complain about playing in front of packed rooms and not gettin paid accordingly. i hope with the diminishing number of venues in dallas, that he makes an effort to correct this. we don't need anything else working AGAINST the cultivation of good music in dallas.
also, i know lance doesn't book all the shows at the cavern. my band's booked a couple of shows there that he had nothing to do with and we were treated very fairly.
as far as dealing with drunk bartenders: pay cash as you drink...
So, I've been playing a game:
Everytime somebody bitches about stuff, I take a drink. WHOOOO!!!!! I'M ALREADY PAST 80!!!!! THIS WEEKEND IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!
....Two drinks, if they're anonymous.
lets take a drink for every dollar the bands make subtracted from lance's take on this festival divided by Low's take home. Is starflyer 59 still a christian band?? i heard them say "fuck" backstage once.
atleast at darkside the band will see my money...not some figurehead who does nothing but pimp bands out.
When you made your comment explaining the "anonymous" posts and your anonymous identity, something really clicked for me. I really thought to myself, "Wow. Someone. Fucking. Gets it." I think your blog has gotten very powerful, very quickly. You will probably usurp the Observer (their writers even post on here), Denton Rock City, and a host of other sites as THE most important site on local music. I noticed the people who do post their ID on here are mostly people who have a pretty easy time locally. Even if they think they don't, they've had a lot of good opportunities. That isn't an insult. I admire some of them quite a bit. You have gained a lot of your notoriety by shining a light on things the aforementioned places probably wouldn't. Especially the Observer. I couldn't believe it the first time I read one of your It Lists. I thought, "Is this a mistake?" This person actually thinks that's the place to be tonight. Weird. And the community should appreciate that. You've got a lot of balls. Even if they're anonymous balls.
funny how you say spune screws things up...that is far from the truth...they (he) has actually given art, experimental, indie, music and should i say smart bands with something more to give then simple cock rock pleasures a chance to play and be heard...i have seen and heard more interesting and creative bands since they have been promoting these venues and bands that many stuck up way to cool for anyone (guys who are stuck in a era that doesn't exist anymore and girls that think they are as tough as guys..shit, what a joke is that) are threatened by b/c they realize everything they have been into sucks and has no creative future. the simple truth is..cock rock, cold play rip offs and rock-a-billy rock is OVER! move on and learn to support more than your damn ego! you get on stage and see how good you are??? if you are on stage and still complaining about Spune...you must not be very creative within your music...sorry.
agreed! DAMN, at least he is giving the right bands a chance and bringing together a shit load of great bands!!!! do you even realize how hard it is to get half those bands together...the touring ones??? what are you worried about when you are someone that probably doesn't even show up to support most local shows even when the door is cheap. i can't wait to see and think it is worth my money to see even the local bands like the theater fire, the black angels, red monroe, experimental aircraft, comet and many more! at least i will be there and having a damn great time!!!
This all reminds me of a song
"We're not two peas in a pod
We're two fingers in Chinese handcuffs
The more we pull we stay
The more we stay we pull
Apart this wicker toy
With it the joy
The things that bind in pain
Keep us in love"
1. It suprises me how many people are stupid.
2. People like to whine about stuff they don't understand.
3. I'm glad everyone is SO concerned about the well-being of all the helpless local bands. If you really care, you'll go to the show and FREAKIN BUY SOME MERCH!
4. Does anyone understand promotion here? It works kind of like this. Promote the bands that are well known MORE to get more people to the show...so they can see the bands that aren't well known. It's not like Lance is playing "favorites" with bands CRAP PEOPLE...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
5. Lance is a good guy. He's not forcing bands to play this thing.
6. Stupid...
...I need to go to bed...
1. It suprises me how many people are stupid.
2. People like to whine about stuff they don't understand.
3. I'm glad everyone is SO concerned about the well-being of all the helpless local bands. If you really care, you'll go to the show and FREAKIN BUY SOME MERCH!
4. Does anyone understand promotion here? It works kind of like this. Promote the bands that are well known MORE to get more people to the show...so they can see the bands that aren't well known. It's not like Lance is playing "favorites" with bands CRAP PEOPLE...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
5. Lance is a good guy. He's not forcing bands to play this thing.
6. Stupid...
...I need to go to bed...
Not to cause a fray only the facts here. A friend of mine has done stuff at The Cavern and it has always been well attended. But the equation at the end of the night was attrocious. Here you have bands that brought people out, they drank at the bar so the bar got theirs, they suffered through the crappy sound, some of them drove all the way from Denton even, paid a $5 or + cover. Each band saw 10-20$ and dollar off Budweiser tickets and the sound guy saw the three digits. Divvy that up between the three or four or more members in your band and you got some Taco Bell money, JUST. So, I'm not saying anyone is screwing anyone if bands allow this to happen to themselves by booking themselves there. Those are just the facts. Heres another fact, there are plenty of other places that give the band all the money off the door but maybe they're not considered HIP places but they take care of their bands. I think that's respectable. At what other club/bar is it NOT in their budget to pay their own soundguy but to make the bands (the bars commodity) have to take the hit in the pocket at the end of the night? I mean, I know we're all doing it for the love of the music and to get our names out there or whatever but screwing is screwing is screwing. This really is a question, I know there are some people on here that work at various clubs so speak for the local bands sake. Who is taking good care of their local bands that actually bring people out?
scot hop and sam m are right. Lance is doing a good thing for the scene. By the way, all you a-holes stop writing under my name. We all know i'm the real anonymous.
Hey...Does anyone posting here REALLY care at all about the Dallas Music Scene? No...I'm seriously asking. Like...do you all have ideas that would make it better? Or...is it just to make good honest comments about things that suck? (Honestly...I'm just curious...I know how stonedranger feels about it...but what about everyone else?)
Anyay...What Lance has done with the Wall of Sound in the last 2 years is pretty amazing. Most of the local bands will never get to share a stage with these national acts. National acts bring national attention to YOUR music scene. Did anyone notice that WOS got mention on Pitchfork? (I'm sure there are several elitist morons dying to post in response abuot how Pitchfork isn't actually that cool...go ahead...we're all expecting it.) Anyway, that's a great thing to see...a DFW festival mentioned in major media. So...ya.
Anonymous (with an "i")
i'm in a local band and sharing a stage with a national band doesn't get me very excited. Especially when they are getting paid along with this promoter and the local bands are not getting anything...something is wrong
Is it true that they are charging bands playing the festival ten dollars for a ticket to the show for the day they are not playing???
if this is true then this really is shitty. Come on lance atleast give them a two day pass for the festival. Cheap Bastard
they're just a band from another town whats the big whup?
lance will have to start being more accountable to the local bands and venues he's worked with.
recently, new promotion agencies are starting to spring up around here. (not including calithump. she's done a pretty good job so far, but she still has a lot to learn)
thankfully, some of these new promoters are experienced & accomplished and have really great "industry" connections. they're only getting back into the business because the genuinely care about what's going on in the metroplex and they feel spune has done more harm than good.
spune's short-lived mini-monopoly is over. competition will be good for everyone!
"What's the big whup?"
Good question. And honestly, it depends on the intentions of your band. If you want to get your band and music noticed and heard - the playing with a "national act" can bring a little attention your way. I think bands typically want that thing. But if your band doesn't, more power to you. But if your band DOES want it, and you don't see the connection...then...as I said before, you're an idiot. (assuming you're the "guy in the local band that doesn't care about playing on the same stage with a national act."
Lance - if you're reading this - props to you bro. You're bring national attention to a lot of great bands from DFW/Denton that deserve attention. Ya...there might be one or 2 bands that aren't on the list - but there's always next year! So, thanks.
Anonymous (with an "i")
How has he done so much damage? Where is the monopoly? He books some shows at the Cavern and at Hailey's. Other people can book at those clubs as well. He booked nearly 80 Texas bands for one festival. None of those bands feels like its getting raped. None of them were forced to play. He booked like 10 bands for the New Music Festival. He throws a christmas show. He throws a back to school show. God this is getting stupid.
I'm also a terrible typer and I'm a non-proof-reader.
Anonymous (with an "i")
to anonymous with an I ....Next time a national band comes into town i expect you to be in the back room servicing all of them from largest to smallest...
i've seen local bands bring in more people than national bands consistently in Dallas.
yeah i have too..sometimes national bands want to play second so people don't leave after the local bands play.
I just did a 3 week east coast tour and will be doing at least 3 mor months later this year. Does that make me a "national" band. This is a ridiculous ideology. I know far too many people that will not go see the brilliance in their backyard because they are not from New York. It's silly.
Lars speaks the truth! Looking forward to meeting you at some point, sir.
As far as Lance... he has always been nice to us and orgainzed.
Mike from Shiny
i'm complaining due to the fact that lance will make much money off this and the bands will be bent over as usual...just like the cavern club, just like hailey's.
/banging head on desk.
Dear Lars,
I apologize for calling you an idiot. I wish I knew you were the anonymous guy in a local band that doesn't care about playing with national bands. If I had, I wouldn't have called YOU an idiot. And I'm not kidding.
My comment was intended for someone who i assumed always makes comments for the sake of arguing. The intent behind my comment was actually complimenting your band in particular! I think you guys are brilliant and I would love for you to draw national attention - why? because you deserve to have it! I think as many people as possible should have the opportunity to hear great music and art. And, I'm proud of the fact that Dallas has a lot of fantastic acts.
So...when bands like Low and the Mints come to town and play with local bands - those bands get attention on some level - and I think that's cool because it helps EVERYONE out. It may even help shape the view of this particular area.
So...again...Lars...I thought your original comment came from some poor sap in some crap band that doesn't get attention. You guys have all it takes to have a solid music career that you can be proud of. I'm sorry! (tear)....(sniffle)...
And I'd be willing to bet the paycheck I just got that every bit of what Lance makes off of this fest will go strait into next years. This is what this guy does for a living- does he not deserve to get paid?
Do you understand how hard it is to book something like this?
I'm not even saying that Lance does things the "right way". And I'm not trying to defend what he does at The Cavern or Hailey's - but as far as this festival goes, I sincerely feel like the guy deserves whatever he gets.
Hell, I'm trying to book a 2-week tour for two bands right now and it's literally one of the most stressful things I've ever delt with. I really can't imagine how much ass Lance had to bust to make this thing happen.
Oh...one more thing...I can't believe you guys are arguing about what being a "national act" is. Are you kidding? I know any joker can book a show in memphis and call their band "national". I'm refering to the bands that have national notoriety...bands that appear regularly in accepted, nationally read media (Pitchfork, GVB, etc.)
Love and for the last time,
Anonymous (with an "i")
p.s. - the above apology to Lars was from me.
p.p.s. - i really am sorry.
p.p.p.s. - can I buy someone a beer?
p.p.p.p.s. - :)
no, they said Los Lobos were playing
all due respect - and I, too, think your band is realy cool... I couldn't give two shits about whether or not you are a student, work 80 hrs a week, run a venue, run a marathon, do habitat for humanity, knit, make tapestries, act as a volunteer fireman on Wednesdays.. I don't see how any of that is relevant to the discussion... And to all of you anonymous people bitching about not being paid, Lance, and so forth... You are idiots. It's a show. It's fun. It's good bands. It's cool. Don't take yourselves so fucking seriously al the time.
HAHAHa..hey listen...the Armies of China comment the funniest thing I've read/heard in a VERY VERY long time.
Cool...glad we understand each other, and I couldn't agree with you more about the "national vs. national" deal.
I'll have to look in to this whole username-yet-still-anonymous thing.
Oh ya...and I PHUCKING LOVE your band - so...we're all good. Consider your beer bought!
Anonymous (with an "i")
man.. I suck at spelling... I just found out "Black Tie Dynasty" is playing WOS... please disregard anything I ever said. I will not be going to the show.
Oh ya Lars...I just remembered why I called myself "Anonymous (with an "i")"...it was to seperate myself as a different anonymous...no the one whose penis should be marched on by chinese amries. So...ya...the root of the confusion.
oh i love you!
no, i love YOU!
shut up please before this blog breaks. just show up to each others shows and spare us all the romance.
no,no YOU got a monkey face. seriously this blog is about to break. this thread is SO yesterday.
to one of the various anonymous dudes,
I'm sure I will (spouting the resume shit) for this one, but Mazinga has been fetured and covered in everything from Magnet to Rolling Stone to Spin to New York Times. If you type my name into google you get agazillion hits. Does it matter. NO. Does it make us national. NO. In this day and age it seems like a lot of folks think your band may be insignificant unless pitchfork says you are cool. Very small minded. When we played in bost the guys in Sunburned han of the man hooked us up with the gig because they bought the first Mazinga on vinyl almost 9 years ago. Does that make me national. NO. Get off your high horses and quit thinking just because the band is from here they are somehow less vital.
As far as Lance and the money goes.....Out of the 5 Melodica Festivals I threw I broke even once. I lost my ass every other time. I got the same shit because I nsisted all of the bands from here play for free. The only band from here that that got paid at any opf the Melodicas was Tripping daisy and Polyphonic Spree. As far the nationals that played......Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Lotuis crown(Jimmy Shields from Rollerskate Skinny), Brad lanner from Medicine, Sugar Plant Silver Apples, E.A.R and a long list of others. These things are exzpensive. For the amount of hassle he has to deal with to pull this off he should get paid handsomely. I still think the ticket price is too high and will turn away a lot of people. I am looking forward to finally seeing fra Pandolf(even thought they are opening for me next week).
Chill out people. Throw your own festival if you want it your way. That's what I'm gonna do.
BRING on THE potshots!!!!!
to one of the various anonymous dudes,
I'm sure I will (spouting the resume shit) for this one, but Mazinga has been fetured and covered in everything from Magnet to Rolling Stone to Spin to New York Times. If you type my name into google you get agazillion hits. Does it matter. NO. Does it make us national. NO. In this day and age it seems like a lot of folks think your band may be insignificant unless pitchfork says you are cool. Very small minded. When we played in bost the guys in Sunburned han of the man hooked us up with the gig because they bought the first Mazinga on vinyl almost 9 years ago. Does that make me national. NO. Get off your high horses and quit thinking just because the band is from here they are somehow less vital.
As far as Lance and the money goes.....Out of the 5 Melodica Festivals I threw I broke even once. I lost my ass every other time. I got the same shit because I nsisted all of the bands from here play for free. The only band from here that that got paid at any opf the Melodicas was Tripping daisy and Polyphonic Spree. As far the nationals that played......Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Lotuis crown(Jimmy Shields from Rollerskate Skinny), Brad lanner from Medicine, Sugar Plant Silver Apples, E.A.R and a long list of others. These things are exzpensive. For the amount of hassle he has to deal with to pull this off he should get paid handsomely. I still think the ticket price is too high and will turn away a lot of people. I am looking forward to finally seeing fra Pandolf(even thought they are opening for me next week).
Chill out people. Throw your own festival if you want it your way. That's what I'm gonna do.
BRING on THE potshots!!!!!
to one of the various anonymous dudes,
I'm sure I will (spouting the resume shit) for this one, but Mazinga has been fetured and covered in everything from Magnet to Rolling Stone to Spin to New York Times. If you type my name into google you get agazillion hits. Does it matter. NO. Does it make us national. NO. In this day and age it seems like a lot of folks think your band may be insignificant unless pitchfork says you are cool. Very small minded. When we played in bost the guys in Sunburned han of the man hooked us up with the gig because they bought the first Mazinga on vinyl almost 9 years ago. Does that make me national. NO. Get off your high horses and quit thinking just because the band is from here they are somehow less vital.
As far as Lance and the money goes.....Out of the 5 Melodica Festivals I threw I broke even once. I lost my ass every other time. I got the same shit because I nsisted all of the bands from here play for free. The only band from here that that got paid at any opf the Melodicas was Tripping daisy and Polyphonic Spree. As far the nationals that played......Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Lotuis crown(Jimmy Shields from Rollerskate Skinny), Brad lanner from Medicine, Sugar Plant Silver Apples, E.A.R and a long list of others. These things are exzpensive. For the amount of hassle he has to deal with to pull this off he should get paid handsomely. I still think the ticket price is too high and will turn away a lot of people. I am looking forward to finally seeing fra Pandolf(even thought they are opening for me next week).
Chill out people. Throw your own festival if you want it your way. That's what I'm gonna do.
BRING on THE potshots!!!!!
next person to post is a rotten egg
this format is much more fun and much more honest than a forum with posters who have personas.
not any of the above anonymous ones.
see? now it smells in here. good going rotten egg.
"Anonymous said...
this format is much more fun and much more honest than a forum with posters who have personas.
not any of the above anonymous ones. "
You are all seeing what I'm seeing, right?
My mom told me that I'm cool.
next person to post is a pretty emo flower.
THIS WAS SAID: "guys who are stuck in a era that doesn't exist anymore" in DEFENSE of Spune.
... i respond: that's just silly... just because the bands spune regularly supports don't play cock-rock doesn't mean that they aren't "stuck in an era that doesn't exist anymore".... old name but: Black tie Dynasty???? sounds like a shitty 80s cover band to me. red monroe? late 90s radiohead
... the list goes on and on.
i LIKE the idea of a huge festival of "underground" rock bands... but i think that the Wall Of Sound deal is full of some of the SAFEST bands around... there is little regard for showcasing creativity.... it's more "dude, these guys are like the killers only less... mormon". "wow, that guy must really love early radiohead because if ryan cabrerra fronted radiohead in the mid 90s, this would BE how they sound"
....it's the same thing that happens on the mtv. some band picks up on something thats been happening "underground" for years, turns it into something more palatable and BOOOOOOM they're famous.
what happened to breaking the rules? what happened to risk-taking?
the undoing of david wright is unlistenable? FUCK YEAH! that's because you aren't accustomed to the sounds they are making... they are taking RISKS.... your ears are NOT.
and i STILL refuse to listen to how great someone is for Dallas music if he insists on booking the same 5 local bands on EVERY major event he takes on (North texas back to school: red monroe, hourly radio, black tie dynasty, black angels.... this years w.o.s: same ones (hourly radio may not have made it).... last years W.O.S.... SAME SHIT.
....get it?
there is no risk involved.
what he did in the beginning was great... there was risk, he was trying to do something positive.
now he's stuck between helping people notice the areas music and getting people to keep his production agency afloat by making bars money.
take another risk.
dallas needs it
I didn't make it through all your posts...but...uh...I wasn't intending to get all scientific.
In this isolated example: Wall of Sound; bands like Low, The New Year, etc., etc. attract attention from Pitchforkmedia.com - Pitchfork has some great words about this festival - Pitchfork links to the Wall of Sound website - people see lots of other bands - people may or may not check them out - but exposure is exposure.
Props to Mazinga for being in all those publications! That is just not a bad thing for DFW/Denton! That' all I'm trying to say.
P.S. I probably agree with everything you have and will say on this blog - so let's just not argue.
dude imagine driving to another county and playing a festival and not gettin paid. at that point are YOU the lowest "national" band? national vs local means nothing. good = good
bad = bad
BTD = bad
this is going nowhere. how do you guys do all this fantastic stuff if you're on here all day posting about all the great shit you do? anyway- all you guys are doing is giving this wall of sound thing a bigger buzz. drop it or have fleas sprout in your ripe beard.
Hello my wayward sons and daughters this is Denton- actually my real name is much older than Denton, but since all of you modern humans know me as such that is how I will refer to myself. I have been a muse to some of you, I have treated many of you well (that is as well as you want to to treat yourself)therefore I am asking all of you to enlighten me- help me understand- why do you fight amongst your own kind? It is very much like the groups I observe playing football. The only difference is instead of balls you have instruments. I am not judging you i am merely observing. Help me understand the bitterness that has beset itself upon you my children.
You're right. I've actually spent my entire afternoon at work hitting refresh waiting to respond to posts. It's silly really. SO...I'm done now.
Oh...to the other anonymous guy:
Yes, BTD sucks. Red Monroe and The Black Angels are bad ass bands. Not risky like the Undoing - but that's their taste. And I have a feeling all 3 bands have the due respect for each other's tastes. Spune is doing a great job.
Ok...have a good weekend everybody. Lars, keep it real...sorry about earlier.
I saw Robert Johnson being chased by hellhounds from Dallas pass thorugh Denton on his way to St.Louis- this has been forgotten
I watched Roy Orbison attend the Denton Opera House which is now Recycled Books (nice building horrible people) he has been forgotten
I saw the flower children of the metroplex converge upon the UNT campus to have mighty protests, mock funerals and free expression they are forgotten
i saw post punk red necks play cars covers at the denton convention center they are forgotten
i saw billy goat and the new bohemians play at the old library they are forgotten
i saw the most active and creative decade of my underground history - the 90's explode and then implode- it is almost forgotten
i am currently watching this new generations apathy transform into chic haircuts and digital gadget enthusiasm accomplish nothing but submission to corporate life- with a few exceptions such as (as he needs his ego stroked anymore) lars and co. the noise rock thing blasting my space and a few other isolated recluses stuck in their apt. they will be forgotten too
oh yeah and we're all gonna die! so figure out something better to do while you're here than play BLOG FIGHTS!
please, good God... Don't compare the Black Angels and Red Monroe with Black Tie, ok? Jesus CHrist...
agreed. Black Tie is in it's own ... um.. "special realm" of gayness
wait, is this the x-men forum?
thank god. I think this conversation is finally over!
man, I missed all the rest of this while I was out of town for work... damn. I'm impressed with all this... interesting read.
Oh, and I am cool with the anonymous nature of the originators of the blog, but total anonymity can bring about easy shit talking and just as easily bring out dis-honesty as well and no one can be held in account for their words. And that isn't directed at our WSJR writers. Just expanding my take on it or setting the record straight some so I wasn't misunderstood..
Plus it gets anonnying as hell to read all these anonymous posts and try to figure out who is replying to who (or whom?) and follow the conversation. At least do what Lars suggested and get yourself a fancy handle, people. It makes it easier to reply to comments. I would use mine, but I can't remember my password... stupid internet.
And that's all I have to say.
yes, I do agree that everyone getting screen names would make the comments a lot easier to read and reply to.
"i am currently watching this new generations apathy transform into chic haircuts and digital gadget enthusiasm accomplish nothing but submission to corporate life- with a few exceptions such as (as he needs his ego stroked anymore) lars and co. the noise rock thing blasting my space and a few other isolated recluses stuck in their apt. they will be forgotten too"
You'll remember how annoying it was when they blasted yr space all the time!
Dear Ed Pandolf,
I was merely suggesting the one thing that we can not escape and that is time. I promise you- only you will remember Fra Pandolf... you will be forgotten.
You are so right. Our musical offspring are jocks in hipster clothes. The majority of the music they are makig in this pathetic decade will be forgotten. There are a few here and there that are making something interesting. All in all it is sub-standard rehashed junk. No imagination only paint by numbers with this herd.
hahaha.... this was great
"black tie dynasty can bring the mtv real world gang"
...think they know Judd?
i bet they know Judd
Dear Plano,
If it wasn't for you, where would all the assholes in Denton, Austin, and New York come from? Have you not seen a wealthy neighborhood in New York? Have you not seen a poor one in Plano? Who are these hipster children you speak of? I've seen both. Walk down a block on the East Side in Plano in hipster clothing and see how the neighborhood treats ya...You might be surprised.
today i am sitting at home reading this, dRc, and jumping on myspace every once in awhile as my cold consolation prize for NOT being at WoS. we were excited to play the festival - yeah, getting from denton to the fort was a concern because of our brokeness, big gas guzzlin van - but to be able to play an all day fest with so many of our friends on board as well as all the bands we've heard of/not seen was well worth it. also, we've learned that lance is the type of guy who will go out of his way to help you out, whether you ask him or not. he saw a few times that we needed help w/ things, and not even knowing us he just asked us what he could do. he cares about music, local and otherwise, and i have to say that after healthy skepticism we've learned he's a reliable trustworhy guy that happens to be a really nice person.
anyway, thank you for the kind words, sebastion.
also, please tell me some of you folks cught current leaves.
p.s. as far as black tie dynasty goes, i don't know anyone besides blake and he is a great person.
p.s. sorry for double post but i had a name in and lost it the first time somehow
today i am sitting at home reading this, dRc, and jumping on myspace every once in awhile as my cold consolation prize for NOT being at WoS. we were excited to play the festival - yeah, getting from denton to the fort was a concern because of our brokeness, big gas guzzlin van - but to be able to play an all day fest with so many of our friends on board as well as all the bands we've heard of/not seen was well worth it. also, we've learned that lance is the type of guy who will go out of his way to help you out, whether you ask him or not. he saw a few times that we needed help w/ things, and not even knowing us he just asked us what he could do. he cares about music, local and otherwise, and i have to say that after healthy skepticism we've learned he's a reliable trustworhy guy that happens to be a really nice person.
anyway, thank you for the kind words, sebastion.
also, please tell me some of you folks cught current leaves.
p.s. as far as black tie dynasty goes, i don't know anyone besides blake and he is a great person.
we really don't care if they are likeable people. may i ask why you are not out supporting your fellow denton bands. I'm sure its a great reason.
did you read anything i said besides the likeable? i'm assuming you were talking about lance, but my comment about blake from black tie was directed in general at some of the people who name call on people becuause they dont like the music they make.
i snapped a bone in my hand in half - near compound fracture . i cant really do anything now or until it stops really hurting and the danger of needing it to be re-broken is past. all of the other denton bands know i'm at home. i've wished them luck and had a drink with some folks last night - everyone knows that cares. anyway, i'm a lucky gal with great friends - already received update call from shiny with everyone saying howdy. it's not so 'dog eat dog' here in l'il d.
sorry to hear that, atleast your not at work take care, anon
Hope your hand mends soon Sam, ouch! No need to explain why you aren't where someone deems you should be, cause like...its YOUR life! Fast healings sister.
Spune didn't give the bands free passes to both days at WOS, the bands will pay $10 to get in the second day. But please - someone do the math:
88 bands x 4 members each (at least)x $10 = $3500+
yeah, not sure I'd comp that either...
It makes sense, and Lance was right. A $3500 loss before the doors even open... Not Good.
I played today.
Played in front a big crowd.
Some dug it. Some didn't, Eh, whadayagonnado?
People bought me some beers.
Made friends.
Saw old friends.
Scored a xanax.
Made connections.
Gonna get at lease a little press, good or bad.
Sold a good chunk of records and t-shirts.
Made more than most clubs pay us on a good night.
Minuses: My pizza was cold and
prolly about 1 dollar overpriced.
But at least check-in was smooth. They lined all the bands up in cattle chutes and prodded and poked us in the right direction with electro-batons while mocking our haircuts and "fancy" shoes. They'd brand you with the load-in time, burning it backwards into your forehead because we is be too stupid to remember, and this way when all of the naive and oblivious musicians are bending over doing cocaine, you see your load-in time in the little mirror with the blow on it. See how that works there? Then they slit our throats with a copy of the Low contract. Lance had it plated in solid platinum. You know how he is with money... Just as they handed us our instrument, as we got on stage, we bled to death as we played our nothing little songs for the last time, to be forgotten forever. And now? Now I'm a tasty steak ready for you to enjoy and available at Kroger!!
Probably in the ham section, *ba-da-dump.*
Oh, and Lance made $9,999,999,999,999999. And see how that last comma is missing? He scammed the bands for so much money that now they done went and ran out of commas. Too bad you missed it, Anon The Terrible, The bands are fucked, and the people that might need commas in the future are fucked.
Had you gone, he just might have completed his evil plan of making $10,000,000,000,000000...
And after he bought every club and band, and burned them in the Spune Oven, the DdFW music scene would have finally been eradicated.
You missed a good day.
Damn, I really wish I knew I was gonna say that thing about the commas, because I woulda left them all out from the start. THAT woulda been funny. Maybe.
the "Spune Oven"...
Scott, I think you meant the BUZZ OVEN.
um, scott, you really shouldnt publicize your drug use ;)
i'm glad the day was good. i really wish and hope with all my little might that someone is documentng these two days.
I suppose we'll see.
Damn, walked right into that one...Yeah, yeah, we did buzz-oven. Played for some kids. It was fun. Some of them even knew a dance besides the Standstill.
If you don't like us because of it, well, okay, that's lame. If you don't like us because you hate us and our music, well, okay, people like/hate different things. Shit happens.
I never had any indie cred to begin with,
so Enjoy an Ice Cold Coca-Cola. (insert jingle here)
On to the meat of the matter, because I think it's worth talking about... Clearly the group that posts on here is pretty divided on the intentions and quality of Wall of Sound. just got back from day two, and it seemed pretty obviously underattended.
Is this because of the line-up, or because Denton/Dallas/Fort Worth just don't give a shit? Both? Or is it something else? I saw some good bands, I saw some pretty shitty bands... Anybody else go? Anybody hear anything from a friend?
Woah, Scott I was just kidding...Geez, in all honesty I think Record Hop is the best band from around here. I think you have a lot of "indie cred". You put out your own album. Not a lot of bands around here do that. They think the only thing that will validate them is to be on a label. And maybe that is what you eventually will do and I think you should. You're probably the most popular label-less band around. I think you're one of the only bands that did the buzz-oven thing with your integrity intact. I'm not trying to kiss your ass, I just don't want you to think a real verbal sling with harmful intent was thrown your way. Peace.
I didn't go because I spent the last of my money on an oven mit.
Nah, it was pretty funny. No worries, man!
Thanks for the kind words about our band.
"recently, new promotion agencies are starting to spring up around here. (not including calithump. she's done a pretty good job so far, but she still has a lot to learn)"
Cool, I got a compliment...I think. heh! Yeah, I do have a lot to learn & a lot of the local promoters, including Lance with Spune, have been supportive. There's a need to build up the music scene in the Dallas area & do it with respect for the bands. I'm trying...
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