Finalized Line Up: Strategies of Beauty Vol. 1
Here you have it, the line up for this summer's Denton noise rock music festival:
Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1 Noise Folk Festival Saturday, July 1st $5 Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios 411 E Sycamore Street, Denton, TX 76205
Ribelle Scaltro (Denton)
Eat Averys Bones (Dallas)
iDi*Amin (Denton/Hurst)
Chris Garver (Denton)
Cue (Austin)
You Are the Universe! (Denton)
Hotel, Hotel (Denton/Austin/Tucson)
Samantha L. Moss (of jetscreamer) & Emil Rapstine (of The Angelus)...this will be a spoken word/music performance... (Denton) Shiny Around the Edges (Denton)
Stumptone (Ft. Worth)
Fra Pandolf (Denton)
Notes from Underground (Denton)
More info when we get it.
sorry noise-fest... i gotta balance eggs on my nose and spin around on a baseball bat.
i used to know someone who worked at border's named chris garver o_O
i wonder if its the same guy X_X
yeah denton field day looks way awesome
Looks good to me
go to field day if you want music that is unchallenging, simple, and not forward thinking.
go to noise fest if you want challenging, academic, music of the future, smart, etc..
Let's see how utterly ridiculous this thread of comments gets to be..
i'll have to agree with the forward thinking. i think the noise fest is the younger, more arty crowd in denton. The field day event is for the old dinosaurs of denton. (a denton graveyard of sorts that they can bring their children to)
i heard a great new band from noise fest that leans guitars up on amps and lets them feed back while they do an egyptian dance long forgotten.
Hey there... as proponents of music in general, we are glad to see any music festival happening. Alpha, thank you for pointing out a possible splitting of the audience, as this brings up a point about Denton that is an age old situation.... there are many different "sounds" to Denton and on this day, well, the straight-ahead rock/folk sound will be cohabitating with the more eclectic, experimental sound (save for a few acts here and there). If'n you are of a 4th of July ilk on the proposed day, by all means enjoy the outdoors and some Rock and Americana. If'n you might want to celebrate Texas as a state that fosters some of the most intensely creative, forward thinking musicians, come on over to RGRS.
Both line-ups have great acts, with Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1 representing a more eclectic mix. Each act (sorry, we have taken waaaaay longer than we thought in selecting) is equally cool from the 4:00 slot until the ending note. From the opening chords of Ribelle Scaltro's private confessionals to the audio maelstrom of Notes from Underground's visceral sonic sculptures, Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1 is meant to be both a celebration of creativity in the area with nods to Melodica, Long Con, and even Wall of Sound, as well as a meeting place for those in the DFW area that are into more eclectic music, art, and literature, and who want to host shows, start bands, screen print t-shirts, and make new friends.
There will be no sack races or fireworks at Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1; well, we should say, we are not planning any, the guys from Notes... no one can control them, so with enough beer, who knows. However, in short, each festival offers something different. Above all we implore everyone to get out and see one of them... or both.
We are planning on announcing the full Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1 line-up tomorrow, and explaining the benefit aspect of the day as well.
Thank you for the continuing interest in this festival. We are looking forward to a fun day!
Michael and Jennifer
Shiny Around the Edges
Curators, Strategies of Beauty, Vol. 1
i take that back...dismissing either of them is sort of ridiculous :(
is zach carter the guy from saved from the bell
That's Zack Morris. He's so dreamy. I'm changing my name to Zack Morris. Then I'm going to take a chicken dance doll and blow it up. This will be a performance art piece called "Saved by the Hell."
jon are u going to play the noise fest or field day
As one of the sucky non-weshotjr approved bands playing the retarded field day that pimped for votes at the Dallas Observer Awards that plays music popular with teenagers, I say...
come on Scott, you're like one of the popular kids around these parts I think. And we haven't said one thing about Field Day yet.
now scott we never said you were popular with the teenagers...i think field day should consist of scott auctioning off his beard hair followed by his girlfriend.
If you know what movie "boolaboola" comes from, you know it's a fairly lighthearted comeback to this thread. I'd say that 50% of the bands playing Strategies of Beauty are my pals and I love a few of the acts, so I'll be there at some point.
Denton is only a year or so away from being Plano, so will either fest really matter?
Hey there...
Wow, again, we're not sure why there is so much drama, but thanks anon for reposting what we previously posted on the dRc.
The cool thing about Denton (and the greater DFW region) is there are enough bands for two fests on the same day with widely varying genres of music. The people putting on Field Day have been very nice to us and are aiming for a much larger spectrum of audience than what we are. We hope that their day is successful and wish nothing but the best for them. And, heck, for the record, if we're not mistaken, one of the individuals helping to throw the Field Day event is in a nifty experiemental duo, "Mom," that we unfortunately couldn't involve in this volume of Strategies due to time constraints.
Anyway, the Strategies of Beauty concept is just basically a group of us who liked playing shows with each other that decided to have one big show incorporating ourselves and some artists we really like that may not normally be involved in such an event. Like we've told many people, Jen and I moved here after many we know hosted the Long Cons and Melodicas and we wanted to help continue the thread of festivals that were more art-centric in hopes that that tradition didn't die off.
Cerebral, sure that can be said; academic... hmmm... perhaps, but not to the exclusion of anyone, nor in the sense of being in school as opposed to not. "Music of the Future"? Definitely not. Strategies of Beauty is about the music of today, every bit as much as the acts at Field Day. Music is meant to be enjoyed, please don’t over analyze it and miss out on the simple act of appreciating it.
Okay, all of this being said, we really must get back to work on our Egyptian dance moves…as that action just doesn’t happen, it entails hours of practice and study. HA! (Wait, that was aimed at us, right? If not, we are eager to see such moves in July)
Here’s to going out and enjoying music on July 1st, whatever genre it may be.
Mike and Jen
P.S. We heart Scott!!!
You can't handle/afford my girlfriend.
The beard is free to a good home.
I know for a FACT that Record Hop is popular with teenagers. I know this kid named Steve, and he has a friend named Roger, and they both fucking LOVE us. NEITHER is older than 17. We're also big with shut-ins.
actually the cerebral comment was aimed at you!
scott my dog has cancer and needs hair and mate. He is hung, well like a dog.
remember wake-up?
field day will be lame.
how do mike and jen both type on the same keyboard. What a good little wife.
Cerebral, sure that can be said; academic... hmmm... perhaps, but "not to the exclusion of anyone, nor in the sense of being in school as opposed to not. "Music of the Future"? Definitely not. Strategies of Beauty is about the music of today, every bit as much as the acts at Field Day. Music is meant to be enjoyed, please don’t over analyze it and miss out on the simple act of appreciating it."
i was going to noise fest until i read this shit
if anyone calls us acedemic, I want to know what peer-reviewed journal they got that from.
well in any event, it seems that the organizers don't really want to fight about it, and there is probably no reason that you can't go back and forth to both, and see all the bands you want to see. Strategies probably features more acts that we like than Field, but Field will be outside, and if it is nice then it will probably be a lot of fun. If I'm not mistaken, both benefit charity in some way, so be good citizens.
we'll go to both I'm sure.
i think field is going to the guitar center charity so they can build one on fry street so denton children can finally get a job.
Who's playing Field Day?
I'm going to the one that has more people with the one strap messenger bags and white belts.
Which one?
that is the whole town of denton.
the whole town of denton!?
I don't know anyone that wears a white belt!
jesus, you have no idea.
oh, and neither of these are really that "hipster friendly" anyway, those kids dont actually organize things.
i wonder if the new fry street fair developers will put in a store called
one-strap bags and white belts-r-us?
i hope fry street becomes a large water park that holds shows during the weekends. Record hop could play to all their teenage fans.
Man, you say say one silly thing...
Meh, I'd take the gig. We'll have a residencey at the Snack Bar.
hey, it may be worth it for free corona and skittles.
whoa, whoa! hope you know that 'miss alpha m. jetset trash and someday a superstar' didnt say anything on this site to get my name mentioned! ;) (am i already a superstar? no, but getting there, at least if Mr. 'I am Golden God' Seman can find me a bunnysuit).
seriously, or as serious as i can get on any thread where there is bashing of FUCKING MUSIC to be heard aloud and much happines and partying going on -
young, hip, and arty - that's both festivals. everyone wants to be at both. at least most of the dentonites. don't you connivers try to turn us against each other. we're not ready to become bloodthirsty bandits. we WILL HAVE FUN AND NO ONE, LEAST OF ALL THE BASHERS, WILL STOP US.
much love,
x alpha m.
I liked Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, Fugazi, Nirvana, NOFX, old chili peppers and shit like that ever since i can remember music actually meaning anything to me and giving me the goose bumps. Do any of you thread bashers get goose bumps while listening to music? Do you love or appreciate any thing that much? I was a teenager and even a preteen while enjoying these bands. Does that devalue them because i liked them as a teenager? FUCK NO!
Go to either event you want, which ever gives you more appreciation
you liked NOFX?
thats gay
Mmm.. pre-cum.
|we write the songs that make the whole world sing|
and don't forget that since bob white was not invited to play at either of these fine events, we will be playing live in our house for 12 hours straight with no stops. fo reels.
This whole thread is getting gay.
Did it ever occur to the offended Dentonites that a lot of the "bashers" are probably from Denton? Slow down on picking on the kid because he's from Plano. Where would Denton be if it weren't for the fresh suburbanites moving in year after year?
ha, im sorry cory :(
i was really in the mood for like, how you say, eggin somebodies chain!
and nofx was the easiest target :(
allen does have that really cool park, celebration park.
i dont know im actually from mckinney, i like it alot :)
Well Im actually from Fairview and it used to be cool but i havent lived there since 2000.
batter up
cory's from allen.
and he thinks plano sucks.
cory's from allen.
but he thinks plano sucks.
allen at one time, was the pop-punk capital of the world. no wonder he dropped nofx. cory were you in the New Market Mallers or the Vapids, dude? How about Fat Chance?
cory, you saying you're from allen, proves my point about the surrounding suburbs and denton better than I could with a whole book of analogies. thank you.
Oh, Fairview even better. Lucas is waaay more core. Fairview is not core. Neither is Parker.
I heard somewhere that michael shiney shattered the bone in his leg from direct intense ambient noise.
Oh wait Im from Allen. No Im not. Know anything about The Sewergoons. They would've shat on your face. Bring on your book of analogies.
Come on Mr analogies. It seemed as if he as bashing the plano kid cause he asked for it. Mr. anonymous.
does this make me look fat?
My point was who the fuck cares if some teenagers like Record Hop they're aloud to like good music too.....and if you can't get it then go FUCK YOURSELF. I LOVE YOU. Go to the Feild Day then to Stratigies and then Allen to pick up some buddies from Plano in hopes to make it to The New Market Mallers/Vapids show to meet up with some core Fairview/Parker boys that could have been in Glam or Oriental Half Price or Florence Lumas or the Beef Ate Teens or Synergy Park(sucked) or Reklusive or The Gimps or Cobra or even Fat Chance.
i can't believe i just read this entire thread..
i'm going to shoot myself now.
goodbye world.
denton gets so excited..
whenever there's any debate over
anything they alllll come out
Oriental Half Price! That's who I really wanted to drop but I couldn't remember the name. All the Allen heroin in my blood has watered down my memory. Was it Cory or Aaron Spears in that band?
Neither, i was to stoned and doped up on heroin to be in any bands. A mormon boy named Ben Shepard. What do you do? How do you know so much about old high school bands? Did you wish you were involved in something or what? At least we've cleaned up our act huh. I could be dead, but who cares. Mr. Spears and i got out of Allen CAUSE IT SUCKS. And the heroin was called chevah, and boy was it good. That's all I have to say.
There's too many Corys on here. My online identity is threatened! Fuck it, I'm going anonymous.
-Coryhop (not from Allen but from Houston, TX. Was raised by gangsters. Got into music to get out of the gang life.)
I know what the heroin was called. you're lucky not to be dead. I went to many a'funeral. I went to many a bad house show. I saw so much bad shit at the skate park. I was involved in things. I definitely didn't want to be a part of the allen scene. I see allen's ska/pop-punk past has grown up into noise rock and such. which I think is an improvement. we should all be forgiven for past musical sins. but you shouldn't be giving other people a hard time when you come from a similar place. you weren't born in fucking denton. most people aren't. I've watched this whole suburban scene from rack'em billiards to high school battle of the bands and beyond. I know the roots of a lot of coolies around here and they aren't pretty. everyone should be a little nicer, I think. I don't understand how a bunch of bands from denton playing in two festivals on the same day starts a fight. are you guys in rival gangs? what's everybody's problem?
I'd like to give shout outs to richardson, garland, decatur, wylie, sachse, north richland hills, trophy club, farmersville, greenville, commerce, mesquite, burleson, duncanville, nevada, copeville, weston, mckinney, argyle, frisco, plano, and allen.
If it weren't for these shitty places there would be no good bands. peace.
so who is playing field day?
confirmed bands: Bridges and Blinking Lights, Ben Cartright, George Neal, The Chemistry Set, Ghost Car, Record Hop, Pinebox Serenade, Sarah Reddington, and special guests!!
"When was the last time you had a field day? Was it 3rd, 5th, maybe 8th grade? Well now it's July 1st. -The Denton Field Day will be open to all ages and include a multitude of events ranging from your standard three legged race to various "barbarian" events and tug-o-war. Events begin at 10 am and continue throughout the day until everyone falls over or the sun goes down. "
yikes. barbarian activities are not appealing to me at all. i wonder how this will turn out?
and ghostcar rules
the thing you people have to understand is that the people directly involved in organizing both of these festivals actually like eachother alot. this isn't a competition, just variety, you have two options on July 1st, both are pretty good, we try not to dissapoint
you people need to get your heads out of your assholes.
no competetion? the fests are on the same day, so people still have to make a choice. they both have their advantages, but THEY ARE COMPETING FOR PEOPLE AND MONEY. denton is too defensive of their scene. geez.
Man I am directly involved in one of the fests, and I know we aren't competing for anything, If we can get you to come out, great, if not, also great! pay attention, both fests are raising money for charity! that means we don't get payed asshole!
and, its already been pointed out, but these are two completely different things that will bring in two completely different audiences.
person after person says they don't know which event to go to. too much is made of the differences between the audiences. they're not that different to me.
i agree--its the same go to both, but dont really want to commit to TWO fests on the same day. so, ill have to choose one. if they were on difft days, id prolly go to both.
yr kinda insulting yr audience by saying it is two difft crowds--im eclectic enough to like more than one kind of music, thank you.
what's a cerebral?
All things aside Im really excied about both. many bands i want to see.
i dont think the crowd that likes geopge neal is all that different from the crowd that likes emil and shiny.
Which one is Drowning Pool going to play at?
id like to know why rubber gloves chose to book a fest on the exact same day as field day? thats no accident.
Mayfest or Terrastock???
Denton is a breeding ground for the inferiority complex.
The town has it.
The musicians have it.
UNT has it.
Denton's second rate attitude will be swallowed up by Plano because everyone there is feeling way to inferior to fight it.
So which fest is going to have bands that don't suck?
Or are all of the Denton bands still too afraid to leave Denton?
"Denton's second rate attitude will be swallowed up by Plano because everyone there is feeling way to inferior to fight it."
or because they are in too much denial to make sense of the situation.
who are the cool bands in denton now?
actually, I wasn't making any reference to ecclecticism of acts, just the atmosphere of the two fests are completely different, it depends on what you are wanting to do on a saturday.
you could just go to field day from noon to 4 and finish off your day at sb. I mean, ours starts in the evening anyway.
that is the silliest thing I have ever heard.
inferior to what?
oh, and about bands leaving denton, it seems to me that denton bands are usually the ones that play all over the metroplex. I may be wrong, but I keep seeing denton bands in fort worth and dallas.
Wow, JackOff anon ... I bet yr making some real positive contributions to society ....
I live here retard I'm not going anywhere cause school is over. Im too old to go fuckin back to my parents house, and they don't wont me too. SO SAD. So go live it up for free with your parents A-non.
i think he meant after you graduate from UNT or TWU there is no reason to live in denton. not just between semesters. but i dont know.
i dont know what i think of that, though. living in denton in my 30s has felt way different than living in denton in my 20s. but i can't possibly say its THAT bad! denton is a pretty cool little town. i dont think i will live here forever, though.
oh, and i bet there are lots of people at both festivals! especially if "field day" promotes outside of the DRC crew. i think alot of families will want to go.
there is ALWAYS controversy when there are two fests on the same day. its a small town, so i understand people freaking out a little. people in denton take alot of pride in their rock community.
well put skulkie,and im not being sarcastic. My pride is settling back into my stomach.
This thread rules!
If the music is good, none of this matters, but what's the likelyhood of whiny musicians doing something worthwhile.
Denton is irrelavant.
ok, I agree with ed, but I would still like to point out the fact that one could reasonably decide to go to both festivals if one should wish to do so.
How did I miss out on the ET game growing up?
that ET game was only slightly worse than the Raiders of the Lost Ark game.
whatever... altered beast ruled... untill you got really really sick of playing it.
wasnt that like the same game as golden axe?
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