The Weekender 7/14-15

Lots of action on this blog today, and lots of shows tonight. And remember how we told you about good local and national interviews and CD review and new MP3s and stuff coming soon? Well, they are. You'll just have to wait. But if you've read this blog long enough, you know that almost nothing is done as soon as we think its gonna be, so I'm sure you're not shocked. I know its seemed a bit like a concert event calendar around here lately, but we've been busy with life.
1. Undoing of David Wright/ Zom Zoms/ Mystechs/ The Build (8th Continent- 731 Texas St. Denton $5): I don't know how many more ways there are to tell you to go see an Undoing show at the 8th if you want to see the absolute BEST local show in town, so I'll just say it. Undoing hasn't played a show in a while, and this would really be a good one to check out if you haven't seen them yet because its at a great venue, with great bands, and comes before they begin recording their next album, meaning that they might not be playing out much in the next month or two. But thats just speculation on my part. Austin's Zom Zoms are fantastic too, tehy remind me of Gary Numan, Devo and like a super hyper electro Pere Ubu... so deal with that. They are nothing short of completely kick ass live too. And they look like real jerks on their myspace page, which is a bonus. Mystechs sound like they are influenced equally by late 80's pop rap, Mahjongg, and Ween (which they note on their Myspace page). However I could only listen to one song, so I don't know for sure about their other stuff. I can't say that the Build's insturmental shoegaze excites me all that much, but its pretty solid and will sound good really loud.
2. Theater Fire/ Warren Jackson Hearne/ Electric Mountain Rotten Apple Gang/ W- Burn (the Cavern downstairs): This show downstairs, Chris from GVSB spinning stuff upstairs. Should be a good Friday night at the Cavern. I really dig the Theater Fire, but you all already know that, so I don't feel I need to say any more, except that I can't stop listening to that "These Tears Could Rust a Train" song. Shit its good. Warren Jackson Hearne is pretty bad ass... reminds me a bit of Tom Waits and Beefheart and Man Man and all that, but they've also got a bit of that cool, creepy Squirrel Nut Zippers feel to them (SNZ before they turned into Zoot Suit Riots were the shit, and I'll kill anyone that says otherwise). Basically, its old timey rustic stomping bluegrass influenced Americana, and its good. Features Paul Slavens and like ten other people. Electric Mountain whatever... whats the difference between counter culture folk and jam band doucheness? I'm not sure, but EMRAG will make you ask yourself this question, and then ask yourself why you care what the answer is. If you like bluegrass however, they are good I guess. Couldn't find anything about Burn or whatever.
3. Camera Obscura/ Georgie Jones (Tea Room): ATTN: If you like twee influenced indie pop, or K Records cute, or the Vaselines, Pastels, Raincoats, etc., or bands from Scotland not named after dukes, then you should love Camera Obscura. Its very pretty orchestral pop, and I doubt they come through Texas too often. Their new album is wonderful, and I think the show will be good. And I couldn't find anything about Georgie either... I guess its not my lucky day. Or maybe it is...
4. Metrognome has Paleo and These United States for $5 bucks at one of my two favorite venues in town. I guess Popfest convinced a lot of other people that this was a cool place to see a show. And I've heard great things about the performance last night, so go to the worth and see whats up. Links are on Thursday's it list below.
5. Jetscreamer/ Record Hop/ Hogpig/ The Nizzardz (Rubber Gloves): A benefit for the Denton Humane Society... loud noisy rock for the benefit of puppies and kittens. What could be better? And every time I hear the Record Hop "treefrog," I am more and more convinced that I need to see another one of their shows. And is Hogpig supposed to rock out or make me laugh? Because they do both.
Blue Cheer (here) / Black Angels/ Dj Wild in the Streets (Hailey's): THIS SHOW IS TONIGHT, NOT SATURDAY. SORRY BOUT THAT.
Wanz is going to be spinning some experimental, electronic and industrial stuff at Club One tonight... stuff from Bpitch, Areal, etc., which should be a good time.
and check out this guy's page... he does most of the art for You Are the Universe, and he's got some really good shit on his website.
I'm running out of time today.... sorry. More to come this weekend if we find out about anything new.
1. Prayer for Animals/ Teenage Symphony/ Haunting Oboe Music/ Eat Avery's Bones (Dark Side Lounge): This show wins best flyer award (above)... who make Miro concert posters? Solid show.
Thats it... bye.
Black Angels is tonight (Friday), not Saturday.
can we talk about how creepy a guy that refers to himself as a redcat really is?
oh crap, I'll fix that.
Oh, and POLIO EQUAL FEET will also be performing Saturday @ Dark Side w/ P.F.A, E.A.B, H.O.M., and T.S..
i just choked on my vomit and died.
me either...
everyone should check out the conduit gallery tonight.
I'm lost.
Street party at the Conduit for Michelle Martin-Coyne's exhibit of photographs of Flaming Lips concerts. (Her husband is Wayne Coyne.)
8 p.m. - 11 p.m.
1626 Hi Line Drive
DeeJay CeePee, games, ice cream, costumed peeps and more...or so says the press release.
wayne coyne's wife took a bunch of flaming lips photos over the past 15 years. opening is tonight. wayne is apparently bringing his giant bubble, there will be free ice cream and dj ceepee is spinning.
OOOH. *shakes fist* NERVERRRRRR!
Justin, you get total points for including the bit about the giant bubble.
Confirmed by the gallery seconds ago: 1. It is free.
2. The band is NOT playing.
nerver is a supersleuth.
for that camera obscura opener.
male/female duo out of d.c. blonde kids that look like brother/sister, though they have 3 other musicians with them on tour.
fender rhodes-based 70's-ish pop songs. some of it reminds me of a jangly tahiti 80. if that makes any sense. we get 'em here on monday. and no, camera obscura haven't been to texas yet. atlanta was as far west as they went last tour.
justin rocks for using "supersleuth," my new favorite word.
Speaking of links...The Camera Obscura one is for a 17 year-old Asian chick who lives in Denmark. Looks like she's applying to colleges this summer. I wish her luck.
In the meantime, the official link is
Happens to the best of us...I used to purposely mis-link some 18 year-old girl in Alabama's MySpace to a band in town I hated called Sunday Afternoon just to piss them off. She took their URL before they could. They used to do a Dave Matthews show. I'm sure you can understand.
shit, here's an even better one...
nice songs from the new release on there.
sam m. told me the band won't be at Conduit, but that Wayne will perform. and i know you anonymous commenters, sam is your leader.
sammy boy and bob w. would hardly qualify as any anon's leader, frankly...
justin and nerver = we'll keep the light on for ya...
relatively cool happening at conduit.
fixed is a pretty cool tune, certainly not the best???
and last, but not even remotely least, hey bub!!! FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! Street Level Sound! Where have you been man?
conduit = fun
theater fire = amazing as usual
last night was a good night, and i didn't have to go to denton.
did a lot of people come out to the 8th?
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Hey! Tonight @ Secret Headquarters in lil' D is Chris Flemmons (Baptist Generals) and Shearwater (from Austin). 8pm. $3. Free beer while it lasts, too.
but how was Blue Cheer, that was the question
I was great last night! I'm so amazing, a real musical genius!
I saw Wayne climb in the deflated bubble and close himself in. Ruined everything. He DID walk around in it and stop traffic for awhile, but the illusion is shattered.
It was funny/sad to see mushrooms guy fall off the white platform whilst dancing also.
yeah. that guy is quinn. someone get that kid some help.
that quinn dude literally tried to lick that fire-eating lady's flaming torch, and wayne's wife had to tell him to stop. photo at gorilla vs. bear!
it's been a slow week.
Saw [daryl] at the Double Wide last night. Review is on my site.
Too bad you were not in Denton at Secret Headquarters. Chris Flemmons and Shearwater and Free Beer. A great night.
The flyer was done by
Shelby- Lee Boszor... if you notice in small print is says "S.L. Boszor."
Email for Request or Comments
Blue Cheer anyone? Coming to Tucson Wednesday, playing across the street from Ray Davies. They're telling us BC won't go on until Davies is over, but still...just wanted some heads-up on what to expect.
woo. poop! that flyer is cool.
Go figure. Of course no one in Dallas gives a shit about Blue Cheer. Black Angels play and they standout more? Pretty sad. Brian Jonestown Massacre ripoffband number 43 plays about fifty bazillion times around this state, and the band that predates Black Sabbath and is super important to American music is back playing and no one cares? Says a lot about the state of affairs. For shame, people.
to be fair, i heard blue cheer wasn't that great. and what can you expect exactly? they PREDATE black sabbath (and don't pretend like anyone on this site goes to ozzfest) which makes them OLDER.... and apparently they play their same style w/ some super sweet metal licks stuck in-between.
you can have respect for the past w/o getting that confused w/ thinking some codger still kicks ass because of what the band USED to be. dad can't drink like he did back then, what makes you think these guys can still rock as hard?
You can respect blue cheer for what they were, but just because they are touring again doesn't mean everyone has to "realize" how much ass they kick... sorry, some bands (as much as i'd love them to kick as much ass as they used to) just need to hang it up. NO i don't want to see 70 year olds sit on stools w/ bentsen and hedges 100s hanging from their crusty lips. it's not a visual i prefer to have about great music of the past... i'd rather leave it where it was if it isn't still viable.
some bands can get old and kick ass. most can't.
some bands i'd see regardless of their age (stooges), some i simply refuse to bother w/.
That was one of the most redundant, incoherent, ignorant reponses in this blog's history.
"to be fair, i heard blue cheer wasn't that great. "
I'm afraid you just made your response invalid by not actually going to the show and having your own opinion about it. HEARSAY-I say!
I wasn't there either so I have nothing to add except this:
The media has brainwashed everyone into accepting only the "cool" youth image and those old codgers are OLD- ew, who wants to see OLD people? I think this is a dumb aproach to music, a very narrow minded approach to music and frankly I think we could all do without it. Whether they're 17 years olds with potential or 75 year olds who used to kick ass but we're not sure if they still do because we didn't go to their shows. Formulate your own opinion and kill the hearsay.
"to be fair"
you weren't being very fair by not attending the show and talking about the band negatively.
Well, there's one person who saw Blue Cheer...How about Camera Obscura? Were they able to pull off the studio sound live? And the opener, worth getting there early? Playing in a small club here tonight.
it's true that i'm using hearsay... but to be even more fair.. was anyone really talking about whether or not the black angels played well before whoever decided to get pissed that no one was talking about blue cheer?
i went to the undoing show. it was only $5 and i could bring my own alcohol.
i would never want to spend $15 just on a HUNCH that some band that hasn't passed their prime and will put on a good show.
anyone here ever spent $30 or more to see bob dylan recently? i did, cause i thought it would be worth being able to do... it wasn't. it was horrible.
bob dylan's testicles are the only thing "like a rolling stone" about him.
Bob Dylan is Bob Dylan and you're an anonymous blogger in the D/D/DFW metroplex. Lemme know when your documentary comes out.
May your life forever be filled with "friend approved" shows and always following hearsay. It's a safe way to live.
fucking yeah he has saggy nuts! i still love tambourine man, though. snooooooganzsdfrg!!
Wait, I did see your documentary! No, no that was just a blank VHS tape. Same dif.
ummmz vhs is 4 lozrs
then why is your documentary on vhs? mmhmm.
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