Weekender 9/15/05-/9/16/06
Lots going on tonight, so here we go:
1. Tv on the Radio/White Bitch (Gypsy Tea Room Ball Room): Tv on the Radio's new record is good. Very good. Don't listen to what other people tell you. Don't act like you think it sucks just because you want to be the anti Pitchfork guy. I have yet to see them live, but judging by the fact that they killed on Letterman this week, I'm guessing that they have the potential to be very good live. I might just go find out. Along with the Liars record, Tv on the Radio's new one is probably the strangest album to get significant mainstream attention in quite a while, and theres a reason: its experimental, accessible, and generally amazing throughout.
2. The Party with Dj Nature and Select (Zubar- FREE): Dude bro, why do you always talk about Nature? Well bro, the reason I do is that we've been getting a lot of new readers lately (august was our biggest month of the year) and I want all the new people to see what the underground buzz is about, because it is surely warranted. I want them to see why you can go to a Central Booking event and not be able to tell if you are in Dallas, New York, LA, Miami or anywhere else in the world because the crowd is so random and the party is so big and the music is so solid that you couldn't possibly be on Greenville, could you? These guys are ahead of the curve not only in Dallas but pretty much everywhere else. What does that mean? Go find out. I've already had people send me thank you emails for telling them about Nature, and I'm expecting more of them.
3. Enon/ Octopus Project/ Single Frame (Hailey's Denton) This is really going to be a great fucking show. All three bands kill it live (seriously), and Enon is a band that I can't seem to get enough of. They've been getting regular play in my car and at my house for years, and they just seem to get better with time.
4. Phoenix/ La Rocca (Gypsy Tea Room Tea Room): Another great party could very well get going at Gypsy tonight. Phoenix might at times sound like the French Backstreet Boys, but somehow that ends up being a good thing once you've listened to one of their records a couple of times. I can't explain it other than to say that they must just be great songwriters, and sometimes that fact alone simply cuts through the bullshit and forces you to enjoy yourself. Phoenix does that to me all the time.
5. The Long Winters/ Chris Garver/ RTB2 (Rubber Gloves):
6. Warren Jackson Hearne and the Gloomadeers (Darkside Lounge)
1. iDi* Amin/ You Are the Universe (Secret Headquarters Denton): This is going to be three bucks, and will start at 7 or 8pm, I'm not sure which. But you can go to the myspace page to check for sure, or you can just show up early and drink their beer. If you're not sure about the "noise" bands, go see this. Its cheap, its early enough to see another show after, and I think you will enjoy it as long as you go in with an open mind. These bands are both a real pleasure to see live.
2. The Appleseed Cast/ Red Monroe/ The Pebble that Saved the World (Rubber Gloves)
3. Cat Power (Gypsy Tea Room Ballroom): Not the biggest fan in the world, but I respect what Chan Marshall does, and she ain't bad to look at either... heyyo! But seriously folks, ha ha, Cat Power isn't something I listen to often, but on those rare occasions when I'm in the mood for her music, I always really enjoy it. Take that how you will.
4. Flaming Lips/ Matisyahu/ Street Drum Corps (Nokia Theater $42): 42 bucks to see the Flaming Lips in a place that reminds me of a model home in Plano? Um, I like Flaming Lips and everything, and Soft Bulletin is one of the ten best records of the past ten years and stuff, but no thanks. I'll watch the video. I've seen them live twice and thats enough. And come on, their new album is complete shit. And as much as I want to hate Matisyahu and dismiss the whole thing as annoying gimmick, I just can't do it. I actually like some of the stuff I've heard from him. Shhh... don't tell anyone.
What a weekend for music. Go enjoy it.
Cat Power should just play outside in the woods for free so when she gets scared and runs away you don't feel cheated for the milionth time.
massive attack on Sunday!
Is that Cat Power or Mara Lee Miller or (insert name of fragile and befringed indie chick here)
Chrissie Hynde!
andrea after a big brown fix
Love getting leftovers from ACL!
cat power actually made a dvd of her playing in the woods- it was the worst thing i've ever seen. and i kinda like cat power. but that was totally boring as shit.
yay octopus project!
I would let Chan Marshall crap on my face.
I always want to hate what pitchfork loves, but sometimes they seem to get it right.
The new TV On The Radio album is probably my favorite album of this year. I saw them perfrom in the Spring with (don't laugh or judge, but I know you will with full prejudice) Bauhuas and NIN, and I'd have to say TV On The Radio almost upstaged them (actually, they did upstage Bauhaus, YIKES). They put a LOT of energy in their shows and the songs sound even better live, so I made myself promise I'd see them in a smaller setting when they came back.
If wasn't going to the TV On The Radio show, I'd definitely be at the Enon/Octopus Project show. That's some good times right there.
i can't get into enon ... i mean, some of the shit is pretty cool... but then i think about the fact that some of these guys used to be in brainiac and i miss the insanity
TV on The Radio = Indie Rock Peter Gabriel.
I trust a lot folks on here though. So I may give the new record another spin to see If I was just being stubborn on first listen.
please don't knock peter gabriel.
i can't get into rickey martin ... i mean, some of the shit is pretty cool... but then i think about the fact that he used to be in menudo and i miss the pants
violent squid & switchblade razors @ J&Js sat.
ok this is the second message, before i told you to meet me at 10 am but that was a lie. it is really at 11 am. in front of my house. do wear you special shoes. i was serious over that. however also bring the note that i told you to keep. that is all. more in tomorrow's comment section...
"ok this is the second message, before i told you to meet me at 10 am but that was a lie. it is really at 11 am. in front of my house. do wear you special shoes. i was serious over that. however also bring the note that i told you to keep. that is all. more in tomorrow's comment section... "
...bringing back the cryptic anonymous messages are we?
oh gawd.
"TV on The Radio = Indie Rock Peter Gabriel."
...you may be completely right here, it doesn't mean i don't enjoy listening to a lot of their stuff, but that makes sense.
...and why would you miss ricky's pants, i think he still wears the same thing. he just got older and a little less adorable.... sigh.
Man Factory, Washing Machine, and Lazer will be at the DoubleWide Saturday at 10.
our original drummer is back
from the circus for a bit.
we never got to play while
he was around, so we said
fuck it and decided to play.
though our part will equal a
trainwreck, it still beats
paying $45 to see the
lips and jewpac.
oh yeah? I heard it sold out. Wish I could have made it.
Jewpac? that's grand. I'm still convinced that he is actually Snow. Maybe he'll play "informer" at the show tonight and lick someones boom boom down. I'll let you know, I'm going.
Oh, and Good Records has/had tickets they were giving away for the show with every purchase of a cd.
don't you know you're gonna shock the monkey, hey hey hey... right ben dover???
p.s. would somebody give andrea a good lamping for me?!?
Ben Kweller tore it up last night at the Granada. Total control of the stage. The kid is a rock star.
If you are interested in FREE TICKETS to the Flaming Lips show let me know ASAP.
Email me at tricklesofreason@gmail.com.
I have two tickets available at the moment.
p.s. I have a blackberry for work, so I receive my email wherever I am, so even if it is around showtime (9pm) and you want to meet up outside the venue, email me, I'll get it.
glass candy & chromatics
rubber gloves
yeah, thats gonna be a badass show.
The tickets have been claimed.
"the new album is complete shit"
you know you don't mean that. "complete" means nothing good. everything horrible in every way...completely. you know you like that song on there...you know which one i'm talking about stonedranger. THAT one. leave the angry hyperboles for bands and albums that truly deserve them.
here's a few examples
*Bush, Deconstructed
*Oasis, Be Here Now
*Limp Bizkit, Chocolate starfish
and the hotdog flavored water
that being said, i saw the Lips last night in OKC with DEERHOOF at a zoo and it was fucking excellent. unfortunately all you guys must see matisyahu.
30 minutes 'til show time...
You are the Universe
210 E. Hickory
The Timeline Post was amazing at Hailey's tonight!
Goddamn! I had to miss Enon and Octopus Project.
Outlaw the word amazing.
Massive Attack Live for the first time ever in Texas this weekend. Tonight in Dallas. They reggae legend Horace Andy and Cocteau Twin Liz Frasier as their singers on this tour and apparently a 9 piece band including 2 drummers. If you miss this show you are either broke($50 tickets) or just planet crazy. Just try to Imagine "Angel" Live with a full band. Yep. That's the spot.
I may be calling it quits on Lost Generation soon due too a very possible new job oppurtunity. So come out while you can. I will know for sure next week. Even after I know I will still keep going for a few more weeks and have a final big blowout.
flaming lips was really fun, as usual. matisyahu got old in a hurry, but he could have been a lot worse. it's probably pointing out the extremely obvious to say he'd be nowhere if it weren't for his hasidic gimmick.
yes, the Yarmulke army was in full force at nokia saturday night.
Planet Crazy
Planet Crazy was a typo, but for once it was a typo that still fit the context. Welcome to planet ADD.
I like Planet Crazy it's where we live.
URTU wuz def on Saturday
Idi Amin was greatness. Pure art and exploration. Nevada started the set with a microphone under a sketch pad for god's sake. They took their time getting to the highs and did not wallow in the cheap theatrics of sheer volume. urtu? There is nothing experimental about a bunch of young dudes strumming guitars in the key of E for 20 minutes with their backs to the crowd. volume is not the same as intensity. volume is not the same as deliverance. anybody can turn it up to 10. And anybody can do what I saw urtu do that night. Perhaps an off night, but still... They came across as contrived and inexperienced and misguided. And it's time to let the bass player go. Noise Rock 101.I have heard that the main dude is better when he does it by himself with more electronics. I'd like to see that. None of this is supposed to be offensive. When a guy puts himself out there as much as jamo does, he needs to be prepared for this kind of thing.
Idi Amin lives up to the hype. I wouldn't even call them NOISE really. Just artful improv, unafraid.
well, I'd really like to see Jamo's response to those comments, because I think he will respond in a mature and thoughtful way to a valid critique.
I like where you are going with this in a sense because this is one of those things that I struggle with when I listen to "noise:" Does it take talent to make? And do I really care whether it does or not? Those are two questions I ask myself all the time. When its good, the answer is yes and yes. When it isn't, the answer is no and no. And while I don't care whether or not it takes talent, that doesn't mean I have to like it.
I'm not saying I agree with you on URTU, because I have seen them do some pretty cool things live. I just like the subject.
I couldn't agree with you more actually, there were several reasons why our set on saturday didn't work, I don't really feal like making a laundry list out of them at the moment, but they were significant. In fact, as a band, urtu is officially on an indefinite hiatus. We are all far more interested in working on individual projects, most of them far less "volume" oriented, and believe it or not, that isn't what urtu is all about, never has been... but I could go on and on about circumstances, thanks for some actual criticism for once.
ps. if you are interested in "more electronics" come out to J&J's on october third to see the unveiling of andrew and my new project, oveo. its way more along those lines.
also, travis, if you read this thing... thanks for the 45's... I actually like the b-side "paint your everyday with sunshine"??!!
where did you find that shit?
dude, did that just happen?! thanks alot for breaking the band up, internet!
the funny thing is that most of the people who actually do go to see urtu never say anything negative to any of their faces. and most of the people that do go are friends of the group or at least people who know them. but somehow, an anon like me is always able to post something about them. seriuosly, if you feel that way about urtu and more than likely you know them if you were at that show why dont you just tell them to their faces? its probably a member of idi amin.
i also know that it was a member of idi amin who wrote that shit about themselves
also anyone can play quiet too in an attempt to not sound too loud just to make it seem artful. that is always one of the lamest critiques- "anyone can do that"
7:56, 7:59, 8:02
while I appreciate what you are saying, you are also anonymous, and that means that an anon like you can come on here and accuse our friends of touting their own band while criticizing ours. I don't think that this sort of accusation is worthwhile or productive, but thanks for the support if you are giving it.
we aren't breaking up, and the fact that we aren't playing shows isn't because of this website... it has nothing to do with any of this, its just a fact, it was already going to happen for a myriad of reasons.
The worst part about this site is when bands make comments about themselves. LAME!
Well, this is the guy that started the talk up there, and after rereading it, I even felt I was too harsh. I really should have stressed that I like the stuff on myspace, and urtu comes highly recommended (spellcheck!). At least the guys are putting themselves out there and I'll definately check out future work. I knew Jamo would read what I wrote with a fair eye, and with no freakout. The fact that he admits to needing to re-evaluate the way the band works right now says a lot, and I apologize for the "contrived" snotty comment above. I don't really feel that way. And yeah, Stonedranger, I'm the same way with the live noise that I listen to. I love the impact, I love the freedom, I love the desire to make music on your own terms, and it is very easy when listening to nontraditional stuff to overthink it. I'll just shut up and listen from here on out.
No, by the way, I'm not in Idi Amin, and I don't really know any of those guys that played in Denton on Saturday at all.
I have no qualms with the anonymous thing if done correctly. This wasn't a personal attack on anybody, and the stuff that I, in hind sight, thought was too bitchy, I took back, granted maybe it was too late. We have all been on the getting end of anonymous comments, positive and negative, some of them from king anonymous himself, stonedranger. You all have my respect.
i was like one of the five people there on sat. night. as far as i could tell- everyone knew each other. unless it was someone hiding in the wings. i went up to both bands after the show and told them "cool" or whatever. and i saw everyone else do that too. i never saw one person tell them you guys are contrived. why dont people just say it to their faces? liars.
oh, lighten up a bit. there was like twenty people there over the course of the night, some inside some outside.
ok so maybe there were twenty- still doesnt change the fact that people act one way in person and then get on here and type crap about their "friends" - should that be taken lightly? if you think so then no wonder- conversations like this exist between liars and back stabbers.
Jamo himself said he agreed with my honest opinion of the show. I didn't say anything cruel. The whole "Say it to my face" thing is of no real value. I did not walk around slapping backs on Saturday, and I don't know those people. I listened a bit and I left. So there is zero weight to your passionate claims of backstabbing and being a liar. I was gone before the amps were turned off. Relax. If this opinion and the fact that you feel betrayed by honesty is too much for you, I'd hate to see the implosion that would happen if urtu ever recieved any "real" negative press. Damn, pick your battles.
"still doesnt change the fact that people act one way in person and then get on here and type crap about their "friends" "
Welcome to reality, in every aspect of your life.
If you read all of the pro-urtu stuff on here, you get a sense that they think they are immune from questions and think they know it all...
NOT talking about JAMO here, in fact, here are JAMO's actual words..."thanks for some actual criticism for once. 9:33"
Here's where the bullshit begins:
7:56 - "the funny thing is that most of the people who actually do go to see urtu never say anything negative to any of their faces...seriuosly, if you feel that way about urtu and more than likely you know them if you were at that show why dont you just tell them to their faces?"
Dude. Welcome to everything everywhere. Buck up. It's a fucked up world.
And 9:00 is just a tard.
even if that criticism came from my best friend I wouldn't take a word of it as a stab in the back...
7:56 etc, who are you? I mean, I truly appreciate what you are trying to do, but its really un-necessary. I only know maybe 2/3 of the people that were at that show... even some of the people that talked to me afterward were complete strangers...
Take 7:56 and change every urtu to Burden Brothers and you start to see how lame this all is...
7:56 - "the funny thing is that most of the people who actually do go to see The Burden Brothers never say anything negative to any of their faces...seriuosly, if you feel that way about The Burden Brothers and more than likely you know them if you were at that show why dont you just tell them to their faces?"
Jamo, thank you for being cool about all of this. I really wasn't trying to be a dick, and I thank you for seeing that. I'll be at another show soon. A man is bigger than one gig.
and the reason you wouldnt take any of those comments from one of your friends as a backstab is because obviously they would be saying it to your face. but they dont. they just say it on here and hide behind some anon tag.
"let your bass player go. noise rock 101. contrived. misguided."
I stand by all of that, except the retracted "contrived", as valid and true about the set that I saw. I heard jamo was capable of more, and I believe it.
The bass player seemed fairly clueless in the band and seemed to add very little to the music. I didn't call him a jerk or say anything about his mama.
Noise Rock 101. Dudes. Guitars. Fast Strums. Loud for louds sake. Hit the pedals. Again, I know that jamo agrees that it was lackluster, and I know that those guys are capable of more. They saw their rut, and now they are focusing their talents in other areas, which is to be applauded. They will not waste time beating a dead horse...unlike you ;)
misguided - adj 1: poorly conceived or thought out;
I stand by that description of the performance that I saw. I will seek out new work in the immediate future.
So, you know, shut up.
So, let me sum up the two sides...
2. (siiiiiiigh...)
The winner is: SIDE 2
REASON FOR JUDGMENT: #1 is a real bros before hos kind of guy. His vehement and noble and idealistic streak can be admired, but it has no real weight in reality. Needs a new version of, "BUT DUDE. SAY THAT TO MY FACE", even with Mr. Jamo telling him to knock it off.
Suspected Identity of #1: The bass player!
Suspected Identity of #2: Everyone else in the world!
Thanks for playing We Shot JR!
you keep beating it too. show you know shut up.
you are
no one goes to the shows anyway who doesnt already know the bands . sorry, but i seriously doubt that anyone who doesnt already know the bands who play that type of music is going to go see it. it is usually just friends, the other bands and thats it.
you're dead wrong. one day you look up and you don't know anyone in the audience. it's a good feeling.
Yup. It's the bass player.
What a small small man living in a small small world. You won't always be a know it all college student, so it's okay.
Vanity thy name is urtu.
Fuck all this, I'll tell you where yrtu is after being spurred to check them out by this thread... They're fakes. They aren't playing noise rock, they're "playing" noise rock like kids play house or office. Their VANITY label is called FRENETIC LOVE. FRENETIC LOVE? Thurston has a label called Ecstatic Peace. Frenetic Love. Ecstatic Peace. UNORIGINAL. They broke up? How Wanzy of you. When's the reunion? I'm glad they broke up. One down, 5 or 6 to go. All the noise rockers can break up and start real bands, except for the ones that transfer schools in a semester.
Roots rock versus noise rock. I've heard some of those kids bag big time on some of denton's more traditional bands. they can dish it out but they can't take it.
There's a time and a place for upfront critical analysis. There is nothing wrong with telling somebody good job when it wasn't. It's called support and friendship.
man, this thread really went downhill today. Lets stick with somewhat thoughtful and intelligent critiques, and everyone will be able to get their points across with more force. In turn, better conversations will be had, and the comment section of my blog will start looking less like a fifth grade recess fight.
bUt U don't Understand!
thanks for pointing out the ecstatic peace thing! you get a cookie!!
btw, read the double flame by octavio paz to find the real reasoning behind my choice of names!
oh wait, there is no way you will do that. oh well.
also, I am going to quote myself:
"we aren't breaking up."
8:12 AM
sure i will. Is it an ART cookie?
There's got to be a reason that 'you are the turdiverse' was the only NEW WEIRD DENTON band not invited to strategies of beauty.
god damn, every thing about that sentence makes me want to strangle myself. Graduate already!
Listen to this crap from urtu "label", frenetic peace...
"FL002:(hermetic series part 1) ANDREW MICHAEL "Telesterion" Cdr (edition of 50)
A collection of sounds spanning from 1995-2001. Recorded in creeks and bedrooms in arlington, denton, fort worth, austin, dallas and san antonio, this masterpeice is 10 years in the making and every second of it is CRUCIAL. These recordings are the very esscence of what we are looking for here at fl, they are an unbridled display of true love for sound and are created out of an intense intamacy with the aural world. This is the highest form of art."
OH. MY. GOD. It's fun to play label! Hee Hee!
"There's got to be a reason that 'you are the turdiverse' was the only NEW WEIRD DENTON band not invited to strategies of beauty."
who is you are the turdiverse anyway?
I am really curious to know why anyone hates You Are the Universe that much... not liking their music is one thing, but shit dude. You've turned it into a an all out assault.
I don't even hate Titanmoon or Deathray Davies as much as you seem to hate Jamo.
I think it's a blood in the water kind of thing.
this is the most entertaining thing i have ever read in my entire life, please do not stop this! i will add more fuel! i will piss it out only to light it again! (something that troubles me is that even the haterz call urtu urtu i mean it is the longest name in the universe but are they ccr? sheeeeeit, after today, they are. thee ccr of denton tejas. congrats dudes with backs turned to audience! with detuned guitars screaming for god or punches to the face! if you make alot of people really, really, really, really angry then you have won! congrats urtu!)
See, not true. Sometimes you can make a lot of people angry and just be that dick that pissed everyone off. They don't make me angry. They're laughable.
man, I don't work my ass off making music so that I can be subjected to a bunch of fucking infantile bullying on the internet... this will be my last post on this website, you guys can say whatever you want about that...
if you have any real criticism or comments, you can find another way of reaching me.
ps. thanks for all the free publicity.
Also, the free publicity thing, see, that's what people say to make themselves feel better.
HITLER got lots of free publicity. HITLER angered people.
Working your ass off? Riiiiiiiight.
The only ass your working is that of your boyfriend, ADOLF HITLER.
will you guys just fucking quit? Please? Say you don't like the music and why if you want, or type something that is the least bit funny or intelligent, but if you aren't going to add anything except for immature insults that aren't funny or smart, then fucking quit posting on here. I'm sorry that you can't stand the bands we talk about or the people in them, but you are really making this place boring and annoying for everyone else. If I keep seeing this kind of bullshit, I'm just going to erase your comments and pretend like they were never even posted, making your very minimal effort all the more pointless. I don't care if you have negative things to say about me, the blog, or any of the bands we talk about, but at least make it interesting. Don't make me go down the road of limiting comments on this blog. You're really starting to make me think that it might be a good idea.
Okay. Sorry.
Remove the comments already! I'm telling you that your website might acutually be worth something of you just get rid of this crap.
It's comments like yours that really hurt all of our anonymous feelings. How dare you.
Juyst really want to wrap this up before it leaves the mainpge. JAMO is a douche.
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