It List: Wednesday 4/25/06

yeah, I DID in fact hear that Celtic Frost is playing tonight, but its at Palladium Ballroom with Type o Negative, meaning that it'll be slightly more fun than begging for change in Deep Ellum.
And besides, its (gulp) already do or die time at the AA Center tonight. Prediction: Mavs win. Anyone else think so? If I'm wrong, then the anti-sports readers can throw a party, because this will surely be a short post season.
Assuming that Denton has dried up a bit, This is Radio Clash will be happening at Hailey's as usual, and if you're not feeling any of this stuff, you're free to sit around at home and wait for us to post the two features that should be ready in the next 24 hours.
Don't forget Short Attention Span Theater from 10-12 before Radio Clash. Tonight we will be featuring some carnage television style!
Stop with the empty promises!
i heard the last Celtic Frost show in Ft. Worth ruled, but I'll be watching the mavs like false ass bitch. oh well. if they lose it'll be something like a Celtic Frost show in my living room.
I picked the Mavs to win in 5, so if I'm right, they'll win tonight. Honestly though I do think they'll win. I'm assuming Dampier will get the start, and if he does he's going to need to make his presence felt quickly. Overall the Mavericks need to shoot better. Played pretty good D in the first game, except on Baron Davis.
I think they'll need to blow Golden State out of the gates in this one in order to keep the pressure on them in Game 3. If it's a nailbiter that's decided in the last minute, even with Dallas winning, Game 3 will be even tougher, especially with that Oakland crowd. A blowout tonight and a strong first quarter in Game 3 and this series will be done in 5.
"I think they'll need to blow Golden State..."
Yeah, that's probably what it'll take.
Tussle(San Francisco) - think Liquid Liquid jamming out with Six Finger Satellite
The Undoing of David Wright
The Night Game Cult
@The 8th Continent
Friday, April 27
I think Tussle is really great. Check 'em out on Myspace!
the Beatdown is at Monkey Bar tonight.
i tried to play basketball when i was in 6th grade. it didn't go over too well. NBA Jam for Genesis is still the shit though.
If I can talk my bandmates into it (since we'll be practicing anyhow) Tame.. Tame And Quiet might be performing a Saturday mid-day garage sale/rock show in Arlington for anyone that's interested in showing up. See us in our natural practice element, and, at the same time, possibly buy some awesome female or male clothing, random odds and ends, a futon, or a big screen TV at a reasonable price!!!
We'll have a grill, so bring some meat/veggies or your personal grilled food of choice (and grilling skills would be a plus...I'm no expert), and we may be sussing out our new material and material for our next live performance, so if you're in the area, give it a shot!
The garage sale will definitely be happening. I'll follow with Tame..Tame performance confirmation later. If you're interested, Mapquest this address:
1315 W. Abram St.
Arlington, TX 76013
More info to follow...............
I have never wanted to be a fly on the wall in a locker room more than the moment where Stephen Jackson joined Baron Davis in the locker room a little earlier than their teammates. Oh sorry, I meant they were "shown what the shower heads at American Airlines Center look like." Every time they said that, I got a prison rape-y mental picture.
What the hell is this Beat Down? I hope it's not another band in DFW with the same name.
I believe its a hip hop DJ night
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