Bill Callahan/Sarah Jaffe (Sons Of Hermann Hall): As far as tortured Drag City geniuses go, I prefer David Berman or Neil Hamburger over this guy. Berman's a better singer/songwriter and Hamburger's funnier, even if I have always laughed out loud at that kitty cat picture over there. Callahan's songs (and recording fidelity) have "matured" over the years, but I don't know if that necessarily translates to "improved." I do respect the guy's history and enjoy some of his work but I know he is notoriously inconsistent live. Hopefully he'll feel up to playing a full set tonight at the beautiful Sons Of Hermann Hall. I've always liked that place, but now it's pretty much the only completely respectable venue left in Deep Ellum. Come to think of it, that was probably true five years ago.
Catfish Haven/Lucero (Club Dada): Catfish Haven writes decent and unpretentious pop music and they perform it with refreshing conviction. I saw them last year at some Long Branch Inn day-show and I was prepaed to be bored but left pleasantly surprised. Lucero's bio states that they have been called both "alt-country" and "punk country". What a dilemma. Let me help them out a bit...How about cowpunk? Remember when everything got labeled cowpunk? I definitely don't miss that shit.
Whiskey Folk Ramblers/Denton County Revelators/Sweetgrass (Rubber Gloves): For my money, the Denton County Revelators are one of the best roots/Americana oriented groups from the area.
80's Night with DJ G (Hailey's)
Lost Generation with Wanz and Ineka (Fallout Lounge): I hear Wanz is playing some Mission of Burma live footage tonight. Wow. What city am I in? Portland? Boston? Providence? When did Dallas get "cool?"
denton county revelators are one of my favorite acts in denton. im so glad you mentioned them!
thats tyler walker on drums, y'all!
Dallas is still not cool, but there are a few people fighting the good fight in the Big D. Some of the blind hatred for Dallas is just blind hatred. The people that live here hate the same things that the dentonites hate. the differance is we don't go to those places. Every city has lame parts of town. Even Denton.
check out this band. They are fucking awesome.
uncool parts of denton = my roommates bedroom.
You're talking about Will right?
jwm, you really need to get laid or what.
that is the best album art i have ever seen i think.
denton county revelators had evryone dancing
Callahan was much more rocking that I had anticipated. I didn't think it would be the full band during the entire set but I am glad it was. Plus the drummer looked like Bruce Dickenson of Iron Maiden and his name was Thor.
Sons of Herman is extremely nice and I wish there were more reasons to drive all the way over there.
New Callhan stuff sounded good though. Very different than River Ain't Too Much, a bit more of a traditional country twang to it. He also had a nifty little dance he would do when he got into it, I would call it the running man of singer/ songwriters.
I agree with Brooks. Hmmm, I wonder if anything is going on tomorrow night? (Tomorrow being Friday.)
Re: Smog
The drummer was bad ass. His ride was set up so high it was like a slam dunk when he hit it. Whatever he was doing with the bow and the vibes was great. Seeing everyone play live really drove home the point that the simple things can be so rewarding when they're done well (e.g. finger picking the violin).
When Callahan rocked out his stance really was pretty cool, as if Paul Simon was dancing like a chicken.
Sons of Herman is a treasure, although the sound was a little disappointing. I think that had more to do with the nature of Callahan's voice than anything specific to Sons. Sycamore for example, is more enjoyable on the new record than it was live. I guess that also demonstrates how Callahan's production has evolved with time.
The highlight(s) was the last few songs of the show--all from A River... I believe. I know that album received its fair share of public praise, but still it seemed to be overlooked, atleast among the street ruffians I run with. The change about 2/3 of the way through Let Me See the Colts (encore) is just perfect. "dew dappled brambles"... The new Callahan album doesn't quite measure up to Smog's last offering.
Get over it and grow up. You have said nothing of any importance. You really don't know anything.
importance = *
i know thor.
he plays w/ shearwater.
he is a badass.
Is that the same Thor of Angels of Light/Swans?
How was Sarah Jaffe? Her band can be a little hit and miss sometimes...
that was a pretty shitty version of "cold blooded old times"
Yep, Angels of Light/Shearwater Thor. Cool muthafucka str8 out of some 80s cult classic.
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