It List: Tuesday 6/26/07

The Police (American Airlines Center): What am I supposed to say about the Police? I was thinking of cutting and pasting from the "old band that used to be good and then broke up, went through tough times and then came back to overcharge for a reunion tour in which they bank on nostalgia and bore people to tears with embarrassing new stuff" file, but I'll spare you.
Klever/Sober (Suite-4515 Travis St.): I have no idea what Suite is, but I'm guessing the uptown location probably explains most of what you need to know. Should be some weeknight fun for those that venture on to that side of 75 however, and if you aren't one of those people, you might want to make an exception tonight as Klever returns to Dallas for another show with Central Booking. I don't believe there is a cover, and they get points for chicks on cars poster.
Great Northern/Dove Hunter/Current Leaves (Palladium): I'm not the only one who sometimes goes on a band's Myspace, listens to a very short portion of one song and then completely dismisses them, right? I'm sure I'm not. But that is exactly what I just did with Great Northern. I've listened to exactly 10 seconds of their music, so don't bother asking for details. They blow. aNd iT DiDN't HeLP thAT tHey SPeLL THeir sOng TItLes liKe tHIS either. Actually, after listening to ten seconds of that garbage, hearing Dove Hunter immediately afterwards was a treat, even though I'm not the biggest fan in the world. And we're still waiting for Current Leaves to put that second full length together, but they've got some big fans of their live show amongst our crew.
I can't believe I am seeing club "Suite" listed on We shot jr. Truly, the fucking world has come to an end. You should research what that place is...
Really - that's the last place in the world anyone from this site should ever visit. Spending an hour there for a friend's party was a pure taste of hell on earth.
Like I said, I don't know anything about it.... but at least the music will be good there tonight. The atmosphere? No idea.
thats the best pic youve ever put up there.
If those girls on the car were in Dallas tonight and wanted to hook up with a pro athlete or greasy dude in a blazer with a bag full of blow, they'd go to Suite.
I'll have to take your word on the tunes.
dude in a blazer with a bag full of blow, kind of like the man behind suite...
great northern show is cancelled.
rename that bar "Schweet!"
the great northern / cl / dh show is not even close to canceled. what's the matter with you?
By thinking you're above a place such as Suite is completely ironic. That is exactly how they want you to think. That way you won't even show up. What you should do is show up with all your friends, dance to the music (meaning, don't look like all the typical Dallas-standing-around-like-you're-too-cool-douche and actually have a good time). Make a place your own. Who cares where it's at, or who owns it. How many times has Zubar been mentioned on here anyway?
Suite is the haven for Dallas yuppies who are all about style and not even a gram of substance. The place blows, literally. Not even those fine dj's are worth enduring that pretentiousness
Suite is the haven for Dallas yuppies who are all about style and not even a gram of substance. The place blows, literally. Not even those fine dj's are worth enduring that pretentiousness
how's japan?
I think I have to agree with you JonofDeath. That actually sounds like a really fun idea.
no, seriously, we had drinks at chili's down the street because they have happy hour ALL FUCKING DAY. THEN we went to suite and had complimentary hennessey drinks, and i danced like a fucking fool. thats the best i know how, and nobody knew what to think. it was neat.
Now that's the spirit! Japan is gorgeous. I'm going to put some photos up soon.
The Loft is pretty badass BTW.
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there may have been some distinctly un-badass elements of the loft. after i left, there was another example of possible 'roid rage.
oops, sorry.
The Loft is lame BTW. Unless you're into oragami, 2 inch stages and Lez Zepplin.
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