Album Review: Daniel Folmer: Gloria

Anyway, as we were suffering through this opening set, my friend made a comment that has stuck with me ever since. He noted that just about every other word out of the singer’s mouth was a pronoun: you, me, we, he, she, I, etc. It was an odd observation to make, but nevertheless, it was like a serendipitous discovery of what it was, even more than the music, that was really irritating about that band.
guTTerTh deserves a pat on the back for sticking their neck out and supporting a slew of acts in the metroplex. To this point, they have 3 releases to their credit (Fair To Midland's Fables of a Mayfly is a fourth on its way June 12th) and incidentally two of the three fall in to the "dangerously high pronoun quotient" category in the way of Daniel Folmer recordings.
Mr. Folmer has received high praise from the Dallas Observer, which recently claimed that he was “on the precipice of something brilliant.” I can understand the anticipatory excitement: DFWd continues to demonstrate surprisingly little propensity to yield quality singer-songwriters, which is especially disappointing given the ostensible regional influence of southern folk/country ala Townes Van Zandt. Even so, I don’t know that such optimism is justified given the aforementioned deluge of pronouns on Folmer’s latest, Gloria.
The most salient feature of Gloria is Folmer’s undeniable inclination to wear his heart on his lyrical sleeve. This, as much as the subdued nature of the music that accompanies him (and I believe Folmer can be credited with nearly every single sound on this album save for a few beats from Cody Seals) is where his appeal would be strongest for the non-dancing-lower-decibel-listening audience. In a case of tragic irony, however, Folmer’s admirable willingness to share the most intimate aspects of his young life is the same quality that may eventually sour on his listeners.
By my count, every single song on Gloria concerns an element of a boy/girl relationship. One after another, the tracks leave a cumulative impression that Gloria is a rather relentless litany of relationship hits and mostly near-misses. I don’t know if all these songs are about the same girl, different girls, or what, but my intuitive reaction is that Folmer should be so lucky to have soooo many relationship issues on his hands. It’s kind of like a catch-22: You must be pretty slick with the chicks if you have enough material to write an entire album about girl-problems.
Track 1, Serotonin, is no doubt one of the album’s strongest, and it deals with the difficulty of sifting through “serotonin side-effects” to find sincerity of sentiment in a relationship. Fair enough, right? I think there’s also a reference to “cutting.” Certainly heart-felt and a weighty topic that many of us of the Prozac generation can empathize with.
Skip to track 3, I’m Not Apt at Speaking French, and there's Folmer sharing his insecurities about a girl being in Europe, without him, topless on a Mediterranean beach, with European men “eye-raping” her.
Track 4, Obsession Blues, reveals more insecurity. There’s a girl, but she was sadly lost to some other guy. The bastard is a “talky one,” a “social butterfly, not the awkward, silent type.”
Track 5, Fancy Free, is also about competing for a chick. This time, the girl enjoys dancing with her new guy, who may or may not be the same guy in Obsession Blues: “Ooh baby dance all night with your brand new boy just like I never would.” Then there's Folmer more viciously: “Sweetheart all your big plans will stumble when you long for pregnancy, so good luck finding a man to raise your children who won’t fuck other women.”
Interestingly, pregnancy is a topic that is present on the album's cover and surfaces several times over the course of the album. The most striking instance is in the next song, the title track. Gloria recounts a night of steamy lust that concludes in a most unsettling way: “We woke in the morning. Sheets were bleeding, our future draining out of your insides.”
Track 7, Final Scene, once again references relationship hell. Perhaps using death as a metaphor for the end of a relationship, Folmer sings “And in our final scene…you’ll bury me inside a scarlet coffin.”
Track 8, Romantic Monstrosity, is somewhat self-explanatory: “A recipe for ecstasy replaced melancholy, this romantic monstrosity, this passionate catastrophe.” By now, some of you might agree that this would have been an equally good selection as the album’s title-track.
Track 9, Sorry for Being so Sorry, is about a relationship that’s hanging on by a thread. Folmer sings about waiting for a girl to call on the phone. He sings: “My flame still burns bright tonight, your words ignite this dimly lit fire.” Not sure if this is the same girl that's on the European vacation in I'm Not Apt at Speaking French.
The final song, Sculptor’s Touch, is about how a girl left a lasting impression on Folmer: she “molded” him with…a “sculptor’s touch.” Here’s Folmer in all his romantic monstrosity: “When you sleep, with all the lights up high, will you think of me?” “When you dream, with all our nights on fire, sweet tranquility…”
Phew! I guess Gloria at least scores points for consistency. But then again, Folmer’s demeanor is alternately vengeful (Obsession Blues, Fancy Free) and conciliatory/ hopeful (Sorry for Being so Sorry). I suppose I can appreciate that he identifies and expresses emotions that can be conflicting in the context of relationship problems, but I think therein lies more tragic irony: the uncompromising passion that dominates Gloria may be at the root of a vicious cycle, which in turn might be cited as the source of the album's monotonous character. “Don’t think twice, it’s all right” would be a pertinent alternative psychology that could open up opportunities to contemplate and sing about things other than girls. It seemed to work for Bob Dylan...
Obviously, Folmer can write about whatever he wants or feels compelled to write about. He’s certainly, like any other artist, under no obligation to entertain me or anyone else inclined to listen to his songs. Moreover, one perspective is that it's a healthy thing when art is the outward product of introspection, and along with that goes a sort of relativism that can preclude judgment. On the other hand, here we have guTTerTh scattering bulletins and comments all over myspace that nag us to go check out Folmer and spend money (a modest sum of $7) on his album. For what it's worth, I actually tend to discount lyrics and the subject matter of songs when considering whether or not I “like” music that I listen to, and I really do enjoy some of the strictly musical content of Gloria.
Maybe I’m jealous that he boasts such an extensive catalogue of relationship experiences. It'd be a shame if my own life is so vapid and utterly devoid of romantic drama (I think I'd welcome serotonin side-effects any day) that I’m inherently skeptical of someone capable of chronicling such melodrama in song upon song. But then again, maybe my outlook is symptomatic of the DFWd experience in general, which itself might play a role in suppressing quality singer-songwriting. It might also explain why someone like Daniel Folmer could reasonably have some of us here on the edge of our seats, anticipating something unique and brilliant.
Gloria was released on May 18, 2007.
Labels: reviews
haha. that shit is spot on.
I listen to music to escape my own bitterness and not be reminded of someone elses.......good review
thats why i love this blog...good review.
when does the 'daniel folmer review: a novel' come out? this is a great excerpt.
Maybe all the songs are about Gloria.
Maybe all the songs are about Gloria.
"...and I really do enjoy some of the strictly musical content of Gloria."
I wish you'd expound on this a little bit more. While I have a good idea of the lyrical/thematic content, the review doesn't give me a clue of what it "sounds" like.
Maybe I can listen to clips on iTunes...
im gloria. im appalled at the lack of privacy mr folmer has shown me. my insides are spilling his future all over this blog.
I think the play-by-play review thing, to the extent that Wildcat used it, never works very well. It didn't work very well here in my opinion. Like the other guy said, there wsn't much space left to actually describe the music ....
Do you people not have computers? Google? Myspace? Jeez. You could have heard two or three songs in the time it took you to ask someone else to explain it to you.
It's D-A-N-I-E-L [space]
Plus, the idea wasn't the music. What sttod out most was what Wildcat talked about. I think it was a great review.
I see it to be a complete waste of time. I don't see how anyone can put so much effort into something they dislike. It just comes off looking really mean and pointless. I don't like lima beans, but i'm certainly not going to write a fucking book report about it and write it down for thousands of people to read. Looks really obsessive.
Little Timmy McRandom
That's some funny shit. Looks likew whenever it's a band YOU don't like, you don't put a shortcut up tp their myspace or web page. I see how it is now.
I liked this review because I felt like the "play by play" helped emphasize the point about lyrical repetition.
It's THEIR blog.
for objective descriptions of albums go elsewhere.
this blog is obviously opinionated and nothing written in it's life-span of articles has tried to lead anyone to believe otherwise.
just because it's the only thing on the internet you read, don't let it piss you off for being what it is, or isn't.
thanks for the writeup!
Yeah, it is their right to be complete dickheads. You're right about that. You know, I just went and found Daniel Folmer's myspace page and listened to 3 of his songs. They're not my cup of tea, but they sound like the type of songs that a lot of people out there would probably enjoy.
Why would you write so much about someone that you obviously don't like? Why go out of your way to snub them by giving the person 1 and 1/2 stars. You know that thousands of kids are going to read this shit and that you have a huge influence on how they make their decisions. I think you just did a huge disservice to Daniel Folmer. I bet he'd be a much happier person had you never ever written this blog. God, you guys make me so sick. All of you. SAtoned Ranger, Wildcat, Defensive are all so mean. You just wanted to tear Daniel's music to shreds, and why? Because you're bored and felt like it. I don't know, maybe you feel that by making him look bad it will in some way make you look better in the future. I honestly can't say why any of you write bad reviews of people. Did Daniel ask you to review him? I suppose if he did that(which would be very strange), then i guess it's okay. But if not this just makes you guys or girls or whoever the hell you are just really LAME.
And if you don't like my opinion then you should probably get rid of anonymous posting/stop having your own opinion. I think it's lame to get on here and write a bad review about someone who didn't even ask for it and to be shown to thousands of people. I think it's mean. Whether or not you have the right to do it isn't what i'm talking about. You also had a right to have some dignity by not trying to smear someone's public image for no reason at all. "oh, you don't like Daniel Folmer, Wildcat? Man, you should write a big long scathing review about it for all of the metroplex to see!" "But what about Daniel Folmers "feelings"? "Fuck his feelings....this is for the sake of ART".
despite the same topics in all of the songs, the songwriting is unique to this area and goes much further than most other local songwriters have even thought of going.
"They're not my cup of tea, but they sound like the type of songs that a lot of people out there would probably enjoy."
This is the stupidest point in the world. everybody likes something, and everything has a fan somewhere. Fuck, are you serious? Dude, go back to posting gutterth bulletins.
the album is put out into the public for sale. how can it be mean to review it and give your honest opinion?
it's a great record, IMO, and i don think the review talked about the actual music nearly enuff for this to be considered a balanced review.
someone list off some local acts that talk about love/relationships.
"the songwriting is unique to this area and goes much further than most other local songwriters have even thought of going."
!!! The guy plays GUITAR!
cliff notes
God damn, that whole yellow house crew from the last year or so is the most spoiled, self-fellating, shit don't stink crew in Denton in a long time.
also.. somebody owes me 60 bucks
Just to clear things up, Gloria is a real live girl. All of the songs are about her.
"the songwriting is unique to this area and goes much further than most other local songwriters have even thought of going."
"!!! The guy plays GUITAR! "
oh come on. pick any song on this album. it's more creative and in depth than any chris garver tune i've heard.
is this a lyric review or a record review?
I think it has gotten so ugly on here. This is the first time i've been on here in a week and I just want you all to know it's because of this mean spirited thread.
What a sad bunch of cynical children we have all become. There is nothing healthy or positive that could possibly be taken from this rotten behavior. It's quite embarrassing to know that all of you are my peers, actually. What a huge waste of energy and an even bigger lack of sensitivity and love.
I think it might be time to take a step back and take a look at how cruel we can all be. This is no way to live my friends. And a lot of you ARE my friends. And i cannot believe the stuff that you are writing on here. It doesn't add up. Many of the people I know to be so kind and open-minded in the real world are just so mean and cynical on here that it makes me wonder: Do I really know who you are?
I see a whole community of my peers at each other's throats about the most petty things and it really makes me sad.
-probably a good friend of yours
by the title of the album its obvious that this record is about someone specific so why is this whole article doggin on what its about rather than lookin a little further?
i had to go find his myspace (why isn't it on the review) just to see for myself what i thought of this record cause it didn't go into any more depth than "i didn't like what he's singing about".
Daniel R. Folmer is a SAINT
Why you gotta bring Garver into this?
"Why would you write so much about someone that you obviously don't like? Why go out of your way to snub them by giving the person 1 and 1/2 stars. You know that thousands of kids are going to read this shit and that you have a huge influence on how they make their decisions. I think you just did a huge disservice to Daniel Folmer. I bet he'd be a much happier person had you never ever written this blog. God, you guys make me so sick. All of you. SAtoned Ranger, Wildcat, Defensive are all so mean. You just wanted to tear Daniel's music to shreds, and why? Because you're bored and felt like it. I don't know, maybe you feel that by making him look bad it will in some way make you look better in the future. I honestly can't say why any of you write bad reviews of people. Did Daniel ask you to review him? I suppose if he did that(which would be very strange), then i guess it's okay. But if not this just makes you guys or girls or whoever the he"
Constructive criticism does everybody favors.. If you can't take it or understand it.. then you will make the same old crappy art from the age of 10 to 100... This review in fact was a huge favor for Daniel.. Maybe he had no clue that his album seemed repetitive.. Maybe the next time he makes an album he'll make it less repetitive.
Also even though the criticisms are harsh on here.. they are harsh so that there is no ambiguity as to how a author of a article truly feels.. This is not a place to be caudled or have your dick blown.. If you want that.. Go read an observer.. If Daniels next album makes all those involved with weshojr cream there pants.. well then I'm sure there will be a review called 'this maid me cream my pants' Until then Daniel has some work to do.. how he does it, and if he puts the effort is his choice..
thank you, and fuck off
p.s. there = their
This gun in my mouth tastes sceney!
"Maybe he had no clue that his album seemed repetitive.."
maybe he did know and didn't care because he felt like he had something to get off his chest?
i say if his second album were all about relationships (which i doubt), THEN you can assume like you already are.
5:12/5:19, et al:
Did you guys read the last two paragraphs of the review?
Also, I think you guys should appreciate long-winded posts because they give you more material to trash in the comments section.
And you can take my 1.5 stars and stick em up your tailpipe for all I care. Why do you think we include links to band sites, myspace pages, labels, etc? It's not like we're elbowing you in the side going, "Hey get a load of this shit." It's so that you can conveniently go check it out yourself if you feel like it. If you like the music, it'd be a lot more interesting if you talked about that in your comments rather than offering your own critique of my critique of an album.
"maybe he did know and didn't care because he felt like he had something to get off his chest?
i say if his second album were all about relationships (which i doubt), THEN you can assume like you already are."
I made no assumptions.. I used 'seems' vs. 'is'
However you used the word 'are' which does in general put your view of me in a finite state which is that of an assumption.. You know very little of me, and it is very illogical deduce from the lack of that knowledge..
I also did not make an assumption about Daniel having or not having anything on his chest.. And as of this point I'm somewhat confused as to what it seems that you want to get off your chest.. or if this conversation just gets you off..
cheers, and fuck off
i like how that begins with jesus and ends with christ. other than that, how is saying he speaks too much about the lyrics and not enough about the music being whiny?
You gave Dasniel Folmer 1 and 1/2 stars because you want people to dislike his music. You obviously don't want people to buy his record. Why else would you give him 1 and 1/2 stars? Can you even answer my question which I have asked about 4 times? Why write about something that you obviously don't like?
You DIDN'T include a link to Daniel Folmers page you dumbass!
Yeah, I read the last two paragraphs, Wildcat(grrowwwl). So, after reading that, I must ask you, Why the Hell did you write this stupid article? Why? I just want to know why.
I think the truth is you have NO IDEA as to why you wrote it. I think that deep down you have fooled yourself into thinking that you are actually going to get paid for doing this shit at some point in your life. Other than that reason(impressing someone at The Observer or something) I see no point to your writing this crap. Just a complete waste of time.
All you've managed to do is confuse and irritate me. If you don't have something mice to say...oh forget it.
there's a link to his page at the end of the third paragraph, right after some links to gutterth's site and a page for fair to midland, and right before a link to the observer article that gave Gloria a positive review. feel free to check out any of those links and form your own opinion about music.
you should really check out those links, because as the last part of my review suggests, there are probably a good number of people out there that would like Gloria, and you might be one of them!
God, who is this fuckin asshole?
DF has gotten tons of positive reviews. why is it such a disaster that wsjr doesn't follow suite. i'm glad it was written because it seemed like something all the other reviews either didn't pick up on or chose to ignore. it's not that big of a deal. and why the fuck do you want to compare it to chris garver. i think that's shitty and unfair for both artists. i doubt they want their music and audience drawn into some sort of dualist split. bunch of bullshit.
6:12 here.
i would like to point out though that if wsjr does plan to make it a pattern to do trash reviews this thing could get unhealthy real quick.
Daniel is a great instrumentalist and composer. He's been making awesome music for years and this review won't stop that. I think it's silly to harp on the repetitive lyrical content of a concept album. I think a lot of the lines you pointed out (when in the context of the song) are really good lines, and that he approached the subject matter (a girl that he was using as a crutch who left him to pursue "better things") from many different angles and in an interesting way. If you don't like personal albums, or you don't like confessional songwriting, say so, but don't give him 1 1/2 stars because you can't get a date.
To all the "why did you write a negative review" people:
Why do you THINK we wrote about Daniel's CD? First of all, he DID ask us to write about it when he sent it to us for review and sample. The CD has also been reviewed in a couple other publications, has the support of a local promotion company/record label, and has been talked about quite a bit around town. We did the review because it was relevant, and Wildcat was honest with his opinion. What other reason do we need?
i dont give a fuck about the music, i just want to know why half of his foot is missing on the drab cover art?
Who let you write this? Were is Defesive Listening?
im a musician i mean composer i mean musician and if you put your art out be prepared for good praise as well as negative press.
i can't wait to get our cd done so i can get an honest review from weshotjr.
1 and 1/2 stars was a bit generous.
Thanks for listening.
Just to be clear, Gutterth Records is NOT releasing the Fair To Midland album. That is on Universal Republic.
go somewhere else you whiney bastards.
wsjr, thanks for the review. thanks for the daily work you put in this blog for all of the bitchy anons - myself included. thanks for taking the time to review submissions from people instead of just hyping friends or the slice of the day.
"You gave Dasniel Folmer 1 and 1/2 stars because you want people to dislike his music. You obviously don't want people to buy his record. Why else would you give him 1 and 1/2 stars? Can you even answer my question which I have asked about 4 times? Why write about something that you obviously don't like?"
I laughed so hard at this!!! what a useless baby!!
Whoever the crying weenie is who wrote has no
fucking clue what free press/press means......collect yourself because you sound like a two year old
defenestration has never felt so good
'i would like to point out though that if wsjr does plan to make it a pattern to do trash reviews this thing could get unhealthy real quick.'
'Yeah, I read the last two paragraphs, Wildcat(grrowwwl). So, after reading that, I must ask you, Why the Hell did you write this stupid article? Why? I just want to know why.
I think the truth is you have NO IDEA as to why you wrote it. I think that deep down you have fooled yourself into thinking that you are actually going to get paid for doing this shit at some point in your life. Other than that reason(impressing someone at The Observer or something) I see no point to your writing this crap. Just a complete waste of time.
All you've managed to do is confuse and irritate me. If you don't have something mice to say...oh forget it.'
over the past year.. there have been very few trash reviews.. in fact I can only count 1.. it involved a cd flying out a car window, and onto a street. at which point it literally became trash(which from the point of view that is trash was a slap in the face of all trash kind)..
lets review the past 2 weeks of record reviews(iv become redundant for the friends of daniel)..3 reviews.. 1 ridiculed something that should be ridiculed.. 1 that was a check this shit out.. and 1 that pointed out flaws in a local artists freshman release..
if you would like to start a blog to review reviewers.. your welcome too.. if you would like to start a blog which you give everybody 5 out of 5 stars.. and you give everyone a +++'s.. feel free tooo.. if you think everything is just dandy in the world.. and that bad music, child molesters, and starvation do not exist.. then fine.. but you are more then likely not to be happy with this blog.. and you more then likely have your head down or up some hole..
I'm sorry I ever even wrote anything. Daniel Folmer actually ASKED you to review his album?! OH my GOD that is so pathetic! And you creeps actually agreed to do it? I guess it didn't work out the way he thought it was gonna' work out, huh?
But then the article does make wildcat look like a gigantic asshole, so......
You're all completely lost. Have fun doing this shit every day for the rest of your lives!
These comment sections are such a good testament as to why the D/FW music scene sucks. People around here = thick pieces of shit.
Reading this was painful.
the was the drams review. but i liked that review too. thought it was honest. i did say making a pattern of doing reviews of stuff you don't like can be unhealthy. but i'm not saying that so far wsjr hasn't done a pretty good job at being pretty up-front on reviews. it's refreshing. but just like it says in the review if it turns into a pattern it can be negative for the blog.
you should move.
all cities are the same.
lovers and haters abound in equal measure.
That's really lame that he asked you to write an article about him. And you complied. That's just completely gay.
I think it's hilarious how you fuckers frown on any opinions which differ from yours. What a bunch of cocksuckers.
We sent a review copy of the album to WSJR, not Daniel himself.
Our Mailing address for all CDs, press kits, and anything else :
We Shot J.R.
P.O. Box 721261
Dallas,TX 75372-1261
yes, I wasn't trying to say that Daniel Folmer "told" us to write an article about him... I just meant that when his label sent us a copy of his CD, we took it as an invitation to review it, which I'm sure was the intention in the first place. Got it?
12:51 here, That was directed at the anons saying it was lame to send an album to a review blog
every time you give an album less than a two star review an angel gets its wings
I think the review will help Daniel Folmer more than anything else written about him elsewhere--for instance his next album can be about how a blog ruined his life forever --it is true that he needs to work on his vocabulary and content--he has some potential--i think?
all the cry babies should just go back to watching fox news on thier tv's and leave the internet to people capable of forming thier own opinions
I know this material might be a little old from the WSJR myspace, and if you only come here, you are not given this fair warning, but please read through and note the last two sentences.
"If you send information about your band, or pictures, or an album or demo, We WILL listen to them, and if they are good we WILL write about them. We get dozens and dozens of albums and review requests every week, so please be patient with us, because we will eventually get around to yours. Most of the time, if what you send us isn't good, we simply won't write about it. However, if you send us something that is that certain kind of bad, we might be forced to write about it and say mean things. Just a warning."
So just imagine this scenario:
In the beginning, or soon thereafter, WSJR received dozens of albums and review requests every week. You, as the singular super blog administrator, have to sit and listen to dozens of albums every week (if this is what you believe the administrators of this blog do to ensure content). Stoned Ranger has added a few new associates as time goes on to deal with your mass response to the invitation to send material in; and the subsequent influx of material by local artists has necessitated a variety of written opinions and writing styles.
Obviously, some of you readers prefer certain writers' perspectives on live performances or album reviews. "Too wordy! Get to the fucking point!" you say. Or "You didn't give me enough! What did they sound like!" Christ! You try covering the variety of sounds going on around here or touring through here and see how many entertaining adjectives you can come up with that a thousand other paid music critics haven't already.
This is your free entertainment every day. It's mine too. As much as I LOVE (see...SARCASM) weeding through all the garbage comments to get to the meat of the arguments, the garbage I can't take is commentors bagging on contributers here, and people complaining that their opinion is not the correct way to publicly comment on music. Of course it is!
If you perform or release and album for review, you are opening yourself up to criticism. If you didn't want anyone to ever see or hear you sing a personal song about your experiences, you simply don't go record it or play it in front of anyone. Daniel Folmer obviously has done both of these things, and therefore we can all discuss it, good and bad. Don't tell the writers of this blog that they can't complain about repetitive verbal usage, especially pronouns. Of course they can! They're the ones with an initial forum to do so.
[As a side note, while I'm thinking about it: All of your little glib comments on other people's spelling or grammar as a response to them saying something you don't like is trite. Come with substance. It's like a fucking bathroom wall in here sometimes!]
Some of you prefer all positive all the time. But you know that, in theory, you wouldn't sit and listen to several dozen albums that someone randomly requests to you and have positive opinions about all of them. Or, you might only listen to things you'll surely like because it sounds like what you already like, so you're never disappointed. Congratulations to you! Your worldly musical pallet is afloat, and you'll never require another craft for buoyancy. The writers here don't have that luxury, because they can't always choose what they will receive. They probably get one good album out of ten. Maybe. So, if you think about it, they are being nice, statistically.
They say "Music seems crazy, bands start up each and every day," and in turn, contributers to this blog have to take in a little of them all each time one of us, or our friends, starts a band and sends them something. I believe the writers try and keep an open mind, but, as each of us, they have a standard to which they hold music as art, and when it conforms to annoying cliches, or their personal dislikes, it's going to come out bitterly for us, the commentors, to read, or they'll be pleasantly surprised and feel that they are supplying us with a breath of their fresh air. You don't have to accept the air, just don't tell them it's not breathable.
does "caudled" mean the same thing as "coddled"
cause i ain't never heard a such.
Wow. Look, you're talking about a blog who hypes up Farah...does their opinion really matter? This blog is the epitome of crossed armed, frowny faced scenesterism. Everyone grab their own opinion and run. Be happy liking what you like and leave the hate for people who don't really know what lifes all about. It sure is not about "blogs" and "star" ratings and who likes you and who doesn't. Has the heat made everyone insane? WHO CARES?
I care, because these are my peers and most of my peers come off looking like insensitive creeps on here. It's disheartening to know that the community I live in harbors such cruel sentiment and "cross armed, frowny faced scenesterism". It's as if people are one day these sweet little kids, and then when you turn 18 you turn into an over-opinionated, hyper-critical slug.
Since when does being older mean having to be more cruel and jaded? What ever happened to wisdom and open-mindedness?
It's only music, afterall.
We can only hope that most people have a mind of their own to go listen to music and make their own decisions. If they are blindly buying into what a blog tells them "sucks" and "doesn't suck" then who wants their input anyway? What's silly is people who think that the opinion of this blog is the be all end all of criticism. This is an anonymous persons view of music, etc. Why does anyone care what this anonymous person has to say in a review? Do you care what your neighbor thinks about your band, music, outfit? Hopefully and probably not. Same difference. Think about it, you're letting someone who goes by "wildcat", "stonedranger" and "defensive listening" tell you what they think of who knows what. Very trite and silly!
"We can only hope that most people have a mind of their own to go listen to music and make their own decisions. If they are blindly buying into what a blog tells them "sucks" and "doesn't suck" then who wants their input anyway? What's silly is people who think that the opinion of this blog is the be all end all of criticism. This is an anonymous persons view of music, etc. Why does anyone care what this anonymous person has to say in a review? Do you care what your neighbor thinks about your band, music, outfit? Hopefully and probably not. Same difference. Think about it, you're letting someone who goes by "wildcat", "stonedranger" and "defensive listening" tell you what they think of who knows what. Very trite and silly!"
Why does anyone care? That's a good question. You should tell me, since you're on here writing this. Your neighbor metaphor is a poor one. Chances are that your neighbor doesn't go to as many shows as we do or try to actually give your art a chance. Remember that behind the anonymity and admittedly silly names are real people that probably give a shit about what you do in your bedroom and garage more than your mother even does. Your self satisfied tone is trite and silly.
I can assure you that every contributer of the blog encourages listeners to form their own opinions......However this blog was not established to be another mouthpiece for north texas music (ie: observer). It was established to offer an honest perception of the music/art scene in north texas from a group of people who were fed up with the status quo. If you don't agree with their perception/opinions/reviews etc...GOOD! that's healthy!.....start a discussion why you disagree! but back it up and don't act like some pissy baby because your buddy didn't get a favorable review. Instead, act like a grown up and support your opinions why you disagree. Now, if you lack the maturity to do this, then. go. read. the. fucking. observer.......
Defensive Listenings retort was even more trite and silly than the review. It's so easy to get you up in arms. You could be my neighbor or some bum on the street, it makes no difference to me what you think is cool and what you don't. I read this blog from time to time for a laugh. So now your reviewing your own comment thread? Hilarious. Well, ok...I give your comment 1/4 of a point of a star. For effort and because your little defensive feelings were hurt because I laughed at your "name".
"Remember that behind the anonymity and admittedly silly names are real people that probably give a shit about what you do in your bedroom and garage more than your mother even does."
Do you really care if I got my homework done and fixed the lawnmower?
It's no secret "wildcat" and "defensive listening" are one and the same silly person.
For someone who just reads this blog "for a laugh" and doesn't care about our opinions, you sure have a lot to say about we shot jr, don't you? Face it: we're the most important thing in your life.
You'd like to think so, truth is sometimes a guy just gets bored at work. Sorry you're just an amusement to me and we can't build anything stronger than that. You'll find someone out there that thinks you're important. I just know you will!
"Defensive Listenings retort was even more trite and silly than the review. It's so easy to get you up in arms. You could be my neighbor or some bum on the street, it makes no difference to me what you think is cool and what you don't. I read this blog from time to time for a laugh. So now your reviewing your own comment thread? Hilarious. Well, ok...I give your comment 1/4 of a point of a star. For effort and because your little defensive feelings were hurt because I laughed at your "name"."
So, for a laugh. Thank you. I'm glad you cleared that up. I appreciate your humor as well.
it looks really lame when the bloggers come on here crying cause someone doesn't like their blog. get a grip SR & DL it's just a blog
I'm sick of this thread, but...
I didn't like the album. However, once again I'm dumbfounded as to how the review can be considered hyper critical when it:
- mentions that gutterth deserves a pat on the back for doing what they do around town.
- mentions and provides a link to the the DO article that gave the album a positive review.
- cites Folmer's "admirable" willingness to express his intimate thoughts as something that I thought other listeners might enjoy, even though I didn't.
- identifies Serotonin as a strong track.
- mentions that I can "appreciate that he identifies and expresses emotions that can be conflicting in the context of relationship problems" even though I thought that it may have contributed to the monotony of the album.
- expresses a reluctance to pass judgment on what is obviously a very personal and confessional album, and ultimately offers my own boring existence as an explanation for why I either couldn't identify with or simply didn't care for the album. I don't know that I can think of a more self-deprecating way of expressing that I don't like something.
- and ends by suggesting that it's reasonable that others in DFW might respond entirely different than I did and sincerely enjoy the album.
And as for "cross-armed, frowny-faced scenesterism," you do realize that a major premise of this blog is that we generally loathe the "scene" and the stifling cliquish cronyism that it often entails--what SR has called a hipster version of the good ol boy model, don't you? Your comments seem to suggest that you prefer that status quo. Do you recognize that it's no coincidence that nobody objects to the fact that I said I didn't like Great Lakes?
hey dude, I've got a joke for you: why don't you tell everyone how many time you've page loaded the blog today.
I already know the punch line, and trust me, it's funny.
"you do realize that a major premise of this blog is that we generally loathe the "scene" and the stifling cliquish cronyism that it often entails"
Gosh, I need to remember this next time you write about pretty vacant djs, Dallas Fucking Party People, The Party, Farah, the same 6 bands and write the words "dubstep" and "italo".
I've now succesfully lured all three (although I suspect one of you is really two personas) of you "bloggers" into the thread to whine and complain. I see why you do this blog now. You three collectively have no life. Back to work with me. See you when I need a laugh.
"although I suspect one of you is really two personas"
This is the kind of weird and paranoid shit that leads me to believe you might be coming here for more than a laugh.
The fact that he's already been here 37 times today (literally) makes me think the same thing.
I agree that either you and wildcat just happen to have gotten a thesaurus for christmas or your over use of the english language is a very odd and gibberish-like coincidence.
I, for one, come here for a stomachache and I'm never dissapointed!
on another note: when does ANYONE "overuse" the english language on this blog.
if anything, it's refreshing to know that SOMEONE can use words other than words that end with either "tarded" or "wad."
btw, did anyone read DL's shellac review, it's far more interesting than this bullshit thread.
I can't speak for Wildcat, but I'm not going to dumb anything down for its own sake. It's really okay to have a basic understanding of English. I don't think there is a single flashy or superfluous passage in that entire review. I promise the words used (usually) exist. Saying it's gibberish is way off. Now I have to do the It List, so JimJim and I can know where we'll be hanging out tonight.
i thought we were WAY past the conspiracy theories and urban legends surrounding the identities of anyone who writes for wsjr. didn't we all agree a long time ago that it's fun the way it is?
and i'm a total habitual browser refresher so it's okay to look. own it.
Yeah, I'm on here waaaaaay too much. i love this blog. suck it, tittybabies.
and when you think about it, even the people that hate this blog are having fun on here. We have fun writing it, the people that hate it have fun pointing out how much it sucks, and the people that like it have fun reading and commenting.
It's like I always say: everyone wins with We Shot J.R.!
And now I'm done with this thread.
I win!
keep your crying for your fucking closet.
selfish, emotional, stupid, and boring.
Sing about something that actually matters. something that will challenge someone. I know it might be hard when you're completely cracked out on WOW (what a sad sad sad existence) but just try. Listening to you whine about your childish insecurities (ie: other people looking at your girlfriend at a topless beach in Europe) makes me sad for this society.
Grow up.
I actually thought it was a nicer review than 1 1/2 stars ... I would have guessed 2.
Finally got a chance to read all of this review... I'm with MC, the tone of the review would seem to warrant more stars, but whatever, it was cool the reviewer took the time to listen to the whole CD and give space and thought to Daniel's work.
I like Daniel Folmer's songs a lot and have enjoyed the CD's I have of his. I'm glad some people are able to write voluminously about relationships (ala Chris Isaak) since that is something I don't do very well.
Heck, after reading this review, I want to hear the CD...
i've never commented on here, but i am doing so for the sake of saying that i agree with this review.
What else do the people who run this blog do with their lives? And how the fuck do they earn any money? What a pitiful existence. Who knows, maybe they all won the lottery or got a huge inheritance. So what do they do with their time? This. They do this. What a complete joke! You do know that I get on here just to annoy you, don't you? You do know that I hate your guts and am trying to sway people away from listening to the opinions of musical morons like you, right? I figure I can do the damage in 3 minutes that it takes you a whole day of retorts(to other posters following my cue no less) to do. That's sad.
"What else do the people who run this blog do with their lives? And how the fuck do they earn any money? What a pitiful existence. Who knows, maybe they all won the lottery or got a huge inheritance. So what do they do with their time? This. They do this. What a complete joke! You do know that I get on here just to annoy you, don't you? You do know that I hate your guts and am trying to sway people away from listening to the opinions of musical morons like you, right? I figure I can do the damage in 3 minutes that it takes you a whole day of retorts(to other posters following my cue no less) to do. That's sad."
You're doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work.
actually, 2:40, the only thing you've succeeded at is helping to foster an extremely negative environment that is not conducive to change or progress in an already stagnant scene.
but your success will soon be halted, because most of us don't care what you have to say, and those who do won't when our discoveries are made public.
you and your antagonism are quickly sublimating into a hardly noticeable but slightly odorous gas.
I love Daniel's music. The show on Saturday will be wonderful. Daniel Folmer, Chris Garver, Western Civilization, AND New Science Projects at the Cavern. It's a show worth going to, AND you can even pick up Gloria at the show.
Gloria is Daniel's best album yet.
There was no real assertion in the writer's voice either way - that's why people who don't have a vested interest in Daniel were weirded out by the review.
The writer wasn't bashing Daniel, he just alternated between excusing DF's emotional material and then excusing his own indecision. He certainly wasn't giving us any useful information or bright interpretive comments on Daniel's craft or the concept of the album.
Like a lot of you on here, I just read this blog for a quick who's- playing-and-when fix. Reviews like this don't make me count the subjective stuff for anything.
Does anyone care about good music writing anymore? There's no rule that says bloggers shouldn't try for some.
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