CD Review: The Last Ones on Earth, s/t

Unfortunately, I can't really write a full review of The Last Ones on Earth debut because I only got a chance to listen to it once all the way through. So I figure if anyone would like to do a write-up of this CD and submit to us, they're welcome to do so. You can even borrow my copy. All you have to do is go pick it up near the corner of Main and Haskell, which is where I threw it out the window of my car.
best review ever. up there with "shit sandwich"
actually, I did find your copy, but it was so intensley dramatic that I couldn't take I threw it into the puppy park underneath good latimer
I wouldn't listen to these guys if they were the last ones on earth................I'll be here all week, enjoy the buffet
why didn't i just take your word for it? why did i hit the link and be accosted like that?!
This comment has been removed by the author.
i listened to about 30-40sec. i don't think it's that bad. it's just sort of sounds like the stuff that for some reason i never really like unless it's actually vintage. i don't know why i don't like it unless it is "authentic". it sounds cool enough. the beatles thing. the sixties sweet tickle me noise thing. but 2007. definately boring live i'm sure. but then again why did dr. dog's easybeat hit so good. it's just ripped off vintage pop too. the drums kind of do suck a bit. maybe their drugs suck. i don't know. they aren't bad they just are so mable syrup. i really think they are good but being good comes with some responsibility i guess. needs better judgement and feel.
wow, that really really sucks.
i guess it's candy flavored puke. it's sweet. but it's still vomit.
sucks donkey balls
I also found a buttplug with the initials "S.D." on it. Hmmm.
10:41, or the absence of drugs
Wait, no, the initials are "S.R."...okay, now I get it. nevermind.
um, please stop littering in my neighborhood. we have enough crap on the streets here. thank you.
haha 10:41--mable syrup? tastes like old lady feet!
oh you guys...
best review ever
i followed the link to Salim Nagheenanajar and his stuff was horrible too.
Poor Santi! He's going to be so upset!
sounds to me like a bunch of jealous denton-loving wannabe musos hang out here...
p.s. any one who posts anonymous trash like this is a ball-less coward. why don't you pick on one of the scores of mega-successful suck-ass artists out there instead of trashing stuff in your own backyard?
yeah don't criticize. keep dallas plastic please.
oh yeah and it has EVERYTHING to do with "denton-loving wannabe musos" HA! what does denton have ANYTHING to do with this crap? pluhease. give me a fucking break. how come everytime someone doesn't like shitty pop music it's denton's fault? i guess denton really is badass by that logic. dumbass.
thanks for implying that the only thing that comes out of dallas is watered down singer songwriter elliott smith wannabes, salim. just ask farah, fighting back on here only brings unwanted criticism.
i just like the idea of blaming denton for everything.
someone ate my subway leftovers that i left in the fridge at work.
i'm looking at you, denton.
What's wrong with loving Denton?
p.s. - sorry, about eating yer subway.
"Oh, your soooo right, I want to be just like you! I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights"
I didn't get a chance to have lunch today.
Any of you Dallas folk still have anything laying around I can steal?
Yeah, fuck you, Salim. You just did the SAME thing that you are accusing. Did you really just blame a whole fucking cities worth of musicians for talking shit? Are you serious?
Salim Nourallah is _______?
A) The new Don Was
B) The new Todd Rundgren
C) The new Jeff Lynne
main and haskell, thats a pretty rough neighborhood S.R.
if it sucks, it deserves to be trashed, backyard or no.
i do disagree that things deserve to be trashed. i generally don't support reviews that trash artists. but this wasn't that bad. SR didn't actually do a review so it wasn't really trashed. he just said basically that he/she didn't like it without unnecessary elboration.
i mean SR's post with me anyway is kind of walking the line as far as what my own ethics are on trash reviews.
I have some left over fried chicken. I dare you to try to steal meat from me.
I heard these guys are going on tour with this band
after carefully listening to all four songs on said artists myspace page, i went back to listen to
meet my mistress.
out of all of the songs, this one is definitely ear candy, catchy, and the most influenced by the pleasantry lane sound.
the bass work is impeccable, most assuredly played and sonically tweaked by s. nourallah
(note the spelling kids).
the lyrics are uninspired, and the vocals are awkward at best.
where they work in the songs favor is on the chorus, the intonations hit just the right feel when he sings "home".
again, the bass takes a brilliant turn pitted against the fuzzy other instrument which reminds me of the bass on the shins phantom limb. the textured layers of noise are tasty, although the vocal back ups resonating from ear to ear were distracting at times. the understated xylaphone on the last few measures is a nice touch.
all in all, a better reference of what pleasantry lane is capable of putting out than as a reflection on the song's merit or quality which might be another conversation entirely.
a resounding B
C'mon, people lovers, giving a cd a 30-40 second listen and then dismissing the whole thing is the way God intended those without thumbs to voice their opinions. And it reminds me of the story where Jesus was walking on the sand but he was leaving no footprints and he came upon a man who had no shoes so Jesus taught him how to fish and the man repaid Jesus by giving him a massage with a happy ending and the moral of this fable is that it is much easier to blow up a building than it is to build one.
dave little
dave little: you're lame.
agreed. that little stupid story was lame dave little.
"Jesus? where?"
orgasmo anybody? no? ok.
ow. that really hurts. my fingertips are weeping.
dave little
and the anonymous cowards roll on...
"i followed the link to Salim Nagheenanajar and his stuff was horrible too."
awesome office space reference 2:09. am i the only one on here that got this?
isn't it easy to have a laugh at someone else's expense when no one knows who you are? anyone posting rudeness here under "anonymous" might as well stamp "ignorant loser" on their forehead. so come on, keep 'em coming!!! it's amusing as hell...
The mistress song is decent. I actually remember liking Moon Festival back in 91 or so. The rest I could do without. Yeah, maybe the "review" came off a little harsh, and that's in part because as far as I can tell Salim (et al) is closer to "good guy" in Dallas than "bad guy" from a music fan's perspective ... yes, it's classic vanilla Dallas pop, but there is SO MUCH WORSE out there.
But what do I know, I just stomp on broken casios.
Salim, this whole "show your face" thing is really played out on this blog. If you spent anytime here, you'd even take it with a grain of salt... Maybe even wear it with pride. I was against the anon comments until i actually considered them and saw how valuable they can be... If you are smart enough to wade through them to find the truth. Lighten up, dude.
the trolls are out
What a creep. The band is crap. End of story.
jealous of what exactly? exclusive crotch shots of Jonanna Widner?
hey, who here likes pie?
dave little
All this really does is get pub for The Last Ones on Earth - I think more people have or will check out this album because of this "review" than if WSJR hadn't latched onto it as a whippingboy du jour.
And WSJR has an upswing in traffic and word of mouth, especially after site traffic was (probably) down for the weekend while Blogger went haywire.
So really - it's a win/win.
Salim - You ahve been one of the most overrated artists in this shitty scene for years. Shut up - quit trying to defend your bullhit "Chris Gaines" side project on this blog. DOUCHE !!!
salim is not only one of our regions best & prolific songwriter, he's a killer producer/engineer. the man has a knack for really producing some great sounds out of his studio, and has people from all over the country vying for studio time. he is a decent guy, a great dad, and a loving husband. he does not deserve all your hurtful and hateful comments.
if he pointed out denton as the negatory nancys it is because denton has a bad rep for hating the dallas musicians. dallas musicians have no beef with dentonites and are usually working and helping each other in this scene and don't have the time or the inclination to bash on denton.
It is truly sad that there is so much infighting here in north texas.
imagine how far our music community could grow if we all worked together instead of tearing everyone around us like rabid hounds or like a fucking dysfunctional family.
Salim Nourallah will be playing this saturday with Smile Smile at club dada.
that's fine and all but i'm still out a basketball.
Wow. 11:13 actually thinks that's gonna help.
Is "win butler" the same person as "new mexican veggie burrito" and also the one who wrote a longass review of the national a few threads ago? if so, please get your own blog.
no, and fuck you 11:47, you are an idiot and no one likes you.
I'll wrestle me some Cha Cha over a chicken leg.
who are the mega successful sucky artists from denton? just curious.
11:13 "Salim Nourallah will be playing this saturday with Smile Smile at club dada."
Man, that whole long-winded "pat on the back" just made Frown Frown.
Dude, this threads got Cotton Dockers ALL over it.
Wait a second. Salim, aren't you supposed to be spamming Myspace about the Dalls Observer Music awards right now?
He does say in his blog, "I hate Denton." I am from Denton, so does that mean he hates me anonymously?
There are bad albums everywhere, come on SR, what's a good'n?
ok win butler your statement is totally fucking false and full of shit concerning attitudes between denton/dallas.
"if he pointed out denton as the negatory nancys it is because denton has a bad rep for hating the dallas musicians. dallas musicians have no beef with dentonites"
bullshit. this wasn't started by anyone in denton. i think the first shot made was by salem stating
"bunch of jealous denton-loving wannabe musos"
so. fuck you. your dallass ain't innocent and sweet. this shit review has nothing to do with denton. and you stating that "denton as the negatory nancys it is because denton has a bad rep for hating the dallas musicians." that just further implies by YOU. "some people say" before you state your OWN opinion doesn't make it true. so fuck you again. and get off dentonites back we're just fucking making badass music. are YOU jealous? because no one has said shit about dallas sucking. just salim. is HE dallas alone? fuck you pricks go to hell.
It's actually a breast, Cody.
If you gave 1:31pm some catnip, would his head explode? Just sayin.
Shut up. Your late for your Bend Yoga gig, ya fucking Tesh Bitch.
Where's the fan for your flowing locks, Moon Fest?
i like how salim didnt defend them until his name was brought up. just sayin.
Hah... You have to be Salim. Suck.
it doesn't matter that salim didn't say anything until his name was brought up. it still has NOTHING to do with denton and that was the first thing he attacked. where anywhere does it say the people talking shit about his stuff and that band's stuff sucking are from denton. so far the only ones that have identities that associate to a place are from DALLAS. so fuck you once more.
10:27, you are dead on.
The point of this blog post is pretty transparent. If I recall, this blog dismissed this band out-of-hand over a month ago, claiming to have listened to it once. And yet, the CD resonated and festered with him so much that, almost five weeks later, he decides he just HAS TO use it as a cheap ploy to start a shitstorm and drive up his page hits.
Don't fool yourselves, it is all about page hits here. Note his repeated "gotchas" in the comments about tracking viewer's URLs and gloating about increased traffic. Note his complaints on other sites about Pitchfork copping his scoops because "they are making a lot of money."
He has apparently developed some fantasy that this insignificant blog might someday earn enough bread to let him escape from his crappy file clerk or programmer day job. But when all you offer is salt and no steak, wit, and no wisdom, your audience will always be limited those who seek snark as a stop-gap for their ever deflating self-worth. And you must assume that is all one has to offer who writes in the breezy style of C+ english major.
Ultimately, what you have here, is an emperor who wears ninja clothes.
"10:27, you are dead on.
The point of this blog post is pretty transparent. If I recall, this blog dismissed this band out-of-hand over a month ago, claiming to have listened to it once. And yet, the CD resonated and festered with him so much that, almost five weeks later, he decides he just HAS TO use it as a cheap ploy to start a shitstorm and drive up his page hits.
Don't fool yourselves, it is all about page hits here. Note his repeated "gotchas" in the comments about tracking viewer's URLs and gloating about increased traffic. Note his complaints on other sites about Pitchfork copping his scoops because "they are making a lot of money."
He has apparently developed some fantasy that this insignificant blog might someday earn enough bread to let him escape from his crappy file clerk or programmer day job. But when all you offer is salt and no steak, wit, and no wisdom, your audience will always be limited those who seek snark as a stop-gap for their ever deflating self-worth. And you must assume that is all one has to offer who writes in the breezy style of C+ english major.
Ultimately, what you have here, is an emperor who wears ninja clothes."
2:12 PM
If it truly is all about page hits here, I'm sure Stonedranger would have picked on a much bigger fish than Salim Nourallah or The Last Ones On Earth. You're obviously a supporter but don't let your support cloud your judgement as to how significant giving a bad review to a local artist is going to be. When I went on vacation not too long ago, the only name people knew from Dallas was Farah, not Salim. Stew on that for awhile.
And while you dissect the intentions of our limited audience, why don't you give me a detailed explanation as to why you're here.
Trust me, if it were all about page hits, I'm sure there's an easier way.
12:46, 1:00, 1:38, 1:39, 1:40, 1:56
You're an idiot. Shut up (J.....).
Learn correct english when burning opponent.
You might try revising and eliminating the obtuse and repetitive phrasing. That entry made you look verbally challenged.
nicely put.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to my gardening.
i take that back,
that was cute.
1st paragraph: I never said that, and if anything, I only listened to songs on their myspace page before I obtained a copy of the CD. What I said about the CD is a literal description of what I did when I listened to it.
2nd paragraph: There are only three people that I ever say those things to, and I do so because those people come on here dozens and dozens of times a day and talk shit about every band or DJ we talk about. I don't care if they talk shit about me, but I'm not going to allow them to be intellectually dishonest, which is what they do every time they come on here and pretend to be two or three different people who all happen to have the same negative opinion about a certain topic. They always follow up my call-outs with a post about how much they hate me and the blog, so I simply remind them that they are only helping me when they post and page load on here. Honestly, I would trade their hits for higher quality discussions in the comments any day of the week.
Also, do you honestly think that if we were only concerned with page counts we would spend half of our time talking about avant garde noise rock and doing interviews with touring bands who play to 40 people at avenue arts? There are much easier ways to get big hit counts with a music blog, trust me. But on the other hand, you're right- we do watch hit counts, and we ARE interested in increasing them. I don't know what we are going to do with this blog long term, but part of the fun is knowing that more and more people are reading what we write.
And in reference to what I wrote on Gorilla vs Bear, I never once mentioned myself or Ghosthuster (the subject of the post) in my comments. I was talking about Pitchfork's behavior as a whole, and their tendency to pass off other people's discoveries as their own. Sure, we would have liked to have been linked on Pitchfork, but there are a lot of other people (Gorilla vs Bear) who have a lot more to complain about in that regard than we do.
1:31 here. "try to use correct english" wah wah wah. fucktard. shut up. i had a point and i fucking said it. and you had nothing to say back about it other than trying to throw a red herring about my manner of speech. get over it. you were wrong.
ps. i bet your garden is full of useless shit.
oh my god, that hurts, that fucking hurts hahahaha!!!!!
fucking garden!!!!!!!!hahahahaha!!!!!
you are so stupid!!!!!hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!shit, i can't breathe, hahahaha!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh.
thanks, i needed that!
I'm from Dallas and this bands is just another reason why Dallas gets such a bad reputation. Guys like Salim talk about coming together as a community and supporting each other, but really he means to support more lame pop crap. Anything good, different, or interesting gets completely ignored by the core of the more established Dallas acts. Really Salim(yeah you)...... when was the last time you went to check out any of the bands or DJ's that get talked about on here on a regular basis. Never. That's right. Never. If you are not gonna walk the walk then you are not allowed to talk the talk.
Hello bloggers.
My point about your intentions remains. This is a band that, as far as I can tell, hasn't promoted its record at all, hasn't played any shows, and hasn't garnered any substantial press. We aren't in any danger of it taking over the world.
But we are led to believe that you found the CD so viscerally repugnant that you decided to lead the vanguard by simultaneoulsy scooping and trashing it? You make some good points about your overall intentions here, but THAT post in particular reeked of a seriously silly gimmick to break the dead air on this blog. This just in: WeShotJr doesn't like a slick pop record! That intellectual laziness really does blur the line between your intentions and those of your graphiti commentors whom you trash for rendering blind dissent. Really, how is it different.
And as for your co-blogger's question as to why I am here, it is because it is human nature to slow down at the car wreck. The totalitarian tone, the frothing vitriol of the followers, and the insular dissolution of the entire operation is equal parts sad, and amusing. Its a bit like watching the O'Reilly Factor or something, watching that guy spew nonsense and then threaten to cut the mic on anything that sounds different from its worldview.
You invited the band on, and your minions laughed as you cut their mic. That is the worst type of cowardice--the type disguised as bravery. But you are quite adept at disguise.
fuck..........this is worse than watching televised political debates........maybe not
saying something is human nature other than fucking, eating, sleeping and surviving is complete fucking bullshit. all the rest is cultural. i hate you and your christian fucking attitude.
it's too bad that your solid writing doesn't mask the fact that you don't know what the hell you're talking about,
1. The CD was reviewed because it appeared on the Good Records local sales charts several times, it was produced by one of the better known musicians in town, and because I was sent a copy of the CD for review...I presume it was sent to me by someone with an interest in the band or the band itself. How is that dishonest or intellectually lazy? I literally described exactly what I did with it.
2. How it my tone totalitarian? Do you know what that word means? Did I command anyone to do or think anything? Quit being so dramatic that it causes you to incorrectly describe what you see.
3. You describe our readers as "minions" following along with our opinions. Was yesterday the first time that you've read this blog? If not, then you should know that hardly anyone ever agrees on anything around here. And if so, then you shouldn't generalize so much.
3. Could you provide some examples of my nonsense and lack of wisdom that you seem to think is all over the place on here?
4. Could you describe what cowardice and bravery are, and how that applies to a local music blog? How is it cowardly to criticize someone, even anonymously? I'm sure you didn't find my anonymous post on 420 bong rips cowardly, did you?
4.22pm. Post of the day.
I love the fact that just by using the word "coward" implies that if whatever artist DID find who wrote what, some kind of action would take place, be it physical or verbal
443- I'm going to start calling you loverboy due to the hundreds of times you log on to this blog every week. Doesn't it make you feel gross?
448- exactly. Why do you need to know my name or who I am? Even if you did, it wouldn't mean shit to you unless you wanted to hunt me down and beat me up. You can say whatever you want to say to me right here, for all the world to see.
I sent the cd after there were discussions about who the hell Last Ones On Earth are after they showed up on the Good Records top local list.
I work for Crystal Clear Distribution who is Last Ones On Earth's distributor.
I also really like chicken.
"Hello bloggers.
My point about your intentions remains. This is a band that, as far as I can tell, hasn't promoted its record at all, hasn't played any shows, and hasn't garnered any substantial press. We aren't in any danger of it taking over the world.
But we are led to believe that you found the CD so viscerally repugnant that you decided to lead the vanguard by simultaneoulsy scooping and trashing it? You make some good points about your overall intentions here, but THAT post in particular reeked of a seriously silly gimmick to break the dead air on this blog. This just in: WeShotJr doesn't like a slick pop record! That intellectual laziness really does blur the line between your intentions and those of your graphiti commentors whom you trash for rendering blind dissent. Really, how is it different.
And as for your co-blogger's question as to why I am here, it is because it is human nature to slow down at the car wreck. The totalitarian tone, the frothing vitriol of the followers, and the insular dissolution of the entire operation is equal parts sad, and amusing. Its a bit like watching the O'Reilly Factor or something, watching that guy spew nonsense and then threaten to cut the mic on anything that sounds different from its worldview.
You invited the band on, and your minions laughed as you cut their mic. That is the worst type of cowardice--the type disguised as bravery. But you are quite adept at disguise."
4:22 PM
And then you ride in on an anonymous white horse spewing bullshit about human nature and acting like you're completely above the antics you've just described. Go ahead and sign your name if you're somehow braver than us. I love when anonymous people tell me how good I am at the art of disguise. You sound like an X-Men villain saying, "Checkmate" in a hushed and overly dramatic tone.
So if this band is not in danger of taking over the world, what was your point about us picking on them specifically to drive up a hit count? Wouldn't it make more sense to choose someone that could take over the world. Maybe something that doesn't sound like Andy Timmons' Orange Swirl?
And we like plenty of slick pop records. What do you know?
As far as cutting the mic, please show me another local music site that encourages debate more than we do. We don't just start deleting shit because we don't like it (rarely do we delete anything). Or delete a thread that generates almost one hundred negative comments. Tell me where we cut the mic. I see it cut all the time on other sites that you probably frequent or sympathize with. We respond to comments and enter the debate ourselves. Is that being totalitarian?
Kind of. Yes.
Personally, I thought the review was hilarious. It did make me check out the link, which I gave a listen.
Not my bag.
I'm the 100th shopper!!
Ah, I see it is now two against one. Just like I like it. Kidding. How was that for an overly dramatic line.
This has quickly devolved into a 1:35 am debate over a shitty table upstairs at The Cavern. Too many rhetorical questions flying around for me to address any seriously in one response.
But I admire the courage of your convictions when you are defending what you do. But, the same "courage" is equally admirable when you are defenestrating someone else's work.
While you insist what you did with the CD is a "literal description" of your actions, it was really a metaphorical description of your opinion. We get it.
Don't get me wrong, I believe there is a place for local criticism. But I also think that when you decide to wear the hat of critic, and you decide today I am going to offer an opinion on XYZ record, whether that opinion is good, bad, or expressed metaphorically, you have a responsibility to support that opinion. If the CD is so bad to not need a description, there is a long history in criticism of just ignoring it. Criticism without support, like the kind you offer here, is just malicious. And why would you want to sell that.
And I want to be clear about something else. When I use the word "coward," I mean the intellectual or maybe moral kind. Not the physical. That would be stupid.
Historically, defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The word comes from the Latin de (from; out of) and fenestra (window). Merriam-Webster's dictionary users named it as one of their favorite words of the year in 2004.
Defenestration were a UK heavy metal band from 1999 to 2004, based in the Northamptonshire town of Kettering.
Brilliant use in a sentence. *pat*
need support? listen to the clips on their myspace. thats all the support you need for their criticism.
I'm just wishing someone had gone and picked the CD up on the street.
Salim's a hippy. that's not good.
Funny review. Keep up the good work.
and just to be clear, I'll say it once more: my description was no metaphor. I literally threw it out the window.
that's littering.
dave little
I wouldn't listen to this even if we were something something.
Yes, dude, I get it. You threw it.
I found this band because your blog posted the record sales list several weeks ago. I went and bought it. Lyrically, he takes you to the edge cheese-wise, but I think he does a striking job of bringing you back and hitting you over the head.
I also find the chord progessions really weird for pop, and the melodies nearly expert. For you to find nothing redeaming, actually for you to find the record so strikingly bad that you make a conscious decision to write about it merely to offer a cursory attack, befuddles me. It makes me think you have some other dog in the fight. Or just aren't very interested in good criticism here.
it's weird that no one has pointed out that if the cd was so bad to the reviewer as to cause them (who presumably has sat through a lot of shit and listened to a lot of mediocre "yo, check out my band!" kind of stuff) to throw it out the window, they could probably have been a lot more brutal.
instead of going through each song and really ripping each a new asshole, he said "this was so uninteresting to me that i threw it out the window" then linked back to the band's myspace page to give people the chance to decide for themselves. and if you have the patience, you will see that some people in the begining of this thread found some redeeming points with the four songs on myspace.
i have a favor to ask of those (plural?) of you that have extrapolated a writer for a blog saying that they threw the cd out the window into a conspiracy theories ranging about boosting hit counts, anti-pop bias and (this part is hard for me to type without laughing very loudly) totalitarian dictums from the mighty position of local music blogger. please calm down and unknot your panties and go take a cold shower and calm the fuck down. sometimes people don't like stuff you like. it has nothing to do with what city they live in. please stop making people who live in dallas look like the patrick batemans of the soft rockin' pop set.
Greetings, WeShotJr. Thanks for taking the time to listen. And the time to chunk it. If we could only convince 974 more people to excercise their right to throw our CD out the window, we would have more closet space.
Hopefully you will enjoy the next one.
i love the word defenestrate. sorry bastard.
i don't think i would ever use it in a sentence though. what's the point. "hey over here. yeah. i know big obscure words. yeah me. i do. i'm really smart."
god help dallas if farah is the name everyone knows outside this crap state. i consider her from denton!
dallas will trade farah and salim to denton for j.c. and sinevil. oh yeah we will throw in wanz for kyle.
any takers?
'Hello bloggers.
My point about your intentions remains. This is a band that, as far as I can tell, hasn't promoted its record at all, hasn't played any shows, and hasn't garnered any substantial press. We aren't in any danger of it taking over the world.
But we are led to believe that you found the CD so viscerally repugnant that you decided to lead the vanguard by simultaneoulsy scooping and trashing it? You make some good points about your overall intentions here, but THAT post in particular reeked of a seriously silly gimmick to break the dead air on this blog. This just in: WeShotJr doesn't like a slick pop record! That intellectual laziness really does blur the line between your intentions and those of your graphiti commentors whom you trash for rendering blind dissent. Really, how is it different.
And as for your co-blogger's question as to why I am here, it is because it is human nature to slow down at the car wreck. The totalitarian tone, the frothing vitriol of the followers, and the insular dissolution of the entire operation is equal parts sad, and amusing. Its a bit like watching the O'Reilly Factor or something, watching that guy spew nonsense and then threaten to cut the mic on anything that sounds different from its worldview.
You invited the band on, and your minions laughed as you cut their mic. That is the worst type of cowardice--the type disguised as bravery. But you are quite adept at disguise.'
i don't think that word means what you think it means.. could be used to describe pretty much every word that you tried to use over 1 syllable..
good thing you don't write lyrics
what the hell are you talking about 10:48 what word? defenestrate?
sorry 10:58. not 10:48. so what the shit are you talkin about? what word?
i'm confused here, is this the first time a critic didn't like a record? i'm sure someone out there liked the record and has a nice review about it. i really don't see how this is elitism or whatever term it's been called. come on people, throwing bad records out the window is fun stuff, we've all done it!
Someone has tiny fragile feelings and strong ties to
a) a thesaurus
b) the band in question
c) time to care
quit kicking a dead thread, it's impolite.
This is a music blog that's all about the comments section - so can there ever be too many? Regardless of what they are or when they come?
Besides seeing who's playing each night, that's why people come here, sometimes multiple times a day (myself included) - to see the car wreck, as someone put it earlier in this thread. And to watch people get all worked up over nothing, really.
you just can't shut up, can you. shut up SHUT UP shut. up. zip it. pipe down, shhhhhhhhush it.
I had chicken for lunch. Yum!
1136- what did I decide to call you yesterday? Little bitch?
oh, it was loverboy. I forgot.
I just threw an apple out of my window. it was a granny smith. i thought it was going to be good but after one bite i gave up on it.
dave little
Dave suck a gigantic nut-sack.....someone needs to take a hot, fresh steaming dump directly on your face.......
Ouch. Shot through the heart, SR. You're to blame. Wait, that's not Loverboy, is it?
Something touched a nerve though - seems strange to complain about someone checking your blog too much. For what it's worth, I like to read the comments when I have downtime at work, but I can't keep my browser up, so I check, close out, and then check again later. Results in lots of logins. I rarely post, but sometimes I do.
Isn't that the point though? Read the blog and keep up with stuff?
In all seriousness, I like WSJR - it's the best place to keep up with local music since the DO doesn't cover much. I wouldn't check something I don't like. Doubt it matters, but worth saying.
10:27 / 4:22 / 11:36
a hot and fresh steaming dump? on my face? do i need an appointment or should i just drop by your "condo".
dave little
yea you can come by my penthouse......I'll get my labrador to let fly all over you.....
oh my goodness. you have a penthouse. and a labrador. what's his name? is he a good dog? have you had him long?
does he let fly on command? if so, did you teach him or did you take him to Man's Best Friend? There are several locations in the area. Do you have any other pets? If so, what are their names? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night or do you simply whimper into slumber? Do you believe that God can make a rock so large that even he can't lift it? If so, do you think Jesus could, because he's younger and in better shape?
dave little
C'mon y'all, jes be nice to each other. Take it from me, I love you!
Wow, you don't check this site for a few days, and one can only gawk at what transpires. When this review first surfaced, I giggled and had to listen to a track or two. No one had commented yet, so I didn't feel the need to either.
Everyone understands what I mean when I type the term "Dallas Pop", right? Deathray Davies? Chomsky? Bobgoblin? Adventures of Jet? Even if you don't know the bands, you know the sounds, and it's been emanating from the area for years. Maybe it's not the worst thing for the city of Dallas to have it's local cache. It's sound. Something easily recognizable. That's what normally makes a city's scene, right?
The problem, herein, lies upon the shoulders of the poor newcomer, whether proficient in his/her craft or not. The standard is already in place for a town like Dallas. We've heard the slick pop album for years. We like the slick pop album sometimes. But it sounds like the last slick pop album your friends generated, because veteran musician friends become producer/engineer friends, and they help you make a record that sounds as good as they could ever make their own records sound. Therefore, by deduction, they sound the fucking same. Not necessarily the most horrid thing I've ever heard, just the same. I actually liked a couple of the tracks, but I thought, "They're pretty good Dallas Pop," and laughed again at the review.
Salim got on here and made a couple of comments you've already read about this comment thread or blog being "jealous denton-loving wannabe musos" and asking "why don't you pick on one of the scores of mega-successful suck-ass artists out there instead of trashing stuff in your own backyard?" Reason is that though I'm not even from Denton, I've made more of an effort to see what's going on there because, though some of it is the same, it's not Dallas' kind of the same. And the reason WSJR doesn't pick on the mega-successfuls is that this is not a mega-successful music blog. It is a DdFW music blog. It tracks what goes on here, and if it's not up to par with what anybody that logs in here thinks, it will be called out. Or it will be applauded. That's how it works. You just chose to log in on the day your buddies got trashed. And by being a douche, opened yourself to criticism as well. We'll see you next week, on here searching for your name.
So I sympathize with SR's review/way to deal with a particular record up for review. Sometimes you just get fed up and lash out. I won't say that (s)he stole my method of dealing with the frustration of just being fed up with the same-ole-thang, but I typed this a few months back in regards to the Good Records/Koji Kondo/EAB 7" fiasco (with a couple of changes in [brackets] for situations' sake).
"I don't think it's anyone's inherent artistic right to have their product marketed [and this is marketing, like it or not] by a [local music blog] simply because it's produced near said [local music blog] and because said [local music blog] happens to be one of the only decent [local music blogs] in town."
"I've been handed a thousand copies of various albums by some random person just wanting to promote whatever it is they think they have, that I'd never spin a number of times, or want to promote in any facet. It's noble that they took the effort to do the leg work and hand it to me, but I, in no way, feel obligated to pass on what I subjectively deem as trash to the rest of the world. And I, therefore, feel no remorse as the CD freefalls out of my car window, hopefully to be shattered, but at least to be unreadably scratched up."
very well put Urn.
thanks bartz! I don't even have to read the whole thread now.
We are 138.
I think it has gotten so ugly on here. This is the first time i've been on here in a week and I just want you all to know it's because of this mean spirited thread.
What a sad bunch of cynical children we have all become. There is nothing healthy or positive that could possibly be taken from this rotten behavior. It's quite embarrassing to know that all of you are my peers, actually. What a huge waste of energy and an even bigger lack of sensitivity and love.
I think it might be time to take a step back and take a look at how cruel we can all be. This is no way to live my friends. And a lot of you ARE my friends. And i cannot believe the stuff that you are writing on here. It doesn't add up. Many of the people I know to be so kind and open-minded in the real world are just so mean and cynical on here that it makes me wonder: Do I really know who you are?
I see a whole community of my peers at each other's throats about the most petty things and it really makes me sad.
-probably a good friend of yours
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