It List: Thursday 5/31/07

Interpol (Palladium): This band has been mostly ghettoized to having their name in white-out scrawl on a middle school attendee's tattered binder. That doesn't mean that they didn't make quite an impact on the music of this decade, for better or worse, but I tend to lean towards the latter. Plagiarizing the feel, sound and style of a particular group and rehashing that into its own genre isn't what I would consider a commendable act. The copy-cats that formed in the wake of this king of copy-cat groups is the worst thing about them, but that shouldn't necessarily be held against them. Also, their bass player inspired countless ill-advised haircuts.
The Burning Hotels (Central Market in Fort Worth): Nevermind what I said above. This band at this "venue" is all the proof you need that Interpol fucked a lot of things up and it should be held against them. Thanks, dudes.
80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's) Where you should go if you want to hear the real thing and not the watered down trust-fund kid college dropout version of 80's musical history.
and Lost Generation at Fallout Lounge, where you should go to hear all kinds of stuff, including:
Kalabrese(really good record), FFWD(classic idm record featuring Robert Fripp and The Orb), Thomas Fehlman(gonna make my top ten this year), Flying Lotus, Vive La Fete, Chemical Brothers(I am diggin this a lot), Bonde Do Role, Maetrik, Skream, Sharon Jones(new 7 inch....brilliant), Kode 9, Caribou, Magda, Boredoms(a selection from the new super roots 9......still my alltime faves......we saw them on the super AE tour in Chicago), Sarah Goldfarbb, Sarolta Zalatnay, The Black Ghosts, Crippled Black Phoenix, Black Dice(new 12 inch), Don Williams, Switch(some new remixes from my favorite remixer) and much much more.
The Burning Hotels (Central Market in Fort Worth): Nevermind what I said above. This band at this "venue" is all the proof you need that Interpol fucked a lot of things up and it should be held against them. Thanks, dudes.
80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's) Where you should go if you want to hear the real thing and not the watered down trust-fund kid college dropout version of 80's musical history.
and Lost Generation at Fallout Lounge, where you should go to hear all kinds of stuff, including:
Kalabrese(really good record), FFWD(classic idm record featuring Robert Fripp and The Orb), Thomas Fehlman(gonna make my top ten this year), Flying Lotus, Vive La Fete, Chemical Brothers(I am diggin this a lot), Bonde Do Role, Maetrik, Skream, Sharon Jones(new 7 inch....brilliant), Kode 9, Caribou, Magda, Boredoms(a selection from the new super roots 9......still my alltime faves......we saw them on the super AE tour in Chicago), Sarah Goldfarbb, Sarolta Zalatnay, The Black Ghosts, Crippled Black Phoenix, Black Dice(new 12 inch), Don Williams, Switch(some new remixes from my favorite remixer) and much much more.
bonus tip:
Wanz is the opening DJ for Interpol tonight from 8:15 to 8:55pm before Lost Generation later tonight.
that first Interpol record is really good everything from that point went way down, there is a big difference from being a copy cat and wearing your influences on your sleeve. That sound will always capture 2001 Manhattan for me.
"Turn On The Bright Lights" is one of the best albums on the decade, regardless of what came/comes after.
i found myself putting on turn on the bright lights just a few weeks ago after having not listened to it for years. its a solid record with some pretty outstanding songs. can't say that much about the rest their catalogue. i laughed out loud when i saw burning hotels on the it list after interpol, i had to explain my burst to a coworker. thank you.
For those that are interested there is a rare oppurtunity to see greatness tonight at The DMA. The Bill Frisell Trio are playing multiplr sets. Frisell is best know for his role as one of the guitarists in John Zorn's Naked City. If I did not have 2 gigs already tonight I would be there with bells on. I believe it's free so check it out. Cheers!!!!
interpol's allegedly doing some under the radar dj set at the loft -- that new venue adjacent to the Palladium -- tonight. they do that shit in NYC all the time, and probably everywhere else, but at least Dallas now has a chance to catch Carlos D's infectious blend of sampled house beats and herpes.
post of the day!
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Bill Frisell is next week, June 7th.
i taped carlos d at good records in 2003 here is the setlist:
Cabaret Voltaire - "The Set Up"
Visage - "Fade to Grey"
Siouxsie & the Banshees - "Nicotine Stain"
Roxy Music - "Virginia Plain"
Harry Nilsson - "Everybody's Talkin'
Suicide - "Girl"
The Wake - "Talk About the Past"
Human League - "The Things That Dreams are Made of"
The Fall - "Totally Wired"
This Mortal Coil - "16 Days/Gathering Dust(feat. Liz Frazer)" (such a sweet ass song I might add)
OMD - "Electricity"
The Beatles - "Tomorrow Never Knows" (per Eric's request, I believe)
The Breeders - "Cannonball"
dallas already got the chance to catch one of the many things contagious about carlos when he dj'ed at good records the second time they played in dallas at trees.
also, carlos has his italian greyhound named gaius with him.
pretty good set list, I have to admit.
did I ever tell you about that time I went trick or treating with Carlos D in May of last year?
Carlos D, DJ'd my prom after party.......
Interpol was totally awesome. I even got to meet them before the show. I can die happy now.
how is their new stuff?
does carlos d still like heavy women?
I don't think the value of a band's music goes down when shitty bands like Stellastarr arrive. Interpol rules.
And the second Interpol album is fine, 5:05. Not as good as the first, but almost; don't overexaggerate in order to sound like you know what you're talking about.
Pretty much the same as the old. I think they sounded more confident and more in control of what they do. I asked Paul Banks about the difference between the new album and 'Antics' and 'T.O.T.B.L.' and he said, and I quote, 'More Keyboards.' Carlos has a rig that he plays live while recording now instead of just adding the parts ex post facto as on the previous albums. Basically if you liked the last albums, you're gonna like the new one.
The National have become what Interpol could've been.
gag me, the national? please don't take that band seriously!
2:23 -
I couldn't disagree more. I think the National are one of the best bands working today.
Personally, I fell in love with "Alligator" last year. I know it came out in 2005, but for some reason it didn't do much for me the first time I heard it. It was a grower though - maybe because I revisited it at night while driving alone on the highway – it's definitely a nighttime album.
Either way, I think it's one of the best things front to back to come out in the past few years. I wouldn't change a single thing about it.
The new album - "Boxer" - is just as good, but it's different. A little more mellow - or exhausted. It's hard to tell. There are fewer loud rockers, more piano, some really subtley complex drumming - it sounds like standard rock drumming at first until you listen to it with headphones and pick up on all the polyrhythms and whatnot. It's cool. The whole album definitely has a mood - it puts you in a certain headspace and holds you there the whole time.
Matt Berninger - the singer/lyricist - is probably the litmus test for how much you'll eventually like The National. His deep baritone voice is probably a love it or hate it affair, but if you can accept that or get by that you'll get to his oblique shards of lyrics about everyday life. He comes in and dissects the minutae of working and going out at night and the things you do behind closed doors. It's all colored in a dark shade, it's a little uncomfortable at times in certain company, and it's slightly repetitious - while not blues at all, they function in the same way. Which hopefully isn't a terrible red herring since they don't sound like "blues" at all.
I guess I just think that the writing is brilliant - I think it's some of the best and singular writing I've heard in a while. The songs are buildings where everything but the frame has been destroyed. Turns of phrase flipped slightly, words I haven't heard strung together in that order or context.
Whatever it is, it resonates with me. And if you want the standard rock critic crutch, I'd call them an organic Interpol.
Their music is dangerous without being cliched. Elegant without being weak. Dark without being depressing. Fun while still being smart.
wow. i'm surprised i like the national - at least their myspace songs. and the production extremely nice live sounding without hearing the studio compressors. surprise. maybe it was their name. maybe it was negative anonymous people.
I stand corrected, with foot in mouth. I'm sorry. I actually mistook this name for the bravery. you sir, mr 254, are correct. these damn names! it's still not my bag, but I have to say it's mature.
Aaron Dessner
Bryce Dessner
Scott Devendorf
Bryan Devendorf
Matt Berninger
I wonder if that last guy feels left out without a brother...
Liked Turn on the Bright Lights. Hate Carlos D. Josh Pearson introduced me to Interpol before their 1st Texas show in Austin. Sadly, it was underwhelming. Miss Josh. That is all.
Gay-uh-saurus Rex.
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