Another World

For the past few months, we've been thinking about what we can do to improve our blog and expand what it is we do here, and what you see in front of you is the beginning of this process. But before I explain our new features to you, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank our new friends at News Corp. for providing the funding we needed to get this done.* We couldn't have done it without you guys!
Here's the deal: the section you're reading right now is same old We Shot J.R. Blog. We're going to continue doing It Lists, interviews, album reviews, DJ mixes, and various other ranting right here, just like we always have. To the right of these posts (at the top of the page) is our new We Shot J.R. News section. We decided that we needed a place to keep you upated on the latest local music news and events that we might not want to devote an entire blog post to, and the News section is where you will find these items. For example, if a band we like releases a video or a seven inch, we'll post that information there. Or if an interesting show line up is announced (both local and touring), you'll find it in our news section before you see it anywhere else in town. We've been lucky enough to convince a couple new friends to help us keep this news section updated as much as possible, and we've even added a new email address just for the news section: . So if you're a band, venue, artist, promoter, or anyone who has some news that you think we'll be interested in, send an email to the new address and tell us about it (our old yahoo email and myspace will still be checked every day as always, but we would prefer that news items be sent to the new address if possible).
Below the news section is where you'll find We Shot J.R. Videos, a project we've been working on for quite some time. In this section you'll find a wide variety of videos that we found funny, interesting, or enjoyable in some way: everything from interviews with William F. Buckley to Violent Squid songs to REM's debut on David Letterman to Mavericks highlights to Cool Kids videos can be found there, and new content will be added daily (brand new videos and golden oldies alike). What you see on the main page is a random sample of five of the videos, and when you click "browse all videos," you'll be sent over to our video mosaic. Just drag your mouse over one of the video squares to find out what it is, and if you want to watch it, click on it and watch. It's as easy as a Diebold machine. And if you have any videos that you think we might like to add, send links to
Below that is where you'll find We Shot J.R. Photos. We decided to ask Sally Glass to expand her role with us and allow us to host her work, and we were happy that she agreed. The photos section is where you'll find all of Sally's pictures from Cool Out, Central Booking events and everything else. Sally will also be expanding what she does for us, and soon you'll start to see band photos from shows, pictures from gallery openings, and shots of all other kinds of things going on in the area. Click on a photo square to see a particular set, or click "browse all photos" to find a mosaic similar to the video section.
And finally, in the next few days you'll see We Shot J.R. Tracks, which will be located at the bottom of the main page. We Shot J.R. Tracks is where you will find links to MP3 downloads that we enjoy-- local, national and international in origin. This section won't include a lot of description, but since you already know that we have better taste in music than you, you can probably just trust us and click away!
And of course, you'll be able to comment anonymously in every single section of the new site. We're currently working on a system that will allow you to register an account if you would like to post under a particular name all the time, but for now, you can fill in an ID (or not) and comment till your little heart's content. We realize that there will be some kinks in the new features at first, but let me assure you that we will be constantly fixing these things and working on new and better features and usability ideas. Feel free to share your stupid opinions with us concerning the new site, and we'll always take your comments into consideration!
In addition to all of our new bells and whistles, we'll also be working hard to provide high quality content more frequently, and once we've had a little time to settle into our new site with our news friends, I think you'll find a vast improvement in our content with same opinions, attitudes and thought that we've always put into what we do. So if you hate us, it probably won't change, but if you like us, you'll probably start to develop a pretty serious crush here in the next few weeks. Thanks so much for reading what we write, and I hope you have as much fun with the new stuff as we expect to.
*The validity of this statement cannot be confirmed at this time
very nice redesign jr!
Where\'s the RSS feed?
sally glass is the tits.
id send this, but i feel more like just posting it. mind blowing rock.
Yay yay yay! I love it! I love it! I love it!
now you cannot prove who you are when posting by being logged into your blogger/google account.
anyone can pose as anyone else.
then why does it say that you are really lame?
very nice
Nice new look. But justified text is always a little harder for me to read than ragged right, even if it looks cleaner from afar. Just a thought.
works on a disd computer (for now)
good we need to continue to mold the children of the DISD in the ways of slackery
yeah, its a shame people want to surf the net on their break(s).
ha ha, I'm the only one that gets to be me. But seriously, we are working on a way to get accounts for those who want a user name, so be a little patient.
well done sirs.
that god damn security i put in.. got me.. i need to fix the lameness
this looks fantastic
this was a shock to the system
We Shot JR is 72 point font...Nice. (but seriously, the title bar is a little too big.)
first the cowboys lose and now this
stop the madness
what about the archives
what about the archives
whoops whoops.
title too big? NO. it rules. and i hope it blinds all of yr eyes.
This is great, you guys win out on Gorilla vs Bear.
fix the text! there\'s some sort of font-scaling issue in Firefox. i\'ll pull up the CSS and see if I can see what\'s going on...
you need to change the font from Helvetica. that\'s the problem. users w/out Helvetica are going to see it fine, since the next up is Arial. users w/Helvetica are going to see some fuzzy hard to read text. try Arial 11pt. looks like your styles are pulling from ourstyle.css (email me if you need help.)
or, you may not give a shit. :) i like the redesign, btw.
that was me again, btw.
Very nice.
Very nice.
2nd\'ing Anon12:53am. Where\'s the RSS feed?
good stuff. not too big. its practically the same size as the old logo? weirdos
comments are hard to read.
o shit i forgot..
cliff notes.. k thanx
3rd-ing the call for an RSS feed
comments are too hard to read. Need more space between or something. Also, not sure news item comments are working.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. We are working on a couple of these issues and will fill you in when we have them resolved.
Have to agree with the Arial vs. Helvetica issue mentioned above. As much as I like the font in conventional print, using Helvetica has higher potential for internet browsers for font weirdness, especially on the end-users\' end. Stick to Arial, which seems to have less potential variants.
Also, consider a using a significantly different font on the nameplate banner. Heck, it\'s the nameplate for chr\'sakes. Besides, basic design demands it deserves typographical contrast from the body/head style. Keep the big-bold beautiful point size (also helps in the contrast department), but seriously think about using a non-sans-serif font for your nameplate.
But, overall a solid effort on the redesign.
is anyone else tired of the bitching?
its font!!
it\'s solicited feedback.
it\'s solicited feedback.
...and a unintentional stuttered reposting (sorry!)
...and a unintentional stuttered reposting (sorry!)
here at home i don\'t have Helvetica installed, so it defaults to Arial and looks much nicer. designer types and mac users (assholes) are mainly going to be the ones attacked by funky fonts.
i like the sans-serif font for the title, Anonymous Design 101. (kidding.) :) there is absolutely enough contrast on the size factor to make it permissible by \"the rules\", so it just helps with the new minimalist WeShotJR mod suit.
i\'m definitely thinking the design needs more giant bloodshot floating eyeballs though. takes you to the Blogger page takes you here
hoepfully you eventually set both to redirect here? typing www. is no fun :(
can you expand the main wrap about 12px?
I just tried it without the www and it took me to the new site, so give it another shot and let us know if you still have problems.
And Lars, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'll send you an email soon.
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