Hymns/Here, In Arms/Fancy Fist (Pastime Tavern): This Parade of Flesh show starts at 9pm, which I suppose is as good a time as any to bring your own liquor to Pastime Tavern and start thinking about what a complete mess your life must be if you're drinking liquor at Pastime Tavern on a Monday night Just kidding guys, keep partying! Hymns are a Brooklyn band with Texas roots who are back in the saddle for the next few weeks in order to record with
Daniel Johnston. Their sound is sort of hard to explain because it's so easy to explain-- you could take the easy way out and call it twangy, country influenced indie pop, or you could go the direct comparisons route and say that they sound like the Shins doing Allman Brothers and Replacements covers. Or you could quote reviews in Spin Magazine, for instance, which claim that Hymns sound like a mixture of Pavement, Neil Young and the Flying Burrito Brothers. All of these make sense but none of them really describe what you'll hear on a Hymns recording, especially when they have their horns going. I think we might have "indie rock" on our hands here, everyone. Anyway, this group isn't anything groundbreaking, but they obviously have some solid, summer friendly pop numbers that I could see a lot of people enjoying this evening. And I'm curious to hear what they are working on with Daniel Johnston. Could be good. Elsewhere, I kinda wish Here In Arms would leave here and go somewhere else, but I'd recommend you get to Pastime early to see our friend Sally Glass start things off.... I can't believe I actually like her singing, btw. So long, superiority complex.
Cool Out (The Cavern)
your not gonna fool me this time 5:16!!
lol i promise its not informer. i'll bet my cat on it.
any word on sally's photos from the weekend. I've been waiting all day to be a voyeur
ditto, 6:31
sorry kids, work and stuff. you have my word, they'll be up by tomorrow.
oh boy..............
yes my perverse needs to stalk everyone in dallas need to be fulfilled also
relax everybody, you can scope photos of yourselves soon. k?
To stonedranger, whomever you are. I've heard you're Colin Carter from about 30 different people, but hey, who the fuck knows. So yeah, I took their word for it that stonedranger is Colin Carter. And stonedranger(propably maybe colin carter, a person whom I looked up to and admire) wrote this article about my band, the night game cult, and touted at the end of the article that he was "excited to see this", meaning the show I was going to play at rgrs. Colin was not there. I figured, hey, he writes this big blog and must have been busy as hell, so hey, no biggie. But then he writes about my next show a week later, and again he doesn't show. Then I play the NEXT night(he mentioned a bit about that show on here too), but doesn't show again. Then I play the NEXT night, my last show before going back to canada(it's this whole other country), and he isn't there. So I think Colin Carter, if he is in fact stonedranger, is kinda full of it....at least as far as really liking what I do insofar as actually coming to my shows.
All i'm saying is I prefer respect to praise. I prefer someone whom I look up to on a friendly and artistic level to not blow smoke up my ass. I just found it weird that you would write all this praise about my band and then not come to my shows. It just comes off as fake and makes me lose a bit of respect for your blog and, man, i'm REALLY sorry if I hurt your feelings, Colin. I was drunk and didn;t mean to tell you to fuck off 50 times.
And i'm also sorry that I told all of you to fuck off. I just think it can get so ugly here, and just expected everyone to rail on me for my opinions anyway(which most of you of course did, and anonymously at that)
But i'm not helping make it any lerss ugly on here, so I apologize.
Do you at least know where i'm coming from, stonedranger? Goodnight.
at least one wsjr person was at one of your shows. is that good enough for you? just calm the fuck down.
If people at this blog are attempting to be anonymous wouldn't it make sense for you to not know when your shows are attended? And people should get over the whole anonymous posting thing. It's fun.
and your friends are either lying to you or are misinformed. The list has been narrowed... sr ain't the drummer from little grizzly.
an unidentified flying object told me that he/she/it works at entertainmart...or so he thinks..
This blog needs to cover more Rangers and baseball. Josh Hamilton transcends fuckin' sports, this is nuts...anybody watching homerun derby?
I very much enjoy reading this blog imagining that Colin Carter is the author.
I'm the stoned ranger....behold my critical analysis and my innate ability to shake them haters off...
Seriously, he hit the fucking bank of america sign in right-center field at fuckin yankee stadium...that's very far...estimated 518 feet what the fuck man, even though he ended up getting 2nd because he was so tired from hitting 28 in the first round he let people know he needs his own league. His story is almost household by now but my goodness that guy is nice. He's on the mancrush list.
Anthony Bourdain, Johnny Depp, Josh Hamilton, Fred Cole, man this list will get long so etc...
rofl at anthony bourdain...my friend has a crush on him
in a non-sexual way i would like to roll around on the floor giggling, snacking on some chopped liver with Anthony Bourdain even though I'm a vegetarian. That man can eat pig cheeks and smoke Marlboros at the same time, oh my god.
Come on Kyle get in on this, who's on your list?
Anthony Bourdain? Srsly? What has this world come to?
you can roll around on the floor giggling without all that mess bro. did you know that?
Colin Carter, Banker, 55 - New York Times
LEAD: Colin Carter, a former vice president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, died of cancer Tuesday at his home in Greenwich, Conn. He was 55 years old.
Since when is Anthony Bourdain mess?? I'm perfectly capable of rolling on the floor giggling by myself, and have many times, but come on, he's on the list.*
*I have nothing against rolling on the floor with Anthony Bourdain and chopped liver in a sexual way, I just don't want to.
All I really want is for all of you to get lost in my game. Which you have done quite well....100 comments and counting. You're all so fucking pathetic. Keep em coming! Tell me to eat cum and to suck cock and to fuck off and how much my music sucks and blah fucking blah blah blah. entertain me! I still write postive words while your...shit, what do you losers like now? Nouns Group? yeah. Chris is just the coolest guy i've ever met/ he has the soul of a toaster. "I like Nouns Group because they have the personality and sound of Big Black." Hey Chris, nice guitar! Doesn't it feel lame though to be ripping off greg Ginn's guitar from The decline of Western Civilization?!! Well SHEEEYUT!! Who needs originality when you've got praise and fame! From a bunch of scumbags! Seriously, Chris. Is it all worth it? Thanks for being an overall souless creep to me. Preciate it!
I belive that we shot jr is this perfect example of the hypocritical roots of america. It is a perfect example of WHY america is going to get nuked.
Later, skaters!
I don't agree with you. Weshotjr has shown lots of soul in wanting to learn about music (FUCKLOADS OF MUSIC) from and touring through the area in an obvious effort to start and continue a local conversation about such music. You are talking about 6 or 7 people, with most of the editorial content coming from 2 individuals. These people are working full-time jobs (it seems...I don't know them personally) then going to (SR, DL, you fill in the blank) _______ shows every week. There is always a fairly comprehensive list and description of shows on a daily basis, along with everything else you see on the site. These people are putting time into this. Do you think this country won't be taken over at some point whether or not Defensive Listening makes it to the Wax Museums show at Dada? It really is nice to see you posting with vigor, but, come one, get the fuck over it man. Hypocrisy has nothing to do with America, you shouldn't believe in nationalism.
"still write postive words while your...shit, what do you losers like now?"
can someone analyze the irony in that for me? is kyle out ironing me? shit... I better buy a bigger more neon pair of non-prescript glasses....
fuck this kyle dude. he only has the guts to talk that shit from his stupid ass mansion in canaduh. come back to denton texas and talk that shit to the people you are dissen on here. come on whiny boy. lets do this.
i'm jpt in case you bring that shit up, i'm the don't vote guy and i love the new bloods. i don't generally think about posting under my name. you also don't know me so it don't matter.
crap, jpt referring to 12:53 comment above
video of kyle yelling at some old lady on the subway!
oh shit
, Kyle Cheatham's Night Game Cult comes back to town sounding just as insane as ever but probably a bit more ahead of its time than many people gave the guy credit for when he was here. Seeing artists like John Maus, Kelley Polar, Strategy, Jeremy Jay and others blow up around blog land over the past year really makes me thing that Night Game Cult could have enjoyed some of the same success if it weren't for the fact that his music is, in many ways, quite a bit more daring than that of the aforementioned artists. Not to say that Night Game sounds much like Strategy or anything, but part of that same ingredient is present-- you know, the one where it is ok to take Pet Shop Boys and Naked Eyes seriously. Night Game adds a twisted lyrical innocence and an unbalanced outlook that is particularly nervous, especially in a live setting. The respected Matin Iles will also be doing some rather interesting video work for this show. Apparently he and Mr. Cheatham have been working together to prepare a video presentation designed to match every song in tonight's Night Game set. Based on some of Iles' previous work, I'm excited to see this.
i wouldn't do him, but i like sufferers
you see i can talk all this shit from my place in canada and not be in the place/area that im talking shit about to deal with it personally. im a real peach like that. pretty clever right? come see my band or if you dont ill talk shit about you to and make it look like you give a shit.
kyle time is over...
christ, shut up about fuckin' josh hamilton and homosexual baseball man-crushes for 5 fuckin' seconds, will ya???
quit listening to the fuckin' ticket, you tools!!
greggo's suicide note
who said i was a man?
leave it out, schmoey..
I actually liked / even downloaded the songs from Myspace I heard from Night Game Cult (because of reading about them on wsjr). Now I kind of hate Night Game Cult (because of reading about them on wsjr).
Don't fret lamb boy kyle--Shepard Jason Bateman will get you back in the good graces of the adoring pubic eye. . .public, public eye.
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