It List: Thursday

Sex Vid/Wax Museums/Koji Kondo/Secret Bangs (715 Panhandle): Exciting show at Panhandle tonight featuring the much discussed but rarely experienced Sex Vid, of Olympia, WA. Sex Vid garnered considerable acclaim, considerably quickly, by melding an enraged early 80's Midwest hardcore sound with the experimentally repetitive grit of acts like The Dead C (a band they have covered). The result is something that is immediately identifiable as hardcore, without necessarily slipping down the dogmatically sonic slope sometimes present in the genre. Mix in a complete aversion to the internet (no Myspace page, no website) and you either have a complete revolutionary phenomenon on your hands, or just another hardcore punk band. Depends who you are, I guess. The Secret Bangs kind of remind me of Nation Of Ulysses with a synth or the forward thinking 90's group, The VSS. I've heard a lot about them and will be looking forward to their set tonight.
The Frenz/Sean Kirkpatrick/The Flying Eyes (Club Dada): The Frenz will have Aaron Bartz from Tame, Tame and Quiet filling in on bass this evening, adding to the group's current approach consisting of a more guitar based attack. The Frenz will soon perform some of the Glenn Branca pieces that some of their members played with the composer himself in Seattle recently.
Bob Log III/Possessed By Paul James/Scott Biram (Granada): I've always been kind of irked by the Bob Log III routine, but he sounds as harmless as Harry Connick Jr. doing standards compared to some of the annoying "crazy one-man band" shit he's inspired. Somehow that's actually a compliment, trust me.
Black Tie Dynasty/Grassfight/The Cut*Off (Lola's): Everyone wants to sound like Ian Curtis, but nobody wants to be like Ian Curtis. Go for the gold, m'man! Life's too long!
80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's): See you here after Panhandle, poser.
sex vid needs to realize that like some other bands.. if doesn't have a myspace.. you really don't exist..
did i blow anyones mind?
The Frenz show is at Club Dada.
yeah, heres the caverns lineup tonight
The Dirty Sound, The White Walls, Sammy Strittmatter
Kicking off a great three day weekend of house shows.
what time does that 715 shit start yo?
I found this Sex Vid live on KEXP thing. Might be able to get from the KEXP site instead? Podcast? I don't know. Here is though. I didn't upload it.
Because I am obsessed with vintage sneakers....since, oh let's see... I used to buy them new and they weren't considered vintage?
Love this blog.
slave labor is cool! go nike!
Vintage Nikes: The kids who assembled them for 2 cents an hour are now adults!
those kids make some really comfortable shoes.
the magpies suck
A lot of shit music today. Most everyone is regurgitating and stuck in "scene" and afraid. Get fucked bro. Look outside your walls. Stop playing what you hear and what your environment programs you to play. STOP.
i have to say, in the city of fort worth tonight grassfight was really great.
however, black tie dynasty was gayer than the world series of competitive hair styling in west hollywood.
black tie dynasty is so 1995 goo goo dolls shit. fuckin talk about now or 2020 dallas. the fuck is wrong with you?
"Get fucked bro." - srsly, wtf?
YEP. You got a problem with that cummand?
I suck cock. Call me.
1:38 good work.
Any of the shows good last night?
Yes, Sean Kirkpatrick was great.
Thanks for posting my post over here? I'm confused. Eh, it is a good site for new shoe releases.
Thanks for posting my post over here? I'm confused. Eh, it is a good site for new shoe releases.
sex vid was cool as shit. koji kondo good as well. hopefully they'll play again
koji kondo is played
The Frenz' "Psychomagik" EP is excellent.
u guys are a bunch of bitches and u was at the grassfight show, they were mildly all right. And black tie. Was great. Goo goo dolls? God u are a fucking idiot. Do me a favor and kill youself .
is it wanz??????????????????????
im glad koji kondo pLAYED THERE LAST SHOW, they were starting to get really mediocre i mean they were just hype and shitty music/dudes, punk is just gettin worse and worse
dudes cant even play there instruments, they play like fucking women, rival gang even blows them away
nexted, i agree
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