
Richard Bishop and Alan Bishop of Sun City Girls (Granada): There is no easy summary of The Sun City Girls' career, though highlights include their noisy start in the skate punk wasteland of Phoenix's early 80's scene, collaborating with Moe Tucker, and their improbable venture into sprawling psyche double-albums loaded with high concept references to the music of Southeast Asia and The Middle East. They have been wildly unpredictable and enigmatic to say the least. One performance had them eating dinner at a Seattle restaurant with a jazz record playing over the house speakers. Tonight's show will be a tribute to late member Charles Gocher, and will feature his video experiments before the live performance begins. The remaining members will then play out of the vast back catalog as an acoustic duo. Highly unique and recommended show.
Fleet Foxes (The Loft): Riding a wave composed purely of hype saturation all the way to The Loft tonight, the Fleet Foxes have piled up a steady stack of virtual press in the past six months. Their most known track is entitled "White Winter Hymnal," and that's fitting since it sounds like rather cold church music performed by white guys. The reverb, layers, harmonies and Jack Nitzsche-style arrangement make it understandable why people seem to be taking to this group, however some of their tracks sound like the throw-aways between the "Y" tracks on a CSNY album. Hopefully they do better at the Loft than their attention -rich contemporaries No Age did earlier this week.
Vans Warped Tour featuring Angels & Airwaves / Every Time I Die / Gym Class Heroes and more (Starplex)
Rooney/Locksley/The Bridges (House Of Blues): Locksley should realize that nobody ripped off the Beatles better than The Rutles. All you need to know about Rooney is that they implore you to vote them in a "Radio Disney" chart topping contest.
Stay Cool Swag School (Block Party + Rubber Gloves): This two part event starts off with a block party at the intersection of Mulberry and Bernard in Denton and I have not heard a better reason for showing up to an event since I started writing for this blog than this: UNLIMITED FLAVOR ICE. I am ready to get at that, especially blue. Also appearing is DJ Bangs and yeahdef, followed by a "fireworks bike ride" at 9:30. The party then moves on to Rubber Gloves where there will be free champagne, and appearances by Young Doc Gooden as well as the metalcore brutality of My Son, My Executioner, featuring members of Plano hardcore legends, Terms Of Grey. Man, these dudes must all really love 'merica.
RTX/Imaad Wasif with Two Part Beast/Bob White and the F Electrics (Hailey's): Underground legend, fashion icon, RTX's Jennifer Herrema is many things, and though every time I've ever seen her perform it's always been vastly different, I can tell you that she will never be boring in a live setting. Her music and persona has always been both everything cool and everything unhealthy about an extreme obsession with rock and roll. Click on that link to see what I mean.
Mount Righteous/Panther City Bandits/Clint Niosi and more (Lola's): This is an all day 4th celebration featuring some of Fort Worth's most popular groups.
RTB2/Escort Service/Backsliders (Lakewood Bar and Grill): I usually don't post shows at Lakewood Bar And Grill, because I always forget it's a venue. It might have something to do with the fact that to this day, it is the only place that has ever turned me (along with three friends) away at the door. Not Suite, not some exclusive dance club, but Lakewood Bar and Grill. Totally not 'core. I refuse to ever even glance at this place again.
Pat Green (Winstar Casino): Ever wonder what your personal version of hell will be when you die? Mine will be reincarnation as a cocktail waitress at this event for all of eternity.
Happy Bullets (Lee Harvey's)
The Hudsons/AM Ramblers (Dan's Silverleaf)
Admiral David V/Quitzow/Setting Sun (Andy's)
Grand Funk Railroad (Texas Motorplex): Their version of "Locomotion" is in the running for worst song ever, top five definitely.
Ulrich Schnauss/A Shoreline Dream/Soundpool/Experimental Aircraft (Hailey's): In early 2007, Ulrich Schnauss released his third album, Goodbye, to some pretty solid critical acclaim. However, the buzz surrounding the album seems quite subpar once you listen to it and realize that Schnauss quietly released one of the best shoegaze records since, well, shoegaze was an actually "genre" back in the early 90's. Schnauss' stuff leans closer to Slowdive's elegant atmospherics than to My Bloody Valentine's overwhelming noise assault, but his electronic based ambient interludes actually go a lot farther than most of Slowdive's experiments, and the touches of IDM from this former programmer add an entirely new element into the mix. I have yet to hear any of his new material, but last year's overlooked gem should really be experienced in person. Highly recommended, especially to anyone who has been digging this year's far more celebrated (but arguably less interesting) effort from M83. (SR)
Dove Hunter (Good Records): Show at 3 pm.
Lollipop Shoppe (Space Studio)
The Crash That Took Me/Here In Arms/The Directory (The Cavern)
Scene Girls/Matthew And The Arrogant Sea/American Werewolf Academy (The Cavern)
Brent Best/Deep Snapper/Starhead/Hand of Onan/Ryan Thomas Becker (Dan's Silveleaf): This cover-only themed show has been the subject of much debate in Denton this week. Local bands covering other local bands? Cool or not cool? I think it's always best to go with a surprise attack even if it's an entire set. If the crowd is really pissed or really happy at the end, either way, you win.
Teenage Cool Kids/Trifle Tower/Nouns Group/Fancy Fist (715 Panhandle): This is the tour send-off for Teenage Cool Kids and Trifle Tower, as they make their way up to Lewiston, Maine and back. Though the Cool Kids are much more poppy than their skramz-heavy tourmates, this should be a fun double bill across America featuring two distinct takes on punk. The ever-charming and lone WSJR diplomat Fancy Fist will open the show. I think I almost wept when I saw her perform Madonna's "Borderline" at the Cavern. It was the first time, I like, really "got it."
Gravy Train!!!!/Harlem/Bridez (Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studio): The only group with more "!" than !!!, Gravy Train are actually kind of trailblazers in the stream of dance pop raunch that's caught on since they first formed. The funny thing is they sound downright conservative compared to a similar group like Punk Bunny.
Mount Righteous/Twin Cats/The Family Minus/French Quarter (1919 Hemphill)
The Casualties/The Scuds/Time Again/The Goners (Fat Daddy's Soundshack)
Sunday at Wisconsin
Dust Congress
Twin Cats (Not the one playing 1919)
This Projector
Perpetual Dusk at Curtsy Caverns
Cat Reis
Free with donations to touring bands
Starts at 8
how did you get turned away from the lakewood bar and grill??
no shirt no shoes no show
If i had a name like Urlich i'd have to be awesome at something to make up for such a shitty name.
Sounds like a worthy show for pikture taking.
if lakewood bar and grill do not like the way you look(maybe not yuppied-out enough?, status quo?) they just won't let you in even with a valid in-state texas identification card. fuck head door guys. you were right DL, we should have thrown a brick through the window
The Scene Girls, American Werewolf Academy and Matthew and the Arrogant Sea show is not at The Cavern.
It's at Lola's in Fort Worth.
Doors at 9pm.
show starts at 10pm
The best thing going on this weekend is this!
YOU! ME! DANCING! Dallas' Best Indie Dance Night
Nothing but the best in Indie, Britpop, Twee, Shoegaze, Electro, and 80s
DJ El Macho (FEVER)
DJ Mr. Rid
and other guests TBA
Saturday, July 5th
Sons of Hermann Hall
All ages Welcome! No Cover before 10
Presented by Empyrean Events
sun city girls show was truly inspiring and wonderful. not anything like it has graced these lands in god knows when. maybe since ornette coleman damned this place long ago. purely beautiful. we all breathed a bit of charles gocher tonight. literally. don't take it for granted. you pieces of dog shit.
"erection in one hand, razor in the other"
Didn't get to see them in austin, so thanks for bringing them to dallas.
i liked when he talked about grandpa's dripping penis exiting...
there was more of course.
hey free show at rubber gloves saturday july 5th with reallly super cheap drinks like maybe under 2 bucks and really super cheap ladies maybe also under 2 bucks.
The Uptown Bums
Secret Bangs
and Metallica unplugged
okay 10 pm go go go go
Go anywhere other than Dan's on Saturday.
WSJR didn't bring them to Dallas. That was Youmans, WSJR just rode on the coattails
That's really funny, 9:37. But I don't think anyone rides on Youman's coattails, as much as he'd like the world to believe he's the reason anything happens in local music since 1998. People think that Robin Phillips was also an evil coattails rider of Youmans, however even with her icy reputation, she is about 100 times easier to deal with than he will ever be. The problem with booking agents is that they can never be relieved of their massive ego and the false belief that they are somehow more responsible for the success of events than artists, bands and patrons. The truth is that they are often undignified middlemen, and most people could care less who books the show, no matter how much they plaster their stupid logos or brag about themselves at your local bar.
It was Ty Stamp that first brought this to local attention, I believe.
Well whomever it was. Thanks.
Now if only the residents could play dallas with snakefinger's ashes on stage.
you have found your voice. no disrespect, and i know you aren't writing for me.
Cavern has a good lineup tonight. Binary Sunrise and Cocky Americans
Whoa, Youmans is a booking agent? I just thought he was a fat asshole.
Either way, 10:10, we can agree that WSJR did nothing.
bullshit 9:37 and 1:20. sounds like the fat asshole himself. what a douche.
im sure we shot jr just decided to put their noses in this show business. I'm sure nobody came to them for any of this, right?
Nope... granada asked us if we thought booking sun city girls would be a good idea, and we said we thought it would be. They booked it and asked us to sponsor and do ticket giveaways, and we did. So no, we didn't book this show ourselves, but we helped convince those who did that it would be a good idea.
Thats it and thats all.
ok did everyone write that down?
wsjr - had opinion on what might be good idea
youmans - apparent douche
pieces of dog shit? moi??
since when is LBG fuckin' studio 54?
How is Chris Youmans an asshole douche?
Also, Weshotjr will be interested to know that New Bloods have broken up. I don't know details but got the news from a band member last night. Very sad.
ryan thomas becker is cooler than girls.
Ryan Thomas Becker is the real deal.
and thanks fer mentionin' the Denton on Denton show. should be a frackin blast.
Agreed about Becker.
do not agree about becker
And you me dancing is riding on the lollipop shoppe and smoke coattails. Go to lollipop shoppe for the real deal.
how about the really real deal? the realer than holyfield deal?
That'd be Isaac Hoskins. Pair him with RTB & and everyone else could stop writing their shitty songs.
Denton on Denton has been canceled tonight.
Thank God!
oh dear me maam........
panhandle... sayin
plays NEXT sat ...
we throw parties, you throw knives:
i'll see some of you at sons of hermann tonight.
dj el macho hopefully won't see anyone tonight. sounds like shitfest 2008.or douchefest. i heard youmans will be there
walter becker, maybe.
The Denton on Denton show is in no way cancelled.
You can choose to go & have fun, or you can choose to stay home and count your cool points.
I'll play to a "crowd" of two, so spreading bullshit about a show being cancelled is really only
hurting the nice folks at Dan's.
Ulrich Strauss started his career via soulseek spam, true story
I just got off the horn with Dan and they're showing re-runs of Threes Company tonight because some show canceled.
Sux about the Denton on Denton show :(
next up... dallas on dallas. pretty much cover bands doing other cover bands songs.
boo to youmans bashing.
oh goodie, scuds..
come and knock on our door....
598 cool points, 599 cool points..
don't spill the beans
Dear Girl on bike that I wanted to talk to Friday at RGRS then at the Schnauss show tonight,
Let's go get some coffee or something.
Your secret admirer
Denton on Denton show killed. Definitely a Denton family night for the record. Nothin' but love and good times.
I think booking the show at Dan's in the first place was way more harmful than the fact that it was canceled.
what was harmful about it? that show was fucking awesome.
Brent Best's version of Town Drunk was mind-blowing.
And jesus christ, Deep Snapper.
have not been a Brent Best fan in the past, but I was truly entertained by him last night. Town Drunk had my full on attention. The between-the-song banter was magnetizing. and the poke at jimmy was hilarious.
lots and lots of people there last night left there "cool points" at the door and had a good time.
jimmy crack corn, and i don't care.
still hung over from friday at rgrs
1919 this afternoon.
thanks to the large crowd of people that came out to andys!
you shoulda coulda but just wouldn't
Sun City Girls easily pwned this list. Duh
no, we would'nt, would we?
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