Boris/Torche/Clouds (Rubber Gloves): We have a sweet interview with Japanese psyche/metal/drone group Boris down below (Or maybe on the next page), and Hydra Head's Torche bring their surprisingly appealing stadium sized stoner riffs to Rubber Gloves in order to provide a convincing argument to show up early and drink more. I hate to be a pussy or whatever but I hope this show isn't as hot as I'm afraid it's going to be. Boris comes to DFWD like, uh, never, so this is must see if you care.
The Party Second Year Anniversary (Zubar): I don't even know what else we can say about all the local and regional success that the Party has enjoyed over the past two years. Tonight is the two year anniversary of the Party's Zubar monthly, celebrating the genre-bending eclecticism of their sets and the slick collective fashion sense of their biggest fans, many of whom attend pretty much every Party affiliated event that takes place anywhere in town. They'll be doing it up right for this one, as local producer Picnic (formerly of PPT) will host a "red carpet" affair that will certainly be filled to capacity fairly early on in the night. I would get there early and wear as little as possible.
Shearwater/Kadane Brothers/Theater Fire (Lola's): Shearwater seems to have received nearly universal praise for their latest album, Rook, and they will be joined by some great company-- The Kadane Brothers, formerly of Bedhead and currently of the New Year, will be playing their first of two area shows this weekend, and the Theater Fire will likely be playing material from their forthcoming second album.
Denton Pop Fest with Matthew and the Arrogant Sea/Florene/Talking Tiger Mountain/Verulf/Doyen/RTB2/Heartstring Stranglers/Peace Corpse/Scene Girls (J&Js): One of the many, uh, "festivals" that these Denton acts have thrown in the basement of a pizza place over the past year. And despite the fact that it is a little difficult to have a festival inside a place that closes at midnight, the highlights here are pretty strong. I'm especially interested in hearing Talking Tiger Mountain, since you'd have to be a pretty big jerk to name your band that. And I like jerks.
ADD: Shearwater/Will Johnson In Store (Free, Good Records): Shearwater starts at 6pm (Half an hour from now), and Will Johnson goes on right after.
Dove Hunter/History at Our Disposal (Dan's Silverleaf)
Blixaboy/Schwa/Royal Highnuss (Fallout Lounge): BLixaboy, aka Wanz Dover, will be doing a set of original songs and re-mixes. Ge there early for Royal Highnuss unless you're dumb.
Fuck Yeah Fest with Matt and Kim/The Death Set/Team Robespierre/Brothers Reade (1919 Hemphill): The highest profile show 1919 Hemphill has had in some time. DL and I totally LOL'd the other day when we noticed in a really old post that the Death Set opened for Best Fwends and Undoing of David Wright back at 8th Continent back in early 06. Death Set have received a ton of positive press this year for their 90's pop punk meets avant mallrat power pop meets Wham City electronica sound, and their most recent single, "Negative Thinking," has received quite a bit of college radio play as well. They are kind of a point of contention around WSJR HQ, as their peppy little tunes certainly aren't for everyone. I dig em though.
Cetromatic/Kadane Brothers/The Theater Fire (Granada): Your second chance to check the Kadane Bros. this weekend with another solid headliner.
Lymbyc Systym/Her Space Holiday/Florene (Good Records, FREE): starts at 5pm.
Stone Temple Pilots/Black Francis (Nokia): There was a time in my early teenage years when I honestly thought STP was the best band on the planet. It's been so long since those days that I can now tell people about it and get a smile because it ends up being a cute little joke. The unfunny thing is that these shitbags are still making music and touring. How many Chinese character tattoos does one really need to buy?
Rogue State/Dohrn/Healers/Hoop Dreamz/Trifle Tower (1919 Hemphill)
talking tiger mountain for the win
Knowing that you're somebody's bitch at work just makes me like you more.
Saturday, Doug Burr at All Good Cafe
what an annoying, faggy looking crowd in that picture. christ.
that's someone's idea of pop?
Dude, "CORE" was totally bitchin'.
At least, it was in 8th Grade...
Derek Phelps 4tet
Derek Phelps-trumpet
Carl Smith-tenor sax
Aaron Gonzalez-bass
Stefan Gonzalez-drums
performing improvs and tunes by Derek Phelps, Ornette Coleman, ans Dennis Gonzalez
@ Kettle Art
2714 Elm St.
Deep Ellum
9:30 p.m.
all ages
Donations at door, por favor
word is keith morris (of black flag/circle jerks/midget handjob fame) is doing spoken word on the fuck yeah fest. don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but it should be noteworthy to some of the people on this blog.....just like that greg ginn show that rolled through here recently without anyone's notice....
everyone is SOMEONE'S bitch at work.
por favor? adios muchachos!! or nachos, if you prefer those instead
god, ellum's starting to get a little ship-sinking desperado...
i'm gonna go ahead and second 5:29, m'k?!
get them britches off and i'll show you MY idea of pop.
yeeeaaaaah buddy!
anonymous says.. pepperjack and pepperoni add up to a pepperpoopie...
Tonight at Expo Park Cafe:
Tonite Tonite
Cabinet of Natural Curiosities (on tour from Montana)
Ashburne Glen
10 p.m.
$5 cover
These shows are like children.
I just want to squeeze them till they suffocate.
Only 1 more week till the best dance night Dallas has ever seen!
YOU! ME! DANCING! Dallas' Best Indie Dance Night
Nothing but the best in Indie, Britpop, Twee, Shoegaze, Electro, and 80s
DJ El Macho (FEVER)
DJ Mr. Rid
and other guests TBA
Saturday, July 5th
Sons of Hermann Hall
All ages Welcome! No Cover before 10
Presented by Empyrean Events
why do people keep quoting the howard stern show?
john of flesh
Yo bitches
I be doin it old school
Grand opening of Strawberry Fields tonight!
i want robins bunghole
that sounds horrible.
BORIS sucked!
338......i agree
just say it's lying
oh no.....
can you at least give reasons why?
boris kicked my ass last night, great show. dunno why all the hate?
would have been much more enjoyable at a better venue i have to say...
The only conceivable way you can say the Boris show sucked was if you didn't like Boris in the first place, in which case I have to ask why the fuck you even went to the show and made the place that much more packed. So 3:38 and 9:15, how does it feel to be wastes of space at shows, and in life?
1:59 pm:
oh shut up bitch. who are you?
1:59 PM:
p.s. it feels great.
boris = greatness. my ears are still ringing.
2:48 pm: apparently one of quite a few people who had a much better time last night than you.
And I find it hilarious that anyone posting anonymously would ask who another anonymous poster is. Fix up, 'tard. Better yet, keep em coming. You amuse me.
Green Velvet and Drop The Lime in Dallas 2night.
i honestly was let down by the boris show. it was kind of like watching someone play guitar hero or rock band. it was hot as fuck and the people that go to/run rgrs are kind of dicky and feel they are above everyone else. The bartenders act like they hate their lives and that its a gigantic hassle to do their jobs. im glad strawberry fields has found a home there but the club itself is long overdue for a facelift.
it was hot as fuck @ rgrs last night.
but: it's summer in texas.
boris is/was amazing.
santa rosa
boris ruled. it would have been nice to actually see them, but hearing them was enough. never seen the place so packed..
strawberry fields looks great!
boris = greatness. my ears are still ringing.
boris = overrated
Boris was crap, WOW AWESOME JAPANESE ROCK BAND. Hello, I paid 15 dollars to see you play your doom shit, not your faggy guitar wankery.
speak up, i don't think they heard you
okay its saturday night,
this band is so fuggin good, but i want utility hippie to die in a fire
Not enough bitching in this thread.
1:18 am: ears still ringing. thank you, boris.
Matt and Kim were so awesome tonight.
people that usually hang out at rgrs are fucking smug as hell. doesnt dallas get enough of that shit at good records
fuck you 2:29 bitch ass ho. im smug and i hate your music. im better than you and i know more about good music you cockbag.
trust me, you ain't got shit on these scumbags..
i've never seen you sporting a greasy ponytail over a badly balding head and a wardrobe inspired by larry dallas.
and don't you think 53 is a little old to be sporting a nose AND lip ring?
these guys evidently don't.
nope joe, you ain't even playing on the same field..
don't call me an asshole.
i don't live in the basement. i live in the converted garage.
I love the duder thanking a band for ruining his/her hearing. The point of listening to music is to keep hearing it. Permanent hearing damage is not cool...that would be brain damage. That is why I am proud to announce my new business: rubber cement huffing studios. It's behind the dumpster in the parking lot of rgrs.
I am not a fan of losing my hearing. If I had to chose to be blind or deaf, I would go with being blind. I couldn't live in a world without music. The very idea terrifies me.
who is larry dallas
The BORIS show sucked because:
1. like 7:10 said they played none of their "heavy" songs, only guitar rock, i mean they do it well but iv seen it before.. nothing new -kinda boring.. it was too "were so Japanese and were so Rock N Roll".. i dont know... did not impress me.. i like alot of what iv heard on their recording but seeing them live was a let down.
2.their was not enough variety in their set... especially when they have such an array of generas through out their career.
3. WAS NOT LOUD ENOUGH.. i have no idea who would be complaining about how loud it was.. for a band hyped as much as BORIS i was expecting it to be LOUD AS FUCK and it was not very loud at all...MY SKULL WAS NOT CRUSHED!
4. Was totally pissed about paying $15 for what i heard/saw.. OVERPRICED...
copying post from another message board and reposting them on wsjr in reverse order (5:57 & 5:58)? nice!
i really like the idea for RCHS, 12:54. i smell a franchise (no pun intended).
and larry dallas is jack's best friend on three's company.
thank y'all for coming out on friday, we hope you enjoyed the show!
copying post from another message board and reposting them on wsjr in reverse order (5:57 & 5:58)? nice!
i really like the idea for RCHS, 12:54. i smell a franchise (no pun intended).
and larry dallas is jack's best friend on three's company.
thank y'all for coming out on friday, we hope you enjoyed the show!
hearing damage is not brain damage you dumb fuck
anybody else get jizz everywhere watching deth set? dogg.
copying post from another message board and reposting them on wsjr in reverse order (5:57 & 5:58)? nice!
i really like the idea for RCHS, 12:54. i smell a franchise (no pun intended).
and larry dallas is jack's best friend on three's company.
thank y'all for coming out on friday, we hope you enjoyed the show!
hearing damage is not brain damage you dumb fuck
hearing damage is not brain damage you dumb fuck
People in Denton have no right to be smug.
3:38/3:44 Says "hearing damage is not brain damage you dumb fuck"
in response to:
"Permanent hearing damage is not cool...that would be brain damage."
You missed the point. I was saying brain damage IS cool, hearing damage is NOT. I was not saying that hearing damage=brain damage.
now thats funny...
BORIS is a good band, but that show was terrible because they pretty much played their new album which i fucking hate. Nothing remotely heavy. I've seen Boris 3x before and they were way better then.
oh wow, man..
how about dain bramage, then?!
touring with new songs off a new record then people whine they didn't play the old shit. huh.
mayor's office!
Z-RO is a zero..
2:22am - exactly what I was thinking. Since when does a band tour in support of a new record and NOT play songs off of that record? Maybe if someone (like 9:53pm) doesn't like the new record, it would be a good idea to skip the show this time around?
YEP..more room for those who actually enjoy 'smile' would have been nice.
Matt & Kim (full set) at 1919!
gotta finish..
here we go again
here chip chip
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