It List: Thursday

A short list featuring mostly half-hearted recommendations. This is more informational than persuasive.
What Made Milwaukee Famous/A.M. Ramblers/Three Fantastic (The Cavern): What Made Milwaukee Famous is what made The Gypsy Tea Room suck the one time I saw them.
The Dutch Treats/Stag Film/The Hack And Slashers (Double Wide): The Hack and Slashers features Alex Atchley along with many dorky RPG-related references in their music. I can't tell if it's a joke, a half-joke, or dead serious, but it's frightening in any case.
Kinky Friedman/Fromholz (Dan's Silverleaf): Remember when this dude convinced all of you that being a Republican was hip and sexy?
80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's)
nice kinky zinger! i remember the time he made watching a gubernatorial debate a good thing to get wasted to....
i don't get it. kinky ain't no republican...
...i think his talking action figure says so.
Thursday night @ Chateau Angelus
Emil Rapstine and Casey Clark of The Angelus,
Dust Congress,
Fancy Fist,
Sew What,
Cory Derden
9 PM.
it's amusing how he still gets brought on to various political programs. to me. to me, it's amusing.
nice and firm!
watch the nails
you let out all the steam that was left in the thursday train.
cool WMMF diss, DL
I would have rather read "made a loser out of me."
im caked out jack
i like these short cynical reviews better than anything persuasive
you can play with you kids or you can play with you wife you play with ugk you're playin witch your life.
Remember, how you never paid attention to politics at all, and now just made a weak and inaccurate attempt at a political jab?
you can play with you kids or you can play with you wife you play with ugk you're playin witch your life.
The Dutch Treats are the best local band... EVVVVEEERRRRR
who's the butthole in the turtle neck? Its summer for fucks sake
Not to be confused with an orc, a half-orc or dead sorceror
"butters says.. 8:49 am who's the butthole in the turtle neck? Its summer for fucks sake"
Phil Mickelson?
what happened to that weekly sales jib?
what happened to that weekly sales jib?
dear 849,
its John Freeman.
if you don't think Kinky's a republican, ask him immigration or the death penalty. get a clue.
good morning good morning good morning-ah
one baby to another
says i'm lucky to have met you...
take a look at those mammaries. dee-lish.
"who's the butthole in the turtle neck? Its summer for fucks sake"
Freeman is funnier, more talented, and more entertaining than any other local performer. I challenge you to come up with a better one. And I don't think all the photos posted here were necessarily taken within the last few days. Learn your history, kids.
'Look at that FIREPLACE, man!!!!'
I expect we'll get a Weekender around Sunday morning as usual.
"learn your history kids"
i'm on it coach!
"i challenge you to come up with a better one"
i don't know if i can think of a better player in this competitive thing called music coach!
piss in the fireplace man
we don't have to breed
Why is John Freeman a butthole though?
here's your weekender: you live in texas! how's that for a spoiler, motherfucker??
cuz he's on smack. aren't you?!
the house show at chataeu angelus was wonderful. thank you mr. emil.
11:23 AM. I can only imagine the Utopia you live in. Must be pretty great if you won't even mention it OR come up with a sarcastic screen name to hide behind.
who gives a shit, who gives a fuck
Ya know 12:34 PM, I never thought about it that way. Can you suggest some other blogs where I can read about things I either don't like or don't give a fuck about so that I might make pointless comments there as well?
LOL at the name Hack and Slashers.....
clean it
So if you believe in a border, and you believe in the death penalty, that makes you a Republican?
When did politics get so simple!?
Also, I thought Kinky was only ok with the death penalty if DNA evidence proved the defendant guilty?
For the record, just because I'm defending him against stupid comments on WSJR doesn't mean I support(ed) him. He was just a lot funnier and more harmless than any of the other candidates.
I like the WMMF diss. I've lived in Austin for a while now and I will never understand how this music scene functions. THIS SHIT AIN'T GOT NO SOUL.
So if you believe in a border, and you believe in the death penalty, that makes you a Republican?
When did politics get so simple!?
Also, I thought Kinky was only ok with the death penalty if DNA evidence proved the defendant guilty?
For the record, just because I'm defending him against stupid comments on WSJR doesn't mean I support(ed) him. He was just a lot funnier and more harmless than any of the other candidates.
I like the WMMF diss. I've lived in Austin for a while now and I will never understand how this music scene functions. THIS SHIT AIN'T GOT NO SOUL.
big lolz at 12:34 quoting steve langford :)
wow, stern fans on weshotjr!
try as you will
Hey anon 11:23 am, don't be jealous man
groovy boobie
steve langford has a huge peniiiiissss
Which of these qualifies him as a Republican?
On education, he supports higher pay for teachers and working to lower Texas's dropout rate, which is the highest in the United States.[14] He supports more investment in harnessing Texas's alternative fuel resources such as wind and biodiesel.[14] Friedman is opposed to the Trans-Texas Corridor since it relies on toll road construction. He feels that the TTC is a land grab of the ugliest kind, with land being taken from hard-working ranchers and farmers in little towns and villages all over Texas.[15]
On capital punishment, he previously summed up his position, "I am not anti-death penalty, but I'm damn sure anti-the-wrong-guy-getting-executed".[16] More recently, he has clarified his position: "The system is not perfect. Until it's perfect, let's do away with the death penalty".[17]
On illegal immigration, Kinky wants to increase the number of Texas National Guard troops on the border (from the current 1,500 to 10,000), impose $25,000 and $50,000 fines on companies that hire illegal immigrants and require foreign nationals seeking employment to purchase a foreign taxpayer ID card once they have passed a criminal background check. "Texas can no longer wait for our federal government to solve our illegal immigration problem," Friedman said. "These are steps that Texas can immediately take to help stem the tide of illegal immigrants penetrating our border." Had he been elected, he had promised to meet regularly with Governors Bill Richardson (New Mexico) and Janet Napolitano (Arizona) to develop a coordinated border state plan to supplement federal efforts to curb illegal immigration.[18] Previously, Kinky put forth the "Five Mexican Generals" Plan, to pay Mexican officials to halt immigration on their side of the border. Although he originally stated "When I talk about the five Mexican generals, people think I’m joking but I’m dead serious",[19] Friedman later told the Dallas Morning News that the plan, never meant to be carried out, was a joke with an element of seriousness.[20]
According to his official Web site,[21] Friedman's answer to the question "How does Kinky feel about abortion?" is "Kinky believes in a woman's right to choose." In person, he hedges his bet, saying "I'm not pro-life, and I'm not pro-choice. I'm pro-football".[22] On social issues he has supported gay marriage, answering an Associated Press reporter's question on the subject on Feb. 3, 2005, "I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us"[16] (Friedman himself is not married).
According to Cigar Aficionado magazine, Friedman plans to roll back "any and all smoking bans" if elected. One of his favorite quotes comes from Mark Twain: "If smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go".[23] Friedman supports the decriminalization of marijuana, though he doesn't advocate making its sale legal. "I'm not talking about like Amsterdam," he noted, "We've got to clear some of the room out of the prisons so we can put the bad guys in there, like the pedophiles and the politicians".[24]
Not to mention the guy also runs a Dog Rescue operation-- hardly a 'Republican' thing to do.
The fact is-- you don't pay attention to politics. You just parrot shit you hear.
Do people actually use this site to plan what they are going to do on a given night? Or do they just use it to affirm their self righteous belief in their own relevance?
It's 5PM, and you haven't posted the shit for Friday? What's the point? I'm pretty sure anyone who is going to do anything already has their mind made up already.
baba booey to you all.
parrot shit!
one more
thank you, 4:49
razzle dazzle
8o2qP7 bcvoftogxtnp, [url=]uqfgwlutdjva[/url], [link=]rhbfurqzuetj[/link],
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