Monday, June 30, 2008

It List: Monday

No Age (Good Records): Starts at 6pm and free. Apparently, dudes didn't show up to their last Good Records in-store, but I've been assured that they will be present and on time this trip.

No Age/Abe Vigoda/Infinite Body (Palladium Loft): I was a bit worried when I heard that this show was going to be in the ballroom, but now that it has been moved upstairs to the more appropriately sized Loft, things are looking good. No Age is another one of those hot button bands at WSJR HQ... some of us really like them while others dismiss them as overhyped and completely uninteresting. I'm in the former camp, even though I can certainly understand the skepticism surrounding a fashionable LA band signed to Sub Pop that mixes ambient/shoegaze with pop punk. It's just that their best songs are so good-- "Cappo" off of the new one and "Boy Void" off of Weirdo Rippers being the best examples. The second coming of punk rock? Probably not, but certainly one of the more interesting bands singed to a major indie like Sub Pop these days. Abe Vigoda is a buzzworthy Southern California post-punk influenced group that rocks quite a bit more consistently than No Age-- they remind me of all kinds of stiff, dry English stuff from the late 70's, and all of it is good. Show up early to see what I mean. Infinite Body sounded very interesting as well in the short time I had to listen to them.

Cool Out (The Cavern)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are The Strange Boys opening the No Age show? I had heard they were a late add at the request of No Age and they'll go on at 9.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a band that mixes noise and pop punk? yeah, real cool. I was in a band like that in high school.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are The Strange Boys opening the No Age show? I had heard they were a late add at the request of No Age and they'll go on at 9.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no age sucks several big fat dongs live.

oh wait, so do their recordings.
I wouldn't bother seeing those fux

Hopefully the strange boys overshadow their set

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Strange Boys are more interesting how?

What time do shows at the Palladium usually start?

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Are Powers and Miko Mako obliterated these fags on a rooftop party during SXSW. Their set was weak and their stage banter was even weaker. Their record should have been called "Clowns".

The Strange Boys have gotten better since they learned how to shotgun skunk weed and crack from each other's buttholes. Hey Weshot, still like 'em?

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doors at 7, found it.

Well, Mika Miko obliterated everyone at sxsw. Hopefully they're feelin' it tonight after playing freakin' El Paso last night, then an in-store.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt & Kim (full set) at 1919!

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Strange Boys have gotten better since they learned how to shotgun skunk weed and crack from each other's buttholes."

theres an interesting mental image.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in-stores r gay. not as gay as strange boys mind you.

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Sally Glass at No Age, at the Loft. What a little treasure of golden goodness.... and I saw her getting harassed by some fucking anti-photograph security douche, and she nonchalantly waved him aside,,, such a turn on.... yummmm.

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Age can't pull it off live, or they didn't last night anyway. Palladium sucks and they wouldn't shut the fuck up on stage. Boy Void as so anemic it was sad. Then there banter shifted towards the crowd and how they weren't "into it" and the crowd were probably thinking that "how can we get into it if it sounds like shit?" and it was downhill from there....

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, but some chillins tried to make a lil pit at the end. kinda into it maybe? just the tip. i had to stand 10 ft away so as not to break my delicate body.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no age is great on headphones, fair on speakers, bad through a p.a.

strangely enough, of the four times in a variety of venues, good records was the best i'd ever seen them. still rather just listen to the record really fucking loud.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good records has pretty good sound. some other bands that have sounded like shit at venues around town have sounded really good there.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its probably because they are a smaller room with non-concrete walls and floors.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's because of CJ's gay sperm.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god help us

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love CJ

8:11 PM  

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