Art List

The Program (Conduit) 7-9pm
The final week of The Program will feature the films of John Bock and David Adamo, along with installations from JODI, Joel Holmberg, Yu-Chin Tseng, Ryan Trecartin, and eteam. You can see the schedule here.
Imprinted Traces (Bath House)7-9pm
A show from 8 female printmakers.
On Kawara (Dallas Museum of Art)
Closes on Sunday!
Group Hug (Marty Walker)
Closes Aug 30th.
Candy Land (Pan American)
Closes Aug 30th.
Sunny Sliger (Central Track)
Closes August 29th.
Still from Max Payne Cheats Only by JODI
does anyone on this blog use vapor brothers vaporizers?
can we still send info to ?
my e-mails keep coming back with an error for that address.
Hmmm.... thats strange. I'll look into it and get back to you.
candyland!! WEEEEE!!!! is now working again..
asstabula.. don't do that shit
boy, people really listen...
i know, right?
M-. says.. 4:08 PM
If we weren't playing tonight in Austin, we'd check this out... Kyle (Nightgame) is a great songwriter and always gives it everything he has live.
Anonymous says.. 4:22 PM
Rose County Fair - Cavern TONIGHT
Anonymous says.. 6:43 PM
nightgame is a stupid gimmick
Anonymous says.. 5:29 AM
nightgame is not a gimmick. Kyle is one of the most talented musicians in the dwf area...just ask his cell phone!
FlappersInNylons says.. 10:24 AM
Sunday July 9th
Huge show tonight!!
We know how to party on a Sunday. As usual the show will start around 8 and as always it's BYOB. $5 gets you in, all ages and as always you are welcome to pee in the backyard.
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
~The Eighth Continent
731 Texas st.
Denton, TX 76209
Anonymous says.. 1:25 PM
If nightgame is so talented how cum he uses a backing track like a big pop star?
Andrew says.. 2:29 PM
The Night Game Cult is not for those who think in terms of art as being stupid.
Anonymous says.. 2:46 PM
nightgame needs to accept his homosexuality,grow up, get a job and stop trying to play the victim.
he's burnt from all the shit he put up his nose,i guess
tystamp says.. 5:53 PM
you guys are really mean. you are talking about a person with feelings and all they are doing is making art for other people to enjoy. i like kyle's music and i think it's really great. eat it bitches.
Anonymous says.. 6:19 PM
every move Kyle makes in nightgame is completely honest
Anonymous says.. 7:14 PM
Anonymous says.. 1:51 AM
what a bunch of fags... this site sucks.
Anonymous says.. 3:00 AM
oh my goth
Anonymous says.. 7:15 AM
nightgame might be honest and entertaining to some degree, but the live act is kinda, uh, not very live. turn-off.
Anonymous says.. 7:24 AM
that guy is the one who's mean to everyone.
I don't feel sorry for him
Anonymous says.. 8:21 AM
"every move Kyle makes in nightgame is completely honest"
Wrong. Incorrect. Not true.
Anonymous says.. 9:40 AM
Why do people get so emotional about music? You love it or you hate it and thats the way it is. You will rip it down or defend it. Is it any suprise when this happens? No.
On one side of the fence you have those people, "tastemakers", who the general public puts on a higher pedestal and believe the over hyped opinions of what they have to say no matter what. Sorry to say the general public are sheep people, ready to follow. On the other side of the fence you have the people who are turned off by the hype and won't even give it a chance because everyone is going nuts about it, they're a different kind of sheep, sheep none the less.
Give it a chance on your own terms, whatever they may be, and maybe think about how productive it is to sit on here and insert non-formulated thoughts instead of providing something insightful. Like a well thought out opinion of your own.
Anonymous says.. 10:02 AM
Poorly conceived keyboard music that is composed using theory 101. poor vocal delivery of obvious semi-melodies. trite psuedo-uplifting lyrics about alienation from a former scenster in a shitty small town. substitute charisma for facepaint and turn the lights out.
ot you know, he's a genius who really knows art and people just don't get it.
thecoolestretard says.. 11:32 AM
I'm not really a fan, but it does take some balls to get up there alone on stage and sing and dance around like whatsherface from Flashdance...
I like Kyle ok (as a person)
jamo says.. 11:48 AM
all this talk about "sheep" is binary melodramatic crap!
ps. I heart kyle lyke totally
Anonymous says.. 12:36 PM
Kyle was in The Ditch Kids when he was in high school and that band was better than 95% of anything going on at that time or now. He was also in The Pointy Shoe Factory and wrote some of their best songs. I know what he does in The NightGame isn't for everybody but I'm sure he doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and I seriously doubt he reads this blog. So say what you want about a guy who's music is influenced by Darby Crash, Sade and Edgar Allan Poe. It's strange, interesting, and much more original than just another rock band. The people who get it can listen and the people who don't can fuck off and listen to something else. Try some Bill Hicks you humorless assholes!
Anonymous says.. 2:57 PM
armchair fucking critics
stonedranger says.. 3:13 PM
yeah, I really don't know ANYTHING about that guy or what he does on stage or if he is gay or a jerk or whatever. I just liked the few tracks I heard, which don't seem to have been discussed in the comments all that much.
Anonymous says.. 3:28 PM
night game is part tyler walker
Anonymous says.. 3:39 PM
"armchair fucking critics"
This whole site is armchair.
NightGame sucks the poop out of my bung, but that's just me. I'm sure others love that shit.
Anonymous says.. 3:41 PM
Bill Hicks would not tolerate nightgame.
Anonymous says.. 4:09 PM
facepaint rock sucks
BrianMeadows says.. 4:24 PM
tyler walker, meet Tommy john
streisand says.. 4:43 PM
"Knives in my Back"
Anonymous says.. 7:25 PM
bill hicks was a genius, i'll give you that, geoff. how'sa bout'a cockpunch, dicksmack???
also, i believe the word is sheeple. gee, think for yourself? now we're talk'in george harrison!!!
Anonymous says.. 12:34 AM
everytime you praise an idol a teardrop falls from god's eyeball
Anonymous says.. 12:36 AM
and everytime youre talking shit, well...'s a piece of shit when youre a piece of shit
skulkie the spy says.. 6:24 AM
if yr comments were based on kyle's art, i might be interested in yr opinions. but since you are anonymously slandering him, i think you are full of shit.
d folmer says.. 6:36 AM
Why don't you people go update your livejournals?
Anonymous says.. 8:09 AM
Anonymous says.. 8:10 AM
Anonymous says.. 9:44 AM
Are people not over the face paint and the troubled soul presentation of music? Kinda old.
Anonymous says.. 9:52 AM
MArilyn Manson's gay little brother.
thecoolestretard says.. 10:07 AM
Everbody knows the guy has his problems and I think his music blows, but for fucks sake, get a username if you're going to be saying such shitty things about someone.
Anonymous says.. 10:10 AM
I'm a fan of his visual art.
Tyler says.. 10:48 AM
I totally don't get the Tommy John thing.
Dr. James Andrews says.. 12:19 PM
tyler walker, you had a nice 2-week run as Tampa Bay Devil Rays closer, but it's time to face the music.
Bub says.. 1:12 PM
He's a nice guy.
I like the CD. Chimera is a cool song.
I'm sorry but the live show doesn't do it for me. I'm not saying you're a moron for liking it, but I think if "performance art" is the goal then he should push a bit harder. If performance is the goal - there're a-plenty of lonely keyboardist/programmmer folk out there who would love to be part of something (an electronic drummer would be cool). whatever
My theory on the motivation of the NightGame is that he simply likes music and loves performing for people and that's that. - There's plenty of room in the vast music scene for Nightgame.
You assholes are assholes. assholes.
matt says.. 1:11 PM
the night game cult is probably one of the best bands in the area right now.....and it's pretty much just ONE guy putting his complete heart and soul into the music. he writes all the songs himself except for what i believe to be a brilliant and quite danceable version of goodbye horses by q. lazzarus. don't any of you know that kyle does the night game cult pretty much all on his own? he has to karaoke over his own tunes because every band member in every band he's been in(great one's I might add, like the ditch kids, pointy shoe factory, and he may as well be the fucking lead singer of the chromatics if you didn't see their last show. he did a performance of now i wanna be your dog with them that would make iggy pop shake!) have'nt been three times as dedicated as he was to the bands. kyle's music has a philosophy to it that most of you will NEVER understand. He sings songs about enduring the hardships of life and about community......about uniting us! the guy writes unite and cherish your friends on his fucking chest for godssake! i encourage all of you to go see AND hear the night game cult perform and introduce yourselves to kyle and find out who's right and who's wrong. jesus! have any of you even listened to the lyrics in "you are not alone"? this guy is trying to bring people together and he is using a stage and microphone as a platform to do just that, and i hope his mission gets accomplished. he's certainly put a lot of love into my heart, i can tell you that. most of you are just jealous and just want fame, except for us cold, delerious few, as will shatter from flipper(who just happens to remind me A LOT of kyle) would say. i wanna see you write some tunes, get on stage BY YOURSELF, and try to do some good for this world.....i know the night game cult has inspired me to do just that.
name(blank for anonymous)
How could ANY of you expect me to take this shit with a straight face. I fucking hate all of you. I wish you all a quick fucking death, by fire. Fuck all of you. Deeply. You evil fucking cunts. How dare you give half a FUCK about how I choose to express myself?? Are you all so fucking heartless that you would steep to shit on me in such an innocent hour? I hate you. I curse all of you. Goddamn all of you to the depths of Hell.
w1BJiF odsrvealmghe, [url=]mocuhphhevuy[/url], [link=]zqwsfgfwfdjq[/link],
And yeah, of course Bill Hicks wouldn\'t like what I do, since he really dug SRV and 3rd rate Hendrix knock offs.
i lik the night game cult.
saw a live show thought it was awesome.
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