Free Fun Fun Fun Passes
* Bad Brains
* Flipper
* Clipse
* Dan Deacon
* Yacht
* Kool Keith
* Deerhoof
* Islands
* Dead Milkmen
* Centromatic
* Frightened Rabbit
* Experimental Dental School
* Tim and Eric
You can check the full line up here, and if you want to win the passes, just email any time between now and this FRIDAY at noon. Be sure to title the email "Fun Fun Fun Fest." Good luck!
are employees of weshotjr, or news corp.. allowed to win?
Do they have a Sack N Save in Austin?
frankly, that sounds fuckin' awesome. i'll be damned, they've even got tim and eric. rats off to ya!!
and tim and eric. what the fuck, you blind AND deaf?
when are you guys giving away black tie dynasty passes
everything but the human league..
Tim and Eric ftw
a a a a a a a a a a a a art fag
shrimp and white wine
shrimp and white wine
shrimp and white wine
extravagant traveler, puerto rico out to africa!!
b-b-b-b-b-beaver boys
b-b-b-b-b-beaver boys
all washed up or shit from the beginning.
Why does austin keeping getting more pretentious and annoying with every passing moment? It used to have this "it just is" quality to it... eh maybe in the 70s early 80s. Now its like "look at me and look at what I can do." Who wants that kind of person around really. Geezus. Fuck you.
well.. why don't you cry about it???
Nah fuck you, you cry about it. I'll rage about it because I care.
you care? how quaint.............................
how can a city be pretentious and annoying?
how can it be cool and funky? someone used adjectives before i did. don't be a moron. yes i care. also fuck if i care if it quaint. quaintly shove it up your ass
grammar, dear boy. give us grammar.
"In the 70s, in the early 80s?" WTF! Do you know how much the world has changed since then and you're mad about Austin? Who gives! Pathetic.
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