Former Dentonite and UNT student Patricia West, who played a role in putting on shows at
715 Panhandle and releasing music with the
No Parents No Rules Label, has become an outspoken activist in favor of Proposition K, an initiative that will appear on ballots in San Francisco this Novemeber that would decriminalize prostitution within city limits. West apparently moved to San Francisco some time last year and began working as a fetish prostitute by placing online ads, and has recently started speaking out in the press and granting interviews to the Associated Press in which she advocates in favor of Prop K, a measure that, according to her, would "allow workers to organize for our rights and for our safety."
Here is the initial associated press article on the subject, and
here are a
couple more. Its an interesting issue on many levels, and if you want to comment on it or debate it, please feel free, but we will erase any and all malicious personal attacks or gossip comments on this post. Try to be intelligent for a change, mkay pals?
Clint Butler, the sole owner and operator of NPNR, sent us an email disputing the claim that Patricia West played any role in either 715 Panhandle or the No Parents No Rules label. We wrote what we did concerning her involvement with the house and label based on conversations we had with her during her time in Denton, as well as conversations with others who claimed that she was involved in working on both at different times. We are attempting to reach her in order to allow her to comment. Thanks.
i wish i was in an open relationship. all that co-dependent, one per person bullshit is so totally republican.
oh my god... i can't believe this. i knew her!
9:19 you're a slut lol..
9:34 you just need to open your legs a little bit! but besides that point, a person can love many people, not necessarily have sex with all of em.
new diy venue at 815 denton st. - THE PROSTI HOUSE
simple. should be legal and taxed like any other job. though the taxing would end up being declared much like that of wait staff. good enough though.
lol @ clint
lobbying? propositions? government?(sm)art prostitutes?
These op-eds = boredom. Get back to the music.
"This isn't the escort industry, where there is a lot of illegality and everyone knows it"
"In the BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism) industry, virtually everyone was under the belief that what they were doing was legal."
Here is the correct link
I'd hit it. For free
i'm gonna have to echo 11:05 here...
i'm gonna have to echo 11:42 here ...
Do you guys know what an Op-ed is?
Opinion editorial
i was wondering the same thing, sr.
This is an interesting issue. Far be it from me to condemn someone's life style choices, but, I am not sure how I feel about this issue. I mean, you REALLY SHOULDN'T have sex for people for money. Its very dangerous what with STDs, unplanned pregnancy, and just over all shady clientèle. To each their own I guess, but it seems to me if you willing become a prostitute, you're just asking for some hurt. Sounds like a bad idea to me.
Oh come now Atchley. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Who are you to question history? I think it falls into all of the other issues, where if you don't like it, don't do it. But don't tell anyone else they can't. Simple supply and demand. If someone wants sex bad enough they'll pay for it. If someone is willing to pay for it, someone is willing to sell it (or rent it for a little while, in this case).
Anyway, most STDs only burn for a little while. Penicillin has served humanity well...
Hah! My PERSONAL belief is that you shouldn't do that because of health and safety issues. And based on that, probably not a GOOD idea. As far as the legality is concerned its a very strange issue. I tend to think that legality and morality don't always go hand in hand. I mean, people smoke and drive cars, which are both legal but overall pretty dangerous. So who knows? Ask Las Vegas about it. Isn't prostitution legal there or something?
I don't think it's legal in the city. Just outside of town. It seems to work in Amsterdam though. Not to mention they have to register, and have a certificate saying they are not diseased.
The fact that it's even being discussed reminds me of why San Francisco is such a great city.
I think making it legal makes it more legit. I would rather go to a brothel than find some skeezer on the street. Laminated menus, marble floors, and women who aren't dying make for better service. Hopefully, it will be a long time before I have to pay for sex..
this issue will probably be solved, if only this debate continues long enough on this board
Alex learn to use a rubber with whores and fat chicks
Patricia actually never released anything on No Parents No Rules, I don't understand how that could have surfaced... She never booked shows at 715 either... weird.
decriminalize prostitution (and other consensual "crimes").
1) it could then be regulated (not that we are good at regulation in this country), so that the people involved had more protections.
2) prostitues currently have little to no legal recourse if they are abused or endangered by their clients. decriminalization would make it more probable that a prostitue in need of law enforcement help would seek it out.
3) like it or not, prostitution will happen regardless of legality. decriminalization would clear out some space in an already overcrowded, oppressive prison system, which could then be actually used to house violent and dangerous individuals.
of course, sex, like all sacred commodities, is best when it's FREEEEE......................................................
Nice doodle tattoo.
Daddy will be proud all his college money went to being a hooker.
the danger of STDs and the like is exactly the argument for legalizing prostitution. if the acts can be regulated then there will be laws about testing, both for the workers and the "johns" as the consumers of prostitution are called.
Why are sex worker rights people always dykes that hate men?
doodle tattoo?! I COINED THTA SHIT
i say legalize it. everyone should have the freedom to do what they please. like a couple of the others said, it's going to happen regardless, and this will help to regulate and reduce the diseases and increase the safety of the women and "johns".
12:54, i agree. sf is fucking great. second favorite city, with the dfdub-ya (more particularly denton) coming in first.
Legalize, regulate and tax the fuck out of it. This nation is going to be forced to shed some of it's up-tightness in order to make the public happy and generate some revenue we desperately need.
It will keep non-violent offenders out of jail, promote a healthy environment for the ladies and deter sexual assaults.
And maybe I could get laid.
And then finally all those Eastern European and Asian Sex Slaves could work out in the open instead of in the closet.
I agree with Chad. We need to get laid.
Its a nice friendly favor to cover it but who cares.
Im pretty sure "fire starter" is the oldest proffesion in the world
And then finally all those Eastern European and Asian Sex Slaves could work out in the open instead of in the closet.
Its a nice friendly favor to cover it but who cares.
Amen Patricia.
I for one am in favor of more posts like this. Also, I'm in favor of people who don't know that they will most likely be republicans later on in life not voicing their opinions on subjects such as these.
not to say that discussion is bad. just funny to see people get their politics and personalities confused.
viva 11:05!!!
don't they all, john?
"Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't Selling Fucking legal???"
--George Carlin
gon' get yo pussy taxed? is that really what you want?
you should really remove all that shit about NPNR and 715 panhandle. That's just completely false. She had nothing to do with either of those beyond being at the shows and dating the founder of NPNR.
Haha, pussy tax.
real classy journalism, particularly the un-truths about 715 and NPNR.
Did I land onto a music blog or a pussy clog?
We added a statement concerning the dispute that has arisen about her involvement in the label. We based what we wrote on solid statements from multiple sources, including Patricia West herself, so how you can call our "class" into question is beyond me. She made the entire subject of this post public knowledge, and we thought it was interesting and worth posting. Deal with it.
I love Patricia. Great lady. She didn't ever book shows at 715 as far as I know, but I remember at one point, she was going to start a side-label of sorts branching off NPNR tapes. Maybe that's the confusion?
Glad she's happy, though!
I love Patricia. Great lady. She didn't ever book shows at 715 as far as I know, but I remember at one point, she was going to start a side-label of sorts branching off NPNR tapes. Maybe that's the confusion?
Glad she's happy, though!
Imagine that..
A whore lying.
I emailed this to SR yesterday, but here we go again:
Hey, thanks for the write up and all.. but I wasn't involved with booking at 715, I just hung out there a lot. Also, I didn't really do anything with NPNR either. So it would be much appreciated by all parties if you removed that part. Thanks!
aaahahaha this site sucks at getting anything right.
I'm pretty sure that this is NOT Patricia writing on here, but even if it is, no one emailed me anything yesterday.
Jesus, who gives a shit.
What is the URL for "2 Girls and a Cup" again?
paypal link?
JodIKH usnkpmrkpntt, [url=http://illcbrepvxar.com/]illcbrepvxar[/url], [link=http://qtowjrxklcdu.com/]qtowjrxklcdu[/link], http://ativnzlvsdye.com/
Patricia's great. Too bad Prop K got defeated. That would have made our occasional kinky hook-ups for money finally legal at least. Oh well...I don't mind paying her hot little ass!
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