WSJR Party with Vega/Damaged Goods/Schwa/Young Doc Gooden (Secret location, Denton): So you've obviously heard enough about this show around here at this point, and if you didn't RSVP, you're going to have to ask a friend for the address, because we aren't giving it out here. Sowwy. :-( Oh, and just to let you know, we WILL have free beer and other little treats for those 21 and up, but we suggest bringing your own stuff too, because we expect it to go fairly quickly. Stuff starts at 10, and if you feel like dancing tonight, you'd be dumb not to come. After all, we'll be featuring this year's WSJR winners in the categories of Best MCs/hip hop AND Best DJ. Come see why they won.
Dirty Diamond/Ribelle Scaltro/Mistress (Time Bandits): Fantastic line up for Time Bandits' first show. DL was the first one to tell me to check out Ribelle Scaltro, and I'm really glad he did, because she's honestly making some of the most interesting music in Denton right now-- disturbingly minimal beats backing otherwordly vocals that effectively hide any and all lyrical content while barely masking some pretty pop vocal melodies that are almost soulful at times, although you wouldn't really know it if you weren't looking for it. MP3 blogophiles will see similarities between Scaltro and groups such Nite Jewel, Gang Gang Dance, Memory Cassette, and even some of the more experimental output from Italians Do it Better, while record dorks will admire the choice early minimal electronica influences that abound throughout. Highly recommended.
CBGBs Tribute Night with Zanzibar Snails, Street Hassle, Deep Snapper and more (Hailey's): A tribute to a legendary New York venue that has somehow turned into a gift shop in Las Vegas or something. Anyway, check Hailey's website for the complete list of participating groups (sorry, time is of the essence here), but you'd be advised to catch Street Hassle as Johnny Thunders and members of Zanzibar Snails as Suicide. I'm not sure what those guys have up their sleeves, but I'd be very curious to find out-- how the fuck do you pull off live Suicide covers effectively? Something tells me they figured out a way. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vega playing our house party tonight? LOL OMG JUST KIDDING
Ian Bangs/Yeah Def (Rubber Gloves)
The Frenz/Hacienda/It's Unamerican to be Sad/We The Sea Lions (The Lounge): No cover for this one. Only got to take a quick listen to San Antonio's Hacienda, but I would recommend them for fans of groups like Fleet Foxes, Saturday Looks Good to Me, My Morning, Big Star, El Guincho, and the less embarrassing parts of Elephant 6.
The Ting Tings (House of Blues): Kind of cute disco indie pop for teenagers that recently hit numero uno on the UK pop charts. Bring on the car commercials!
Wolves in the Throne Room/Nachtmystium/Lychgate (Rubber Gloves): Shit yes. Wolves in the Throne Room is one of those bands that I was inexplicably interested in before I heard a single note of their music, and then once I did, I liked them even more. Many have probably heard rumors about the band's strange existence, what with the communal compound outside of Olympia, WA, as well as the sheer, spellbinding power of the group's sound, which falls somewhere between Black Metal and shoegaze, but leans mostly to the latter. Check back with us this weekend, as we might have a little goodie for you involving this show.
Strange Boys/Bad Sports/Fungi Girls/Uptown Bums (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St., Denton): Great show at a cozy little Denton venue featuring some real Texas garage punk standouts. Just checked out Cleburne's Fungi Girls for the first time and kinda dug em.... especially the song "Crystal Roads" on their Myspace page.
For Your Pleasure with DJG and Gabriel (Hailey's)
Wolves in the Throne Room/Nachtmystium/Lychgate (Rubber Gloves): Shit yes. Wolves in the Throne Room is one of those bands that I was inexplicably interested in before I heard a single note of their music, and then once I did, I liked them even more. Many have probably heard rumors about the band's strange existence, what with the communal compound outside of Olympia, WA, as well as the sheer, spellbinding power of the group's sound, which falls somewhere between Black Metal and shoegaze, but leans mostly to the latter. Check back with us this weekend, as we might have a little goodie for you involving this show.
Strange Boys/Bad Sports/Fungi Girls/Uptown Bums (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St., Denton): Great show at a cozy little Denton venue featuring some real Texas garage punk standouts. Just checked out Cleburne's Fungi Girls for the first time and kinda dug em.... especially the song "Crystal Roads" on their Myspace page.
For Your Pleasure with DJG and Gabriel (Hailey's)
man, that wolves in the throne room stuff is great shit. sounds like isis goes black metal.
wasn't suicide more max's kansas city than cbgb?
just sayin
you're probably right...
oh shut up
due to a recent back in jury.
back in jury duty?
sorry meant Back injury. I have a pinched nerve in my back from the soul reavers show. lots o pain. ouch....
HACIENDA SHOULD BE THE ONLY reason people go tonight, so thanks for the heads up
Modern 'til Midnight
Cowtown, TX
7-7:40 - Baby Dee
7:50-8:30 - Stumptone
8:50-9:30 - Telegraph Canyon
9:30-10:10 - Mount Righteous
10:10-10:50 - Dove Hunter
11:00-12:00 - Mucca Pazza
oh my nuts are on fire 1-2-3-4!
I got a problem I don't know what to do
if I don't help myself I might hurt you
feds last show too i think.
this is the weekend enough to cause cuts !!! BETTA WATCH YOSELF
im gonna fuck shit up. watch.
back injury? hmmm..........
I don't remember weshotjr linking to the bands myspace pages, is this a new thing or was I just not paying attention?
Jessica Simpson at the State Faire
9:03 -- you was just not paying attention
got dang that shit got moved around more than brad fuckin johnson.
denton, i loves you and stuff. DALLAS i really love you too. HOWEVER, red head girl Mattie, I REALLY LOVE you, because it is 4:31 in the AM and I am still awake and laughing with at least 3 raddd people (the other 2 are past out, or dead)
yo - just set up the turntables on the washer and dryer
i called the cops.
oh, and the REAL party was sat time bandits. wsjr FAILED.
i think the DORKS from the OBSERVER had a good time there, though. you know, "hanging with the cool kids" at the "secret party".
i threw my drink on you on purpose, by the way. the "fall" was staged to shut you up.
sounds lame
why am i glad i wasn't there? oh yeah....
who from the observer was there?
So I bet strange boys is off then?
time bandits kicked ass last night.
9:54 I dont think so. I believe its just gonna start and end earlier.
strange boys is still on
things are going to start promptly at 8:00
9:54 I dont think so. I believe its just gonna start and end earlier.
promptly at 8:00 + house party in denton = not going to happen.
strange boys go on at 11pm?
time bandits was the shitt.
Time Bandits was the bee knees.
I got to drink from the keg at the WSJR party.
wolves in the throne room. say no more.
kinda gay chad. just sayin'.
of course not, fag...
go cowboys!
The Cowboys look like fuckin' Berkner High School today.
Blue shirts = sure loss
rubber gloves last night was fucking amazing.
how was the secret party?
shit was tight. fuck tha police.
setting up in the kitchen was the best idea
being gay is so cool
if you are a faggot, then yes, i suppose being gay is cool.
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