So tonight's debate was supposed to be all about Sarah Palin, and although I realize that the McCain campaign has been managing the expectation game for the past couple of weeks, she did a little better than I thought she would this evening. However, it seemed that Joe Biden turned in the performance of his lifetime tonight, and frankly, relative to Obama's performance in the first presidential debate, Biden was the stronger advocate for the Democratic cause-- he seemed to have an authentic connection with working people as he made straight ahead arguments concerning the ways in which Obama's policies would have a directly positive effect on people's daily lives, and he also effectively calling into question John McCain's "maverick" status better than I've seen anyone do it so far this year. So thanks to Joe Biden for doing even more than he probably needed to do.
And by the way, it looks like
a lot of other people agree with me. Feel free to comment on the debate and the election in general. Off topic comments will be erased because I do what I want!
Biden impressed me in the way he so presidentially (is that a word?) conducted himself. He could have word-raped poor little Palin on multiple occasions and many issues, but didn't even interrupt her once. I wish he'd been a little harder on her, it would have made for better tv.
the way i see it is, no matter who wins, gas ain't going to be cheaper and weed ain't going to be legal. fuck em both
I agree, 10:13. Fuck them both and 'Merica. Nothing will change either way. Vote for obvious evil or evil masquerading as hope. Let just cut to the chase. I'll vote for whomever gives me the most money because that monetary compensation will be the only benefit I ever see from this goddamn joke of democracy.
expectations for Palin were so low, there really was no reason to believe that she wouldn't exceed them. the overall feeling i got from her was that she was fake, the smiles and gosh darnits all seemed too choreographed. john mccain's huge flop with suspending his campaign (except for in ohio, where he ran ads all weekend) and subsequent claims that he saved the bailout bill, along with the overall inconsistencies of the McCain/Palin campaign, can't be rectified by her performance. joe biden's performance tonight solidified the democrats' campaign. i agree with sr, biden did an excellent job. even though he referenced himself in the third person a few times a la bob dole.
wtf. republicans are really coming out trying to tell everyone that palin won the debate. what a crock of shit.
sucks being in a red state
Biden came across as knowledgeable and passionate. I watched with several other Obama supporters. We all had exactly the same reaction:
1. She had a script which she did not deviate from, becasue there is no substance to her views. It's why she repeats the sad old mantra over and over.
2. Moderater did a terrible job. I would have stopped Palin at one point and said, Governor, if you don't intend on answering my questions, I'm going to stop asking them.
3. I can see Joe Biden working with the Senate to get things done. I can't see Governor Palin doing anything besides repeating sound bites.
She did not embarass herself like she has in the past, and to that extent it was a win, but this is only because she refused to answer the questions asked.
How many more times am I going to have to hear the phrase "Fundamental Difference"? When I hear the word "Maverick" I want to kick a puppy now too.
I couldn't believe Palin started right out with a fucking "ask the parents on the sidelines of their kids soccer games on a Saturday about the economy" line.
id fuck the polarbearshit out of her though.
Gwen Ifill was to the point and regardless of what everyone said, was not biased. She asked tough questions and it wasn't her fault that Palin refused to answer her.
Biden did a great job at constantly refuting everything that Palin said. He might have not gotten alot of the Democratic points across but at least he was capable of highlighting some of McCain's past principles. You know, before he realized he was losing voters and hopped on the "Change" bandwagon.
BTW, also the word maverick should be taken out of the english language as soon as McCain loses the election. I'm sick of hearing it.
Sarah Palin is not hot. She looks like a bitch.
jesus, some of you parrots need to turn the fuckin' boob tube OFF! that'd be you too, sr...
oh, and 10:30, kudos from moi as well.
p. palin is hot, stop pretending fuckwads.................
p.s. turtles are hot as well.
Sarah Nailin stars in "Drill Baby Drill: Change Is 'A Cummin"
at one point during the debate i was like ... wow i'd like biden to ask her what makes mccain so sure he knows how to win a war. getting shot down in vietnam?
They need Main St Wasilla in DC? What does that mean? More meth?
I already got my copy pre-ordered
what copy?
5:46 am
I hope that if Obama/Biden when, they butt heads a lot a la Townsend/Daltrey(sp?). Then they could make some beautiful music... er... policy together.
anyone who thinks palin won the debate is using the false standard of expectations to determine the outcome. of course she exceeded our expectations— she did so when she didn't trip on her way to the podium. that was the bar she had set.
she didn't answer any of the questions or provide any policy insight or answers for our fading star of a country. even if you don't agree with obama, you at least know what he stands for. i learned more about mccain's hopeful administrative policies from biden than i did from palin. its an insult to anyone with a shred of intelligence to even suggest that she 'won' the 'debate.'
they really think we're THAT STUPID, don't they?
I hope Obama wins but, since we live in an obvious red state, I won't feel too guilty about voting for a third party. The dems and reps agreed to not allow any other parties to take part in this debate, because that would just be TOO much democracy for the American people to handle. Sometimes I think they're polarizing the public on purpose... as a diversion.
One thing Palin communicated very well is that she is from an "energy producing state."
If there was anyone who didn't understand that before the debate, they should have gotten the point around the 17th time she repeated it.
...Oh, and another thing. That "Aw schucks, I'm just a Washington outsider who can't believe I'm here" demeanor worked very well for Bush.
Remember that "Most people would rather share a beer with Bush than Gore" argument? That's the sort of thinking that helped get us where we are today.
Well, just because your folksy and personable doesn't mean you should be in the White House.
Just sayin'
i can't believe anybody watched this shit. the elections have been rigged since the dawn of time. that's why the repub's'll win this election, and the democrats the one in 2012. the year the world ends.
uh, did any of you happen to catch their face-plates falling off, via 'THEY LIVE'?
of course 9:56. that kind of logic is what makes me go for nader or ron paul. but they sure as hell arent going to have any remote chance of being in the white house due to that logic. last person that went against the shadow government was assassinated in dallas. so now, and i hate to say it but its true, we are left with voting for the lesser of two evils. just like last election and the one previous that. besides obama isnt as bad as john kerry. last time i voted for a 3rd party candidate, bush won. so fuck that for now.
McSame/Fallin '08
i read somewhere
"biden will be judged on what he does wrong, palin will be judged on what she does right"
i cant believe ANYONE would think palin won this debate. these motherfuckers are plain stupid. who the hell can be so damn naive or ignorant? it blows my mind. she was HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE. How in the hell are you gonna back up her performance with a show like that? By saying she did better than expected?
People who say she won said she "stuck to her talking points"
Which means not answering the questions?
So Palin wins because she didn't look as bad as everyone thought she would?
yay for more wars
Yay, for bailouts!!! How about 700billion in our pockets..something like 3500 a person..I could really use a macbook pro.
"Yay, for bailouts!!! How about 700billion in our pockets..something like 3500 a person..I could really use a macbook pro."
You were going to pay that money anyways. They aren't raising taxes, but it takes away from paying for better things. So go buy your mac book you turkey. For Your Health
"Yay, for bailouts!!! How about 700billion in our pockets..something like 3500 a person..I could really use a macbook pro."
You were going to pay that money anyways. They aren't raising taxes, but it takes away from paying for better things. So go buy your mac book you turkey. For Your Health
Dear Dr. Steve,
I didn't say they were raising taxes. I was saying if they put the bailout in the pockets of the American people then we could get around 3500 a person. That is assuming there are only 200 million people over 18 in the US. "Pay that money anyways" ? not sure what you are talking about. Taxes or the Mac book? Yeah, I don't really have 3500 and yes I do already pay my taxes. Obviously, I am no economist so I am not sure if the effects of a stimulus check like that would be more meritable than saving failing companies and stablizing the market. I was merely pointing out the fact that I wish I had 3500 dollars and a new computer. Seeing how mine has been dead for some time now. Now, the health benefits of a computer is a different topic altogether. Also Dr. Steve I seem to have a lump on my right testicle do you think you could give it a kiss?
haha 8:03, Shot down in a war we.. won/lost?
Biden looks like he might own a used car lot on the Dukes of Hazzard.
I think he looks like a really old Val Kilmer. When the Obama/Biden movie comes out Val Kilmer is going to play Biden.
"face plates" in THEY LIVE?
you need your special sunglasses to see the true faces. also, obama/biden look like they'll support civil unions at least. that's more than sir puff-a-lot and mrs cracker-lumberjack.
2:24, all due respect, I think Dr. Steve Brule was making a joke... I don't know what he meant, but it's amusing if you've had the chance to see the characters antics on Tim and Eric Awesome Show. So now you can delete the one comment I've ever posted on this site for being off topic ;)
and white wine
bbbbb-beaver boys
bbbbb-beaver boys
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Am I the only one that heard Palin say she'd support civil unions, even before Biden pointed it out? That was fuckin' weird.
"No one would ever propose, not in a McCain-Palin administration, to do anything to prohibit, say, visitations in a hospital or contracts being signed, negotiated between parties."
I'm sure those aren't her own words... but I suppose they don't *have* to do anything to "prohibit" it when your party has already made it illegal. Signing contracts... what the hell do you call a marriage certificate?
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I ain't votin', but the majority of people in America don't really care about issues. Sarah Palin came across to many people as sticking up for herself, asserting herself, speaking without fumbling and "talking straight" . She won a lot of votes for the Republican campaign.
damn straight
oh, and another thing, this is'nt ANYTHING NEW folks...
Thank you, Joe Biden? Man, why associate your blog with that bullshit? That's just weird.
yeah- politics are so... mainstream.
i am the cheshire cat
It's not that politics are mainstream, it's that they are pointless. Like Obama and Biden ain't workin' for somebody too...
politics are pointless....we're going down in flames.
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