It List: Wednesday

Nervous Curtains/Schwa/Jordan Fraker (The Cavern):
Nervous Curtains is Sean Kirkpatrick plus backing band, and I'm told that it makes his set sound significantly more "prog rock," though that might not be intentional. I'll have to see for myself. Schwa will DJ and photographer Jordan Fraker will be showing his work.
Yeah Def/It's What We Get (Hailey's)
Taxi Fare (Zubar)
We should be hearing from Dear Leader AKA Stoned Ranger soon, thank effing goodness. And before you start with your comments, I want you to remember something kids: you could never be as sick of DL as I am.
Nervous Curtains is Sean, Robert (drums) and Ian from Jack with One Eye (keys)
Nervous Curtains are great, but I don't get the "prog rock" vibe at all.
I love you, Dr. Drew.
i hear prog rock in them. i have spoken!
post more scenester gossip.
DL... if it means anything.. you are my thousand points of light.. always a trooper! I'll find a new place for you to get aioli,even if it's the last thing I do.
"I will keep America moving forward, always forward -- for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light.
This is my mission. And I will complete it." - some guy who ran the cia
Self-deprecation is cute but I like it better when you personally pick on SR.
More third-person talk from DL please.
i miss sr.
yo jason has this crazy lighting rig that we are busting out for the first time @ haileys. last night was over capacity (hahah not crazy @ fallout lounge i guess) but we aim to please so bend knees and extend g's to teh bartenders please @ haileys. TONIGHT!
sort of last minute. Im Djing/Vjing the Lounge w/ Wanz tonight. Gonna be playing some of the footage I made for the Butthole Surfers show from last saturday. Sounds as if tonight is going to be laid back and geeky. but hope the freaks come out. hope to see you there
dad lad sex?
crimson chin sex?
c'mon that's impossible...
What the fuck happened to this blog? Who are these jerk off idiots who keep cut-and-pasting all of this infantile bullshit?
Maybe you should just do 'It List: Yesterday.'
That way you never need to worry about being timely, and you never need to worry about being wrong.
if any of you guys get offered or come across a dark blue dragon fly pro with the sustainer system, please message me.
some fucker kicked my door open and stole my baby. luckily, that's all they took.
yeah buddy, time to get new friends.
Dear DRC,
maybe you should figure out which member of your stupid fucking community keeps copying and pasting old posts from DRC on this site. They do it all day, everyday, around the clock. Who has time to do that? Get a life.
That sucks, the same for a korg digital 16 track, somebody kicked my door in and took it about 3 weeks ago.
Yeah, by infantile bullshit i meant all of that porno/paris hilton shit in the comments section... not the actual subject matter or copy.
this blog really shows so much promise. it's just a shame it gets occasionally overrun by spastic twerps who think that their anonymous posts actually carry any weight or mean anything to anybody.
But whatever. Carry on.
that is why you attach gps trackers to all your equipment dummy
Really Jackson?
Yeah someone is profiting off of musicians who have way too much shit in their houses. I had five other guitars, two amps, a PA but all they took was my damn fernandes guitar.
I was at a party last Saturday and there were these guys kicking this kids ass because apparently he had stolen 'three' guitars and a PA from them. hmm... I wonder.
Oh great.. it's the 'grandpa of deep ellum' coming around talking like he carries any weight or means anything to anyone.
You're a has been if you ever were. Go talk about Edie Brickell somewhere else.
-Anonymous Twerp.
lol... if jeff liles is the grandpa of deep ellum, what does that make the people who were there 75 years before him? and what does that make the people who are down there now... grandchildren?
Grandpa or not he's still a self important blowhard stuck in 1993.
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1993 was the year that Wu Tang Clan and Jurassic 5 both debuted.
If I had any idea that 15 years later you twerps would be listening to shit like Souljah Boy I WOULD have stayed "stuck in '93".
Carry on, my wayward son. Some day you'll get it.
If I had any idea you'd still be talking about shit no one cares about I would have thrown my own mother down the stairs before I was born.
You're a middle aged white dude with dreads- I already get it.
Stick to going to empty art shows and jerking you and your friends off and shut the fuck up already.
How many copies of your last record did you sell?
LA didn't give a shit about you either.
Oh, yeah. Radiohead debuted in 1993, too. But you guys would never write about them, right?
How many copies of your last record did you sell?
LA didn't give a shit about you either.
I didn't sell any copies of my record, Souljah Boy. The record label did.
They also put me on the Warped Tour last summer and placed seven of my tracks in a film.
How many records did YOU sell anyway? (Surely that's why you even brought this up in the first place.)
Liles says.. 11:57 AM
I didn't sell any copies of my record, Souljah Boy. The record label did.
They also put me on the Warped Tour last summer
Working as Keith Morris' jizz mopper doesn't exactly count.
You're right about that, lil' Souljah Boy... the Circle Jerks were only on 2 of the 45 dates of the tour.
But fuck talking about me and my shit. I wanna get back to your problem with 1993. Now we got one of two scenarios here; either a) you made this initial remark predicated on the idea that whatever is happening musically now is more valid than whatever was happening in 1993, or b) you're just as stuck in 1993 as I am, but are too proud to admit it.
Which one, Souljah Boy? You're really gonna say that this new gimmicky, derivative shit in 2008 is better than Wu Tang Clan, Radiohead, J5, Elliott Smith or Nirvana's "In Utero"? Or can you admit that music culture in 1993 was certainly more interesting and inspirational than whatever mindless twerpy bullshit you're into right now?
Convince me. And see if you can do it without sounding like a cast member from "Gummo".
You're so cool brewster.
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