It List: Wednesday

Not much going on today, which is not surprising as Wednesdays are often terrible. As I double-checked and scoured for anything at all, I noticed that a local website suggested that you could perhaps eat at "Hooligans Pub," while catching the Lupe Fiasco show at UTA's Texas Hall in Arlington. I once had my on-stage microphone cut off early at an event I spoke at in Anaheim, CA, because I compared Anaheim to Arlington. They were NOT at all happy about the comparison. I thought the similarities were all too obvious. Oh, well.
I almost forgot: Wanz Dover is celebrating his birthday tonight at The Lounge with a new group, Eldridge Meatcleaver and The Soul Reavers. I'm sure you can guess the genre, and the set-list is said to include everything from Etta James, to Booker T. And The MG's, to The Sonics, and Serge Gainsbourg. Should be interesting. Wanz will also be DJ'ing along with DJ Gabriel.
Taxi Fare (Zubar)
Finally: Today is the last day to vote in the We Shot JR Awards. So please do so.
fuck arlington
i thought anaheim was more like farmer's branch? a friend from anaheim was in town saturday and said so...then again, he did spent the evening in arlington.
man, still nothing going on.
Seriously. Fuck the town I live in.
nah not terrible - @ rubber gloves tonight
Art Fusion - 5 artists - 5 canvasses - 5 minute intervals
me djing
$2 doubles all night (holy sheeit)
i think it will be neat
You're the Observer's best local music site....... YAY!
More proof that the Observer has no idea what it's talking about.
detour @ the cavern tonight w/ smile smile and sober djing 2$ beer and wells. Free
The juvenile, angry sentiments so often spewed in the comment sections on WeShotJR do quite the disservice to the site's pseudonymous ringleader efforts. Stoned Ranger, as he calls himself, has his opinions on the local music scene—strong ones, too—and he stands by them, dammit. But unlike his harem of anonymous commenters who are quick to damn a band and claim it "sucks" without rhyme or reason, Stoned Ranger at least intelligently (and, quite often, persuasively) explains the rationale behind his take. Unfortunately, Stoned Ranger ("SR" to his minions) isn't the reason people visit WeShotJR; they may stay for his take, but they show up for the flamewars that take place between the "anons" he inspires.
6:41 is from the drc and or has had his or her band dissed on here. its obvious.
nope,just copy pasted the Observers segment,thought people here might want to see it,that is all,thanks.
yep drc. knew it.
highfalutin punctuators at dallas observer these days.
rootin' tootin' opinionaters.
so what? who gives a shit. if you can't take it get the fuck out. stop reading you little bitch.
HAHA! I love this.
happy birthday, mwanza! love, -your favorite tormentor
I came for the music listings, I stayed for the flamewars.
Observer is a piece of shit big news! And how about the Lawnmower Man inspired artwork. Dallas is the future!
fucking la boys choking me to death w/ stage fog. wtf los angeles? why do your bands suck shit?
think about what you just said....
dallas is nowhere, chief.
chalice is mohair beef
no, that's malice.
fucking great show at the lounge last night. decent turnout and an over the top good show.
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