Late Night with Operation Playmate (Dallas Museum of Art): Video artists/electro composers Operation Playmate (who we told you about earlier in the week) will be the most interesting thing going on at this month's edition of DMA Late Nights. The group will be performing music and displaying video inspired by the DMA's Materials and Meaning exhibit, which you can learn more about here. Late Night starts at 6, but this performance will begin at 10pm in the Atrium.
Zanzibar Snails/Geistheistler/Dirty Water Disease (J&Js): Dirty Water Disease? I think we might have a finalist for our "worst band name" award. I also caught Zanzibar Snails a couple weeks ago at the Lounge, and after about 10 minutes of confusing the shit out of me, I was quickly reminded of why I liked this band in the first place.
Back to School with Young Doc Gooden/Florene/Pepi Ginsberg/Make Believers/Grassfight/Bob White and the F Electrics/Sydney Confirm/Kaboom (Hailey's): A lot of variation on a bill that seems to be designed simply to herd as many UNT students into Hailey's as possible. If you haven't heard Aaron White's Make Believers yet, you should go to their Myspace and give them a listen-- the guy continues to reveal his talents as one of the more underrated songwriters in the area with a mastery of psychedelic pop/Bakersfield/etc. Pretending that he doesn't post on Denton Rock City will help you enjoy the music even more. JK guys! Ever since I heard that people have to pretend to hate us when they hang out at Dan's Silverleaf, I guess I've been a little jumpy. :-(
Bad Sports/Uptown Bums/Yeah Def (Rubber Gloves-- FREE): An amazing local garage punk band? Sounds like the butt of a joke until you hear Bad Sports for the first time. And when did Uptown Bums start being like WAY better than they used to be? Check "Running My Mouth" on their Myspace page for evidence of this.
Blackheart Society/Street Hassle/Jack with One Eye (The Lounge): Is it sexist for me to say that I have a crush on Mila, Jack with One Eye's lead singer? I guess the fact that I actually like her music sort of makes it a non issue since my mentioning this show has nothing to do with crushes... but after all this Palin shit, I'm pretty confused about what I'm not supposed to say about women. I wonder what those fearless feminists Karl Rove and Dick Morris would think of this issue? All BS aside, Jack with One Eye really is the standout here, reminds me of like a shoegaze Electrelane or something.
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Silver Jews/James Jackson Toth (Hailey's): I really can't stand poetry. Call me ignorant if you want to, but I've been spending the past few minutes sitting around trying to think of ONE poet who really means something to me, and I just can't do it. I think TS Elliot is good, for example, but I don't take enough time to allow much of his work to really matter to me. It's probably my problem and not his, but I mention this only to say that I recently went over to my hipster friend's house and picked up a copy of Dave Berman's poetry book on his table. After reading a few of his short entries, I, for the first time in my life, acknowledged that Dave Berman is a genius, at least on some level. Does his new album suck? Yep, big time. But he made me enjoy poetry.
Fight Bite (Central Trak, 800 Exposition, Dallas): Starts at 7pm at Central Trak, a gallery space run by the University of Texas at Dallas. There will be visual art on display, but I don't have the details on that. Maybe El Tocadiscos, WSJR VP of Visual Art and Media Affairs, could provide more information?
Visitations/The Diamond Center/Heartstring Stranglers (Fra House, 7pm): This show, like most others going on in Denton this evening, is designed around the Silver Jews show so that you can hit up both if you want. Visitations' Myspace page lists a number of notable influences, including Faust, Negativland, Ghost and Fela Kuti, but, uh, they don't really sound like any of that-- I hear lots of 90's indie pop in there, a touch or two of Grandaddy, and maybe a splash of Athens' the Glands. Remember them?
Visitations (1110 N. Austin St., Denton): Starts at 2am in case you didn't catch them earlier at Fra House.
Operation Playmate/Phantastes/Tommy Boy (Knight House, 1433 Knight St., Denton): We already told you about this show in our news section this week, but let me say that anyone with an interest in early Detroit techno or mid 80's industrial should check out Phantastes at this show. Did you read the description of what they are trying to do at this house? Here's to hoping this stuff starts happening in Denton a lot more. Stuff kicks off around 930 over there.
Bad Sports/Uptown Bums/Yeah Def (Rubber Gloves-- FREE): An amazing local garage punk band? Sounds like the butt of a joke until you hear Bad Sports for the first time. And when did Uptown Bums start being like WAY better than they used to be? Check "Running My Mouth" on their Myspace page for evidence of this.
Blackheart Society/Street Hassle/Jack with One Eye (The Lounge): Is it sexist for me to say that I have a crush on Mila, Jack with One Eye's lead singer? I guess the fact that I actually like her music sort of makes it a non issue since my mentioning this show has nothing to do with crushes... but after all this Palin shit, I'm pretty confused about what I'm not supposed to say about women. I wonder what those fearless feminists Karl Rove and Dick Morris would think of this issue? All BS aside, Jack with One Eye really is the standout here, reminds me of like a shoegaze Electrelane or something.
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Silver Jews/James Jackson Toth (Hailey's): I really can't stand poetry. Call me ignorant if you want to, but I've been spending the past few minutes sitting around trying to think of ONE poet who really means something to me, and I just can't do it. I think TS Elliot is good, for example, but I don't take enough time to allow much of his work to really matter to me. It's probably my problem and not his, but I mention this only to say that I recently went over to my hipster friend's house and picked up a copy of Dave Berman's poetry book on his table. After reading a few of his short entries, I, for the first time in my life, acknowledged that Dave Berman is a genius, at least on some level. Does his new album suck? Yep, big time. But he made me enjoy poetry.
Fight Bite (Central Trak, 800 Exposition, Dallas): Starts at 7pm at Central Trak, a gallery space run by the University of Texas at Dallas. There will be visual art on display, but I don't have the details on that. Maybe El Tocadiscos, WSJR VP of Visual Art and Media Affairs, could provide more information?
Visitations/The Diamond Center/Heartstring Stranglers (Fra House, 7pm): This show, like most others going on in Denton this evening, is designed around the Silver Jews show so that you can hit up both if you want. Visitations' Myspace page lists a number of notable influences, including Faust, Negativland, Ghost and Fela Kuti, but, uh, they don't really sound like any of that-- I hear lots of 90's indie pop in there, a touch or two of Grandaddy, and maybe a splash of Athens' the Glands. Remember them?
Visitations (1110 N. Austin St., Denton): Starts at 2am in case you didn't catch them earlier at Fra House.
Operation Playmate/Phantastes/Tommy Boy (Knight House, 1433 Knight St., Denton): We already told you about this show in our news section this week, but let me say that anyone with an interest in early Detroit techno or mid 80's industrial should check out Phantastes at this show. Did you read the description of what they are trying to do at this house? Here's to hoping this stuff starts happening in Denton a lot more. Stuff kicks off around 930 over there.
John Wesley Coleman (J&Js, 8-10pm)
The Theater Fire/Eyes Wings and Many Other Things/The Angelus/Clint Niosi/Chris Flemmons (Good Records): Starts at 5pm with Theater Fire taking the stage at 9pm to celebrate the release of their latest CD. Eyes, Wings and whatever? Another nominee in our "worst band name" award category.
The Theater Fire/Eyes Wings and Many Other Things/The Angelus/Clint Niosi/Chris Flemmons (Good Records): Starts at 5pm with Theater Fire taking the stage at 9pm to celebrate the release of their latest CD. Eyes, Wings and whatever? Another nominee in our "worst band name" award category.
For Your Pleasure with DJ G and Gabriel (Hailey's): Probably the most unique playlists in town, people.
what, no louis xiv?
great tyrant, unbearables from austin, and febrifuge saturday at Lola's
Tonight is the Zanzibar Snails Denton CD Release for their new record "Vanadium Dream".
Dirty Water Disease will also have a new free live recording CD available.
Free show, starts at 9pm.
Man these Denton DJs act like their shit is going to get outlawed in the next couple months. Take it easy dudes it's okay to just hang loose one night of the week.
Completely agree about Actual Air. I've tried out a good cross section of poetry to see if any of it could stick in a relevant, daily way - not an "I see why this is well respected, but it has no meaning to my life in 2008" way.
Actual Air is the only poetry that's ever felt relevant.
a lot of terrible bands with no longevity in Denton and Dallas
Good Luck (Bloomington)
Paul Baribeau (Bloomington [Plan-it-X records])
Har Herrar (Mount Righteous guy solo)
Excretion (Denton)
Pretty Plan-it-X show at 1919 Hemphill, Saturday evening at 7pm.
Show up at like 9 or 10. bands will probably start around 9:30 ish and play till about 1.
@3:39 - im going to cite the law of "CANTSTOPWONTSTP" in rebuttal to your comment.
after 12:30 im only playing wutang related tonight
Pepi Ginsberg is good. On the serious, and that means a lot coming from a doctor.
Can you play that one Wu related song off of Wu Chronicles (vol 2 i think?) that goes... "Fuck da world don't ask me for shit, everything you get you gotta work hard for it" That would be awesome.
Oh yeah I am doing projections for dis thang and tomorrow and will have 10 copies of dD v4 for sale.
I prescribe all the dan's regulars a dose of Rowdy Roddy Piper's 'reality check' to ease the pretentiousness. If conditions get worse, they should contact their employeer and request an early scenester retirement because Denton is too small for that shit.
we can dj as much as we want.
hey woah man, thanks for the props and yeah i post wayyyyy too much stupid thoughtless shit on dRc but COME ONE. HANG OUT AT DAN'S?!?!?!?!?! gimme some credit!
i rep empty wallet on lower brokeville.
every wonder why Dans silver leaf doesn't welcome outsiders into their fire side chats?
Centro-matic: white people music for white people.
Go figure.
chad - yeah ill play it.
ps: its a biggie track w/meff off ready to die
chad - post up a new mix on here. maybe a fall one this time. you did a summer one. now do a fuckin fall one homey.
man, i am SO fuckin SICK of fight bite.
whats the name of your group?
and vanity squared is stoopid
the visitations show on austin street is just a low key acoustic one to take us into the wee hours in robby's picturesque backyard. gonna be quite different from their usual spectacle so do your mom a favor and hit both shows in the face. byobooooooze to both of em. and if you can, please throw some $$ at the touring acts seeings how they're both free shows. ffffffffffff
Yeah, poetry is a beating. But like any means of creative expression, there is the occasional exception to the rule. Dial up YouTube and check out this guy from Philly named Black Ice. Saw him a couple of different times on HBO's "Def Poetry Jam". That motherfucker can write.
Actually, a lot of Mos Def's shit is pretty interesting too... but after he introduced Black Ice, he just got out of the way and let him do his thing.
Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY7pM8k8moY
what mix are you talking about and why are you faking on my identity
dont put words in my mouf plz
- (the real) yeahdef
tldr; use your own name on wsjr
More amazing Black Ice shit:
poetry rules
Im not sure who 6:08 is and why they are impersonating me.
6:28 who are you? im the real yeahdef bitch. and chad hook up the mix you Jheri curl.
oh really? did you for the first time acknowledge that david berman is a genius? you like ts eliot too? who gives a shit.
man, every time i post something halfway mean-spirited, i feel bad about it. it was just the "i hate poetry, but i kinda like ts eliot" comment that sounded phony as hell.
yeah i'm deaf, big whoop! wanna fight about it?
new jews record definitely does not suck. at least 3 songs on there rival any of the best he's written. yeah, there are some throwaways but the same can be said for american water and starlite walker.
stonedranger reminded me i have to delete myself every once in a while. he knows shit.
it's a shame that many people will go see these bands and few people will see djg on sunday.
Fat Daddy’s Sound Shack is CLOSED indefinitely.
Today, Friday September 19, 2008 Fat Daddy’s Sound Shack is CLOSED indefinitely. The reason is “The Pond Depot”, Fat Daddy’s next door neighbor, complained to the owner of the property, Catherine, that we brought very bad kids and Parents “YOU” to the center. The Pond Depot said that our kids and Parents “YOU” were rowdy and were out of control.
So, here we are. We were kick out of our new venue because of “The Pond Depot” and “Catherine”.
It really pissed me off when the owners of “The Pond Depot” were snickering as we were loading the moving truck last night. They stayed late just to watch and laugh at us as we loaded the truck.
I spoke to the owner of the Convenient Store “Shell” they like “YOU”. They enjoyed having you around. They were the only ones open when we were open. So I guess “The Pond Depot” has a lot of power with Catherine.
As of now we are closed. If and when we find a new location we will let everyone know.
This situation makes Sarah and I very sad. Fat Daddy’s Sound Shack has been in business for over 5 years. And now, someone who is not even open when we have shows has killed us.
How can they say “YOU” are a problem?
Take care everyone, remember to SUPPORT THE LOCAL MUSIC SCENE, go see as many local shows as you can at the other venues. Thank you to everyone that has come to Fad Daddy’s Sound Shack in the last 5 years. You will always be in our hearts.
Very sad and pissed,
Kenny and Sarah Brattain ☹
P.S. If anyone knows of a vacant restaurant, bar or venue that we can move in to. Please send me an email.
My email address is fatdaddys@mac. com
Feel free to contact the people who killed Fat Daddy's Sound Shack. Their contact info is below.
The Pond Depot Contact Info:
(817) 491-0929
(214) 488-7400
301 FM 3040
Round Grove Rd.
Suite #108
Lewisville, TX 75067
http://www. sublimewatergarden. com
dan@sublimewatergarden. com
tracy@sublimewatergarden. com
annie@sublimewatergarden. com
tony@sublimewatergarden. com
The Property Owner’s Contact Info:
Catherine or Raymond
what are baylor gals called?
I think I will make an autumn disc whether real or fake people want it. Fall is a tough season to corner though.
Also there were no projections tonight cause I was shitting liquid shell fish out my ass. Look for some crazy shit tomorrow as DJG sends his soul vibrations into my heart and onto the screen. I've got my Roxy video ready to go.
There is some good poetry. Like Stephen Spender.
I Think Continually Of Those Who Were Truly Great
I think continually of those who were truly great.
Who, from the womb, remembered the soul's history
Through corridors of light where the hours are suns
Endless and singing. Whose lovely ambition
Was that their lips, still touched with fire,
Should tell of the Spirit clothed from head to foot in song.
And who hoarded from the Spring branches
The desires falling across their bodies like blossoms.
What is precious is never to forget
The essential delight of the blood drawn from ageless springs
Breaking through rocks in worlds before our earth.
Never to deny its pleasure in the morning simple light
Nor its grave evening demand for love.
Never to allow gradually the traffic to smother
With noise and fog the flowering of the spirit.
Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields
See how these names are fŠted by the waving grass
And by the streamers of white cloud
And whispers of wind in the listening sky.
The names of those who in their lives fought for life
Who wore at their hearts the fire's center.
Born of the sun they traveled a short while towards the sun,
And left the vivid air signed with their honor.
saturday @ dans silveleaf
sarah jaffe / chameleon chamber group / matthew gray
Chad, do shut up.
Didn't you people just post a long article jocking Cohen? Now you are talking like poetry is beneath you?
vanity squared: how many times have you seen fight bite? pleeeeez
dan's tonight.
sarah jaffe
chameleon chamber group
matthew gray-
مايو الله ، صلي الله عليه وسلم ، وجعل له غضب على هذه القضيب أن يتم عديمة الفائدة
translation: that's all, folks!!
uptown, bitches. i live at the belvedere.
مايو الله ، صلي الله عليه وسلم ، وجعل له غضب على هذه القضيب أن يتم عديمة الفائدة
jai guru dev om
Today at 11:13am, d a n i e l f o wrote:
Yea, what was the deal with the guy coming up from the crowd to play the guitar?
Zany / douchebag fan bro. Not part of the show.
JC got aids blood on his shirt throwing him out.
wtf people.
superbligged--i've been stuck sitting through fight bite about four times. they are always playing with or opening for bands i'm into. they are boring and aren't giving me anything new.
just b/c the girl in the band is kinda cute doesn't mean they're not a total drag to have to sit thru. and it doesn't mean that fight bite is a bad band. it's just boring and incredibly dull.
ok. but i don't think 'the girl''s cuteness should have be an issue. swiss ex-lover and a few other tracks on their album are really good. if i hadn't been at the silver jewbags show i would've seen FB fo sho. also, FB's sets are incredibly short.i can't believe you can get bored that quick. oh, well, the ADD generation...
imagine if their songs were long? they it would just be long and boring rather than short and boring.
"just because the girl in the band is kind cute"
kill yourself.
you're a disgrace to your generation and you'll never know anything about music.
if you missed the visitations both times last night, it seems they're playing again at dan's tonight. pretty sre its free. expect them on at ten. hope some of you were at the fra house for the robot. goddamn.
To 1:33
I guess women don't ever like a band because the members are cute.
Never happens, right?
Nobody ever brings up looks as a reason to why a band of dudes are getting so much attention if their music comes into question.
someone show this kid a teenbeat magazine.
Nobody ever brings up looks as a reason to why a band of dudes are getting so much attention if their music comes into question.
The Strokes
Afghan Whigs
The Killers
Blink 182
Goo Goo Dolls
sheesh, should I keep going?
If you work you should be paid. Club/bar/eatery establishments who want someone to play for food or drinks are merely trying to take advantage of musicians. Musicians who knuckle under to such, have a GREAT DEAL to learn about conducting real world business.
Equipment is expensive and has to be maintained, loaded in the vehicle (which has to be maintained and fed expensive gasoline), unloaded when arriving and then set up. THEN one has to play for the alloted time. Then, tear down the equipment, load it up, drive home, unload and store gear. That is work and should be paid for. $100 dollars a man is cheap.
$40.00/hr is a bare minimum in my view.
Then there is the talent and ability to play as an ensemble, to wit: the title of entertainer.... for which anyone doing it, should be paid.
Those who do it for less or food/drinks or free are cutting their on throat as well as the throat of their fellow professional musicians.
Here's a query for you. Let's say you are a plumber or a scientist or a computer programmer, etc. How about when I need YOUR services, I buy ya some pizza and a twelve pack of tallboys and you can clean my plumbing waste material out of my bathroom floor, assure the DNA info is correct for murder prosecution purposes, and program the flight plan computer at D/FW and Love Field airports?
Anyone with skills who works should be paid accordingly. Anyone who tries to get that group to work for food and drinks is a person I want nothing to do with. They're persona non grata to me. Some folks just want something for nothing. I want nothing from them.
If we as musicians/patrons don't boycott establishments that do this, it will grow into a problem that has no solution( it already has reared it's ugly head all over the D/FW metro area.
Mr/Ms. club/cafe/bar/pizzeria/ winery/eatery owner/mgr.; if you want free music, take your cds and boom box to work with ya. But remember, you had to buy those too(I hope). Perhaps BMI/ASCAP will pay you an unannounced/unknown visit about the time you're setting up the cd player to play some tunes you like for your patrons entertainment...... I'd like to be there when you get the royalty bill.
On the other hand, doing the occasional free performance for the purpose of a benefit for the community or an individual genuinely in need of help is a good thing for all involved. Just make sure it's for charity/ whole community benefit.
Thanx for listening,
Michael Huggins /The JukeKings/Paris Tex/ UNT grad.
but what about the amount of enjoyment musicians get out of playing music? plumbers may be proud of their line of work (if they're lucky), but most probably don't enjoy cleaning shit out of your pipes.
there are the musicians who do it for pure enjoyment, and free drinks/gas money are a welcomed plus. then there are those that view it as a job, like a birthday clown or some shit.
and i suppose there can be a mix between the two.
i guess you could be talking about jazz musicians or cover bands that play for hours at fancy bars/restuarants...and in that case what you say is very true. but i think this blog and its commenters mostly favor rock music with some sort of artistic quality to it.
not to say that jazz isn't artistic...ah whatever...i'm done. .... . . .
Sorry Michael Huggins... you were obviously not an economics major at UNT. Supply and demand factor into this. There are aproximately 3 bands for every alcohol drinker in DFW. That means bars don't always pay musicians well. But you're more than welcome to turn demand more money, i.e. not play in the metroplex ever, if that's your attitude. I, myself, prefer to play at places like 1919 where nobody gets paid and nobody drinks. Bet that messes with your mind don't it?
Don't be jealous because Leanne is HOT and Talented. Must suck that you are obviously neither AND a dickhead.
Oh yes please, don't pay me. I prefer to play music using tin cans, rubberbands and a cigar box. In the dark, with no ac. Wow, how fucking inspirational it is to live in poverty. Thanks. Maybe if you don't really have any respect for your own work, then you are fine doing it for free. Some people actually do work hard to make their music and spend alot of time on it. I'll do a show for free, BUT, if some talentless fucker is keeping all the money from the door, after they asked you to play, then that fucker better be prepared to buy new tires.
PS: Some people are good at playing their instruments and just so happen to be attractive. Now, if they have what's called "style" then they are really in business and people start getting upset because they don't have it. Boo hoo for you!
Who the fuck let brett michaels in here?
You did.
swampass, you don't remember bozo the clown?
The minute I start getting paid for doing what I love to do, then I will quit my job. You know you want it too.
don't stop believing, hold on to that fee-la-ee-ea-a-a-an. streetlights, people-Oh-ooo-OOOOhhh!!
come on. you can't expect to be paid for every show. and even if you did, the ratio to shows you're playing to the cost of gas and equipment, etc..you're making no more than any other dayshift stripper.
don't quit your day job, basically.
p.s. fight bite are great and awesome to play a show with. maybe i should say leanne is hideous so people will take them more seriously. get some plastic surgery, you hag!
4zmZhe knimnpcmlpwn, [url=http://nlffrdnsguch.com/]nlffrdnsguch[/url], [link=http://rpfsvkvbajks.com/]rpfsvkvbajks[/link], http://peomydxosagp.com/
8EBBZU auddamzvcqcz, [url=http://burdedvzvyrg.com/]burdedvzvyrg[/url], [link=http://izajvejfnrcf.com/]izajvejfnrcf[/link], http://pdlvlyilusiq.com/
good luck
good luck
wmycwzr bjphzfu
pnhin ofkoen
nwkcpn oqbut
okfox xdojgwg
dyytei bndlmk
getabhb hwoppta
srucpl ezrzc
zzbmmj dhpix
fcrxn sypklvm
gvzoo vgip
wsrxyh axgshbos
euvuub uhob
ppnwdd hbvmzxu
tcoeles hajfrfa
qwtlqb arbwdd
nfiaj aivcob
kihybvl ormo
orlndms vnrmepo
ilxpiky zapzoqo
tovhws ormwwz
rkzpg qswdvep
pvlwe ojzdf
yyqfpn wscqz
onuisz bjjgpjbd
shxxiw hywl
quqqsyi bnirx
qrxuzef pzhy
bmldl jhrnwq
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rypya khzva
ijyuex hkkywta
celnkj qkyicknc
pqrfc xcwsirn
wbkoom wohqphmd
gdlzx ieuwpygx
xxkmu cwtln
eugdrgx xauhwr
vhpts oyxrrord
teqka iqsi
emykch nzdqz
cdjpmb zxikj
yircw pegq
gfzmct zdih
ihuil mkxtbass
mppbh xyyul
ldwkxbj czycpldx
nolel lgndsgqr
ldffffe jfwpzo
ebxgch tkrnqe
ixvvt tvpwmhu
jtabqpf zkqvlgdn
gcsedb kmar
ttdzwry rigojm
kwowaxu ylrbgr
lnmjcal bcdw
mkhbqpb wwnko
jcisw qczaxie
gjvpwq lwbsvxx
swing kfdjtcte
pgqfkss tijg
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