Miss Kittin and the Hacker (The Loft): Monday night in Dallas is pretty much a total bummer setting for a show in which "sex with movie stars" will be a primary lyrical focus, but I guess a lot of people would argue that the novelty of "electroclash" is a pretty big bummer too. Of course, picking on electroclash has sort of become like picking on a retarded kid in elementary school, hasn't it? Yes, anyone who has picked up a single lifestyle magazine in the past six years knows that electroclash was a flash in the pan, but really, was it as insignificant as people like to claim? I don't know, but I have a hard time imagining that any of the trends that we've seen in dance music over the past several years would have occurred in the same way without the influence of people like Miss Kittin and Felix Da Housecat, for better or worse. They kind of served as a gateway drug for moody indie kids to finally accept the fact that dance music was ok to listen to even if you didn't take Ecstasy. And whether you're happy about what has become the dominant and single most significant development in American and European underground music in the past decade (the embrace of electro), you can hardly call it insignificant, and you can't say that tracks like Miss Kittin's "Frank Sinatra" didn't play a noteworthy part.
The Queers/The Independents/The Lash Outs (Doublewide): This is the coolest show I've seen booked at Doublewide in many months, and obviously, that isn't saying much. Oh and by the way-- the Independents have been touring pretty much non stop since 1995, and they refer to themselves as a "horror ska" punk band, which is so awkward that its even hard to make fun of. Uh, Nelson Mandela is already free, mkay Danzig?
what a suck! night this is
no, it's pretty easy to make fun of, actually..
You're right... it took me less than 30 seconds.
Shit I'd go see Miss Kitten on a Saturday! Are you kidding me? Who even says the word electroclash anymore. Some douchbag invented the word, these people fucked that sound up and down and moved on. Miss Kitten didn't define herself as electroclash, people like you did. It's just good music. You don't have to try and be so profound about it. It's a compliment, oh wait, it's an insult. Fucking critics, always the same.
Shit I'd go see Miss Kitten on a Saturday! Are you kidding me? Who even says the word electroclash anymore. Some douchbag invented the word, these people fucked that sound up and down and moved on. Miss Kitten didn't define herself as electroclash, people like you did. It's just good music. You don't have to try and be so profound about it. It's a compliment, oh wait, it's an insult. Fucking critics, always the same.
what the fuck is this shit @ hailesy? i had to get here @ 3p? fat shirtless santa cruz post-sublime shit? when the fuck will these fucks put on some shirts?
So I'm trying to be "profound" because I'm not lumping something into either a "good" or "bad" category?
there is a band called OPM?
jc, i weep for you, sir.
"They kind of served as a gateway drug for moody indie kids to finally accept the fact that dance music was ok to listen to even if you didn't take Ecstasy."
thats so true I love it.
No, i don't think you should lump it into anything, that's the point. Miss Kitten and The Hacker are way more interesting than you make them sound. Not just because they helped make "dance music" popular in Texas. They are hands down 10 times more talented and have better taste than any DJ in Dallas. What's such a bummer about that?
rock'n'roll ain't noise pollution
OK, OK, OK. Whaddya expecting?
Does that mean I can blame them for all the Macbook DJs who don't know how to mix or set their levels right?
nardwuar vs the mars volta
Everything about Miss Kittin is Lame. From the lack of creativity, to the..well uncreative, not-new shit she's doing. So there.
Oh man, a ska joke! Pat yourself on the back! I hope a rap metal show happens soon so you can really sink your teeth into that one!
Go suck on some two-tone balls.
Oh man, a ska joke! You deserve to pat yourself on the back! I hope a rap metal show happens soon so you can really sink your teeth into that one!
Go suck on some two-tone balls.
that was the joke... the music is so crappy that you can't even make a good joke about it.
i saw the queers back around 1998? at galaxy club. they opened with 'we'd have a riot doing heroin', it was pretty cool.
I have a friend who keeps listening to new metal, pop metal and just you know 90s sounding metal and still thinks its cool. What do the music elitists here think i should do about that? I'd like to give him a fightbite uppercut but he might think think its really flawed because there is no predictable chugga chugga rawwwr, chugga chugga rawwwr! followed by some melodic frat boy vocals chorus...If you catch my drift.
let him listen to whatever the fuck he wants to listen to. who cares if your friends don't have any taste? it's on you to brainwash a motherfucker?
That's an unacceptable answer. Try again.
theres no such thing as frat boy vocals. but that was a good attempt at intelligent commentary
Who said anything about intelligent commentary? This is'nt fox news is it?
That's what's funny. your taste in music is so crappy that your opinions are a total joke. Is Frank Sinatra the only song you heard? Besides the 4 or 5 solid records that she put out, she became an international DJ when you were still shitting your pants.
well, that may be an exaggeration, but he was def still living with his parents and probably listening to some grungy anti-dance music.
5:54am, stonedranger still shits his pants. So, you know get your facts straight.
No, not grungy. moody indie rock, remember?
Are you kidding me? My opinions on music rule. And lets get real guys-- I haven't shit my pants since I was 23 years old.
MIss Kitten and the hacker have a lot more to do with german and Detroit Techno than "Electroclash". I expect that kind of lazy coverage from The Observer. Not you guys. It was a pretty great show.
Well of course German and Detroit techno are major influences on what they do, but those are the two primary influences (along with generic New Wave) that led to the creation of what ended up being termed as "electroclash" in the first place. Of course, what Miss Kittin does is FAR more pop oriented than anything that could properly be referred to as "Detroit techno," so I'm not sure I agree with you all the way on that one.... they are influences. That's it.
Either way, you miss the point-- I used the term to convey something about the impact that a group of DJs/producers may have had over a certain period of time in music, and although such labels are never exact, they are useful and necessary when trying to make a larger point.
electroclash was a marketing ploy created by Larry Tee that a bunch of dumb indie kids fell for. It's not a real genre. More like a social click. What I saw last night was definately techno. Not just influenced. If you check out Miss kitten's DJ playlists it's all contemporary techno.
this is when blogs turn to shit
when opinions get muddled in with the facts.
Last night was definitely techy and very much inline with a lot of things going in in dance music.
electroclash was a marketing ploy created by Larry Tee that a bunch of dumb indie kids fell for. It's not a real genre. More like a social click. What I saw last night was definately techno. Not just influenced. If you check out Miss kitten's DJ playlists it's all contemporary techno.
so how was the queers show..
This thread is amazing... our economy is crumbling, terrorists are blowing up hotels in Pakistan, over 50,000 infants in China are sick with lactose poisoning... the world is going to hell in a hand basket and you people are arguing about techno and butt rock.
Feeling entitled much?
I think you're supposed to be on the Everything Sucks So Don't Discuss Music blog. You're close, just keep looking. I'm sure there's plenty out there.
yeah, keep your stupid "woman" views out of this, you sadsack wet-blanket fuck a doo.
oh show me, the way, to the next little girl..
oh, don't ask why
oh, don't ask why
Anyone interested in seeing Butthole Surfers in Austin this weekend? I have a pair of tickets that I'd part with for $40(normally $60 + fees). I'm located in Dallas.
I emailed you...
not so much
The Butthole Surfers are like 80 years old, aren't they?
I bet they're voting for McCain.
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