We Shot J.R. Records

After almost three years of thinking, writing about and experiencing local music, we felt the time was ripe for us to get a little more directly involved in supporting some of our favorite local groups, and the idea of We Shot J.R. Records was born in that spirit. We wanted to create a small, locally based label that would showcase some of the music in the area that we feel should be heard elsewhere, and thanks to all the excellent new bands that have emerged around here over the past year, the task of assembling a quality roster was rather easy.
We Shot J.R. Records will focus mainly, though not exclusively, on releasing the music of local artists via limited edition vinyl pressings, sort of a boutique label that will highlight what we believe to be some of the best the area has to offer. Here is a list of the first three records we will be releasing:
Fight Bite-- "Swiss Ex Lover"/"Spring Rain (radio edit)" on 7 inch vinyl
Darktown Strutters-- 12 inch vinyl single, title to be announced soon
Orange Coax/Girlfren-- 7 inch split
Of course, we will not be offering "reviews" of the records we release, and if you have any question about our objectivity regarding the bands we work with, then you must be dumb because record reviews are never objective anyway. Duh.
In any event, you can go here to check out the records and purchase one via Pay Pal. We'll have a link to the label site on the top of the sidebar very soon, and although only Fight Bite's 7 inch is available for purchase at the moment, the other two records will see release some time very soon, and we'll update you to let you know when they are ready.
In any event, you can go here to check out the records and purchase one via Pay Pal. We'll have a link to the label site on the top of the sidebar very soon, and although only Fight Bite's 7 inch is available for purchase at the moment, the other two records will see release some time very soon, and we'll update you to let you know when they are ready.
Oh, and here's another little bonus for you-- this Friday, November 7th, please join us for the We Shot J.R. Records Kick Off Party at Time Bandits Vintage in Denton, featuring performances by:
First band at 9pm. Free show. Free Beer. And we'll also have Fight Bite 7 inches available for sale. If you can fight the urge to go see Trail of Interpol at the Halliburton.Com Rockers Garage Lounge or whatever, we'll see you there! And now that we're done launching this label, expect to start seeing a lot more regular feature articles once again. Thanks.
didn't see that one coming.
this is great guys, i was really hoping you'd do something like this.
This is cool
Best of luck you guys... we could use something like that around here.
Remember when the observer had a label?
gay as a fggt
Who's daddy is paying for this?
i want the darktown release.
Why is everything gay or fail? Don't like it then don't buy it. Everyone is tough behind anon comments
might as well be called "boxes of left over seven inch records" instead
hey sharkie,
you might want to try being funny the next time you make a joke.... even if it means being really rude to us, it would at least be interesting.
And also, one word comments featuring the words "gay" and/or "fail" are banned from here on out! If you want to talk shit, you'll have to write at least one complete sentence!
i won't car until you offer my band a deal.
what do i have to do, play loud/shitty? soft/shitty? disco... actually darktown fucking rules.
When is the Nouns Group LP being released on WSJR records?
(Come on... we all know it's coming.)
I want a list of banned comments:
what am i missing?
jump the shark.
Suck my fucking dick when you see me cuz you know you wanna be me.
You know who
heard the nouns group is self-released.
Whoa, the gender analyzer! Haven't seen that since 2006. How retro!!
allright if there is no more "gay" or "fail" can you please stop using, "mkay?"....for the love of fuck,
i have a huge penis
finally, just what we need, another record label
I'm gonna use this to listen to my weshotjr records while I walk stroll around town.
the "radio edit" thing is a joke, geez.
shit blog. Now a shit label.
shit blog. Now a shit label.
shit blog. Now a shit label.
shit frog. now a shit table.
Awesome news guys. I wish you all the best of luck.
Will you be thinking about releasing these digitally as well?
the only people who don't like this blog are people in shitty bands, or people who "write" for the observer.
I don't like this blog and my band is awesome.
it always seems that the people who don't know how to use a computer are the ones most likely to dislike this blog...... "what....is....this....can't....understand....must....hit....refresh...must...look...at...fingers...while...typing....eyes....growing fogged....so sleepy..... must.....watch.....matlock"!
hey 3:08,
The internet called, they're running out of ellipsis.
I think it's cool that you will not be reviewing the albums you put out.
Great job guys! I'm so proud of y'all! Hopefully this takes off so you can move out of the basement!
Love you!
...jota ka.
Congrats guys. Hope it does well.
"might as well be called "boxes of left over seven inch records" instead"
Haha, actually that was funny. Don't be a little pussy sr. On the other hand hey you guys are moving up and doing things and hopefully there won't be said boxes. I'm interested in what's in store.
kyle fail gay mkay?
this will suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
this blog is already bad enoughhhaashhh
"might as well be called "boxes of left over seven inch records" instead"
Haha, actually that was funny. Don't be a little pussy sr. On the other hand hey you guys are moving up and doing things and hopefully there won't be said boxes. I'm interested in what's in store.
It's been a long time since anyone around town has taken the time and initiative to do something like this. How refreshing. Congrats. Wish you all the best. xx.
hey, is ther gonna be free drinks at this thing, or what?????
hey, is there gonna be free drinks at this thing, or what?????
only for people not named 'k'
Is fight bit the enya cover band?
The rampant homophobia so often found in your comments section would be disturbing if it wasn't so obviously written by pre-teen kids. cacateeteepoopoo.
The rampant homophobia so often found in your comments section would be disturbing if it wasn't so obviously written by pre-teen kids. cacateeteepoopoo.
Lawyers have money. And if they think they are better than you then you are screwed.
Big Announcement: People running Weshotjr.com dumber than previously thought.
Best of luck SR
i'd like to announce not caring about this news
whats the address of time bandits?
Does WSJR still hide their identities? How the hell is that supposed to work?
time bandits is on the square, between the wine shop and my favorite major-appliance show-room.
come round back.
big announcement rulez
thats what she said
how bout a fulltime we shot jr music venue and some we shot jr panties to go with it too? that be awsome.
I wish vinyl would fit in my PARTY SCRAPBOOK
interpol of the dead...
at 6:02: i was totally kidding. i'm glad we shot jr. is doing this. i'm really, really excited for that split with orange coax and girlfren.
girlfren fucking straight up sucks. i can't fucking believe that some shit-tard band like (bleccch) "girlfren" made the "cut" but a great band like 'street hassle' didn't.
when will these goddammnnn riot grrrrrls die of overrrrrdoses already?
Meet me at Fuel City.
hard drgzzzzzz,
hey what's a riot grrl? I don't think you know. Just because a woman screams in a band, doesn't make it riot grrl. that's like saying there's such thing as "grunge."
I like street hassle, but they are pretty much a straight-ahead 60's inspired group. okay, all well and fine, but...it doesn't tend to cause great reaction.
your reaction alone is probably why girlfren "made the cut." that's my guess. but you know what, it's not middle school football, you fucking moron.
you're right. this shitty band isn't good enough to be lumped into a genre.
matriarchy come
funny you mention kyle, cuz the night game cult should be on this label n shit. fo realzz
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