It List: Wednesday

ADD: Tame Tame And Quiet/The Gunshy (The Chat Room)
Convextion/Maetrik/Alta (The Cavern): Some of Dallas' most internationally known DJ's will be playing tonight's Detour at The Cavern. Baby Ruthless plays upstairs.
Kings Of Leon/The Stills/We Are Scientists (The Palladium): When did it become cool to sound like a watered-down Peter Gabriel record?
Blixaboy/Juan Solo (The Lounge): Wanz sent us a brief list of what he'll be playing tonight: Lots of original trax and live improv along with classic Dub trax (i.e. Lee Perry, King Tubby, Adrian Sherwood.......) ,the best in new Dubstep (i.e. 2562, Andy Stott, Benga, Shackleton, Darkstar, Burial........) and some classic dubby post-punk (Killing Joke, The Clash, The Ruts, Generation X, Mark Stewart and The Pop Group.......).
He will also be incorporating live drums and synths into the set. Here's a link to his newest mixtape.
Florene/Bastard Mike/Municipal Audio (Rubber Gloves)
Convextion/Maetrik/Alta (The Cavern): Some of Dallas' most internationally known DJ's will be playing tonight's Detour at The Cavern. Baby Ruthless plays upstairs.
Kings Of Leon/The Stills/We Are Scientists (The Palladium): When did it become cool to sound like a watered-down Peter Gabriel record?
Blixaboy/Juan Solo (The Lounge): Wanz sent us a brief list of what he'll be playing tonight: Lots of original trax and live improv along with classic Dub trax (i.e. Lee Perry, King Tubby, Adrian Sherwood.......) ,the best in new Dubstep (i.e. 2562, Andy Stott, Benga, Shackleton, Darkstar, Burial........) and some classic dubby post-punk (Killing Joke, The Clash, The Ruts, Generation X, Mark Stewart and The Pop Group.......).
He will also be incorporating live drums and synths into the set. Here's a link to his newest mixtape.
Florene/Bastard Mike/Municipal Audio (Rubber Gloves)
Free show tonight at the Chat Room in Fort Worth. The Gunshy (Chicago) and Tame...Tame and Quiet. Starts at 10 p.m.
how boutcha quit fucking around arguing w/ each other and make this announcement you said you were going to make 2 days ago?
Gold Rush.
Gold Rush is terrible. All Good is light years better.
dont fight mom and dad.
Free horror movies tonight at J and J Pizza's Basement of Terror tonight.
7:30 Kenneth Anger Shorts
8:00 Demons (1985)
10:00 Demons II (1986)
The two movies are Argento penned and directed by Mario Bava's son. So you know some old fashion Halloween fun.
Free and there will be beer and pizza for sale.
oh great then...
you wanna suck a dick DL?
Not really, 4:54. Something you want to talk about? I'd be glad to discuss anything that's on your mind.
If you fellows want some tips on how to run a review site check out my essay on Door Four of the Art Revolution.
ska is lamer than anything ever oh my god how is there a debate about this
ska sucks. who's side am i on?
Lakewood = fratboyz n' tha hood.
Fort Worth Hospital District = anarchist 4:20 24/7.
I don't know which is worse.
Anyone need some drums? Buy these! Please!
nothing beats some good two tone ska
without ska there wouldn't be The Specials
without ska there wouldn't be The Specials
without the specials the world would be a better place
without your stupid ass neo country band the world would be a better place.
damn, why so harsh, brother?
Awwww Shit.... Fight between the Rudeboys and the Pearlsnaps!
Stay gold Ponyboy!
Stay Gold Ponyboy! should be the next indie band name to incorporate animals. I like it.
are white british ska dudes considered the forerunners of the american "wigger?"
just tryin' to calm your poor frayed nerves in these tryin' times, DL, that's all...
so how about that dick DL? think it over......................
why so harsh, jeff? have you ever tried listening to your own music??? or looking in the mirror?
o.k. then...
You always pimp wanz' shit and it's always empty.
are yall voting for mccain over thanksgiving?
what does hiv feel like?
fancy feast
a the narcissism makes me giggle
That hunkasaurus vid is dead on. Start a site like that and shut this one down.
the best way for 2 dudes to 69 is to lay on their sides.
In a 69 my nose will tickle your rear.
if it's not on tape it's not a fucking mixtape.
also if you'd put this shit up a few hours earlier it'd be a fuck of a lot more useful. currently it's mostly a list of shit i could've done last night.
serious thanks anyway for the effort.
david - go buy yourself a fucking clue. "Mixtape" is the standard word used for a recorded dj set, whether on cassette, CD, minidisc, digital download, etc.
Human eye(weird punx detroit)
silver shampoo(halfwaxmuseums/halfsecretbangs)
orange coax(saxxy mo'wave)
girlfren(flipper on joose)
daniel bass(international pop sensation)
715 panhandle
8;00 bring donations
Thursday october 30th
come hang
shut this piece of shit blog down plz k thx
Your use of internet lol catz abbreviating really allows your intelligence and fine sense of taste to shine through your rather coarse and harsh commentary. What do you suggest would improve this blog we all love so dearly?
Human eye(weird punx detroit)
silver shampoo(halfwaxmuseums/halfsecretbangs)
orange coax(saxxy mo'wave)
girlfren(flipper on joose)
daniel bass(international pop sensation)
715 panhandle
8;00 bring donations
Thursday october 30th
come hang
Classic ska and ska/2-tone revival stuff is good good stuff. Skatalites, Madness, Specials, etc. etc. etc. Shit, even The old No Doubt stuff is good. If you're thinking of shit like Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake, then yeah... ska sucks.
word 1:53
does country music suck because of tim mcgraw or because of the box car bandits?
you motherfuckers generalize too much.
all ska sux
Music sucks. Now you can all go about your business.
here we are now...
entertain us..........................................
i just pooted.
one time, olive branch put KETCHUP on my pizza instead of maranara sauce.
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