REM/Old 97's (Nokia): Yeah, so if I had to put together a list of my all time favorite bands, REM would most certainly make the cut. The remarkable thing is that they also would have made the cut at pretty much any other point in my life where I might have been asked to make such a list. The band's output since 1996's New Adventures in Hi Fi has been spotty at best, but goddamn, why don't you take a look at the tracklist in Eponymous, a collection of their early singles. Is there even ONe song on there that isn't absolutely perfect? I don't think so. I wonder if anyone would like to share their favorite REM album in the comments section? For me, its probably Murmur or Reckoning, but I'll take pretty much anything they did during the 80's. Too bad they had to fuck this up by charging 70 bucks a ticket and getting the Old 97's to open for them, but hey, I'm sure their hedge funds will thank them.
Chinese Stars/El Paso Hot Button/Darktown Strutters/Cosmic Cocks (the Lounge): Hey, Chinese Stars! Ok. I remember them from back during the height of what they used to call the dance punk revolution... maybe I should go to their Myspace real quick and see what they sound like these days. Hold on just a sec. Ok, got it. Let's see here... oh yeah. Gang of Four, glam rock, good beats, does it sound a little dated now? Yeah, kind of. Do I still like it? Yeah, kind of. Would it be fun live? Probably. Do Cosmic Cocks sound cool? Pretty much. Would it be worth going just to see Darktown Strutters? Yep. Can I get drunk there too? Oh word? Cool man. See you there.
MSTRKRFT/LA Riots/Felix Cartal (House of Blues): MSTRKRFT, or "the Crystals Castles of 2005," as one of my friends calls them, sounded pretty ahead of their time when they came out-- distorted synth beats, an apparent obsession with Chicago House, etc. But now it's kinda like, "got anything else?" I don't think I'll stomach the House of Blues in order to find out, but I'm sure there will be an army of good looking hipsters there to make me seem grumpy. Well good for them.
No Thanks Fest (Emory, TX): Large, mostly locally based one day, two night grindcore/metal/hardcore festival in Emory. The line up is huge and I don't have time to post it for you, but you can get all the info from the website linked above. I hope someone who takes pictures for us is willing to go to this, because I imagine that some hilarious shit will be happening. Continues all day Saturday as well.
The Party (Zubar)
Yeah Def/Damaged Good$/Juicy the Emmisary (Hailey's): Anyone who caught Damaged Goods' 3am set at our party last weekend knows why this might be the best thing going in Denton tonight. Juicy the Emmisary is decent white boy Def Jux kinda stuff, and even though I usually hate that kind of shit, gotta give a local guy props for sounding this tight on the mic. Really, its pretty competent stuff.
The Ben and Fred Savages/Yatagarasu/Baby Talk/Cowards/A Smile Full of Ale/Mistress/Pet Virus (1919 Hemphill)
Rabid Rabbit/The Falkon/Jack with One Eye/Akkolyte (Doublewide): This will be a reunion show for Wanz Dover's The Falkon, who were apparently playing around town five years ago or so, only to complete an album that was never released. You know you're a local musician if.... anyway, solid line up all around.
No Thanks Fest (Emory,TX)
Rabid Rabbit/The Falkon/Jack with One Eye/Akkolyte (Doublewide): This will be a reunion show for Wanz Dover's The Falkon, who were apparently playing around town five years ago or so, only to complete an album that was never released. You know you're a local musician if.... anyway, solid line up all around.
No Thanks Fest (Emory,TX)
Matthew and the Arrogant Sea/Robert Gomez/History At Our Disposal (Dan's Silverleaf): MATAS CD Release.
Meltdown feat. Moby (Lizard Lounge): If it wasn't for Moby, I might have started liking dance music like ten years earlier.
Screaming Females/Cheap Art/Waco Fuck/Rocket for Ethiopia (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St.)
Screaming Females/Cheap Art/Waco Fuck/Rocket for Ethiopia (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St.)
Chinese Stars totally slayed my face off 2 out of the 3 times I've seen them.
The Falkon was not Wanz Dover's band. It was Ian Hamilton, Ben Burt, Greg Prickett and the other guy. We were a band in the realliest sense of the word. Notr a glorified solo project. More like a street gang. I really miss playing with those guys. We had a very special chemistry that I will probably never experience again. Download the record and listen for yourself.
The Falkon - Hates Everyone
cue predictibale insult:
Fuck you wanz. Your band sux.
also bangs has a set in the haileys show.
just so yall know - music @ 10 / doors @ 9
by the way - here is a detailed post about the show:
to celebrate Zanzibar's last show of 08, the Saturday Hailey's show will be an IMPROV LOTTERY, featuring sets by Slackbeat and Dust Congress, and the rest of the evening will be mini-sets by trios featuring members of the above bands plus Zanzibar Snails, with the names being drawn out of a hat at the beginning of the evening.
we're looking at electronics / basoon / guitar / singing saw / vibes / banjo / turntables / drums / trumpet / bass / vox / white noise / what have you in the mix
The evening will culminate in a massive face-melting jam.
Saturday 25 Hailey's $6 / $8 9pm
My friend just texted me saying he has six free tickets to REM tonight and he's giving them away...
wes is legalizing prostitution for this show!
Why are there so many bands with "crystal" in the name? Crystal Stilts, Crystal Castles, Crystal Antlers...
because too many animal names have been taken.
polysics and Jaguar Love tonight @ the prophet bar
polysics and Jaguar Love tonight @ the prophet bar
why are there so many bands with "bandits" in their name. especially in denton?
damaged goods is trying to be something that it can't be, and even if it were that, they would still suck.
Disturbathon is Saturday night. Its always obscure and you have to be invited, but I'm sure you probably know someone if you poke around on MySpace. Naked people get in free. Do tricks and dares for drinks. Loop12 will be providing the main music(noise) all night. I saw someone get fisted on stage one year. And a 10 person hot tub full of oatmeal. Love the goat!
i don't understand the bandits comment, there is like one denton band with bandits in their name
Really Epic Moping
a street gang? a street gang, wanzie? cereal? oh gawd, i'm going to be copiously and gloriously sick...
cue ben dover:
Awesome, REM! Didn't Amanda Mann date them? Like the whole band? And give them AIDS? No, wait... That was Interpol... No, it was the indie rapper from Good Records... No, It was DJ Fuck face... No... it was the cast and crew of Cheaters... ha ha ha
My name is ebert.
chinese stars were awesome, but was it necessary for him to undo his pants?
just sayin'...
is it necessary for you to reveal the secrets of the show? har har har its going in my PARTY SCRAPBOOK
That old Michael Stipe pic looks like Matt from Eat Avery's Bones.
i hate REM.
sooooo many people either compare my music or just say i should like them. i don't. i don't get the unconditional love either.
Murmur is overrated. Still a good record, but compared to their other records it's too self-conscious and it reeks of art school dropout syndrome.
Reckoning is a much better record as it is more spontaneous and has much more energy. They recorded this record as they should have the first.
Fables of the Reconstruction is just plain fantastic and weird.
How come 'Orange Blood' is one of the hardest fucking songs to play on Rock Band? Can someone explain that to me? If you are capable of playing anything on that song on the hard level, I need you to come play with me and my friends so our band can win a jet.
hey anon 10:06...
I think you missed the point about The Falkon. I don't know where you get crybaby from a correction to a post that pretty much made it sound like a Wanz solo project. If anything he was just giving props to the other guys in the BAND. The Falkon IS/WAS AWESOME. But you're just a shit talker that likely wouldn't know anything about gang/band friendships.
stymie is playing the muscle beach show too
624's band must really suck.
please let it be known to all musicians considering playing a future show at the lounge:
so, bring your own sound guy, and push that retard that wears a bandanna fiddling with the trebble right the fuck out of the way.
no doubt, 12:23pm...probably sounds like shiny happy people and shit
I heard I gave fake AIDS to Magic Johnson.
/troll feeding
i actually think that "up" is an extremely good album. they tend to go downhill for me after that. I also thought that monster and hi-fi were great. But "up" is on a new level for me. It was the first album after the loss of bill berry from the band. And instead of finding a new drummer they created an album with electronic noises and random instruments for beats. In someways it's a mellowed out pet sounds.
is it? let's leave brian wilson's genius out of this, m'k?
february stars
floating in the dark............................
FUCK ALL THIS SHIT. Its so dallas.
I am not George Bush
I am not a genius.
Hey WSJR!--Sell this fucking thing and get on with your clown careers. K. thx.
I have never once in my life tried to work as a clown, you son of a bitch!
I know it was the 80's, but is that a perm?
yes, you are, brian..
I am not a sandbox
Sunday Night at Fallout Lounge!
Billingham's Defense System
TraDeMarx and Zyrtech
whoop whoop
disturbathon was the shiznight. much more prepared then last year. infastructure design was magnificient. all in preparation for next years 20th anniversary extravaganza.
sorry. i can only watch "hanzel" spray champagne out of his asshole at a yawning crowd once every thirty years.
again with the disturbathon...
like secks with a bald guy isn't disturbing enough already.
yada yada yada
hanzel aint got shit on me
HtnKnN rqeyucycqgnh, [url=http://qvjetojefwdf.com/]qvjetojefwdf[/url], [link=http://dxwanmhrhplf.com/]dxwanmhrhplf[/link], http://rgmdpoqxeaqm.com/
HtnKnN rqeyucycqgnh, [url=http://qvjetojefwdf.com/]qvjetojefwdf[/url], [link=http://dxwanmhrhplf.com/]dxwanmhrhplf[/link], http://rgmdpoqxeaqm.com/
HtnKnN rqeyucycqgnh, [url=http://qvjetojefwdf.com/]qvjetojefwdf[/url], [link=http://dxwanmhrhplf.com/]dxwanmhrhplf[/link], http://rgmdpoqxeaqm.com/
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