Torche/Black Cobra/Clouds (The Lounge): Is Torche a guilty pleasure band? I don't know, but I kind of like them, and I kind of feel guilty about it. They sort of remind me of a band that I would have absolutely loved in 1994 after I heard them on The Edge, except unlike most bands that actually existed back then, I don't hate them now.
Doom Siren/Akkolyte/Vorvadoss (Exploding House): Doom Siren is a grind band from Austin with some DFW roots, featuring Mark Davis, ex-vocalist and bassist from the much-loved and influential Bread And Water. The group is known for putting on a disturbingly angry show. Akkolyte and Vorvadoss round out what is a very formidable lineup.
Deep Snapper/The Makebelievers/White Drugs (Rubber Gloves): I love it when the two best shows on a given night feature local bands almost exclusively.
Today is the Day/4 Days to Burn/Admirals Club/Trampskirts (Reno's Chop Shop): Unfortunately, Weedeater had to pull out of this tour due to an injury sustained by one of the members.
Nada Surf/Delta Spirit/Jealous Girlfriends (Hailey's)
Loretta Lynn (Billy Bob's)
George Jones/Jerry Jeff Walker (Nokia Theater): Why isn't it cool for No Depression dudes to be into George Jones? Did he write a song dissing the Replacements or some shit?
PVC Street Gang/Darktown Strutters/Fauna Valetta (Chat Room): Again, one of the better shows of the night features local headliners.
Damaged Goods/Show Me Tiger/Prince William (the Lounge)
Sodomorrhea/Strugglebear/Girlfren/Cleric/Baconator (Exploding House): One of two great shows at Exploding House this weekend. This is the more diverse of the two, featuring everything from the devastating metal of cleric to the erratic, bass-led, bratty-ness of Girlfren. Baconator has ex-members of Koji Kondo and Division of Power, and I have no idea what they sound like.
Florene/Art Show (1837 Corinth, Dallas): Taking place from 7PM until 10 in the warehouse where Disturbathon usually exists. Here is a bit from the press release--
Featuring work by Andrew Bayer and Doug Voison (from House of Dang), Scott and Nicole Horn (curators of the Magnolia Gallery), Benjamin Hancock, Kate Nelson, Zachary Broadhurst, Luke Harnden, Brent Kollock, Jonathan Brooks, Ronald Wadanski, and Sarah Jane Semrad. Music by Florene, as well as DJ sets by them all evening. Free beer, Ketel One, and Crown Royal.
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band/The Felice Brothers/Rig 1 (Palladium): The Mystic fucking Valley Band? Really, asshole? Here's something that actually IS Mystikal.
Mundo/Blixaboy/Convextion/Dj Lloyd-E (the Cavern)
Lions/Baboon/Dove Hunter/Record Hop/Pikahsso and Tahiti (Doublewide): This is easily the best show that Doublewide has hosted in months. Maybe it makes financial sense for them to book ridiculous garbage 95% of the time, but it sure seems like a waste of a great space for shows. Usually the crowd at D-Wide seems like a bunch of rednecks pretending to be non-rednecks who are pretending to be rednecks, and as Morrissey once said, that joke isn't funny anymore. Next. And when are Lions just gonna move up here?
Sodomorrhea/Strugglebear/Girlfren/Cleric/Baconator (Exploding House): One of two great shows at Exploding House this weekend. This is the more diverse of the two, featuring everything from the devastating metal of cleric to the erratic, bass-led, bratty-ness of Girlfren. Baconator has ex-members of Koji Kondo and Division of Power, and I have no idea what they sound like.
Florene/Art Show (1837 Corinth, Dallas): Taking place from 7PM until 10 in the warehouse where Disturbathon usually exists. Here is a bit from the press release--
Featuring work by Andrew Bayer and Doug Voison (from House of Dang), Scott and Nicole Horn (curators of the Magnolia Gallery), Benjamin Hancock, Kate Nelson, Zachary Broadhurst, Luke Harnden, Brent Kollock, Jonathan Brooks, Ronald Wadanski, and Sarah Jane Semrad. Music by Florene, as well as DJ sets by them all evening. Free beer, Ketel One, and Crown Royal.
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band/The Felice Brothers/Rig 1 (Palladium): The Mystic fucking Valley Band? Really, asshole? Here's something that actually IS Mystikal.
Mundo/Blixaboy/Convextion/Dj Lloyd-E (the Cavern)
Lions/Baboon/Dove Hunter/Record Hop/Pikahsso and Tahiti (Doublewide): This is easily the best show that Doublewide has hosted in months. Maybe it makes financial sense for them to book ridiculous garbage 95% of the time, but it sure seems like a waste of a great space for shows. Usually the crowd at D-Wide seems like a bunch of rednecks pretending to be non-rednecks who are pretending to be rednecks, and as Morrissey once said, that joke isn't funny anymore. Next. And when are Lions just gonna move up here?
baconator is a great band name.
haha conor oberst is totally a stupid fucking douche bag
would it kill you to bend me over now and then? i'm sick of this same position. and that stupid finger thing? TIRED!
You should probably just tell him that instead of posting that shit on here or just break it off and get bent.
An anonymous commenter angers Pete Freedman and makes into the Observer:
It's a great feeling when one of our own gets some press.
We already know that Fort Worth is cooler than Dallas...and it's not just on the "slow weekends".
It's kelly (whos this bitch anyways?) and Pete Freedman vs DL. Nice!
i love you DL.
Oooh! We Shot JR is down on the canvas!
Quick! Somebody change the subject!
"Fart Festival" line-up comment might have been a knockout blow!
Come on, DL. Get up! Wipe the blood and snot off your snout! You can do it!
Fart Town Strutters and Fart Bite need you now more than ever! Come on, DL!!!!
i can't stop farting.
but i still love DIY house parties and beards on losers!
Nice work DL. So where is the post for the Paste article so we can all offer our profound insights?
someone shittin all over that dc at 9 blog post about paste commenter.
go lil d.
beards are so overrated
i need it!
who the fuck is rating beards? dumbass.
beards are so overrated
wasn't there a beard rating contest recently in denton?
8:59, that is everyday in denton
beards are accurately rated.
my son my executioner & anal cunt @ renos
8:59 that was a beard pagent. 8:57 obviously either has a receding hair line or is going bald or cant grow hair for shit.
The lounge sounds better now. Did they get a new sound dood?
actually i'm 8:57 and 8:59 and a girl and i don't like face pubes scratching up my face sorry!!! plus seeing your face is cuter
Beards are better than shaving. The concern over beard fashion is just stupid.
jay from klearlight might be doing sound at lounge now, but that still doesn't change the fact that place still sucks a fart right outta my ass.
however, the previous soundguy is now giving handjobs at the bus station for bags of funyuns, and this fills me with GLEE.
bullshit. funyuns are not that good.
he's not totally exclusive to funyuns, but he feels he gets more for his money cuz the great oniony taste lingers in your mouth and throat for several days after consumption.
oh now they discussing the relevance of noise music on the dc 9 observer blog. must resist temptation!
who would like to create a baby with me?
Lounge has installed some sound insulation and stage backdrop curtains. It does sound better. They also spent some money on their monitors. It is getting better all the time. I will continue to support it so that they can continue to spend money improving their sound. Thanks to The Lounge and Parade of Flesh for bringing some great acts.
girlfren' are fucking great! everyone needs to go see them tonight, they have a super short set but its so energetic. they are rad i <3 them. they tore up the fucking parlor last night.
Why didnt paste do dallas? I don't get it. Whats the big deal with lil d?
well we all need, someone, we can bleed on..
peter the GREAT from the grave called, he said cut those fucking BEARDS NOW!!!
Hey go ahead and look all frat boy - dude bra with those peach fuzz cleanly shaved faces of yours. Go ahead. Be my guest baldie.
fuck parade of flesh.
that john guy's an unlikable prick, and he doesn't give a fuck about music.
George must be new around here.
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parade of flesh john is not unlikeable at all, he's actually pretty cool. ever had a conversation with the dude? just because someone is reserved does not make them an unlikeable prick.
HI. Fuck razors and frat boys.
nah, george has been around for some time, babe.
The Music Tapes (members of Neutral Milk Hotel)
Saturday the 22nd, 10p
1011 Fannin St, Denton TX
beards + bands + bikes = pass the cool test, for sure
someone come pick me up
it's mayor's night..do be do..
grab a booth, you mayor...
8:34 not shane
The John flesh comment about him not giving a fuck about music has got to be the most oxy-moronic statement on here in quite a few weeks. You have no clue about his obsession with music, otherwise he would not bother booking to break-even or lose money most of the time. No need to bash a guy you obviously donot know. Come to his house and trip over all the cds and vinyl scattered all over his place.
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What be going on Sunday?
9:25 was not me. I don't get it. Why people keep posting in my name. I never got picked up by the way. Bunch of faggots all of you.
i want to hold your gland,
Haileys, $6 over 21
Doug Gillard (Guided by Voices, Richard Buckner, etc)
Bad Flirt
Zest of Yore
Zest of Yore and Steve Hill (Burnt Sienna Trio, Baptist Generals, etc) will be serving as Doug's band. Doug's solo stuff is great (I like it more than a lot of the Pollard stuff), and Zest always brings it.
A very underrated show that will likely be one of the unforgettable ones this weekend.
cuz i'm the taxman,
yeah, i'm the TAXmaaaaan.
and you're working for no one but me.........................
i have been waiting so long to not give a shit about the "new" G'n'F'n'R album. the day has finally arrived, and i have never not given a shit so much. i am going to try to never ever hear that shit.
john IS a prick, and you're an asskisser.
if you can tune out the vocals, it's actually pretty good.
it's not Guns n Roses, but that's a plus.
DL ?
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The difference between having an obsession with music, and having an obsession with making money from music.
I really don't give a flying rat pussy if you and he are special buddies. If you're not in a band that's worked with/been fucked over by him, then I don't wanna hear your lame defenses.
I'm here as a public service to warn other bands, locally and otherwise, that this guy is a lying sack of shit that is ill-intended and untrustworthy. He is accusatory and rude, as well, as his derogatory claims are unfounded.
So, I'll slander the shit out of him. What else can i do? I tell everyone I know not to go through him as a booking agent--And in the meantime share horror stories with other musicians as we giggle, shocked at his arrogant maliciousnous, over tea and biscuits. Yeah, I'm talking shit. We may not post our real names on here, but we don't wear masks. If I can 'talk some shit' and save my musician friends and others the misfortune of getting screwed-over by this pathetic shyster, then so be it.
p.s. Please do not use words you cannot define/spell. Your shitty taste in friends is only one-upped by your ability to fail remedial English.
you noise kiddos are so techno. I like your eyeliner too.
anyone else have any sweet tales of parade of shit?
anonymous = wearing a mask
not when i'm out and wearing my "john is a giant dickcheese" t-shirt.
($5.99 + tax)
since you're making it public, which i think is shitty and you could just call and be an adult if you had a problem.
i never saw a flyer. if you did make one, then thanks.
i paid you, darktown strutters $20 and gave the TOURING BANDS and two djs THE BALANCE OF THE DOOR. you left before the headlining act played and i don't feel like tracking you or her down to give you another $20 bucks.
also, you showed up almost an hour late b/c kara didnt want her equipment to get wet. every heard of a tarp?
we also comped every person that came to the show for you. which was THREE or five people.
the venue provided you drinks.
we talked to you about this on the phone, john. this is nothing new. we got two (three to FIVE?) people in, as we were told we could by the doorman. no one told us when to show up, so we arrived at a standard time of 9:00p. the only thing you did, sir, was tell us where to park.
since there was no chance of showers that night, i do not know why my 'tarplessness' is being blamed for "being late".
when i spoke to you outside, after you gave me $20, you told me you'd figure out a way to give me the rest. when i contacted you the following day, you were aloof and acted as if the conversation had never occured. now i see that you're memory is coming back. even still, the money is not the issue.
your need to blame is unnerving. i am shamed to see this from someone representing an entity that has nothing but potential to book great shows.
maybe this message will be a reason to change your attitude. maybe parade of flesh needs a new mascot. the possibilities are endless.
i am sorry to do this, honestly i am. i realize it's immature and unprofessional. but, in our eyes you have chosen this battle. i hope you recall what you told us on the phone, because your utter rudeness is what this is really all about. not money. principle.
Calling the kettle black? Darktown Shitheads at least you admit to being immature and unprofessional, but looks as if your gas was covered. Never leave a show early.
get a life, steve.
Stephen, not STEVE.
It's about time someone called out john on his bad attitude.
looks like a lot of things from where you're standing, stephen. it takes an awful lot to fill up a big truck and drive it app 100 miles. not that the money was an issue, as i already stated and used as a block point in the very message you're responding to.
for the record, we left late in the middle of the last band's set. our simmon's kit started her period.
not that you made any valid points, or anything.
"darktown shitheads" is fucking brilliant, though. i must give you some credit.
oh, by the way:
thought you may need some help.
100 miles you reckon, well gas is only $2 a gallon, he gave you $20. $20 should cover you 200 miles unless you are driving an 18 wheeler.
Sounds like Darktown Strutters is having their period. Who bleeds on who?
Oh well. You start shit, you get shit. Suck it up and don't try to blame bands for stupid biz. If they show up and play when the club needs them to and nobody gets hurt or nothing gets broken than you have no valid reason to punish them. You ain't shit without the musicians. Let's form a union and cut out the middle man!
You don't have the power.
You don't tell me it's okay.
I tell you that it's okay.
i think the point was that he lied. not the $20.
wasn't this show during the $4 gallon era?
you pay to play when you go through a scam like "parade of flesh".
pay to play is only in LA
"Professional" ha! booking local music is about as professional as mud wrestling. whoever got the illusion that this was a business is wanking their own chain. neighborhood talents serve as pawns in a game of who is better at doing very little and getting lots of publicity for it.
i know it's only rock and roll but i like it!
Someone needs to book some goddamned mud wrestling.
So, John is saying that even though he owed DTS's more money for services provided, they do not receive payment because he "didn't feel like tracking him/her down"?
You are a liar and a cheat. I'm glad this has come to light. I'll never use your services based on your responses alone.
any self respecting "alt country" dude knows george jones is the shit. all it takes is the "no depression 6-degrees-of-separation".... it always leads back to George Jones. Maybe he wasn't hank williams, but the man had a top country hit in every decade since the 50s..... that's consistency (maybe what those pearl snap guys fear most)
oh.... and lets just got for it.
all local booking guys are shit. most are scum. and none of them know what they are doing...... now what the fuck do music fans, people in bands, and venue owners do about this???
.... get rid of them. let a band book a show. don't hire some "tallent" guy to book for your venue that only holds like 200 people tops. if you aren't booking shows that bring in more than that, then you don't deserve to be making any inkling of a "living" doing so.... i know for a fact that bands need to bring in more than just a few people to a venue to be making "a living" or even to "cover gas"..... small venues shouldn't have booking agents working exclusively for them.... it's just dumb.
....oh, and i'm sick of the booking agent bitching about bands "promotions".... hey, pal... you're the PROMOTER. and time spent on myspace, sending texts, or making phone calls to buddys is not time that you should consider "promotions" (likewise, your text message bill is not a "cost of promotion".... go unlimited, dumbass)..... basicly, if i can do it (text, call, myspace, email) then you're not getting paid to do it... try something that IS promotion (media outlets, street teams (whether they work or not, at least you're trying), etc etc)
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'windsong' I guess I'm too young to get it, had to ask.
darktown strutters are being shady as hell
john is a great guy.....
darktown strutters are being shady as hell
john is a great guy.....
oh, fuck you. did you even read his response??
john's a fucking thief, you moron!
John holds very petty grudges and let's it affect his business decisions. His friends will even tell you that. The guy has issues and is far from being a nice guy. There are a lot of bands from around here that he has been rude to. Darktown Strutters are just the first to call him out on it in public.
A promoter not kissing local band's asses!! What a jerk!
Yeah, but 1:07, when they're your bread and butter, it helps to be tactful sometimes. You fucking idiot.
how is not withholding a band's money and being a dickhead the same as kissing their ass?
i think all these comments defending john are actually john himself. i did notice how parade of flesh never got back on here to apologize or defend, but that all of a sudden, there are all these shitty remarks slamming the band that got screwed...
get a life, john. you're an asswipe.
I did notice Kara starts shit with numerous people. What is her problem in general? Isn't there drama between her and rival gang too
not that i've ever been aware of. they're all friends of mine. we even played our first show with them~
nice try, scumbag.
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John is in it because he realizes that in order to be "cool", you have to be in a band. He isn't in a band and this is as close as he can get to being a part of something bigger than all of us. That's all it is, a fucking popularity contest. He doesn't give a shit about music or any of us musicians, and this reflects in his dealings.
John is in it because he realizes that in order to be "cool", you have to be in a band. He isn't in a band and this is as close as he can get to being a part of something bigger than all of us. That's all it is, a fucking popularity contest. He doesn't give a shit about music or any of us musicians, and this reflects in his dealings.
the only problem we've ever had with kara is the time she fought with julie over tyrone during the filming of an adult feature.
-rival gang rep.
WHAT'S GOING ON? John Iskander is rude? I thought bands were promoters and the promoter's only job is to criticize the band for not doing their job for them.
This thread continues to improve.
Pete Freedman, is that you?
whats a gutterth?
I like how someone anonymously calls someone else "shady". I'm cracking up! Hey the people who wanted to give ol John a big pat on the back are the ones who started all this. I don't see that Darktown started this. Someone else asked if they'd also had any problems. Looks like they were just the only ones to use their own name. Big deal they went public. That happens sometimes when people get pissed. Doesn't seem shady at all. Maybe it is an issue if it's happened to numerous people. This forum is about local music isn't it? If your gonna do business than you better be cool to your clients. Think of it as one of those little reviews.
Dear Children,
Sorry I could not play on the internet today and concoct lies and create stories about persons i don't personally know. Yesterday I posted my response to DS 'battle' that kara created in her head over $15 - 20. If it was that big of a deal, then why wait two months and via this route; It didn't accomplish anything in my eyes. The people that think I am a dick, still think I am, so nothing really got solved.
If i was rude to DS in the past, then it was probably my tone, b/c i do not recall being disrespectful to them. And I thought kara/wes were actually nice at the show, but everyone wants to create whatever drama for whatever reason, so let it be.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
i think it accomplished plenty, you mean old sonofabitch.
I think it accomplished plenty, you mean old sonofabitch.
Gas is only 2$ a gallon in Denton now? Rad. Nevertheless, I don't think anyone should be driving anymore unless they have a damn good reason to do so. I suppose being in a band(well, a solid band like DS) is a damn good reason. But seriously, don't you guys think it's so lame how the canadian(and U.S., I believe govt's are trying to bail out the big 3 car companies so as to, in some backwards way, save the economy? I think it's ludicrous.
I think these car companies should just be allowed to die a natural death, and then the gov't can spend money on more mass transit(light rails/monorails stretching between denton/dallas/ft. worth...perhaps someday stretching to every major city in the U.S/Canada Mexico too, of course :) Can you imagine how many jobs that would create? People to built the subways/monorails and to work on them(security, maintenance) Sorry, but I have a vision.
I meant "build the subways" and...that whole first paragraph needs work. Well, i'm thinkin on my toes here(actually, i'm sure these thoughs must have passed through everyone elses brains at somepoint in the recent past)
I guess more than anything i'm just trying to connect with my peers. Good-night!
And I hope you and wes are doing great, Kara(or is it Wes on here?! I had a blast seeing you huys play last summer. You were definitely the biggest surprise that I saw musically in a positive way while down in Denton....if that makes any sense. I was blown away at how tight you two were after not having played that long, and I guess I never knew how cool your singing/keyboard skills were, Kara. And Wes, your beats were perfect for the music! The show at JandJ's was one of the best i've ever been a part of, and you guys were amazing!
Good-night and Good-bye!
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I had forgotton about it but since it's out in the open let it be known that we may be crazy but we are not fucking stupid and Kara did not make this shit up. Now I am going to sic Kyle on you. I would have thrown you to the goddamn lions but we sold them at the state fair last time we played in Dallas.
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