It List: Tuesday

Disqo Disco/Females/Vega (Fallout Lounge): Obviously, this is a preview of various party lineups on NYE, and the rest of the week for that matter.
Old 97's/The Drams/The O's (House Of Blues): I actually got so sick after Christmas, that I almost had to be hospitalized. It really took a toll on my "holiday spirit." I thought to myself, man, I get a week and a half off of work, and here I am, laid the fuck out, spending my bonus on prescriptions, and I'll probably be bed-ridden on New Year's Eve. Sucks to be me, right? Then today I realized that there is actually a place on the internet where grown men argue about whether or not the Old 97's will take the top spot on a local "Best Of 2008" list, and whether or not putting Erykah Badu on said list is somehow "affirmative action." 'Twas then I realized that being me isn't so bad after all.
Aw! Thanks for reading, DL!
90s night every tuesday @ haileys.
xmas eve eve we had like 180 peeps, this one's going to be bonkers.
I wish people would stop typing "'Twas". Who the hell says that that ain't cleaning their pussies?
yo homeboy done gone gang greenis on yo ass
no cut and paste? Fix it.
you can drag and drop in firefox instead of cut and paste.
also - to wsjr admin - you could cut down on almost all of the spam you get by using akismet ( as either a php implementation or plugin for whatever publishing platform you are using (doesn't appear to be a typical flavor judging by the source)
computer nerd alert.
1.Twas, bitches.
2.the Ole ninety-never should have beens do suck.
3.i'm thinking even she can't badu no mo.......
4.fuck the observer. of luck in 2009, wanzie...
Stay tuned you guys to see where Tool's secret show is going to be!
now think about your dad, what's your dad like?
i wanna meet that dad. doo-de-doo-doo
Get well soon DL.
Tool are tools! (clever I know...)
TOOL are not playing but Maynard's side-project: PUSCIFER is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! additional information forthcoming
Puscifer? Do tell...
how much longer until you join your predecessors in the unemployment line?
"yo homeboy done gone gang greenis on yo ass"
true, i do love dl, though, and i hope he feels better.
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