A Quick Weekender

The Party (Zubar): Stopping by the Party tonight might be a good way to remind yourself that the name Big Baby Jesus actually refers to a rapper.
Billingham's Defense System Secret Party (Unknown Location): Dallas DJ duo is hosting a party somewhere this evening, and if you want to get the address, all you have to do is message them on their Myspace page (click the link to the left, yo.) I'm hoping it's a house party in Dallas so I don't have to drive far.
Unconscious Collective/Swirve (AllGood Cafe)
The Angelus/Beastheart/Blackbird Harmony (Doublewide)
Say What! w Keith P and Blake Ward (Fallout Lounge)
The Angelus/Blackbird Harmony/Beastheart/Center Divider/Caleb Coy (J&Js)
Red Animal War/Record Hop/Kijoto (Doublewide)
Darktown Strutters/The Great Tyrant/Dutch Treats (Doublewide)
Tonight (Friday) at The Cavern:
Crate Lung Co Op from SLC
from their myspace:
The Co-Op is: John LaMonica, Cristie Gunn, Casey Blandford, Iris Moulton, and Cein Watson. 5 friends living in Salt Lake who use our time to make stuff: toys, drawings, prints, pages of writing, clothing, music, mixtapes, graffiti, and paintings. Work from other Salt Lake artists is being brought along as well, to include clothing, video art, prints, and other merchandise.
i'll be DJing too for a bit.
i got a messy fucking house for christmas!!
ocelot mthrfckrzzzz
RED ANimal WAR!!!!!!!
rad animal war
i got a fuckin xbox 360. you guys ever play LEFT 4 DEAD? It's like the Static Age of video games.
Yeah, I gots that. I always play as the chick because I like the way she sounds when she is being eaten.
i got a messy diaper for christmas! all that processed gluten!
have fun with the ring of death mooger fooger
i thought red animal war broke up?
this blog has gone to SHIT.
Hey y'all hope people actually come to Keith and I's party tonight! You can add me on myspace at www.myspace.com/winger127.
Ya it's a red animal war reunion show. Fuck the lounge that's place sucks and sounds like shiiiiiiiiit. So stop booking shows there. This blog has always sucked. Collin is a fucking joke.
So the secret party is for myspacers only? What about the people butcher goats in their front yard?
1314 Austin Street, Denton
Silver Arrows
And possibly a surprise guest
starts @ 9:30
of course, this in conjunction with the JnJs show and RGRS show. A healthy mix tonight of Denton locals and expats. Some of us will be very busy going back and forth from show to show. It's what you can expect here in Denton these days.
nice hip hop show @ haileys tonight w/
richie cunning (SANFRAN)
vortexas (DENTON)
fab duece (DENTON)
also yeahdef + ill will djing a golden era hip hop set.
Tool played at the doublewide.
its funny that anyone who likes red animal war would diss this blog. sorry but 2001 is long gone tickle me emo. sensitive dude bros just cant get laid anymore
ive had an xbox 360 for over a year, and no red ring of death. halo3 online is ridiculously fun.
fallout 3 is the best game
what happens in vegans stays in vegans
tool did not play at doublewide.
yes, msamantham, we're all sure that it is...............
"golden era"??? yeah, RIGHT!
this blog has gone to SHIT, at least someone's swinging w/out missing...
left for dead is sweet
Hey red animal war hater let's fight bitch boy I will cut you
Scalloped dicks for breakfast. Plus I'm hungry for shit
to 1:18pm
you make a lot of sense. This town has almost no venues left so rather than help improve one of the few left we should boycott it so they can close. Real smart buddy.
Tool really did play at the doublewide.
no. they played at Bronco Bowl in 96.
the cows opened for them at that show. THE MOTHERFUCKING COWS.
dayum i loved them.
shannon was so hot with all his magic marker tats.
always amazing live.
sad that shannon looks like faces of meth now.
heroine sheik.
i thought tool broke up? you suck, they played at the cavern dumbass.
i thought they played the bomb factory. that venue was good.
they did play the bomb factory, failure opened for them.i saw many great shows there, my favorite was sonic youth,polvo, and unwound.
my favorite shannon selberg tattoo was the hangman game that someone lost because they couldnt figure out F_CK
nah, tool played at fuel city. and yes, they had the tacos...
cuz they were tool. get it???
EXTAw1 nmilufsxgvzo, [url=http://isixlaevvtud.com/]isixlaevvtud[/url], [link=http://lmxqawpagvbf.com/]lmxqawpagvbf[/link], http://jdhbazftdboi.com/
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