It List: Tuesday

Off With Their Heads/Baconator/Negaduck/Over Stars And Gutters (1919 Hemphill): Off With Their Heads and Over Stars And Gutters (Damn these long names) are the two touring acts, and they are almost indistinguishable from one another. The opening samples on their respective Myspace pages sounded like they had the exact same stock melodic punk riff. I just can't handle that, and I usually escape out of the page before the vocals even start. Anyways, the two locals are both much better; Negaduck has a very teenage-sounding vocalist, and that's not an insult since blind hardcore rage sounds more believable the younger you are, unless you're Negative Approach. And finally, I'm willing to admit that Baconator might have some of the same issues I brought up with the touring acts if I were to hear a recording, but they were great live.
Disqo Disco (Fallout Lounge): Tonight's guests are Blake Ward and Van Damme.
90s night every tuesday @ haileys.
new layout @
also new years eve pics are up there from ben shawver + stephieyaknow - lots of awesome pics of DMG$ / Vega / Gazelles
god I fucking hate yeahdef and fungi girls
yep. we all do...
sorry guys.... we'll have that mount righteous Q and A up for you in no time!
if someone aint hatin im not doing it right
yeahdef, dude, you're white.
also, no one really goes to 90s night
we hate ourselves, too
i hate cottage cheese pussy
a lot of people go to 90's night... blind ass.
15 people go to 90s night
this blog is great!
I'm not in anyway giving my opinion on Yeahdef or Females, but I will say when I look at those pics its usually the same 15 people all over and over again. Now is it possible that there are other people there who don't get their pictures taken? Yes. I think its more interesting that people can be conidered regulars at a weekly dance party. That is humorous to me.
I love all the shit talking that goes on in the comments. Hours of entertainment.
6:31 same thing happens at dans silver queef. Same people over and over.
yep, that place is a clique shithole full of gross 30 something has beens who still think they have time to be rock stars before they get too old. fuck the dan's scene
i have some good news that i want to share with you all. we're all going to die one day!
yep. i believe it's called the 'dan paul syndrome'............
"I've got this one body, and this one life... so i'm gonna go smoke crack with a one-legged transvestite and see if I can't change that dynamic."
alec empire
way to say a whole lot of nothing
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